midnightsguest · 5 months
1. Jihan
2. Minji
3. Saerom
4. Jiwon
5. Taesan
6. Keihan
7. Hyunwook
8. Chanhee
9. Woomin
1. Jaein
2. Yujin
3. Belle
4. Yunjin
5. Jisun
6. Wooseok
7. Sunghoon
8. Taerae
9. Mingyu
1. Jiheon
2. Chaein
3. Mabelz
4. Seeun
5. Yeri
6. Anton
7. Jinsik
8. Gaon
9. Jay
1. Juwon
2. Seoyeon
3. Hanni
4. Isa
5. Wonbin
6. Leehan
7. Heeseung
8. Winwin
9. Gyuvin
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midnightsguest · 5 months
Jangan lupa penuhi daily posts setiap hari ya, kalau lagi nggak bisa menuhin sampe batas minimal—infoin ke The Callers!
NO MENTION dimulai setiap game night, jam 19:30 (GMT+ 7)
MAINTENANCE HOUR dimulai dari jam 23:00 (GMT+ 7), selesainya tergantung The Callers. :)
No massive harsh words allowed! Kita masih memperbolehkan beberapa yang sudah umum dipakai sehari-hari seperti: anjay, anjir, bjir, anjim, fak, ajg. But still it would be better to lessen the use!
Last but not least, make sure to interact with EVERYONE!
Group DM
PHONE DIALER: Info only, hanya boleh digunakan oleh The Callers untuk mengirim informasi penting setiap harinya.
MAIN LOBBY: GDM untuk share tweet, seperti ajakan ngobrol santai, new convo, kirim postingan lucu temen-temennya, atau kirim post temennya yang ngelanggar no mention. ;)
ARCADE ROOM: Ini GDM khusus untuk game! Jadi nanti setiap malam moderator game share postingan yang berkaitan dengan gamenya di GDM ini, biar posts di Main Lobby nggak ketumpuk. Bisa juga dipakai untuk hosting game-game selingan; katla, sukebak, samkat, dan lainnya.
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midnightsguest · 6 months
It's past night time; one dares to dream, other dares to love. But we dare you to do both, how does that sound like?
In this boudoir, you may leave all the feelings of emptiness behind. You don't fancy the thought of starting a new day with desolation haunting from everywhere around the head, right? All you, I, and we want is to love and to be loved. Cliche, but how?
Call from an unknown number, your finger slipped to accept it. Coming from the other side is someone who asks you a strange question, puts together the words of night, dream, love, and escape, that successfully confused you out, before the call ends single-handedly and plays a lullaby that puts you to sleep— whimsically.
It's almost midnight; as the clock strikes zero hour and your eyes start to close themselves, the mist of the edge of late dusk slowly brings you into a paradise of illusion in your unconscious mind.
It's still midnight; and your phone is ringing again— as you tried to snooze the alarm, to your surprise, the time doesn't move a single tick ever since.
Phone unlocked, eyes widening, soul suddenly gathers into the white screen in the middle with a running text that says,
“Dear Midnight Guest, you just unlocked the path to a sweet escape. It's all the darkest shade of periwinkle and starry spark here. The clock is striking around the late hours and all you can do is either to love or be loved. Grant us your bravery to confess, for how would love find a way in this mad midnight haze?”
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midnightsguest · 6 months
The Callers
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The sweet usher, Estelle Bellatrix. She is in charge of casting a spell into your mind with a voice that sounds like divine illustration got vocalized!
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The cheery usher, Lucine Bellatrix. Talk to you like she could bring everything nice in one narration echoed while also chanting a euphonic citation! ☽︎
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midnightsguest · 6 months
We accept ALL STAR characters that is born around 1996-2004.
You are not allowed to interact with outsiders. We don’t accept CIRCLE IN CIRCLE here so make sure you interact with everyone. Please do not cause any drama while the agency is running, we want GuestAtNight to be a safe place for the members and caretakers.
REAL IDENTITY IS A PRIVACY. We don’t tolerate any interaction that lead the members to doxx others here. Exchange platforms outside the agency is also prohibited, please keep everything as ANONYMOUS.
You are not allowed to use typing that might be hard to understand by others.
The number of daily posts that you have to fulfill for the first day is 70 posts. For the next day, you only have to reach 30 posts minimum.
You can change your face claim only for ONCE, following the next announcement.
Since we will be operating for 8 DAYS, you are given ONE DAY off or called HIATUS if you are not able to reach the daily posts on that day, please inform The Callers as soon as possible!
If there is any unfortunate event (suspended, locked, ghost banned, etc) happens to your account, please inform The Callers within 24 hours. Otherwise, your GuestAtNight ticket will be EXPIRED.
Away from your account for 24 hours straight WITHOUT telling The Callers first would lead your GuestAtNight ticket to EXPIRED early. So please manage the communication well to the caretakers.
And by that means, if your ticket is expired it will lead you to the unverification.
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midnightsguest · 6 months
How To Join
Make sure you already read and understand all the regulations stated above.
Follow us; @GuestAtNight, and make sure to clean up your following list until it’s only the base show up there.
Fill the form that we will drop at the date of the grand opening, and wait for the further announcement.
If your submitted username made it into our verification list, congratulations! You are the part of us now and is obiligated to follow our next instruction.
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