Is it me, or is INTJ emerging adulthood just…a 24/7 struggle to prove my competence and show others that yes, in fact, I do know what I’m talking about?
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This is possibly the cringiest thing I've ever seen
Thank you for this, tumblr mbti, on this wonderful Thanksgiving day
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MBTI types as horror tropes
ENFJ: Yelling “hello?” when you hear a noise
ENFP: Dying immediately after having sex
ENTJ: Fat person, black person, or woman is the first to die
ENTP: Protagonist turns out to be the killer
ESFJ: Anyone under age 23 is a complete imbecile
ESFP: Creepy smiles (bonus points for extra/sharp teeth)
ESTJ: Diet pills are actually parasite eggs
ESTP: Pet gets killed as a warning/just to upset people
INFJ: “There was something… off… like it was unnatural…”
INFP: Killer writes message in blood
INTJ: “Now that you’ve read/watched this you will die”
INTP: Cops can’t do anything because there’s not enough information/no one is in immediate danger, if they do end up acting on it they just die
ISFJ: Setting you up for a jump scare but then it turns out to be something harmless (or is it?)
ISFP: Exposition Expert/Priest who knows everything about every spirit ever
ISTJ: “Then I blacked out”
ISTP: Cars, guns and phones never work
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Okay but for real why does every INTJ superiority blog have the same exact list of posts:
I am very smart and driven towards my goals no matter what (which is why I haven’t lifted a fucking finger towards learning the most basic forms of human communication, instead expecting people to read my mind so they will leave me alone)
The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results, you stupid sensors (which is why I never learn how to communicate and keep expecting people to read my mind even though it keeps failing)
I’m not like *~other girls~* #intj female
aesthetic post: black and white chess pieces and marble statues and an expensive suit and a desaturated picture of a building
never hide or apologize for who you are
I demand everyone who has made small talk apologize for who they are
I don’t want to know what’s up. Tell me your deepest secrets
why won’t anyone tell me their deepest secrets #intj problems
I am the only person who dislikes last minute schedule changes #introvert problems
WHY DOES NO ONE BELIEVE WE HAVE EMOTIONS. I feel so deeply #tert fi problems
I have no emotions and I hate people who do: a post about stupid people
i was informed an ENFP was supposed to find me and love me unconditionally, why has this not happened
First, plan. Then execute. We are the visionaries who create a new world.
WHY INTJs ARE LIKE CATS: we sleep 22 hours a day and spend the other 2 in bed getting lost in our gigantic minds
aesthetic post: slytherin but like, goth
My Mom is an ESFJ and I Hate Her: Read This Conversation That Makes It Clear She’s An ENTP
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MBTI intro/extroversion
Destroy the stereotype that:
introverts are smart/extroverts are dumb
introverts are sad/extroverts are happy
extroverts have more friends
introverts don’t want friends
extroverts are more common 
introversion is something to be “fixed”
extroverts like being around people more than introverts/introverts like being alone more than extroverts
if you’re shy you’re an introvert and if you’re an introvert you’re shy
extroverts don’t get drained from social situations
introverts don’t get bored of being alone
introversion = anxiety/extroversion = confidence
and most of all, destroy the idea that either of these has exclusive, polarizing traits that only ___troverts can have
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Types of INTJs:
Running an MBTI blog, you end up finding many different people who are of the same type. Here’s some of the types of INTJs I’ve encountered:
The Mistyped One: Tries their hardest to seem like an INTJ. Probably the ones who say really stereotypical stuff like “I have no emotions,” or, “What is empathy?” By far the most annoying one on this list.
The Surprisingly Kind One: Weirdly nice. Masters of Fi. Probably a Hufflepuff. Just wants to do their best. The rarest type of INTJ.
The Ambitious One: Goal oriented as all hell. Don’t even try getting between them and their goal, or that’ll be the last thing you ever do. Slytherin.
The Sorta Psychopathic One: The reason behind most of the INTJ stereotypes. Probably more harmless than they seem, but still fantasises about murder here and there.
The Nerd™️: Enjoys knowledge for its own sake. Has one area in which they are really good at. Probably hasn’t seen the light of day in years. Ravenclaw.
The Tired Sarcastic One: Lives on coffee and/or energy drinks. Speaks sarcasm as their first language. Don’t even try to hide the fact they’re a bit of an asshole, but that’s what makes them special.
The Artistic One: Either a writer, musician, artist, or a mixture of the three. Creative as hell. Can seem sentimental on paper, but in real life? Don’t even try…
Keep in mind that you can be more than one of the types listed! You don’t have to limit yourself to only one. This post was mostly for fun. I’m the Ambitious One and the Nerd™️.
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Could you do my family?! My mom is an ISTP and my dad is an ESFJ. My younger sister is an INFP and I'm an INFJ. Thank you!!
You and your sister get along most of the time, but when you do fight it’s about the dumbest shit (mostly due to one sentence being taken the wrong way and someone getting their feelings hurt, and then going to your rooms and angstily ignoring each other for the rest of the day instead of working through the misunderstanding)Dad tries the best he can to help in these situations, but his solution is to try to force the two of you to go out together which makes things worse. There is a large gap of understanding between you two and your dad, almost to the point where you don’t know how the other one functions. Dad doesn’t understand why anyone would want to sit in their room all day, and attributes this behavior to your mother’s antisocial personality. He busies himself by doing the household chores, but will occasionally snag any chance he can to talk to one of you, like a man in a desert who’s seen an oasis. It has become a habit for you and your sister to try to get through the household to get something as quickly as possible before your dad spots you and pulls you into a conversation about the latest issue of Cosmopolitan.It’s usually toward the end of the day that your mother rolls in on her motorcyle, after getting back from her hitman job. This doesn’t offer dad much reprieve– mom can’t talk about who she’s killed today and just wants a coffee and a cigarette.
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Edgy family dynamic, if you don't mind: ISTJ mother, INFP father, I still don't know their enneagram. I'm an INFJ 3w4
Your parents work together well– your mother gets shit done that needs to get done and your father makes sure she doesn’t go insane by … basically existing, being emotionally supportive, and crying occasionally.You get along well with both of your parents because you’re a good mixture of both personalities. Even though your father annoys you sometimes, you both avoid direct confrontations so eventually shit blows over or you two talk it out.You and your father compete for mother’s attention, which she responds by arranging a neat schedule of when the both of you will get emotional validation and at which times each day. The rest of the time is Everyone Fuck Off time for mom so that she can organize her bottle cap collection in silence.
This isn’t a problem though– there are a lot of times where you all are just doing your own thing by yourselves. You all haven’t had much out-and-about time together, and it’s questionable for everyone if you all would enjoy it.
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For the edgy family dynamic: ISTJ 1w2 mother, ISFP 1w9 father, ENFJ 8w7 sister, ENTP 7w8 me.
I don’t know if you’ve ever noticed, but you and your sister drive your parents CRAZY. They breathe a sigh of relief any time both of you are away from them for any amount of time. When you two are gone, on one of your many excursions to see your friends, they return to to their favorite activities– your mother rearranges the bookshelves and pays bills in silence, while your father starts another unfinished art project.Luckily for them, right before they inevitably start to argue about something mundane, you and your sister return home to distract them with stories about your day, the many pranks you have played on people, and debates about the meaning of life. Though you are exhausting, they still love you.
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The MBTI types in the Morning
INFJ: Woke up first and is sitting on the couch, sipping coffee/tea
ENFJ: Is making pancakes for everyone 
INFP: *has been awake since 6 am* la la la, oh good morning Songbird *the singing begins*
ENFP: Just kind of *flops* out of bed
ISFJ: Has 47 alarms set just in case, but they always wake up to the first
ESFJ: Sends “good morning” texts to all their friends
ISFP:  *suddenly jerks awake* I SMELL PANCAKES
ESFP: Chucks alarm clock out the window as soon as it goes off
INTJ: *hears INFP and their bird chorus* WhAtEVER is MaKINg ThOse awFUL NOISES will DIE
ENTJ: Has already started their morning “get ready” routine
ISTP: Is running late and rushed out the door with messy hair and something caffeinated in hand
ESTP: Decides to wake everyone else up with an air horn
ISTJ:  Got up at 5am to do that one important thing they had to do
ESTJ: Already has their day, and everyone else’s day planned 
INTP: Is 500% dead inside
ENTP: *hasn’t slept yet* What do you mean its morning already?!? 
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So I know I haven’t posted in forever but . . .
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Look! One of my posts got popular enough to get stolen and put on the Word Porn page on Facebook! I’m not credited, mind you. But we all know how that works. Yay, mixed feelings!
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Are there any INTJ people (real or fictional) that aren't widely viewed to be evil or horrible people?
Adventure Time, Flame PrincessAlice in Wonderland, Disney’s, CaterpillarAttack On Titan, Levi AckermanDaredevil, Netflix’s, Matt MurdockDC: The New 52, BatgirlDC: The New 52, Martian ManhunterDoctor Who (2005 Series), Madame VastraDoctor Who (2005 Series), Twelfth DoctorFresh Meat, HowardFruits Basket, Yuki SohmaFuturama, Lord NibblerGame of Thrones, VarysGravity Falls, Ford PinesHobbit, The, The Lord of the Rings, GandalfMaid-Sama, Takumi UsuiMaleficent, Disney’s, MaleficentMarvel’s Cinematic Universe, Nick FuryMemoirs of a Geisha (2005), Chiyo/SayuriMerlin, BBC’s, The DragonMr. Robot, Elliot AldersonMy Little Monster, Kenji YamaguchiOnce Upon a Time, MerlinOuran High School Host Club, Kyoya OotoriParks and Recreation, Donna MeagleSense and Sensibility by Jane Austen, Edward FerrarsShannara Chronicles, The, Amberle ElessedilSherlock, BBC’s, Mycroft HolmesSilicon Valley, Peter GregoryStar Trek (2009), SpockSword and the Stone, Disney’s The, ArchimedesTheory of Everything, The, Stephen HawkingTwin Peaks, Major Garland Briggs
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Source: Spasigma Personality Quotient (via their FB page)
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