missan330 · 7 years
Natural Ayurvedic Remedies for Cough
Repeated coughing usually indicates the presence of a virus or infection, but also allergies, dust, fungi or microbes can form the basis of cough. There are many traditional drugs cough immediately improve. However, natural remedies are less harmful and most are at least as efficient.
Eucalyptus Oil
Mix a few drops of eucalyptus oil with a small amount of almond oil or jojoba oil and apply this on your chest.
Garlic is a well known natural remedy to treat coughs. Both the food of garlic as well as mold release of the throat with garlic are particularly efficient to cough less.
Grapes tone lungs and make sure you can cough up phlegm easier. Drink a daily cup of grape juice with a teaspoon of honey and you will quickly notice improvements. This drink works even better if you drink it hot.
Lemon with salt and pepper
Cut a lemon in half and add a little salt and pepper. This natural remedy go significantly less coughing.
Warm carrot
Carrots contain ingredients that counter-attacts the cough reflex of the body. A daily glass of warm drink carrot juice works wonders.
The hydration of keeping body level is one of the most important things you can do to heal faster and relieve cough. I prefer tea, soup, broth, fruit juices and vegetable juices. The hotter these drinks are better. It is no coincidence that most doctors still suggest hot tea with honey or even just recommend hot water with honey to cure their patients. While making your soup or vegetable juices, try as much as possible to prepare in garlic.
Anise is one of the best natural remedies to tackle dry cough and loosen mucus. Drink a few daily cups of anise tea if you are suffering from cold and dry cough.
Cat's claw and Echinacea
You can strengthen your immune system naturally by taking cat's claw and/or echinacea. If your immune system is better, your cough will naturally disappear.
Goldenseal acts directly on the mucous membranes of the throat and nose. It's easy to get as a dietary supplement.
Mint and eucalyptus
Boil some eucalyptus and mint leaves in water. Then take the steam with your head and breathe in and out deeply. This helps clean the lungs and sinuses. You can add fifteen drops of eucalyptus oil in the bath.
Natural Cough Syrup
Did you know that you can easily make at home own natural cough syrup? Mix this two teaspoons of lemon juice and two teaspoons of honey and add an equal amount of ginger in it. Drink several times a day to make less severe cough.
If you think the problem is getting severe, you can try some best brands Ayurvedic cough and cold medicines online also
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