moc-alexcross · 4 years
Text: Alex
Marley: It was all West Coast stuff for the label. I'm doing more east coast dates in the new year!
Marley: It was totally chill and not important at all
Alex: A promotional tour that wasn't important? I find that hard to believe, Marls.
Alex: Anyway... how are you? Glad to be back? Any plans for Thanksgiving?
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moc-alexcross · 4 years
Text: Alex
Marley: I wanted to catch up!
Marley: I lost my phone on the tour bus, sorry this is so late
Alex: You were on tour? I must have missed the memo saying that you were. Sorry, if I had known we most definitely would have attended a show.
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moc-alexcross · 4 years
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It’s playful Teasing. But I might put it up sometime next week before Thanksgiving. So if you come over before and there are Christmas decorations don’t mind them. And also don’t tell my husband. Thank you Alex, I will definitely keep that in mind. We should definitely have a friends-giving Or something for the upcoming holiday. Before everything gets kind of crazy. Also I want to get you guys gifts for Christmas what would you suggest for Chloe and Faith?
I promise to not mind any decorations that find their way out of the boxes you have them currently in before Thanksgiving. As a matter of fact, I’m going to encourage you to put some on already. It helps to get in the spirit of the Holidays. Do you already have a battle plan for Black Friday? Any shops you plan to go to? As far as gift ideas for my girls, you can’t go wrong with anything Disney or princess for Faith. Although you might want to check with everybody else what they plan to buy for her since I have a feeling they are going to spoil her with presents. 
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moc-alexcross · 4 years
Text|| Alex
Mia: I'm glad to hear that! I guess that's all you need, t be surrounded by the ones you love.
Alex: Exactly, that is all you need to have a good day. Even if you don't really celebrate the day it gives it just that little bit more and makes it a special day anyway.
Alex: How are you holding up with the Holidays getting closer every day? Is work keeping you busy?
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moc-alexcross · 4 years
I would be honored to give you a tour, Alex. You are the reason this project got started. I don’t think we’ll ever get Marcus down off the ceiling. But it’s a great kind of happy, haha. Thank you! Marcus and I wanted something that both felt personal and relevant to these kids (it’s based out of Rebel, Rebel by David Bowie) and something that doesn’t blatantly have anything about being queer and/or homeless in the name so these kids can be discrete if they want or need to. 
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None of that. All credit goes to you. It was you who came up with the idea of this shelter, I merely had a house that was up for the job so to speak. Is it okay if I bring Faith along? Ha, he does get a little overexcited from time to time. Any reason as to why that song? Hmm, I can see that. It’s a perfect name for that. How are the kids holding up after their first night at their new place? 
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The Rebel House is Open!
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moc-alexcross · 4 years
I wouldn’t say mad. I would more say he will tease me about putting it up so early until next holiday. I don’t mind waiting though I think it’s nice to have it up a little bit early for Maggie. Well if you need anything this holiday let me know. If there’s anything I can do to help, Okay?
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I’m sorry for misreading your reply, then. Cabe sounds a lot like me, I’ve come to love teasing Chloe. About 90% sure that if she could, she would leave the decorations up all year round. I think we got everything covered but if I run into something I’ll let you know. By the way, the same goes for you, if there is anything I can help with let me know. 
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moc-alexcross · 4 years
Text|| Alex
Mia: So how is it going so far?
Alex: SO far so good. Faith made me a drawing, both of my girls made me breakfast in bed, friends texting to say Happy Birthday. It's perfect.
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moc-alexcross · 4 years
text: Alex
Aubrey: Well have an amazing day. Maybe we can all have dinner this weekend to celebrate. I'm sure the girls would love to play too.
Alex: That's what I plan to do. That's sweet but not necessary. I didn't plan to celebrate it in the first place. However, I wouldn't mind having a 'normal' dinner this weekend. I'll have to check with Chlo first tho.
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moc-alexcross · 4 years
Text|| Alex
Mia: So how is it going so far?
Alex: So far so good. My girls made me breakfast in bed, so no complaints about how the day's been so far.
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moc-alexcross · 4 years
text: Alex
Aubrey: Happy birthday!! Hope you're having amazing day!
Alex: Aubrey, hello. Thank you. So far it is. I was treated to breakfast in bed this morning so the day couldn't have started better.
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moc-alexcross · 4 years
Text|| Alex
Mia: Happy birthday!
Alex: Thank you!
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moc-alexcross · 4 years
Good morning, Citizens of Lima and the surrounding area! This post is to officially announce that the shelter for LGBT+ kids that Marcus Cross and I are founding is officially open. We have some kids from up in Columbus moving in as I type this, but there are plenty of beds available if you know of any kids in crisis who need somewhere to go. 
As someone who was a homeless queer teen, this is a project extremely close to my heart. A million and a half thank yous to everyone who was a part of making The Rebel House a reality, whether that was in work you did for us, the money you gave us, or just your support as Marcus and I figured out the logistics of this. These kids will have a safe bed to sleep in, access to medical care, and a community to fall back on because of all your help. Marcus and I can’t thank you enough.  
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I knew you guys were close to finishing but I didn’t know you were this close. Congrats!  I’m so happy for you and for those kids of course. They deserve nothing but the best. Are visitors allowed? If so, I’d love to see what you did to turn my old home into a shelter. Is Marcus still singing ‘I’m so excited’ or did he finally stop? He’s been driving me crazy with that song when he came to visit this morning. By the way, I love the name you gave the place. 
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The Rebel House is Open!
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moc-alexcross · 4 years
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Yeah I can’t wait to have them spend time together and become best friends. I also love Christmas and I can’t wait to put up all the decorations. I’m trying to wait till after Thanksgiving so my husband doesn’t get mad that he put them up a little bit early. He thinks that they should go up after Thanksgiving when I think they should go out before. He always gives me the hardest time about it.
He gets mad if you put up some decorations before Thanksgiving? Why? It helps to get into the spirit of the season, at least that’s how I see it. But to each their own, I guess. Like I mentioned before, it’s the first time in two years I celebrate any of the holidays so it’s nice to have decorations up right now.  
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moc-alexcross · 4 years
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We should totally have a Halloween tradition and some kind of Christmas tradition to. It’ll be fun for the girls if they get older and our other future kids. I think it’s really great and still tradition and the kids. It’s kind of something my parents children to me and I’m actually forever thankful for.
It will be fun to see them grow up together and watch them go around the neighborhood all dressed up for Halloween. I don’t know what will be our Christmas tradition, but going by her putting up the decorations a day after Halloween, I can see Chlo loves Christmas. So I have a feeling that we’ll be spending it at home with both her parents as well as mine... and perhaps with the rest of the families as well. I basically skipped the Holidays last year. Was in a too bad place still. It’s amazing how a lot can happen and change in a year, isn’t it?
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moc-alexcross · 4 years
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I still can’t believe it’s almost Thanksgiving, then Christmas. Like where has this year gone? But it’s gonna be really fun going out together as families. Maybe we can even start making it a tradition.
This year went by so fast. I can’t believe I’m back in Lima for a year already. And it’s almost 6 months since Chlo and I got married. I swear, time seems to go by faster the older you get. It would be a nice tradition to have, spending Halloween together. 
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moc-alexcross · 4 years
PM || Chex
C: Hey handsome! I JUST finished work. Are you and Faith up for some breakfast?
A: Goodmorning Gorgeous. What had you working this late? Do you even have to ask? We're always up for some breakfast.
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moc-alexcross · 4 years
Had Beer
Smoked an entire cigarette
Done drugs.
Written on a bathroom wall.
Read a George Orwell book.
Had a physical fight.
Used Twitter.
Listened to Lady Gaga
Been in a car accident.
Gotten suspended
Gotten expelled.
Been allergic to something.
Got a computer virus.
Touched a real gun.
Had a dog.
Had a cat.
Been pregnant.
Camped out
Swam in the ocean.
Wore a bikini.
Driven a car
Been sent to the principal.
Ever liked someone.
Failed a class.  
Failed a test.
Went to summer school.
Got worse than a D
Got A’s  and B’s.
Read an entire book.
Recorded my own music.
Had an xbox.
Worn heels more than 3 days in a row.
Wore fishnets.
Wore skinny jeans.
Hated someone.
Been cheated on.
Cheated on someone.
Practiced Christianity/Catholicism.
Worn makeup.
Lied to my parents about where I was going.
Had surgery.
Been to college.
Graduated high school.
Attempted suicide.
Self harmed.
Worn colored contacts.
Painted my nails black.
Broken someone’s heart
Had my heart broken.
Cried for an hour straight.
Lost something very valuable.
Got separated from one of my parents as a kid.
Broke a bone.
Gotten stung by a bee
Eaten something bad/expired.
Threw up from being so drunk.
Saw someone throw up from being so drunk.
Danced with someone of the same sex.
Owned an ipod
Danced with someone of the opposite sex.
Owned an iphone.
Fell for a best friend.
Stole a friend’s significant other.
Went far away from home for more than a week.
Moved out.
Ran away.
Had a job.
Been fired.
Lied to a friend.
Lied to a family member.
Had a Facebook.
Posted a video on Youtube.
Started a rumor about someone.
Talked bad about someone.
Dropped out of school.
Deliberately failed a test.
Been skinny dipping.
Counted to a million.
Counted to a thousand.
Ate rabbit meat.
Ate duck meat.
Had fast food.
Been to Church.
Been to Canada.
Been married.
Had a divorce.
Broke a glass.
Hugged someone today.
Texted someone today.
Received a phone call today.
Threw something out of the window.
Ignored a text from someone on purpose.
Wish you were somebody else
Had my feelings hurt by a friend and never told them.
Been to a concert
Seen your favourite band live
Met a celebrity
Met your favourite band
Own more than 10 CD’s
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