mochayoubi · 1 day
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mochayoubi · 2 days
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こんにちは! Slowpoke and I are finally challenging ourselves by learning and self-studying Japanese! Taking it slow day by day 🇯🇵 
I don’t want to eventually rely on Google Translate to communicate with my Japanese audience on Instagram and Twitter especially. 私の間違いを正すことを恐れないでください! (Please don't be afraid to correct my mistakes!) 🩷
I actually started learning a week ago using free online resources, but I got Genki to have more structure. My notebook is currently filled with practicing Hiragana, along with copying repeatedly to gain muscle memory. I’m also using Tofugu’s mnemonics to even help remember.
I’ve always had trouble learning a different language, and I’m passively bilingual. I can understand and read 40-50% of Tagalog due to my immigrant parents but I can barely speak/write it (despite living in the Philippines 🇵🇭 briefly as an exchange student for a few months in 2020 until Covid!)
By the way, feel free to follow me on Instagram (both my art and Slowpoke-centric accs) and Twitter. 👀
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mochayoubi · 3 days
a fellow japanese learning friend told me there's 2 major "weed-out" learning curves to japanese, and that's 1) learning hiragana and katakana and the 2) learning kanji.
but I propose that there's a 3rd difficult learning curve and that's when you're in what I've called The Intermediate Soup where you don't have any specific thing to work on anymore but you know that you aren't There Yet
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mochayoubi · 3 days
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本 買います
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mochayoubi · 4 days
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Controlling Kirby ‘Kirby’s Dream Land’ Game Boy, Japanese Manual
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mochayoubi · 4 days
Well played, crow. Well played
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大 means 'big.' It's used as the place name for Omiya station.
犬 the extra stroke exactly where the crow is standing changes the meaning to 'dog.' So now it's dog-o-miya station.
This crow understands Japanese and is a genius prankster.
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mochayoubi · 4 days
haven't been feeling very confident about my japanese lately, probably in part bc ive fallen off my study routine. I had to send an email in japanese to my professor and it took so long
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mochayoubi · 6 days
Sora & Xion page from the newly released chapter of the KH3 manga.
Sora blocks Xion's attack and Roxas speaks through Sora while talking to Xion.
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mochayoubi · 8 days
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CanCam, 2024年2月
調節 ちょうせつ regulation; adjustment; control
しやすい easy to (do ~)
気温 きおん (air) temperature
23度 にじゅうさんど 23℃ (73°F)
人気 にんき popular
コーデ coordinate (e.g. outfit)
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mochayoubi · 10 days
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mochayoubi · 11 days
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mochayoubi · 11 days
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洗沢川沿いの桜並木を眺めるるる。Cherry blossom trees along the Araizawa River
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mochayoubi · 13 days
just realized I never explained my username! it's a play on 木曜日 (もくようび) and モカ. my good friend @takumocchi and I in undergrad talked about one day opening a japanese cafe and calling it モカようび and having specials on Thursday. the words don't fit perfectly together but nothing in life is perfect so it's ok
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mochayoubi · 13 days
As both a gamer and a learner of Japanese, I have combined the two and am trying to play as many games as I can find in said language. Only problem is my Steam library is vast due to never being able to pass up a sale. Its been very tedious going through all the games seeing which have Japanese language options so I was super happy when I found this site that allows you to filter games via language. And other things like tags and features but I most likely the language bit. Some of the games it turns out I have with Japanese language options was pretty surprising and I can't wait to check them out.
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mochayoubi · 13 days
just learned that the way we (in the US at least) typically learn japanese conjugation is almost completely different from how it actually works
I don't think I know enough yet to explain it fully but basically for example た (like when we say 行った or 食べた) and ます (like when we say 行きます or 食べます) can be conjugated themselves bc they're actually 助動詞
so that's how we end up with words like いらっしゃいませ bc the 〜ませ is a conjugation of ます
and also when we say 食べたら there's actually two conjugated pieces here which is the 動詞 (食べ, a conjugation of 食べる) and 助動詞 (たら, a conjugation of た)
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mochayoubi · 14 days
i was looking up stuff about 琉球王国 and thought its crest looked familiar, and i realized that it was basically the same as OBS (the streaming software)
for quick reference, here they are side-by-side:
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so i looked it up and this symbol is called 巴 (ともえ) and it's used in a bunch of different things. mostly shrines and taiko and stuff. it also has an association with water so near the end of heian period they'd put this symbol on roof tiles as a protection against fire.
also there's a bunch of types. look at this funky one
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mochayoubi · 15 days
have you all heard of 猫ミーム (lit. cat meme)? it was a big meme video format on japanese youtube a few months back and they're very silly but i think they're genuinely good reading practice.
basically the meme is that they take these stock tiktok cat footage and turn it into a story about their day or something that happened to them. there's no talking but they put words across the screen to show what's going on. some are definitely more unhinged than others but it's a really cool look into daily life in japan that's told in a funny way imo.
here's a screenshot of one of the videos for an idea of what it looks like:
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aaaanyway here's some of my favorite ones:
【ADHD】大学中退した話 - the time I dropped midway through my college semester (ADHD)
修学旅行でインドに行った話 - the time I went to India for a school trip
Uber eats配達員を始めてみた話 - the time I tried starting work as an uber eats delivery person
深夜コンビニの闇 - the dark side of late night convenience stores
牛角で1人焼肉をした何気ない話 - the mundane story about when i did solo yakiniku at Gyuukaku (<- name of the restaurant)
honestly go check out that last person's whole channel they go eat at a bunch of different places and do 猫ミーム videos of it and it's cool seeing the food
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