mondstadtdragon-a · 5 months
What’s your main roleplay blog? Will you move Dvalin there?
Hi! Unfortunately, no. I will not be moving Dvalin to my main blog. Dvalin was only a temporary muse to itch my roleplaying desire until my main blog is ready. I am also not happy with how I roleplay Dvalin but again he was only a temporary muse.
I do not feel comfortable stating what my main roleplay blog is publicly. If you message me privately, I can give you the url. My muses there are not genshin muses but they are oc and crossover but I know generally rpers are not interested in ocs and crossovers.
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mondstadtdragon-a · 5 months
I reply to all of my threads and I will be closing this blog. This was only a temporary blog until I am able to move back to my main roleplay blog. Thank you for interacting with me and bye everyone!
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mondstadtdragon-a · 5 months
Her father was the Grand Master of the Knights of Favonius? He would be one of the Four Winds, the Lion of the South. He had heard that the Grand Master has gone on an expedition leaving Jean as the Acting Grand Master.
“I see. Unfortunately, I do not go out often. I have not met the Grand Master, however, I hope I am able to meet him one day.”
It was unfortunate that he had never met the Grand Master.
“It is dangerous and I do not recommend living there. I can protect myself. The scenery there is very beautiful.”
The perfect view of Stormterror’s Lair…
“Yes, it is the perfect view but I can imagine most humans would be afraid to see the Stormterror’s Lair after what Stormterror did.”
He was not sure if the humans still called him Stormterror or Dvalin.
“Did you want to see the Stormterror’s Lair?”
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She chuckled sheepishly at his question. “Well, no, and I suppose it would be naïve of me to assume I know everyone in this whole nation,” she replied with a small smile. “My father is the Grand Master of the Knights of Favonius, so through him I have met countless people in Mondstadt. I wouldn’t say that I know all of them, since I doubt I even know half of their names… But I have a good memory, so I remember faces.”
Kira didn’t recognize this man’s face, but that didn’t mean anything. It certainly felt like she had seen everyone in Mondstadt with how many people she met through her father… But perhaps not everyone needed the assistance of the Grand Master. Or maybe this man did know her father but she simply wasn’t around any time they met. Regardless, it was a completely reasonable assumption.
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“I didn’t realize anyone lived in Brightcrown Canyon...” Not that she doubted him. He had no reason to lie, from what Kira could tell. “That seems rather dangerous, given how many monsters live there... But I suppose you must have a perfect view of Stormterror’s Liar. I'm actually a little jealous,” she added with a soft chuckle.
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mondstadtdragon-a · 5 months
As Barbatos placed a basket before him, he leaned down to touch a few of the items with his nose. Wine, chocolate, biscuits, and more treats. They were not food that he would eat often , however, he would not say no to these food. Shifting to his human form, he sat down beside Barbatos. He picked a chocolate and put it into his mouth, allowing it to slowly melt.
"Did you give the children anything as a thanks for their offerings? Perhaps candy, treats or blessings from the Anemo Archon."
@mondstadtdragon asked for a Xmas Starter
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"Here we go!" He'd come all this way with a basket of gifts - after all how could he celebrate such a festive season while ignoring one of his oldest friends? Humming lightly, he placed the basket before Dvalin, "E-he, , I gathered together a few offerings from the children of Mondstadt! As well as the finest food and drinks! Couldn't leave you out of the celebrations - "
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mondstadtdragon-a · 5 months
"That is because he has been in human form. He is currently a bard named Venti. Ask anyone in Mondstadt and almost everyone know who he is. He is usually at Angel's Share, singing songs and drinking wine."
Unless she had a different meaning to her statement.
"Or do you mean he seems different to you from many years ago?
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She was taken back by him just so bluntly saying she had fled here from Snezhnaya. A detail that is so rarely shared with people. It made sense that this nation's god would know the details. Something about whispers in the wind. A surge of paranoia hit her.
Just who is he?
But then one other thought hit her. She remembers the name Barbatos... But where has he been? Why hasn't she recognized him yet? It's left her with more questions. But knowing it wasn't the Fatui he heard of her escape from put her a slight ease.
"I haven't been able to recognize him." She admits. Not something she can do easily. But maybe it can put some perspective into her situation. Mostly because it's someone from so long ago and it's just... Gone.
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mondstadtdragon-a · 5 months
The Adepti… While he did not meet the recent Adepti personally, he knew of them. And Zhongli… That name sounded familiar. Where did he hear that name?… Oh, he remembered now. Barbartos told him that Morax has 'died' and retire to be a 'human' named Zhongli. He didn't know that Zhongli had a son unless he had adopted one.
"Is that so? And does Zhongli and the Adepti know you are here? Even if you are an Adepti, it is still unsafe to wander off."
Even if there was nothing dangerous at the moment.
"Danger can strike at any time especially when you least expect it. You can continue playing with your toys here if you wish and I will fly you home when you wish to go home."
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A question he gets fairly often in his little adventures. But due to him being an Adeptus, it made it easier for him to get around. He loved exploring around! He didn't mean to venture out this far.
"I didn't mean to go so far..." He sits in front of the dragon on the ground. "I belong to all the Adepti, but Zhongli is my dad. I'm a little explorer, so sometimes I venture out to have fun! It's like my playtime."
He takes another moment to take in his surroundings, there was nothing that felt too off. There weren't any bad feelings he got from this area. Just the normal everyday hilichurls that walk around. It wasn't anything that alarmed the young dragon.
"Nothing feels so off around here. That's why I went in this direction."
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mondstadtdragon-a · 5 months
The Gunnhildr Clan… He knew about them and their history from Barbartos.
"I am sure the city of Mondstadt is grateful to your and your family duty in protecting the people."
He was unaware of his slip up as he was very used to seeing the humans as humans.
"That is true. Humans despite their short and more fragile lives are powerful in their own way. I have heard of humans passing stories though song. My friend, Bar.. . I mean Venti is very adept at that. His songs are beautiful to listen to."
He knew Jean will know who he is talking about since she has fought with his friend to free him from his corruption.
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"I am from the Gunnhildr Clan, so Mondstadt's history is very important to us," she explained with a smile. "My family are raised to be strong knights and protect Mondstadt at all costs, but to do so we also must be educated on our nation's past. I know a good deal about all of Mondstadt's Four Winds." She of course didn't know everything about them, but she was educated at the very least.
Jean couldn't help but notice that it was a bit strange for him to refer to humans in the third person, as if he wasn't a human at all...but she decided not to pay it any mind. It was just a manner of speaking, after all. "Human lives are indeed short compared to more powerful beings, but we are capable of so much in the time that we have. And because of our short lives, we have become adept at collecting the information we have gathered and passing it down to future generations in the form of stories and songs. History is not completely lost, one simply has to look for it."
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mondstadtdragon-a · 5 months
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i think they're neat
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mondstadtdragon-a · 6 months
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windy frens
(also available on my online merch shops! - redbubble | teepublic | threadless )
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mondstadtdragon-a · 6 months
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Drew BardVen Kids + Baby Dvalin to cheer myself up 🕊🍃
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mondstadtdragon-a · 6 months
"Thank you." He was grateful for her help. "Yes, I am from Mondstadt. I live in a little cottage near the Brightcrown Canyon so you might not recognized me. Do you know everyone from Mondstadt?"
He saw no reason to lie that he was from another nation, however, he did lied about where he lived specifically in Mondstadt. He lived in what the humans called "StormTerrior's Lair" but, he could not tell her that. Instead, he told her that he lived near Brightcrown Canyon.
There were many humans living in Mondstadt. He didn't understand how one can know everyone personally to recognize if a human is from Mondstadt or not. Did the humans in Mondstadt have a different scent from humans from other nations? But, Barbatos told him that humans did not have a good nose like Andrius and his wolves did.
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“Oh.!” The woman’s eyes seemed to light up at the question. She certainly knew where the bookstore was. Even though it was new, she was already one of their best customers. To Kira, books were as necessary as oxygen. She couldn’t live without reading, but it seemed only Lisa understood that here in Mondstadt.
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“Yes, I’d be happy to help,” she said as she slipped her book into her bag and stood up. “The bookstore is this way.” It was nice to have a bookstore here in Mondstadt instead of just the one library. For the longest time, the nearest bookstore was in Liyue. She usually just checked out books at the library and did her best to make sure she didn’t forget to return them on time.
Kira looked up at the stranger and offered him a small smile. “Are you from Mondstadt? I’m sorry, I don’t recognize you. But I assumed a traveler wouldn’t come all the way here just to visit a new bookstore.”
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mondstadtdragon-a · 6 months
Dvalin nodded in response.
"That is good. The humans living here are peaceful and kind. When they do get rowdy, it is because they got drunk."
He proceed to sit down in front of her, watching her tap her talon-like nails. He glanced around to make sure nobody was around watching.
"Yes, Barbartos has told me about you. You escaped to Mondstadt from Snezhnaya."
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She honestly couldn't recall ever meeting the person speaking to her. But given a couple things, it didn't shock her so much when people asked about her in t his regard. Those things are the shape she appeared in Mondstadt and who and where she lives with.
However, she could tell this one wasn't human and probably could tell she wasn't one herself. She smiles and turns to the person, "Oh. I've been doing alright." She sets down her hot chocolate. "It's quiet here, besides the couple of curious mutterings people try to be sneaky with, the people are kind."
She taps her talon-like nails on the table, looking around to see if anyone is in earshot. "You know what I am, don't you?"
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mondstadtdragon-a · 6 months
"I did not know that humans would create toys of dragons and other creatures."
The boy looked to be a child so he wondered where his parents were. Most creatures were protective over their younglings so it was strange to see one without the parents.
"Where are your parents? It is not safe to wander around here, do they know that you are here, alone?"
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"Yeah!" His tail wiggles again, a bit faster this time. Showing how much more excited he was getting. He wasn't sure if any other kids had toys like he did. Almost all the toys he has were made by the other Adepti. His kid brain seemed to have let it slip that it was the case. "I have toys of many different creatures and dragons! It's all so cool!"
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mondstadtdragon-a · 7 months
Appearing in his human form as Valik, he approached Isolde who seemed to be relaxing and sipping a hot beverage. Barbatos has told him about Isolde so he knew about her real identity in Mondstadt.
“How have you been recently? I hope the civilians of Mondstadt are treating you nicely.”  
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mondstadtdragon-a · 7 months
Like this post for a starter.
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mondstadtdragon-a · 7 months
"I have heard the rumours. All of you were very brave and strong." He should ask where the traveler was to thank him as well. Fortunately, he knew where Diluc was since he was easier to find in Mondstadt.
"I see… I am surprised that there are some who remembered Mondstadt's history since it was so long ago. Humans have very short lives so to remember something from so long ago is impressive."
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"Th-Thank you, but it was not a task I completed alone," Jean replied with an awkward chuckle. She appreciated the compliment, but she had to give credit where it was due. There was a whole team of strong, capable fighters who were able to cure Dvalin of his corruption.
"There were other people on this team, strong people who are far more capable than I. Most of the battle was fought by the Traveler and...and a bard," Jean explained, not wanting to expose the true identity of Venti to this stranger. "Master Diluc from the Dawn Winery was also there to help Dvalin. We were all brave together."
Jean had to think about his question. "And... That depends on who you ask. In some cases, people aren't even aware of who 'Stormterror' is and how much he has protected Mondstadt for centuries. Those people, unfortunately, don't feel the same way about Dvalin that I do. However... The people who know Mondstadt's history and trust its Four Winds are certain that something was wrong and that Dvalin wasn't trying to hurt Mondstadt. This mostly consists of the older population, however."
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mondstadtdragon-a · 7 months
Dvalin nodded at Barbartos' decision to fly around old Mondstadt. After all, it was best to avoid the humans as much as possible especially after he attacked them a few months ago. He was not in the right mind, however, the humans did not know that. Dvalin flapped his wings after Barbartos, ready to fly with his friend. Wherever his friend wanted to go, he will followed him.
@mondstadtdragon continued from [X]
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He giggled happily, obviously rather happy at the agreement, Venti humming lightly as he allowed the winds to wrap around him, allowing his own wings to spread out behind him, "We just need to make sure not to fly over the city - oh! Let's fly around old Mondstadt for a while, what do you think?". With a happy hum, he floated into the air, feeling a lot better just allowing his wings to spread a little.
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