moonivore · 3 years
Hoshi ga Furisosogu Yoru Ni, April Fool & Okita's Birthday 2021 [OkiKagu Doujinshi]
Password: The name of the fandom. ENJOY!!
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moonivore · 3 years
Sougo supposes it started during the party at Snack Smile.
It hits him finally, that after two years, everything was back to normal, or as normal as it could ever be in Kabuki-cho. It had been two years, and no one had changed. He expected that they would all just go back to the same old, same old, and he was glad for it, or at the very least content.
But then China had rested her elbow on his shoulder, without a care, the movement so natural that he didn’t even register it at first.
If growing up was the reason he realized he wanted more, Hijikata-san didn’t have to say anything, he’d commit seppuku himself.
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moonivore · 3 years
Tsuki ni wa Kaesanai [OkiKagu Doujinshi]
password: the name of our fandom. ENJOY!
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moonivore · 4 years
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giving their kids the childhood they never had
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moonivore · 4 years
I haven’t been an active Reylo in a long time, but my friend has been a die-hard fan for years and I’d really like to get her a Reylo-themed Xmas gift this year. Can anyone direct me to artists who sell Reylo merch, preferably in the Philippines?
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moonivore · 4 years
PSA: Mammon Growl ™
That is all 👏🏼
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moonivore · 4 years
My girlfriend washed my hair today (Repost)
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I'm sorry, I just found this text and I said woow... this is perfect for this art.
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moonivore · 4 years
hello! sorry for bugging you but i wanted to ask if you designed seals for all the boys or if you found them somewhere?? i know theres a seal for asmo in the goetia but the others i dont know about
Asmo’s is in the Ars Goetia because he made a pact with Solomon, the others have occult symbols associated with them but they’re a lot harder to find. ObAngye shared them with me on Twitter because she’s really interested in them. I reproduced the Goetia pacts in my own brush for that delish texture but you can use them if you want, I made them transparent. 
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To make Nansi’s I used Solomon’s 72 demon pacts and kinda... nicked bits I like.  If you have your own demon OC I highly recommend making one it’s really fun! I love how Belial’s isn’t even trying to hide that it’s a skull LMAO he’s a bad bitch.
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moonivore · 4 years
The boys and their favorite art era !
Lucifer: Classical art.
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Mammon: Aztec art, specifically pieces made of gold.
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Leviathan, everything from the edo period.
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Satan: Baroque.
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Asmo: Rococo !
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Beel: Impresionism
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Belphie: Surealism
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moonivore · 4 years
Judge: I hereby sentence you to 68 years in prison.
Lucifer, as Mammon’s lawyer, suffering: Your honor, my client respectfully requests one more year to be added to his sentence.
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moonivore · 4 years
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ayy at human beach
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moonivore · 4 years
hmm imma saw peeps commenting on how mammon was sexually assaulted by a witch from one of the devilgram stories umm what's your opinion on that ahhh. and idk if itz accurate or not, but peeps were mentioning on how lucifer had his usual sadistic look while narrating it, soo poor mammon bby :" anywayz i really like how you put in effort in your analysis and I seriously enjoy reading your theories !!
tw: sa, abuse
[Gonna add here that I am an abuse and sa survivor, and while thankfully this scene didn't trigger me, some other parts of Obey Me absolutely have.]
[ETA 2 - Devs have confirmed nothing sexual happened (see reblog). Please do not send hate to trauma survivors who were worried about this 💖]
Yeah, it's in the Devilgram for The Escorts which is an older memory SSR that I don't have, but I saw the screenshots on twitter.
It's not terribly specific but Lucifer and Satan are talking about a human woman (a witch I think) who was in the Devildom, became Diavolo's fiancée (👀), and was generally very forceful and aggressive.
It doesn't help that Lucifer is smirking during this conversation, a choice by the devs that I absolutely do not understand.
Satan: I recall how she tricked Mammon into going home with her to spend the night. By the time he got back, he was in tears. I remember it like it was yesterday.
[ie something bad happened, though this could also include torture or similar]
Satan: I don't even want to THINK about what must've happened between those two that night. I can't understand what possessed Mammon to willingly go home with a woman that dangerous.
[victim blaming here]
Satan: It's fortunate she didn't trick him into making a pact with her while he was there in bed half-asleep.
[assumption he was in her bed, not confirmed]
Lucifer: But whatever happened to him there, it obviously wasn't good, because for a while after he came back he had nightmares, and he'd moan in his sleep. He even a stopped spending money left and right... MAMMON of all demons.
[confirmation they don't know what happened, but whatever it was traumatised Mammon]
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This isn't the first time something like this has been suggested, and it always seems to be centred around Mammon. He has a chat that reveals he has nightmares about what the witches did to him, where he censors himself in the belief MC is too innocent to hear of such things. He then panics when MC doesn't reply to him after he attempts to brush it off as a joke.
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We also know that Mammon is punished frequently by Lucifer. There are hints that the others fear being punished, but it's only Mammon we ever hear of actually being punished. The Rulebook even notes that during one punishment the ropes cut into his skin as Lucifer whipped him.
The brothers often joke about Mammon deserving any kind of punishment, and even when he does good deeds like helping a lost child, he gets punished because the candy he gives the crying boy he took from Luke.
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It's important to note that this is on the writers of the game, not the characters themselves. I see a lot of people blaming Lucifer, but it's how he is being written that is the problem - and not just his character, but ALL the characters.
One of the reasons I write theories and headcanons around games is to make them make more sense in my head, to be more palatable to play. And there's no such thing as a perfect game, so I do it a lot.
But the fact I use theories to get around these things in no way means that I condone them. Some of the plot points around Mammon have left me feeling physically sick.
I've written about how he is the only brother with full control over his powers, who never tries to use powers on MC, who never tries to attack MC or get angry with them, and he is also the only brother who consistently does good deeds for no reward.
He's actually the most angelic of them all, and they bully and harass and physically abuse him constantly. The fact he has possibly been sexually assaulted, or even tortured, is all the more reason for his brothers not to treat him this way. But the writers consistently make him the victim of everything.
ALL of this being said, what really makes me mad is that there is NO POINT to it all. MC can never point out this horrible behaviour, or stick up for Mammon, defend him, tell his brothers off, nothing. As a player we are forced to be a passive spectator to abuse and that's extremely triggering to abuse survivors.
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Only Mammon himself ever recognises how horrible everyone but MC is to him, and it's heartbreaking. A couple of times Satan acknowledges it but then goes straight back to bullying him. Asmo and Lucifer are the worst of all.
It's my biggest criticism of the entire game, and one the devs absolutely need to address. Scenes like the one in The Escorts should be rewritten or deleted. They add nothing to the game other than victim blaming and yet more trauma for Mammon that nobody ever acknowledges in a meaningful way.
And again, my theories attempt to explain why all this happens, but I in no way condone it, at all.
ETA - Some of this I address further here, but that's all I'm gonna say on the matter. All my 💖 to the anons who sent lovely messages!
ETA 2 - Devs have confirmed nothing sexual happened (see reblog). Please do not send hate to trauma survivors who were worried about this 💖
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moonivore · 4 years
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My part of an art trade with @otromeru of her MC Neru with Mammon being heckin cute!
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moonivore · 4 years
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Biker Mammon au(?) 😂
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moonivore · 4 years
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When your favorite demon boys lose dance battle.
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moonivore · 4 years
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I love this idiot 
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moonivore · 4 years
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Insert a cool title here cause I can’t think–
I always wanted to animate a transformation, please try to not mind my mistakes, I’m still a beginner TvT. It didn’t came out exactly as I thought , at first I wanted to do it with golden flames but changed my mind in the last min and tried lighting ( MARK TRIED)
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