moonstandardtime · 10 minutes
his ass is too sharp for bed ‼️
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moonstandardtime · 42 minutes
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so all i've been doing is playing hades 2
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moonstandardtime · 1 hour
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I will forever be grateful to my friend who made this for me thank you kole. I cant get over the fact he made this for him omg heheheh
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moonstandardtime · 2 hours
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Falin ❤️
twt | inst
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moonstandardtime · 2 hours
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Blood moon's curse
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moonstandardtime · 3 hours
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they're level 99 now so lifting him is easy
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moonstandardtime · 3 hours
You awaken in a clearing; which doesn’t seem quite right. Weren’t you doing something? You were…right? Keeping watch maybe? You failed that one if that’s the case. It’s also blindingly bright as if it were midday. Surely someone would have woken you up by now? If you were to reach Bambouche in a reasonable amount of time you needed to keep to the travel schedule. Odile was pretty clear about that. So then why—?
The party bustles around camp. They smile and greet you but it sounds distant like you’re hearing their voices from underwater. Maybe you’re still groggy? The trees bear in on you. It feels cramped and yet everyone seems impossibly far away. Isa and Bonnie are talking but you can’t make out the words. Odile has her back to you.
A shadow falls over you and you look up. Mirabelle.
“Good……………………..more like………….afternoon?”
“....What?” Your head hurts.
"Were you……That's just like you…..at a time like this"
“Mira— I don’t—? What are you saying?” This isn’t right. Where are the others? They were just here but you don’t see them anywhere.
"I guess that's....some rest while we can! …..ready for tomorrow"
Wait. No. That’s—
“So we can finally face against the King!”
Mirabelle goes rigid and her expression blank and in a voice that isn’t hers:
“You’ll be going back! Back to when everything started!” “I know you thought your quest is over, but it can’t be!”
“Somethings broken, somethings failing, rotting!!!!
No No No NO NO NO NONONONONONONONONONONO The trees are gone. Mira is gone. There are only all too familiar black walls and the smell of burnt sugar.
you feel a tug on your stomach you feel a tug on your stomach you feel a tug on your stomach you feel a tug on your stomach you feel a tug on your stomach you feel a tug on your stomach you feel a tug on your stomach you feel a tug on your stomach you feel a tug on your stomach you feel a tug on your stomach you feel a tug on your stomach you feel a tug on your stomach you feel a tug on your stomach you feel a tug on your stomach you feel a tug on your stomach you feel a tug on your stomach you feel a tug on your stomach you feel a tug on your stomach you feel a tug on your stomach you feel a tug on your stomach you feel a tug on your stomach you feel a tug on your stomach you feel a tug on your stomach—
“Woah!!!! Sif!!” Isabeau just barely manages to catch hold of the collar of Siffrin’s cloak before they tumble out of the tree they were sitting in. Their arms flail wildly, their eye wide. Isabeau manages to haul them back onto the tree branch. “You okay there bud?”
They just stare at him wide-eyed for several long moments. Their whole body was shaking slightly.
“Siffrin, are you with me?”
Slowly, carefully he reaches his hand out. He hesitates for a moment then gently touches their shoulder. “Sif. Hey. It’s okay.”
They blink. Once. Twice. “I-Isa?”
He offers them a smile tinged with worry. “Scared me there for a second. Gotta be careful sleeping in trees. You…” he trails off as they reach their hand up to where his own hand rests on their shoulder. For a moment he wonders if they’re going to move it off of themself. Should have asked. Instead they just kind of rest theirs over his as if confirming it's real. He can still feel them shaking slightly.
“You’re real…right? I need you to be real.” Their voice is small and strained…desperate.
Oh Change, that could just about break his heart. Throwing caution to the wind he pulls them into himself; hugging them tightly. “Yes, I’m real. I’m here Sif. I’m here.”
They collapse into him.They breathe in. And out. The two sit quietly for a bit. Allowing Siffrin some time to center themself.
They give a barely perceptive nod.
“Wanna talk about it?”
They immediately shake their head no but then seem to think better of it. “I thought I was back in the loops.”
Oh. Yeah. That makes sense. “I can understand why you panicked….this isn’t the first time is it?” He’d seen how tired they looked. Noticed how often they offered to keep watch. He hadn’t pressed them on it before but in hindsight it made sense they’d have nightmares after everything they’d been through. He still didn’t have many of the details but he knew enough to know anyone would have come out of that situation with a fair share of trauma.
“No, it's not the first time…” they mumble into his chest.
“I wish you’d told me! I could’ve helped!”
“They weren’t so bad at first. I knew I was dreaming the first couple times. I didn’t-—want to bother anyone with it.”
“Sif—” Change can be hard. He can’t expect Siffrin to have completely shifted their mindset overnight. He knew firsthand how hard it is to talk to people when you feel like your problems make you a burden.
“I know!” They realize how loudly they spoke and more quietly repeat: “I know. I’m trying. I just— didn’t think it was a big deal. I thought maybe they’d go away the further out we got from Dormont but—”
“Instead they’ve been getting worse.”
There must be something… “Hm…Oh! How about this? We come up with some kind of codeword. Something you didn’t hear in the Loops so if you wake up thinking you’re back we can prove that you’re out?”
“Like what?”
They blink up at him looking mildly befuddled “Why waffles?”
��I like waffles!” A small smirk plays across his lips “Are you saying my suggestion is…wafful?”
“Pfft…hahahaha—” they laugh as if it was the funniest joke they’d ever heard. It takes them a moment to regain composure. They catch their breath, “Stars..”
Success. “Alright, alright, how about….sunrise? Cause um— it's a new day after the bad ones?”
“I may not need it every time but maybe-I can ask how many sunrises it's been since the loops sometimes?”
“Of course”
“.....how many has it been?”
“Eight.” they repeat softly. One day the number of sunrises it’d been since the loops will out number the number of loops. That day was a long way off but it was a start.
The two sit in silence for a bit til he feels them squirm a bit and realizes he still has them trapped in a hug and quickly releases them. “Ah! Sorry Sif!”
“S’okay, just lemme move into a more comfortable position.” They scoot so they’re beside him then lean against him.
He tries not to appear too flustered about the fact they are actively choosing to remain in very close physical contact. He was not expecting this though it is not unwelcome. They still hadn’t really talked about what exactly they were. Friends? Well obviously. Something more than that though? Maybe???? Now was hardly the time to bring it up though. Sif still needed time, and he was willing to wait as long as they needed him to.
He rests his arm around them. A safety net so they don’t fall again. “You can get some rest if you need to. I’ll take over keeping watch and if you have another nightmare I’ll be right here.”
They don’t protest this proposal and instead shift even more so they are practically laying on him. “Mmkay…” they say sleepily. They’re quiet for a long moment. Long enough he thinks they must have fallen asleep but then they say: “....thank you Isa.”
“Of course.” The two of them look out into the night sky. The stars were especially beautiful tonight. He watches as Siffrin lazily traces a pattern in the air between a few of them. Following their gaze he can just about make out a shape. Though he’s not sure of what.
“...it's a constellation. The little bear. You use their tail to find your way home…”
He starts to ask them what they mean but he realizes they have fallen asleep. Well. That’s okay. He looks out into the sky. It was no wonder Sif loved them so much. They were really quite pretty.
One day they’d talk about feelings and patterns and futures. But for now. There were stars.
Ok, so its probably a stretch to say this is Isatmonth prompt: Isabeau when I was already writing this before hand but hush Siffrin having nightmares post loops is a pretty common headcannon but I wanted to throw my hat in the ring so here we are. Huge props to Mos2.5 and Bethany from Isatcord for helping me workshop the keyword and to Nube for helping me with grammar. Commas my enemy....
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moonstandardtime · 3 hours
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✦ DAY 37 ✦
Don't worry about it!
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moonstandardtime · 3 hours
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19 notes · View notes
moonstandardtime · 3 hours
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15K notes · View notes
moonstandardtime · 3 hours
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falling star
taglist: @snaxle @neonkoii @areus-in-a-little-cave @cupcraft @cnnamonrolls @yourfriendphoenix @wiiwarechronicles @tee-gee-em @tweewig @omegamoo @t3rm1n0s @atthebell @avid-dust-collector @marszstar @frauggiethecreature @exorjack @possuminnit @spider-shoes @coffeeflavored-tears @crimeboys @meeowerzz @butchtw @qjaiden @faglovesongs @bunnyrabbitofficial @jeanbean16 @asexualstellar @tricktack @lifeintheworldtocome @thehelpenchantingfig @lexicled @cathartidae @sneefsnorf @sirpiglin @thinkingabout-girls @birdintheairport @javihavee (ask to be added/removed)
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moonstandardtime · 3 hours
making art sites that don't allow NSFW is useless to me. not even to get my rocks off, i mean at this point not allowing NSFW ends up being a nightmare of random queers getting banned because the guidelines are too ill-defined and art that presents the human body, especially femme and trans, will just get obliterated for no reason despite not being sexual.
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moonstandardtime · 3 hours
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moonstandardtime · 3 hours
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always the corpse never the pallbearer <3 you know how it is
674 notes · View notes
moonstandardtime · 3 hours
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95K notes · View notes
moonstandardtime · 3 hours
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lawyergame girliez ★。・:*:・゚☆
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moonstandardtime · 3 hours
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lmao this gif maker is fun
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