movedrawrder · 4 years
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     loyalty is a promise                     without expecting a favor in return                               it is idealistic, but knows no one ideology           ⏤ just the feeling of being known      loyalty is sacrificial                     when it is true there are no conditions                               it is trust, and therefore vulnerability           ⏤ oxymoronically fragile as it is strengthening
                                   and mine is yours
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movedrawrder · 4 years
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     loyalty is a promise                     without expecting a favor in return                               it is idealistic, but knows no one ideology           ⏤ just the feeling of being known      loyalty is sacrificial                     when it is true there are no conditions                               it is trust, and therefore vulnerability           ⏤ oxymoronically fragile as it is strengthening
                                   and mine is yours
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movedrawrder · 8 years
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“I sometimes felt guilty about betraying Dumbledore’s trust, of course… he had admitted me to Hogwarts when no other headmaster would have done so, and he had no idea I was breaking the rules he had set down for my own and others’ safety. He never knew I had led three fellow students into becoming Animagi illegally. But I always managed to forget my guilty feelings every time we sat down to plan our next month’s adventure. And I haven’t changed…“ Lupin’s face had hardened, and there was self-disgust in his voice. "All this year, I have been battling with myself, wondering whether I should tell Dumbledore that Sirius was an Animagus. But I didn’t do it. Why? Because I was too cowardly. It would have meant admitting that I’d betrayed his trust while I was at school, admitting that I’d led others along with me… and Dumbledore’s trust has meant everything to me. He let me into Hogwarts as a boy, and he gave me a job when I have been shunned all my adult life, unable to find paid work because of  WHAT I AM .”
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movedrawrder · 8 years
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heading for destruction;
a playlist for the closed off ne'er-do-wells, the o b s e r v a n t and the hotheaded
( listen )
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movedrawrder · 8 years
                    he chuckles, it rather sounds like a snort, but hey, at least she might get him out of this sluggish mood. he is still not one hundred percent happy with her knowing what is probably his biggest secret, and still of the opinion that his friends judged too rashly telling her, but it can’t be taken back and, perhaps, she might be one of the more trustworthy people, he guesses. whatever her deal might be, she’s not that bad. maybe, in the remote future, sirius could even see them be friends, a thought that for some reason makes him uncomfortable. or maybe it is just the thought of the remote future. his smile droops only a bit, and he’s on the brink of slipping back into that mood again.
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                                 ❝ yeah... don’t overdo it, evans, you’re not that funny. ❞
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    It was, in fact, her greatest achievement of the day–perhaps of her entire week. After months of constant friction between the two, Lily finally felt as though her efforts might actually be starting to pay off. If she was right, she would brag about her efforts to James, who she knew would feel incredibly relieved; even if he didn’t show it. 
    Lily felt an insane amount of pride in herself as she watched Sirius grin out of the corner of her eye. She’d avoided making any sort of joke about being an Animagi around him ever since she’d found out…until now. She’d chosen her timing well. 
    “Oh come on! You’re telling me you’ve never played a game of catch? You’re missing out! It’s just so…doggone fun!”
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movedrawrder · 8 years
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❝ sure, because that won’t get me in trouble. ❞,
                    he responds sarcastically. oh, he can see right through her. so that’s the plan, letting him do the dirty work and get punished for it while she has her revenge and doesn’t have to face the consequences. sleazy, slimy slytherins.
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                                    T’was strange to be speaking to Sirius Blak, especially without any hostility. Though the Martell bore no ill will towards the Gryffindor, t’was not a secret how Black felt about Slytherins, which was why his co-operation took her aback. 
           “Something messy, that leaves him in the hospital for a day or two.”
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movedrawrder · 8 years
( @fulcrumm​ )
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                    it’s an honour to be on a mission with the masters kenobi and skywalker along with their padawan, surely, but so far, it’s been mostly boring. his impatience is his fatal flaw, or one of many, and he tries to work on it, but sitting around waiting for something to happen doesn’t really seem to be the jedi way, at least not to him. this is war and he wants to fight for what he believes in, but according to kenobi, not everything can be resolved with violence. which probably makes sense.
                    even though his master is meditating and had suggested he do the same, he can’t sit still. anywhere else, looking out the window had sweetened him many agonizingly long lessons, but this is deep space, everything so far away it doesn’t really move past. it’s not the first time sirius has been this bored, though, and he usually knows how to entertain himself. he sits down with a flop next to padawan tano, doing whatever the kriff it is she is doing, and gives her a mischievous grin.
                                                   ❝ oi tano, wanna play a game? ❞
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movedrawrder · 8 years
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                     the tolls the war has taken are quickly forgotten when sirius dives into the crowd without a second thought, the grin on his face wider than it’d been in quite a while. he turns to wave the doctor over, motioning to follow him. he is barely able to contain his excitement, like a child at a fair, wanting to see everything, everyone, take in as much of this experience as he can.
                    he isn’t worried, no, he fully trusts the doctor and his tardis, and not everything is a fight for their lives, is it? he is sure that nothing will happen tonight except maybe a mind-blowing show. and he is absolutely up for that.
                  ❝ this is so rad. you think i could do that? fighting death eaters by day                                 and surfing in a crowd cheering my name by night? ❞
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“They are a bit of a thing, yeah.” Beaming, the Doctor had known the perfect place to cheer up the wizard, after what he had assumed had been a difficult week or so. He was sure there was a tiredness in the man’s face that hadn’t been there the last time he’d visited.  “Hang on Starkid, don’t get lost, this place isn’t even at full capacity.” His own eager vision pouring out on the concert. This was a massive event, he knew it. He couldn’t remember WHY but he assumed it was because of the musicians playing, probably a bit hit across the universe.  “I think the alien on bass learnt to play before he could walk, has a big fan base, lets go find a better place to stand!”
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movedrawrder · 8 years
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plotting call!
♥ = imma IM you so we can do the plots
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movedrawrder · 8 years
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                    the topic she brings up is not exactly one he wants to face, but well, he has to anyways. as aggravating as it is that just now she got pregnant, sirius knows that woman and he knows that she is the last person to successfully raise a child. he isn’t that much better, honestly, and he knows that, but if there is something he can do to save his baby from that woman’s claws, he will do it. maybe his friends could help him with it? he’d be a better dad than his own father, that’s for sure.
                          ❝ yes... about that. i know this probably isn’t part of your job,               but would it be possible to maybe... get full custody once the baby is... out?                   you know, prove that she wouldn’t be able to care for it or something. ❞
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                             Even though this was no social occasion, all pleasure, t’was still most  P E C U L I A R to interact with him in such a personal space outside of her office.But the firm was closed, and news were too good; though young and inexperienced compared to the middle-aged men in her, the Martell had already acquired a reputation for being quite a shark finding LITTLE escapes and loopholes everywhere. She stared at Sirius, smiling and unable to read the expression of his face, bursting to tell him the news-
“Well sort of, your wife can’t { ACQUIRE } any money or possessions for herself, she hasn’t been married to you long enough, she can only require child support if need be, but you are more than able to afford it and if you suspect that any of the money isn’t being used on the child… well she can face jail time.”
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movedrawrder · 8 years
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                    this is strange, she isn’t as simple to read as others, and if it’s someone who is mysterious, it must be her. sirius is playing with open cards, saying what he thinks, not hiding anything. she, on the other hand, seems as if she’s hidden my a veil, shapes and colours changing beneath it, impossible to see who she really is.
                                             ❝ me? sure. it’s sirius. sirius black. ❞
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♥ – There’s something COY in her eyes, in the way she seemed to be flirting around the way of just how UNTOUCHABLE she’s supposed to be. She’s RICH, she’s ENGAGED, she’s YOUNG, walls made of pure gold were built around her against her will or SAY.        “ – You’re a mystery, yourself, all of that TALK and you still haven’t mentioned your NAME, sir.”
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movedrawrder · 8 years
“When you’re sitting with your friends in the theatre this is the last thing you want to see!”
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                     he’s speaking extra loud, not because she’s two seats away but because maybe, probably, they will hear him and consider to stop.
   ❝ what? you’re not into elderly people furiously making out directly in front of you? ❞
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movedrawrder · 8 years
“I thought, mentally, you are 2169.”
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          there are about three thoughts he has at more or less the same time. number one: that’s exactly the opposite of what my friends tell me. number two: is that supposed to be a compliment? number three:
                                      ❝ and you are…? mentally eleven or what? ❞
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movedrawrder · 8 years
“It looks like they’re both on acid.”
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                    ah, careless summer night parties, violating the rules, celebrating with your friends, savouring the last few moments of freedom before they are thrown out into the cold, harsh reality of war. right now, things are fine, though, he is fine, she is, their friends are. mostly. sirius leans back and gives dorcas a cheeky grin before he answers.
                            ❝ wanna hear a secret? i’m pretty sure they are. ❞
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movedrawrder · 8 years
Shit Keira and Conal Say Part 1
“It, uh…went to a funny setting.”
“And if it says anything about sonic boners, it lies.”
“This new snapchat’s a dick I don’t know how to add people.”
“What is a cannibal doing when he gets out of prison? He’s on cannibail.”
“Oh wait I’ve run away, how can I do that?”
“And now here’s Dumbledore.”
“There’s a A Miiiiilkman waiting in the sky, he likes to give us dairy and his milk is pasteurised.”
“Dream of cheese and TARDISes.”
“It was a bad idea to watch Salad Fingers in the middle of college.”
“So are you feeling the burn of the feels like a dagger through your heart?”
“I joined your Llamacide.”
“I didn’t mean to do it like so they both looked that good.”
“It looks like they’re both on acid.”
*latches on to you like a pretty sturdy leach*
“The llamas will compensate you.”
“Awwww man can you murder someone for me now?”
“Fellow awkward-ite!” 
“Does this mean we’re married now?”
“But now we’re double married, it’s like we’re super-married. Super-duper-married.”
“I am about to depart on a mission from the meme gods.”
“One day I shall introduce you to my friends though, cause they want to meet the guy with the laser furby dildo.”
“Behold my armies of cheddar! Fall before my Wensleydale navy! Shudder in fear of my parmesan Godzilla!”
“I thought, mentally, you are 2169.”
“It’s just the violent idiots who get like that. Silly fuckers.”
“Now the image of me hissing at your demons is even funnier.”
“When we gonna Tim Burton and chill?”
“I value your friendship so I cannot tell you, otherwise you would actually hate me forever.”
“When you’re sitting with your friends in the theatre this is the last thing you want to see!”
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movedrawrder · 8 years
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movedrawrder · 8 years
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blogs i rly wanna make:
undertale asriel. smol goat child.
undertale sans.. fuck me upppppp
go back to quentyn martell. i just watched skins uk s5-6 and it has sebastion de souza and my tiny heart cannot handle it
my own oc..? maybe?
jane the virgin’s detective michael cordero. too good for this world, too pure
get my shit together on my kenoble
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