#⌞ ⋆v; the modern wizard ⌝
canisalbus · 5 months
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serpentinebrando · 6 months
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V; pirate - Instead of returning home after making the deal with the serpent and killing his father, Lucien was intercepted by a crew of pirates who thought to hold him for ransom. Angry and eager to spill more wicked blood, Lucien challenged the Captain to a duel, insisting that if he won, the ship and crew would be his to command, and if he lost, they could do whatever they wanted with him. The Captain was ruthless and highly skilled, but his abilities were no match for the frigid fury of the prince. Lucien defeated him handily, watching as the light left his eyes, and thus became the new Captain of the Shadow. Any rebellion or doubt was quickly squashed when he revealed the nature of his familiar, striking terror into the hearts of his crew. They didn’t even question him when he turned them to privateering in service of his brother. He’s since become a legend of the high seas.
V; modern - Takes place in modern day Asheville, NC. Lucien wanted to get away from his father from the moment he found out his mother was divorcing the man, but it wasn’t meant to be. His mother didn’t think it was fair to uproot Cyrus and Luke while they were still in high school and move them down to Oklahoma, so she didn’t fight for custody. They were forced to remain in North Carolina while Kade and Katrina were allowed to leave with her and chase their dreams. Luke was beyond crushed. He did everything in his power to avoid his dad as much as possible, focusing on school, music, track, anything that would keep him out of the house. It worked for a year or two, but once Cyrus had graduated and moved out, Luke suddenly had his father’s full attention, which made it harder for him to sneak in and out of the house undetected. Naturally, they clashed often. Luke’s disdain for his father quickly became flat out hatred. He devoted all of his time and energy to finding ways to escape that house, as school was too easy for him. Posting his songs online in the hopes that some record producer in Nashville would hear them and sign him on, doing favors for football jocks in exchange for cash, lying about his age in order to moonlight as a bartender at a club just outside of Asheville, and even doing certain things in private that he would have regretted had he not received a hefty sum. His desperation and drive paid off. By senior year, he had his own motorcycle, driver’s license, and plans to run off to Nashville to jumpstart his career in country music as soon as he graduated. Luke could see the light at the end of the tunnel! He was so close to freedom he could taste it, and damn, it was so sweet, so enticing…only to be ripped out of reach when his dad caught on and forced him to start working for his construction team after school. No more track. No more music. No more bartending. Only what Garrett called a ‘real job’. Luke predictably went to Cyrus for help, who told him that he couldn’t do much of anything to aid the boy until he turned eighteen.
Frustrated, Luke began acting out. Skipping class, hooking up with anyone who would take him, including several of his father’s employees, drinking to excess, sneaking out to party, all the things that angry teenagers do. He even ran off to the coast with a few friends over Spring Break for an illicit beach bash, which he honestly doesn’t remember much of. A yacht was stolen. There was ton of alcohol involved. Everything went tits up when the cops arrived. He fell overboard, and would have drowned had he not encountered something in the roiling Carolina waters that reminded him of those illustrations on the edges of old maps: a massive sea serpent.
It reached into his mind, demanding to know why it shouldn’t devour him right then and there. Thinking quickly, he made a deal with it: life and power in exchange for a soul equally or more wicked than his own. Luke knew exactly who to sacrifice; the trick was getting back to Asheville to collect him without being arrested for grand theft marine, then dragging his father back to the coast. The serpent made things a little easier by shrinking down and offering to travel with him, insisting that it could survive almost as well on land as it did in the ocean. Its first gift to Luke was water breathing, allowing him to make it back to shore totally undetected beneath the waves. Avoiding the police was easily done, given the skills that he’d developed throughout his youth, and he knew none of his friends would rat him out, but things got far more complicated when he and his new companion accidentally interrupted a brutal murder. The serpent saw an opportunity for a meal and devoured the perpetrator, bestowing its gifts upon Luke far sooner than he’d imagined or intended, and proposed striking up a much more permanent partnership, which he accepted. The pact was sealed in ink, with a large tattoo of the sea serpent coiling its way up his left arm to mark him. He found a motel to sleep off the rest of his hangover in, then set off for Asheville early the next day.
Once home, he split his time between school, music, and vigilanteism, only occasionally showing up for work. He couldn’t bring himself to kill his father. Not yet. Instead, he focused yet again on making a life for himself, using his magic to his advantage. Once he was eighteen, he began bartending again, moving out of his dad’s house shortly afterward. He currently manages a club downtown where he occasionally plays his music, and is still saving up money to move to Nashville. Anyone who commits a truly heinous crime in his vicinity tends to mysteriously go missing, but he’s too charming for anyone to really want to question him.
V; Wizarding World - Lucien was only eight when he fell into the sea while in Raleigh on a family vacation. His muggle/no-maj mother feared the worst, desperately trying to spot her son amongst the waves so that she could throw him a life preserver. Lucien, however, managed to secure his survival in a most peculiar way. Just as his mother was about to call the Coast Guard, a massive sea serpent surfaced with the boy clinging to its back, carefully depositing him on the deck of their yacht. His family rushed to take care of him, asking him how in the blazes he managed to tame something like that! His answer was that he simply talked to it, begging not to drown, and it took pity on him. He later figured out that he could talk to all snakes, not just sea serpents, and through some relentless digging, found out that he was actually a wizard. His father was a descendant of a squib from the infamous Gaunt family, who had been cast out after his lack of magic had been discovered, but managed to evade obliviation by being even more cunning than his ancestors. Of course, because of MACUSA’s strict laws against Muggles/No-Majs intermingling with witches/wizards, when all of this finally came to light, Lucien and his family were forced to run and hide. They split up, with the twins taking off to Oklahoma to fly under the radar, their father and Cyrus fleeing deep into the Blue Ridge Mountains, and their mother taking Lucien all the way to Ireland to find sanctuary because she had dual citizenship. A few years later, Lucien got his letter to Hogwarts.
Naturally, he was sorted into Slytherin, though he didn’t exactly get along with most of his housemates. He was American, for one thing, and didn’t even bother to hide his thick ‘cowboy’ accent. They all assumed he was muggleborn, and didn’t belong in their pureblood house; the fact that he excelled in nearly every class only made him more of a target for some, while others eased up after recognizing his talents. He turned to music to deal with the stress, going so far as to smuggle an enchanted guitar into the school so that he could practice and write songs in the Room Of Requirement all through his last three years. After graduation, his studies eventually payed off, with a disguised record producer catching one of his shows at a local pub and offering him a contract. He took it in a heartbeat, becoming a world renowned rockstar over the course of the next decade, famous for his rebellious flair and Southern charm. He quickly became addicted to the spotlight, which led to other addictions, and by the time he realized it, his career had nearly died, taking his self esteem with it.
The summer of 1995 found him drowning his sorrows in whiskey and butterbeer at the Hogshead Pub, where he heard rumors swirling around about various faculty changes at Hogwarts. Sensing an opportunity, he kept his ears open and tried to sober up; this could be his ticket out of his self-made hell if he played his cards right. Sure enough, he heard that the ghostly History of Magic professor, Mr. Binns, had accidentally been exorcised, and Dumbledore was looking for someone to replace him. Lucien made a note of that, and wrote a letter to the Headmaster the next morning, eloquently offering his services. He’d always been a history nerd, after all, and had his own way of ensuring that learning about it would be fun. Dumbledore hired him after a series of interviews over tea, in which he managed to impress the old man with several hastily but well-constructed lesson plans, never once letting on that he was desperate and flying by the seat of his pants(Dumbledore knew and gave him a chance anyway). He officially joined the faculty that fall, along with Umbridge (whom he loathed with every fiber of his being) and a temporary Care of Magical Creatures instructor to fill in for Hagrid whist he was away. Lucien was usually sober during his lessons, bringing out his guitar and playing historically based rock/country songs in order to keep students engaged. It worked like a charm! Students were receiving higher marks in his class than in any previous History of Magic class, taking inspiration from his performed enthusiasm. Outside of class, however, he was a drunk and a shut-in, rarely engaging with the rest of the staff. On the plus side, Umbridge couldn’t exactly fire him because he’d proven to be an excellent teacher, and he made a point of avoiding her whenever possible. When she became headmistress, however, he was outraged. She had no right to take over the school like that, and with every proclamation she enacted, a little more of Hogwarts’s soul died. He made himself known to his students as someone they could talk to if they were struggling, revealing that he had his own issues that he was working through, too. In a sort of quiet rebellion against Umbridge, he did his best to boost students’ morale with new songs, relying more on his writing than the bottle to relieve stress in his off time. When she was finally ousted, he celebrated with the rest of the school.
He stayed on as the History of Magic professor for several years afterward, playing in concerts around the world and releasing albums during the summer months while teaching and writing songs from fall to spring. During the Battle of Hogwarts, he fought valiantly, saving Snape’s life by issuing commands to Nagini in Parseltongue and confusing the ever loving fuck out of her. After the dust settled, he finally revealed to the man that he, too, was an heir of Salazar Slytherin via the Gaunt family, but had kept it quiet for various reasons. After Hogwarts was rebuilt, he returned the following school year, and has been teaching there ever since, sponsoring a music program alongside Professor Flitwick. He’s mostly managed to stay sober, as well, despite still being an active rockstar.
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quaintnecromancer · 11 months
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V; Main/Royal - detailed on his About page, and takes place in a high fantasy setting.
V; Modern - takes place in Asheville, NC. Jett is a friendly young man with a rather intimidating outward appearance. He chose to name himself Jett Marwood after filing for emancipation from his abusive mother and absentminded father at sixteen, shedding the name they’d given him and recreating himself according to his own ideals. He has a reputation in town for being an outcast and a rumored “devil worshipper”, but in reality, he’s a kind person who values honor, truth, and justice above all else. The dead are far more honest than the living, and he finds himself chatting with them far more often. When they talk back, he listens, and he learns, using his magic to solve murders and root out corruption far more effectively than the police…or he would, if anyone actually listened to him. When he’s not visiting the local cemetery, he’s practicing the drums, writing in his journals and grimoires, and making tea in his cozy log cabin out in the woods, or he’s working at one of the local cafés. There’s an AU where he becomes a world renowned country singer!
V; Wizard - When Jett Marwood got his Hogwarts letter, he was ecstatic, as was his wizard uncle, despite the man’s rocky relationship with the British government. His muggle mother, on the other hand, wasn’t thrilled with the idea of losing control of him, or of raising a magical son. She tried to keep him from going. Luckily, Uncle Darius managed to get the law involved. He gained custody of Jett just in time to prepare for Jett’s first year, secretly obliviating his mother to make sure she wouldn’t give them trouble. Jett was sorted into Hufflepuff, though the Hat briefly debated putting him in Slytherin because of his ambitious nature. His halfblood status, odd tendencies, unusually calm temperament, and interest in the undead made him a target for bullies, of course, but instead of lashing out, he focused harder on his studies and turned to music as an outlet. He became quite the talented drummer! Cedric Diggory’s death at the end of his fifth year (Harry’s fourth) hit him rather hard, especially with all the rumors surrounding it. Only the ghosts of the castle would give him straight answers regarding it, further bolstering his theory that the dead were more honest than the living. Thus began his clandestine deep dive into the art of necromancy. By the end of his seventh year, he’d become obsessed, running off to the forests of Bavaria shortly after graduation to uncover what secrets were buried with the nameless dead. He roves the world over looking for such things, and has already managed to write a wonderfully macabre book on the subject: Secrets of the Unmarked Graves. He’s currently working on another manuscript that focuses on the hidden details surrounding Countess Bathory, Count Dracula, and other such undead nobles, with their permission, of course.
V; Vampire - Jett’s study of necromancy has led to a dalliance with a charming but manipulative vampire, and he ends up getting turned. Thankfully, he still has his magic, and can enchant a daylight ring for himself, but he’s thoroughly enthralled by his new master, wrestling with his rebellious nature and desire for acceptance in equal measure. (Open to plotting out who his master is!)
V; DC - It all started so innocently. Jett managed to get a music scholarship at Gotham University after he graduated from high school, eagerly taking the opportunity to get out of Asheville and make something of himself. Freshman year saw him starting a band with a few classmates, of which he was first the drummer and later the front man. Everything was going great. He graduated with honors, kept the band together and thriving, and managed to keep his practice of necromancy hidden from the general public. Until he got caught. By none other than a minion of Gotham’s Rogues Gallery. He wasn’t attacked, thankfully. Instead, the distraught man only sought solace, having lost a family member in the crossfire of one of his boss’s clashes with Batman. Jett talked with him for a while, connecting with his dead loved one. The next night, the henchman came back to the graveyard with a few others, and more the next night. By the end of the month, Jett had a small cult following, which he didn’t see coming, but wasn’t totally against, either, codependent as he was. Things spiraled from there. Due to some clashes with the law and with other Rogues, the cult became a gang known as the Whispering Grave, with Jett being its leader and known as Phasmagor, a masked necromancer. He taught magic to those who proved to be remotely capable of it while taking in any sentient undead, building a small army of mages, vampires, ghouls, and henchmen to aid in his machinations and protect his followers.
More to be added!
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cagesings · 2 years
tags; verses
*❈ ‣ nothing there sings not even my lark — ( v. canon )  
*❈ ‣ she’s in there with all these screeching gibbering maniacs — ( v. asylum )  
*❈ ‣ we run away and then all our dreams come true? — ( v. post )  
*❈ ‣ isn’t that her shadow on the wall? — ( v. alternate )  
*❈ ‣ are you discussing or fussing; or simply dreaming? — ( v. modern )  
*❈ ‣ i feared you’d never come — ( v. tba )  
*❈ ‣ if we lay a strong enough foundation we’ll pass it on to you — ( v. single mother )  
*❈ ‣ don’t need a ring for my finger just need a steady hand to hold — ( v. main. feat. heygutlcss )  
*❈ ‣ i’m right here beside you and i’ll stay there — ( v. affair. feat. heygutlcss ) 
*❈ ‣ one thing i can tell you is we got to be free — ( v. feat. honorhearted )
*❈ ‣ the world was my oyster but where was the pearl? — ( v. feat. iocaneimmune )  
*❈ ‣ she's been living in her white-bread world as long as anyone with hot blood can — ( v. hawkins )  
*❈ ‣ yesterday love was such an easy game to play; now i need a place to hide away — ( v. feat. soldwrecked )
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iamthedukeofurl · 5 months
One interesting thing that can happen in long running media is that the general cultural background can shift under the work, recontextualizing it as it is being written. I'm specifically thinking of the Order of the Stick, a Dungeons and Dragons themed webcomic that started in 2003 with the titular party of adventurers going through a dungeon.
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From left to right, we have Belkar Bitterleaf the halfling ranger, Vaarsuvius the Elf Wizard, Elan the Human Bard, Haley Starshine the Human Rogue, Durkon Thundershield the Dwarf Cleric, and Roy Greenhilt the Human Fighter. The comic takes place in a fantasy setting that knowingly runs off the rules of Dungeons and Dragons third edition. Characters talk about rolls and bonuses and intentionally take levels in various classes. At the start, the comic was a pretty basic gag comic about the D&D rules, basic fantasy/adventure tropes, ect.
In the 20 years the comic has been running, it has updated about 1300 times, not counting bonus strips exclusively made for the printed version, and several print (or PDF) only side and prequel stories. It has also dramatically grown from it's roots, the art has improved while keeping the same general aesthetic, and the gag-a-day comic has become a sweeping fantasy epic. The characters have grown beyond their initial bits (Belkar is a Murderhobo, Elan is stupid, Haley is greedy, ect), and it's genuinely up there as one of my favorite stories. But anyway, let's talk about Vaarsuvius. If you look at the above art, You'll notice that the characters tend to have three types of body shapes: Rectangles for Roy, Belkar, and Elan, feminine curves for Haley, and Robes for Vaarsuvius. This presentation is a pretty consistent signifier of gender and/or somebody wearing robes. Early on, part of Vaarsuvius's running gag became their ambiguous gender. At the time, it was a fairly common joke in fantasy to talk about how Elven men had androgynous or "Girly" appearances, so V was part of that. Instead of a singular pronoun, characters would generally just abbreviate Vaarsuvius's name as "V", and whenever the narrative would have naturally provided some indication of gender one way or another, V would resolve the situation without providing any such indication. For example, an early gag has the characters seeking out a set of modern style bathrooms in the dungeon. When they find them, V says that their "More Efficient elven biology" means they don't have to go yet, so they wait outside while the boys go into the Men's room and Haley waits in the inevitable long line at the women's. When Vaarsuvius reveals that they are married, they use the term "Spouse" to refer to their partner, when we see their children, the children are clearly adopted (V and their partner both have pale skin, their children have darker skin) and refer to Vaarsuvius as "Parent". Vaarsuvius themselves seems to have trouble identifying other people by gender. Characters outside the central cast might refer to Vaarsuvius as "He" or "She", but doing so was always shedding light on that character's perspective, rather than saying anything about Vaarsuvius. The assumption behind the gag is that Vaarsuvius must be either male or female, and the joke is that the narrative/Vaarsuvius themselves keeps finding ways to avoid "Revealing" their gender. Fan wikis and official books list Vaarsuvius's gender as "Ambigious" and on the forum there used to be a regular, multi-part thread dedicated to debatings Vaarsuvius's gender, even after the author declared that it would "never be revealed".
Anyway, going back to the start, it's 2023, and something shifted at some point, both in the comic and in the general cultural background. The jokes about V's gender kind of fell off, not just because the gag got played out, but because the basic assumption behind it simply doesn't work anymore. Everybody knows that Nonbinary people exist. There's no point in the comic where Vaarsuvius switches from being "Ambigiously Gendered" to Nonbinary, in fact, the entire comic reads just fine if you read Vaarsuvius as male or female and just not caring enough to clarify their gender to anybody and at some point other characters just stop thinking about it. But it's interesting to see how a character trait that was once included in even the most basic character descriptions (Varsuvius: Elven Wizard. Arrogant, Intelligent. Ambigiously gendered) just kind of got washed away by a rising tide of cultural nuance towards gender. Also go read OOTS, it's pretty great.
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preet-01 · 29 days
I really enjoyed the last time I did one of the au prompts ask game so I decided to make one of my own with some of my favorites
Send me a letter and a ship (or not totally up to you) for a short ficlet
Feel free to use and reblog
A — Modern Royalty
B — Academic Rivals
C — Teachers (or Professors)
D — Tudor Era
E — Roaring 20s
F — Stuck on a Deserted Island
G — Fairytale
H — Game of Thrones
I — Model/Photographer
J — Mythology
K — Detective/Criminal
L — Superheroes (Comic Books)
M — Angel/Demon
N — Reincarnation (Doppelgängers)
O — Wizards
P — Driver/WAG
Q — Delayed/Missed Flight
R — Pirates
S — Hallmark Christmas Movie
T — Accidental Marriage
U — Single Parent(s)
V — Romeo and Juliet
W — Hunger Games
X — Omegaverse
Y — Time Travel
Z — Renaissance
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soylent-crocodile · 11 months
Pokemon-Inspired Spells (Part 1)
Pokemon was my very first special interest, and although I find myself drifting away from the modern games it will always have a special place in my heart!
As such, here are three of the most interesting spells I've made that are inspired by pokemon moves.
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(art by dktom94 on reddit)
School: Evocation (Air) Level: Sorcerer/Wizard 7 Elemental School: Air 7 Casting Time: 1 standard action Components: V, S Range: 100ft Target: A number of creatures equal to up to ½ your caster level within a 100ft cone emanating from your mouth. Saving Throw: No Spell Resistance: Yes
You blast from your throat a powerful yet precise stream of razor-sharp wind that shreds through your opponents, striking them with precision while avoiding your allies. For each target within the cone, make a ranged touch attack. On a successful attack, deal 1d6 slashing damage per level (maximum 20d6). The critical threat range of this spell is 18-20.
Sacred Fire
School: Evocation (Good, Fire) Level: Cleric/ Oracle 7 Casting Time: 1 standard action Components: V, S, Material (see text) Range: Medium (100ft+10ft/level) Target: A single living creature or corpse Duration: Instantaneous Saving Throw: Fortitude half and partial (see text) Spell Resistance: Yes
You bathe the target in holy phoenix fire. The effects of this spell vary based on the creature’s alignment and status; Evil living creature- If the target is evil, they take 1d6 damage per level (maximum 20d6) that is half fire and half sacred. Creatures dealt damage this way are permanently marred by flames, taking a -6 penalty to strength and charisma. A successful fortitude save halves the damage and prevents the marring. This marring can be restored by Restoration or a similar effect. Neutral living creature- If the target is neither good nor evil, they take 1d6 fire damage for every 2 levels you have (maximum 10d6) and take 2 strength damage. A successful fortitude save halves the damage and negates the strength damage. Good living creature- If the target is a living good creature, they gain 1d6 hp per level (maximum 20d6) and remove the fatigued, exhausted, shaken, panicked, and cowering conditions.  Good corpse- If the target is the intact body of a good-aligned creature that has been dead for no more than 1 day, the spell has an additional material cost of rare phoenix feather worth 5,000gp. The creature is brought back to life, as with the spell Raise Dead. Nongood corpse- If the target is the intact body of a non-good creature, the corpse is destroyed, leaving no remains to resurrect or reanimate.
Stealth Rock
School: Conjuration (Earth) Level: Animist/Druid 4, Shaman 4, Sorcerer/Wizard 4 Elemental School: Earth 4 Casting Time: 1 standard action Components: V, S, M (A pinch of grit taken from a creature with the Earth subtype) Range: Long (400ft+40ft/level) Effect: a 40ft line of buried stone that, when a creature passes over them, strikes out and attacks. Duration: 1 hour/level Saving Throw: No Spell Resistance: No
You embed sharp pointed stones in a 40ft line within earth or similar soil. The line may curve or form a circle. When a creature passes over that line, including airspace up to 120ft above it, the stones slip from the ground and attack them, making a ranged attack (in the case of creatures in the air) or a melee attack (in the case of creatures on the ground) against that creature, using your character level as its BAB and your casting stat as its dexterity of strength bonus, whichever would be appropriate for the attack. These stats are decided at the moment of casting. Creatures hit by the stones take 4d8 damage that is half bludgeoning and half piercing.  The stones have a collective amount of HP equal to 5 points per caster level and a hardness of 10; once the requisite damage is dealt to them, all stones are rendered non-functional. The spells Stone Shape, Soften Earth and Stone, and Stone to Flesh also render the stones non-functional, although the caster must succeed on a caster level check with DC equal to 10+your caster level at time of casting. Stealth rock can be detected with a perception check with DC equal to the spell DC+4. This spell can be made permanent by the spell Permanency by a caster of level 11 or higher and by spending 7,500gp.
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Hello! I was wondering if you had an insights as to what the idea was behind the Starsending Robes? I've been looking at them quite closely and couldn't understand what kind of style they were going for or what the inspiration behind them was! This isn't to say that I don't like them as I do a lot but would simply like to know more about them!
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The history of the Star Sending harkens back to the story of Pinocchio, as is detailed in the introduction to the event. The customs associated with the holiday itself borrows ideas from Tanabata, a Japanese summer festival in which people write their wishes on slips of paper and tie them to tree branches.
As for the fashion (ie the Star Sending Garments/Robes), I don’t think it’s inspired by one particular trend or style??? It feels more like a combination of many different things.
Yana stated in a March 2023 interview that in terms of costume design, she wants the clothes to be modern yet also wants to remain cognizant of the fact that TWST (or NRC, I guess) is a place where many cultures, countries, and time periods exist at the same time. They have a unique world of their own, and stylish fashion to go with it—so the clothing in TWST isn’t really a reinterpretation of a preexisting costume, but rather something wholly special to Twisted Wonderland. As an example, the richly historical Pomefiore robes were inspired by the traditional Japanese kimono. For events in which characters travel to new places, climate and local culture is also considered for styling. Cold places like Harveston would have thick yer breathable clothing to protect from the weather! A similar approach may have been taken in terms of the Star Sending robes.
I believe the general overall look may have come from the Blue Fairy (from the story of Pinocchio, which the lore of the holiday originates); it’s a sleeveless dress, and if you look at her neckline, it’s a V-line. In the Star Sending robes, the white cloth forms a V-line as well (though it isn’t as obvious because it’s layered with a sleeveless black high collar tunic). When dancing, the Star Sending boys also use sticks topped with stars, which look very similar to the Blue Fairy’s wand. If we really want to go out on a limb, maybe you could say the fabric looks lightweight and is easy to move in to resemble the yukata that are typically worn to Tanabata festivals.
The actual robes and all the extra embellishments are probably there just to add extra modern or high fashion pizzazz? Or maybe the dark blue with the shiny accents are referencing Wizard Mickey’s hat 🤷‍♀️ (Again, basing this guess on the design philosophy shared in the interview.) I can’t think of any immediate comparisons to Pinocchio or Tanabata fashion.
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my fav horror movie is either humains (a french movie about an archeologist who discovers a family of neanderthals living in a cave in modern day switzerland and backpacks there with her family. v sad ending and i cried. and yellowbrickroad, which is one of the most messed up movies i’ve ever seen about a town who entirely walked out into the wilderness in 1942 after a screening of the wizard of oz. super trippy and fucked up tho the last ten minutes suck ass. like turn it off before then and it’s one of the most soul rattling pieces of horror but the last ten minutes are cringe af
oooh i’m gonna have to look those both up later!
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gumy-shark · 8 months
today i have infodumped a lot about cynthia lafloren, half-elf wizard, and i have not even gotten to my favorite things about her. and so i shall share them
her spellbook dandy got his name from of the dandelions embroidered on his back cover.
he also has the demeanor of like a slightly confused, well-meaning old man. and he’s british
the nation she grew up in was Very prejudiced against clerics/religion/divine magic in general (v taboo subject) and she has very much bought into the propaganda on this one
however, she’s fascinated by the topic of religion, and studies it whenever she gets the chance, away from her mentor’s watchful eye. she’s quite knowledgeable about it!
in another world where she didn’t grow up in the oppressive culture she did, she would’ve been a nonmagical scholar, studying ancient cultures and religions
if she had been born in the modern world she would’ve been a speedrunner on twitch
in session 3, she used epic gamer strats to glitch an evil death maze, cheesing it completely for herself And the other party members trapped in there
honestly i just love that she’s a gamer it’s such a fun aspect of her character
i themed her after dandelions because they thrive and grow in extreme adversity, where most other plants can’t survive (and also bc they’re really cute and so is she)
her main theme songs as of right now are let me make you proud from tangled the series (current), and rät by penelope scott (not now, but once she realizes how awful her home country is and how badly she was treated)
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h2-no · 11 months
As a latina, it really gets on my nerves that latinas in media get oversexualized a lot. A couple of first characters that come to mind are Gloria from Modern Family, Adrian from The Secret Life of the American Teenager, Veronica from Riverdale, Paulina from Danny Phantom, and Chel from The Road To El Dorado. Obviously this isn’t meant to be a complete list, but just some examples from content for adults and for kids.
Not only is there an expected look latin women are stereotyped to uphold, we’re supposed to be fiery, spicy, and sexy. For Gloria, Adrian, and Veronica, all their characters are depicted as loving sex and something they do regularly. The problem isn’t that they’re women who enjoy sex, it’s the fact that compared to their non-latin female characters, they have sex a lot more often, are seen as more experienced and knowledgeable, and are highly more desired by men because their appearence is seen as sexier.
Paulina and Chel are both from kids media, so they’re not sexualized that same way in their universes. But from how they dress, it’s clear that they’re supposed to be a kid friendly version of this stereotype. And outside of their universe, people sexualize them a lot and talk about how hot they are.
There are latinas who fit into this stereotype, and there’s nothing bad about them choosing to live how they wish. They have every right do live this lifestyle. The problem is that a majority of the time, this is the representation latin women get and people think of when they hear the word “latina”. The only times I can picture a different type of latin woman are for Coco, Encanto, and Wizards of Waverly place. But since those are all Disney owned titles, it doesn’t surprise me. Even then, although Alex from Wizards wasn’t sexualized, her mom kind of was. There’s even a time where Max (Alex’s brother) brings up how their mom says “If it ain’t tight it aint right” about clothes, and she wore deep V-necks a lot. This is just a Disneyfied version of that stereotype.
This isn’t a hate list of these characters and their titles, because they’re not bad characters or titles, but I’m just tired of seeing this stereotype and havining it be applied to latinas in real life. I moved from a hispanic area to a majority white area when I was really young, and all the white kids had the same idea of a latina. And when I didn’t fulfill that stereotype, they were confused. Especially since I’m ace and want nothing to do with sex. I’m glad that at least Disney has given us different types of latin women, but it’s time for other companies to do that too. Sorry for the long post, thanks for reading.
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beardedmrbean · 3 months
Shit got detour, but for gun magic
Now I absolutely 100% understand why Rowling avoided such a idea given it’s was already a bitch to do magical stuff for kids thanks to parent groups AND all the discourse around that time
But if I was to make gun magic, I would say that early development of it did exist in the ancient past like with China. And the European wizard improved it but in the end it was considered a niche as I check wands been in use in the potter since the BC era. So magical guns were a niche in the old world that got heavily developed in the new world for multiple reasons.
What tribes folklore giants we didn’t wipeout completely in the Wild West we can use? Like here a joke
The native wizard: Pale one, perhaps we can use our magic to create certain guns?
The cowboy wizard: Why?
The giant monster in the distance: GROOOOORA!
Cowboy:…I got a idea
Oh oh oh! UFO sightings in Nevada and areas actually just wizard flying around?
Of course American wizards use wands since they were acknowledged since book 4 and we saw them in fantastic beasts though I heard Ilvermorny kids can’t take their wands homes and have to leave it at school until the age of 17
Oh yeah that totally going to work with a lot of Americans wizards
(They probably have more bootleg magical items than all the prohibiton bootleg liquor and poor black person bootleg dvd collections…not that I may or may not have my own or know a guy)
Also one thing, Rowling (and people who try to copy her) often forget that Harry Potter Wizarding setting worked because she combined and modernize it. And used Britain existing folklore. She also had the Roman republic/empire to fall back to as a the Roman’s established a lot of trades routes in Western Europe thus many wizards from different parts of it could interacted and merge.
Maybe because she is British, Rowling can’t or don’t understand how diverse everything is. Like I can see the magical Congress she made try to keep the American Wizard society in check. But so vast
I mean look at the Midwest, Midwest wizards probably got a lot of good farming magic. But we also probably very innovative
Hmm as a Chicagoan…should I say the Midwestern wizards made a magical Tommy gun? Much pay homage to the infamous Al Capone
Also not to mention the LOCAL native tribes that still exist. I mean western tribes would definitely have their own desert magic vs the forest eastern ones.
Of course she mention the European wizards…but we should also have a huge change when the Chinese and other Asians wizards immigrated to America. Maybe martial art magic is an extra curriculum and such.
Am I making sense, yeah the American wizards guns is funny because we would make some of the most powerful magic bullets that would be consider heresy
But a joke if Voldemort won and attacked America
Voldemort: You disgusted mutts, the blood of the must powerful wizards runs in your veins yet also the blood of steer rats
The current head of the magical Congress(been around since Teddy and look like an America navy officer around that time): Ah voldy mort! Welcome to America!
V: You dare talk to me like a commoner!
American Wizard: I would say you can go to Asia as their Wizard got skin magic that can make you look handsome
V: Enough, my dear eaters would rule this filthy country! You thought it was foolish enough to leave all your items in Massachusetts?!
AW: (Holy shit they took the bait), hmm Mr snake Sidious
V: Who?
AW: Nevermind, but heard about an infamous writer called HP lovecraft?
V: That foolish man? Yes
AW: Well his stories were real since those asses couldn’t shut up around the time and we ask him who was probe by them often to infamous the No-Maj about such creature
V: those stories are true!
AW: Kinda, but check this bowl
Voldemort then saw visions of his death eaters ripping each other faces off, screaming around like mad, and being eaten by horrific monsters
V: W-Why I was never told this?!
AW: Because your a racist inbreed jackaas that could barely tolerate fellow English man much less America
V: I will have my revenge!
AW: Man those southern wizards are good with illusions *snap his fingers*
The room dissolved and Voldemort say they were in a purple cosmos realm. He then heard giant creepy laughing
AW: All your’s Kulu
Voldemort turn around and saw it was the infamous old one Cthulhu. Despite having the master wand and use all three forgivable curses. The old one laugh and grabbed the dark lord
V: NOOOOOO I CAN NOT DIED I CAN NOT-proceed to be eaten
AW: Ugh good, now take you little nap kulu *pic up an old telephone* Yeah operation “help mother Britain” is a go. Well at least he did go to Mexico, those wizards would have gut him harder than a fish
Now I absolutely 100% understand why Rowling avoided such a idea given it’s was already a bitch to do magical stuff for kids thanks to parent groups AND all the discourse around that time
Post on here was just something about a exchange student from America at the battle of Hogwarts pulling out a handgun, I think that was what it was, faster than magic since you don't need to say words and do something with your wand.
I cast glock, pulls out a gun boom dead.
UFO's are golden snitches that made their way too far away from the quidditch pitch.
The current head of the magical Congress(been around since Teddy and look like an America navy officer around that time): Ah voldy mort! Welcome to America!
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Admiral of the Navy George Dewy work as a model for you, he was in charge of the fleet in the Spanish American war so perfect for TR.
The conversation there was brilliant BTW, funny stuff.
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saltarellos · 7 months
I don’t normally make text posts here but @narwhaled-wheatfield tagged me so here we are
rules: shuffle your likes or your favorite playlist and post the first ten tracks (and say a little something about them if you want)
So here’s that with my spotify likes:
1. Fade to Black - Metallica
- Metallica has always been one of my favorite artists, ever since I was 13 or so. Their first five albums are classics and also excellent reminders of what metal music can be. Many artists seem to think that metal is about playing the fastest or having a louder amp than your competition. But songs like Fade to Black show that the most important ingredient in metal music is, just like in any other genre, the songwriting. Metal songs can be just as complex and compelling as songs of any other genre, and Metallica helped show that.
2. Waltz Across Texas - Ernest Tubb
- A playlist isn’t complete without the tubbster
3. Harpsichord Concerto No. 1 in D Minor - Johann Sebastian Bach, performed by Jean Rondeau
- Jean Rondeau is probably the most interesting modern harpsichordist. He, along with Jakub Jozef Orlinski, helped introduce me properly to baroque music.
4. Motor Spirit - King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard
- I know the name is silly, but KGLW has put out the two best metal albums of the last 10 years. They also respect the principle I mentioned above. KGLW’s metal work isn’t the fastest, or the heaviest, but it is crafted with far more care and attention to detail than most modern metal music.
5. Schwanengesang: XII. Ihr Bild - Franz Schubert, performed by Kathleen Sanchez and Johnandrew Slominski
- I’ve never been a huge Schubert fan, but his vocal collections have always been a favorite of mine. And Kathleen Sanchez performs these songs perfectly.
6. Yekteniya V: Svyatyy Vkhod - Batushka
- Haven’t you seen my blog? Of course I listen to black metal.
7. 16 Waltzes: No. 4 in E Minor - Johannes Brahms, performed by Idil Biret
- Brahms’s 16 Waltzes is simply a classic. Nothing else to say.
8. Perihelion - King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard
- See 4
9. Ready for Tomorrow - Babe Rainbow
- In another life I lived in a van on the upper west coast and chased those tasty waves brah
10. Sweet Tasting Tennessee - Daniel Donato
- I don’t remember adding this song but it’s here and it’s good so it’s staying.
It’s missing a few of my staple genres but oh well. No ethiopian jazz, sorry nar.
I tag no one.
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shiningclown69 · 2 years
I'm sure this has been talked about a lot but
I LOVE the conscious decision that the wizards chose their own clothes/aesthetic + adapted to modern speech mannerisms
Like imagine some evil dudes from the Medieval times being like "Ah damn we gotta change our look guys medieval is out of style in the modern world"
And they were like "yess this outfit style perfectly represents our nefarious intentions!" and then put on chunky platform boots and multiple belts
Like goth/punk was certainly a CHOICE
Duman and Gantlos had to VIBE with that choker and sick hat!! Oh my god!!!
I somehow imagine Ogron dyed his hair red too for this??? Along with his beard and eyebrows?????? Bc I cannot take the idea of someones hair being that neon red during the medieval era
Also imagine if their speech pattens were initially v old english and then they consciously adapted to human speech patterns for no discernable reason?? Idk i guess they had alot of free time after wiping out magic from earth??? Anyway, grandpas. How do you do fellow kids
Also that scene where the specialists phone dialled the winx for help bc the wizards were at a table??? Immaculate. Giving "Mom help there are a bunch of strange goth men at my table im scared" energy. They were literally just sitting there doing nothing but clashing with the colorful summer decor of the fruity music bar. I'm in shambles.
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ballet-symphonie · 2 years
VBA Asks
Hi Ale! I hope you can understand my question(s). Talking about the VBA 2018 class, how would you rank in your personal perception of "talent" Ionova, Bulanova, Khoreva, Petukhova and Nuikina based *only* on their graduation exams (not their lives in the theater etc)? And would you add other students to the list of most known/special students in that year? And how would rank them as well? I'm asking this because (first, I recognize Khoreva's talent), but in comparison, I don't understand how....
(Did I lose the second half of this ask?? I'm so sorry if I did, but this is all I have) This is a bit tricky because 'talent' is such a subjective thing. I'll keep the list to the 5 you mentioned, as those really were the clear standouts. In terms of natural disposition to ballet, I think I'd rank them as follows:
Khoreva- checks all the boxes, height, mobility, hyperextension, etc
Nuikina - a jump like that is from nature only
Bulanova - her not having a full education at VBA has left some holes in her technique, the feats she can pull of despite this are nothing short of remarkable.
Ionova - clearly a late bloomer, a bit short but with good natural coordination
Petukhova - a beautiful dancer, but ballet was clearly much much more of a battle for her than her classmates.
just random thought... i think yuri fateev favors maria koshkareva so much, even maria is just a student yuri is striving to get her to Mariinsky. when she compete for the moscow competition, fateev actually got an american choreographer to make the modern variation "maestro" for maria. and now maria getting all the lead roles in school, i mean she deserve it, she's very talented. i think some girls need to work on their confidence, dont let their nerves get them to fall apart.
Koshkareva is really good, but its more than that. She's the first graduate since Khoreva to look like she's ready at such a young age. The girl isn't messing around, some of her classmates could do with even a smidge of her confidence.
not to sound like vba wizard but, I think a paquita comeback is possible with underwater kingdom. but the lead role will be the top performing girl in kovaleva's class, you know who, they are gonna make her the star, with the other girl 2nd prize MBC, after all they are already mariinsky employed, the director promotes them. sofya V, might be princess masha for nutcracker, but she needs to work hard if she wanna shine. still early to tell things.
I would be all in for this programming, those underwater kingdom tutus are far too pretty (and likely expensive lol) to only be used once. I think the long-legged Kuprina would dance the Queen of the Waters Variation so well. I certainly expect Koshkareva to get the leading roles split with either Kuprina or Valuillina, depending on who looks stronger.
Hey! This is a really weird question but recently I've been watching recordings of older Vaganova ballet exams and of course the strongest students are in the center. I watched both Vishneva's and Zakharova's. It's so cool how two of the most famous ballerinas of their generation graduated just one year apart from each other.
So I was wondering your opinion, if Vishneva and Zakharova had actually been in the same class together, which do you think would have had the center position in the class, or been the favorite?
Ooh what a question! I often forget that they graduated only a year apart despite Vishneva being 3 years older. Zakharova was invited to VBA at 15 after winning 2nd prize at the Vaganova Prix and was allowed to skip not one but two grades into the graduating class.
I think the answer to your question depends on who's teaching the class. If its L.V. Kovaleva, there's no way Vishenva is taken out of the middle. Diana is her golden child and still is today. If the teacher is E.V. Evteeva, I think it could go either way. However, as incredibly gifted as Zakharova is, I don't really associate her as VBA's product, she only studied there for a year. Numerous talents such as Tsiskaridze, Grigorovich, and even Semionova, have described Zakharova's talent and style as utterly distinct from any real school. I personally feel that more credit should be given to Zakharova's teacher in Kiev, Valeria Sulegina. I think it would be hard to take the position away from Vishenva, who spent her whole life battling at the academy.
Hi Ale! I recently stumbled upon your blog and now I can't stay away! :D Maybe this is just my opinion, but it seems to me that in recent years the Vaganova boys have gotten... weaker? They don't seem to be as strong as the graduates of past years. How do you think this will affect their chances of making it into a companies like Mariinsky and Bolshoi?
Ahhh oof, the state of the VBA boys is not great IMO. They are graduating fewer competent boys each year. I think there are a variety of causes, including an outdated and ineffective training curriculum, a lot of the historically successful pedagogues no longer working, greater competition from other schools, and a smaller talent pool.
Prior to the war, I would have said yes, this will negatively affect their chances. Both BT and MT have repeatedly shown their willingness to hire and promote both foreign and foreign-trained talent, think of names like Victor Caxieta, Nikita Korneyev, Jacopo Tissi, David Motta Soares, etc. However, I can't imagine any graduate from a major ballet school is itching to go to Russia any time soon, the talent pool for Russian companies to pull from has unquestionably shrank.
However, we can still see the effect of the decline in a variety of other ways. For example, of the 8 boys taken into MT this fall, half were from the school of Boris Eifman, not VBA. VBA's insistence on poaching boys from the theatre to dance leading roles in their academy shows also doesn't help the problem. The decline isn't super obvious now, but wait 5 or so years when the current premiers start to retire...
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Conversion Corner: Legend of Zelda Rod Spells part 4
Dominion Rod
 Moving away from 2D games into the 3D era, we have a rod from Twilight Princess!
The Dominion Rod was in interesting beast, it allowed you to cast forth a ball of energy that could animate nearby statues, causing them to mimic your actions. They could hop around to follow your walking, helping to solve puzzles, and even swinging mighty weapons if they were built for it.
However, this item was found in the Temple of Time dungeon, which in that game was accessed by using the time-altering magics of a certain stone to revert the temple to prior to it’s ruined state. Once Link shut down the chronal anomaly and left, the rod reverted to it’s modern state of being drained of all power, and needed to be recharged.
Even once recharged, however, it’s utility was drastically reduced, as only some basic statues in the overworld ever used it, the rod leaving most of it’s actual utility and puzzle-solving power behind in the dungeon it came from, which is disappointing for any Zelda item.
Still, the concept is unique enough that I will try to emulate the magic it grants as best I can.
 Statue Dominion
School transmutation; Level bard 4, cleric/oracle 4, occultist 4, psychic 4, sorcerer/wizard 4, witch 4
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S
Range medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)
Targets one statue
Duration 1 round/level (D)
Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no
This spell functions as animate objects, but it can only target a single statue of any size. The statue does not have it’s own initiative, but instead mimics your actions to the best of it’s ability. When you move, it moves in the same direction an equal distance or up to it’s speed. You may take a standard action to mime swinging your limbs to have the statue make a slam attack at a creature or object in the space you designate, though it suffers a 20% miss chance due to the remote angle you are guiding it from. You can also due this as part of an attack action against another creature, but the statue can only mimic one attack per round, and it is limited by being forced to attack in the same direction that you do.
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