mrcryokinesis-blog · 9 years
How to Fail at Coming Out Stories in Comics
On April 22, 2015, comics retailers far and wide will be selling copies of All-New X-Men #40, which, spoiler, features the coming out of a major character from Marvel Comics’ original five X-Men (sort of): Bobby Drake, AKA Ice Man. On the one hand, I want to be loud and supportive, and to celebrate this wider diversity. But on the other hand, they do a really, really offensive crap job of it.
The scene begins with our time displaced version of Bobby from the past being confronted by the time displaced Jean Grey (henceforth referred to as “young Bobby” and “young Jean”) after he says a few misogynistic things about Magik. This is potentially great meta-commentary from a female comic character confronting the male gaze and the hypersexualization of female comic characters. But, rather than go there, it instead goes the route of revealing young Jean is pretty awful at respecting the privacy of others and both of them are equally awful at discussing sexual diversity.
It begins:
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Just another day at the X-Men where your resident good-guy telepath is bouncing around in your brain without your permission and then dictating to you what your sexuality is without any concern for consent or self-identification.
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Bobby is literally telling her that her brain is not welcome inside his and she disregards him. After 40 issues of practice, this isn’t a girl who can’t shut other peoples’ thoughts out. She can read his thoughts; that doesn’t mean she should.
But wait, old Bobby isn’t gay. He’s dated girls. Wouldn’t this really make Bobby bisexual, pansexual, or sexually fluid?
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Oh no, let’s just decide for future/present/whatever Bobby his sexuality for him as well. He’s never been straight. He’s in the closet because being two things the world hates is worse than one. Barf. If there’s one thing that’s never rung true for not-young Bobby, it’s the sort of personality that would somehow be afraid of homophobia while being brave about mutant phobia.
And how disgusting is the argument that because all of his past relationships with women have failed, they all must mean he’s really gay too? Assuming old Bobby and young Bobby are the same Bobby, that’s some hard core bisexual erasure going on right there. Every relationship I’ve had with a man has failed. That doesn’t make me straight. Every relationship my straight ex-wife has had with a man has failed too. That doesn’t make her a lesbian. This is outright the worst, most biphobic logic I’ve seen this week. It’s just awful.
And there’s one more doozy:
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No. They don’t. Only really uninformed or really crappy people say this. Patrick Richardsfink writes an excellent post on the inappropriateness of saying everyone is bisexual. Saying everyone is bi erases us. It invalidates bisexual identity and gives room for people to feel it’s perfectly ok for them to smack their own labels on us rather than allowing us to self identify. This is exactly what young Jean does to young Bobby in this exchange.
This entire five page exchange is breathtaking in how absolutely awful and problematic it is. I want to believe Bendis was sincerely trying to sensitively introduce the world to another major gay character in comics. It’s just a shame he had to do so by being ignorant and dropping a steaming dump on bisexuality and other non-monosexual identities.
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mrcryokinesis-blog · 9 years
send me “your going to be late” for your muse trying to pull my muse out of bed
[ originally from springtrap-and-phone-dude. reposted so we don’t screw up their activity ]
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or send “i don’t wanna get up” for my muse doing it to yours
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mrcryokinesis-blog · 9 years
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mrcryokinesis-blog · 9 years
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Reblog this if I have permission to go in your inbox to start a random RP
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mrcryokinesis-blog · 9 years
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“I get that I don’t get the most credit, but be real. That’s a complete lie.”
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mrcryokinesis-blog · 9 years
“You’re agile, yeah, so? I look better in my suit. Take a vote, you’ll see.”
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mrcryokinesis-blog · 9 years
"No, no -- Go back to sleep."
"How long before the kids go to college and we have time for ourselves again?"
"My mum/dad died."
"Lose my job? I didn't lose it. It's not like, 'Whoops! Where'd my job go?' I QUIT."
"Drink up. Whiskey’s God’s way of letting us know he loves us and he wants us to be happy."
"Maybe we didn't raise him/her the way we should have. Maybe we went wrong somewhere."
"No, don't just say you're fine. Where's the doctor? Let me go speak to the doctor."
"Shush, it's fine. They won't hear us."
"I like your ass."
"What the hell have you been smoking?
"Do we need anything else, d'you think? Do we still have milk at home?"
"Do people really fall for that line?"
"Stop it. Stop crying. You're going to make me cry -- Goddamn it."
"Wait, did you just call me 'honey'? We just met."
"Sometimes I worry that you're just a really great dream."
"Fuck, I told you not to leave any hickeys."
"What are you smiling about?"
"Shouldn't you get that? What if it's important?"
"You're really killing the mood."
"What happened to 'we should never go to bed angry at each other'? Talk to me."
"Be careful when you let our baby sleep in our bed, okay? Don't crush him/her."
"I don't care what happens to be, don't you get it? I don't care if I live or die."
"Jesus Christ, take it easy next time. Look at these nail marks."
"You're so fucking immature, you know that? I don't know how I can stand you."
"It's not that I don't trust you, I don't trust him/her."
"I don't know whether to interpret that as a good thing, or a bad thing."
"I mean it. Just say the word, and I'll kill him."
"I told you I didn't want kids when we first got married! We're not negotiating my uterus."
"You broke my heart. Now you want to be 'friends'?"
"Come on, jump. I dare you."
"Zip me up."
"Tell me about your dream."
"Wake up. You don't want to sleep all night on the couch, do you? C'mon, come to bed."
"Stop talking."
"What? I have no idea what you're talking about."
"You know I hate the word mistress."
"I forgot my keys."
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mrcryokinesis-blog · 9 years
Send "O_O" for my muse's reaction to yours seeing them naked.
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mrcryokinesis-blog · 9 years
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“Are you actually angry?”
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mrcryokinesis-blog · 9 years
FUCK sentence starters
"Fuck off." "Fuck this." "Fuck that." "Fuck me." "Fuck you." "Fuck everything." "Let’s fuck." "Fucking hell." "Fuck."
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mrcryokinesis-blog · 9 years
Starter call!
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mrcryokinesis-blog · 9 years
fireworksandchilliefries liked for a starter.
"But why do we have to sit here," Bobby groaned, lying over the back of the couch like a toddler. "This is like torture - let's do something."
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mrcryokinesis-blog · 9 years
Just as a reference, these are the blogs I currently use:
mrcryokinesis (Marvel) Bobby Drake/Iceman  mysticalhexappeal (DC) Zatanna Zatara xboomboom (Marvel) Tabby Smith/Boom Boom
* Possible Bard the Bowman to come.
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mrcryokinesis-blog · 9 years
masterxassassin liked for a starter.
"That's cheating," Bobby put his hands out in an exasperated fashion. He stared at Clint, a scoff  falling from his throat. "You're a cheat."
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mrcryokinesis-blog · 9 years
OOC: Sorry for the holiday related absence. Like for a starter while I work on drafts!
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mrcryokinesis-blog · 9 years
OOC: Sorry for the absence, I was dealing with a pretty nasty cold. I am feeling better today, and I'll be attempting to catch up both this afternoon, and this weekend.
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mrcryokinesis-blog · 10 years
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"Wow, you said my full name. I'm guessing you mean business?"
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