mumknowsbestaus · 5 years
Our Sugar Sweet Baby Girl | Avie at 4 Months
Avie has turned 4 months!!  Crazy, crazy how fast time flies ... although I think I say that each time!! 
Life is slowly starting to settle for me as a new mother and those challenges of having a little baby are starting to slightly ease away.
This month has been a very happy one as a full blast of giggles come pouring out of her little being. Her smile tends to melt away all worries of a hard day and her eyes can stare right into our souls!
She is such a joyous addition to our family and she has given everyone a new spark full of life!
‘’She's a little bit of sunshine She's a smile to light our days She will steal our hearts and Keep them with her warm endearing ways She's our precious little daughter With a sweetness from above Who will fill our years with laughter And our lives with lots of love.’’
To Read Avie's First Month Blog Post, Click Here!
Read about Avie's Second Month Stats here!
Find her Third Month Stats here!
Miss Avie’s 4-Month-Old Milestones
You can roll from your tummy to your back, although I think the rolls happen more by accident and they are not necessarily what you actually want.
You hate lying down. You much prefer to be standing up or sitting (with some support of course).
You don’t last very long during tummy time before you start whining.
You are enjoying playing with toys that you can grasp and try to tug into your mouth.
You can keep yourself sitting up on our laps with minimal support.
Your chats are becoming more regular and louder. Sweetest thing ever!
You are full of big gummy smiles!
  4 Month Old Baby Sleep
You have moved to your big cot in your own room and you have adjusted super well ... even if Daddy tends to pop the monitor by his ear to hear you breathing!!
Sleeps in the day is still mostly in our arms though, you have given us some long periods of sleep in the cot, but they are rare.
Sleeping is still mostly all over the shop, although I can see a tiny bit of routine happening.
You tend to go down for your night sleep around 8 pm.
Our night time usually includes 1-2 wake ups for feeds and then you will get up somewhere around 5-6am in the morning.
  Other Baby Bits to Record
Your eyes are still the most beautiful bluest of blues.
Your head is covered in gorgeous brown fuzzy hair – new hair growing out and standing straight up in the air.
Your hands and fingers are forever and always in your mouth. If it isn’t your fingers being chewed on, it is mine or daddy.
You are truly just adorable, you charm everyone with your sweet happy personality.
You adore your sisters and your eyes completely light up when you see them. You can watch them for hours on end!
The car is still your least favourite place to be! Some peaceful trips, but most of them are just screaming matches.
I have started going back to the gym, which means that you have to go to the gym crèche. I found it super hard leaving you there and it is still a daily struggle for me.
We tried getting you on the bottle this month, but you are so stubborn and your tongue simply does not know what to do with the teat. As a result, we have gotten nowhere and a parent-only trip that we had planned for early December had to be moved till next year!
  Travelling with our Baby
This month was a big, exciting month for us and our travel blog! We got our first all-expenses-paid trip to Perth. So we hopped on a plane and headed over to enjoy Perth for 3 nights.
It was a great trip and Perth totally took us by surprise! My favourite by far was our day spent on Rottnest Island! This little holiday was so much harder than our Indonesia one last month.
I’m not sure why!? But I felt like you spent a lot of time crying and just not cooperating! Even though we had you in the baby carrier you still just didn't settle down. It was slightly exhausting. But none the less, great memories were made for sure!
I think baby girl that you are growing too fast! We love watching you learn, we love seeing you reach all those ‘firsts’. But slow down a touch!
You are my last baby and I want to treasure every single moment!
Love Always,
Your Mummy
Our Sugar Sweet Baby Girl | Avie at 4 Months is courtesy of: https://www.mumknowsbest.com.au
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mumknowsbestaus · 5 years
Best Home Coffee Machine Reviews [2019 Australia Guide]
These days we are spoiled for choice when it comes to picking the best home coffee machine as there is just so much to choose from.
Whether you want the best manual coffee machine Australia has - so you can make your own barista quality coffee - or the best automatic coffee machine - so you can get quality coffee at the press of a button - there is are numerous top coffee machines available so you’ll the find one that is perfect for you.
Like anything you buy these days, there is a lot of choices when it comes to the best coffee machine for home use, so it can be a little daunting if you don’t know exactly what you’re after.
So, if you’re in the market for the best coffee machine in Australia for your home, you are in the right place!
Continue reading “Best Home Coffee Machine Reviews [2019 Australia Guide]” »
Best Home Coffee Machine Reviews [2019 Australia Guide] is republished from: Mum Knows Best
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mumknowsbestaus · 5 years
Avie-Lee Rose at 3 Months Old
Avalee’s second month has been an exciting one for all of us. This month we travelled with her internationally for the first time. 
This month alone she went on 4 flights, 2-speed boat rides as well as multiple horse carriage rides.
She adapted well to sleeping in different cots all over Bali, Lombok and Gili Islands. She spent a large majority of her day being a pouch baby in her ErgoBaby Carrier and whilst she sometimes cried in annoyance when we put her in the baby carrier YET AGAIN.
She did do really well sleeping in there by her daddy, whilst we got on with exploring new destinations.
It has been great to have your Daddy helping out with you. Our holiday was almost 3 weeks long so I got a bit spoilt with his help.
You are such a sweet little baby girl and we love every day with you!
Continue reading “Avie-Lee Rose at 3 Months Old” »
Avie-Lee Rose at 3 Months Old is republished from: https://mumknowsbest.com.au/
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mumknowsbestaus · 5 years
Our Sugar Sweet 2 Months Old Baby Girl – Stats & Records
How did it happen?  How did we get to 2 months old so fast? 
Your newborn "look" has vanished and in her place, we have a pretty chubby little bubba!
Those rolls on those legs are pretty pronounced and the cheeks have filled out beautifully.
We love watching you grow and learn about the world around you.We are all in love with this little person and we are so excited to be taking her on her first overseas trip in slightly less than a week.
Sweet 2 months old baby girl can you please slow the days right down?
Continue reading “Our Sugar Sweet 2 Months Old Baby Girl – Stats & Records” »
The post Our Sugar Sweet 2 Months Old Baby Girl – Stats & Records is courtesy of: Mum Knows Best
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mumknowsbestaus · 5 years
Our One Month Old Baby ~ Miss Avalee-Rose!
Ms. Avalee-Rose is growing so super fast!!  I can’t believe that this little person used to live inside my tummy. 
Our little girl is picking up weight fast, so much more so than her sisters used to at this age. Which means that nearly every day she is looking slightly different!
In a way, I’m pretty sad that my newborn baby is changing so fast.
She is my last baby and I want to hold on to that newborn stage for as long as possible, but at the same time, I’m happy that she is a good feeder and that she is gaining some healthy weight.
She totally fills our lives with loads of joy ... in between the challenges and lack of sleep!! haha
Continue reading “Our One Month Old Baby ~ Miss Avalee-Rose!” »
The following article Our One Month Old Baby ~ Miss Avalee-Rose! was first published on: https://www.mumknowsbest.com.au/
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mumknowsbestaus · 5 years
Best Way to Clean a Washing Machine [Instructions for Front- and Top Loaders]
People often tend to forget that cleaning appliances themselves need cleaning too!
Be it dishwashers or washing machines; these appliances can get quite dirty and unsanitary if not cleaned at regular intervals. 
A lot of people fall for the notion that since we put in a ton of detergent inside washing machines, the machine cleans itself while washing our clothes. But this is quite far from the truth!
Your washing machine accumulates all kinds of nasty things ranging from dirt to detergent residue after every usage, and if you don't clean your washer every once in a while, things can become quite unsanitary.
And if you are spending a lot of money to purchase one of the best washing machines, you might just as well look after it!  Continue reading “Best Way to Clean a Washing Machine [Instructions for Front- and Top Loaders]” »
The post Best Way to Clean a Washing Machine [Instructions for Front- and Top Loaders] is republished from: https://www.mumknowsbest.com.au/
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mumknowsbestaus · 6 years
Front Load Washing Machine versus a Top Load Washing Machine
Washing Machines have become a necessity in most households across the world.
And consumers are looking to get the best value out of the money they spend.
One of the most primary decisions that people need to make before buying a washing machine is choosing between a front-loading machine and a top-loading one.
Each of the options come with their set of pros and cons, and neither is superior to the other. Which option you go for should depend entirely on your requirements and situation.
Continue reading “Front Load Washing Machine versus a Top Load Washing Machine” »
Front Load Washing Machine versus a Top Load Washing Machine is republished from: https://mumknowsbest.com.au/
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mumknowsbestaus · 6 years
Buyer Guide to Help You Find the Best Washing Machine in Australia
What determines the best washing machine?
Is it how user-friendly it is?
Or how it boasts a wide range of cutting-edge features?
Well, we believe that the ideal washing machine must have a little bit of both. And more importantly, it must cater to all of its customer’s needs as well.
But finding the right washer that will fit your demands is not easy to come across. With various types and sub-genres, each machine provides unique features that satisfy different needs.
Continue reading “Buyer Guide to Help You Find the Best Washing Machine in Australia” »
The following post Buyer Guide to Help You Find the Best Washing Machine in Australia is available on: https://www.mumknowsbest.com.au/
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mumknowsbestaus · 6 years
Your Ultimate Guide to Flying with Kids
You know when you’re all set to take that flight across the country, and you feel happy from within?
For once you look forward to having an exciting vacation with your family, leaving your workplace woes behind...
And then suddenly you remember the last time you were on board with the kids and how the day had ended for you.
Ask yourself if the thought gets you stealing fearful glances at your perfectly innocent kids from time to time.
Flying with children can be one of the most challenging things for a parent. It can go from scary and awkward to nerve-wrackingly exhausting real quick.
To be on a flight with kids takes a lot of preparation.
So, if the approaching travel date still feels like the day of reckoning to you, then trust me, this is just the article you’ve been looking for so long.
Because we’ve brought for you the ultimate guide to flying with kids that will teach you to do it just right!
Continue reading “Your Ultimate Guide to Flying with Kids” »
The article Your Ultimate Guide to Flying with Kids is courtesy of: { https://www.mumknowsbest.com.au/}|
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mumknowsbestaus · 6 years
A Quick and Honest Ergobaby 360 Carrier Review
If you carry around your child a lot, you might be familiar with severe backaches. This can happen due to wrong posture or uneven distribution of weight.
Carrying your baby on one hip will cause structural imbalance for your baby’s hips and spine, as well as cause problems for your own posture in the long run.
When you choose the Ergobaby 360 Carrier, you can put all of the concerns mentioned above to rest. It is one of the very best in baby carriers out there.
The 360 is one of Ergobaby's latest releases and every single bit of attention has gone towards ensuring that the carrier supports both your baby's hips and spine as well as protects your own back and shoulders.
But wait, that’s not all. Check out its special features to learn more.
Continue reading “A Quick and Honest Ergobaby 360 Carrier Review” »
A Quick and Honest Ergobaby 360 Carrier Review is available on: Blog: Mum Knows Best
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mumknowsbestaus · 6 years
Ultimate Guide on How to Choose the Best Travel Pillow
Travel pillows are an essential travel accessory that can greatly affect the quality of your trip.
Travel pillows are brilliant for all sorts of mode of transports. We love to use our pillow on the plane, on trains, on busses as well as during long car transfers.
But, that being said, with so many types of travel pillows on the market, it can be difficult to select the right one.
Well, worry no further! Because we have brought you the necessary guidelines to help you select the perfect travel pillow for your next trip.
Continue reading “Ultimate Guide on How to Choose the Best Travel Pillow” »
Ultimate Guide on How to Choose the Best Travel Pillow was first published to: {https://mumknowsbest.com.au/
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mumknowsbestaus · 6 years
Your Ultimate Guide to Top Things to do in Sydney with Kids
It is not always that one can find quality time to spend with their kids in these modern times driven by deadlines.
So, it’s only rational to savour every opportunity which presents itself every once in a while.
When you're flying with children to Sydney, numerous such opportunities arise for you to explore together. From Sydney Opera House being one of the most influential 20th century architecture, to the beaches of the city sprawling several miles, the options are too many to miss.
Several places like the Luna Park, the museums, Ice skating rinks and the famous Vivid Sydney festival where the entire city comes to life are sure to get the fun times rolling.
Here are some tips for exploring these must visit places in the city. Check them out!
1. Sydney’s Animal Encounters
Although a huge continent, Australia’s enormous size works in its favour as it packs truly unique flora and fauna for you to discover.
What is more exciting is the fact that most of it can be observed in Sydney itself! Located across the city are various farms, zoos, parks and sanctuaries. One of which is the Taronga Zoo; it  houses different animals from different parts of the world.
And of course, it boasts of an incredible view of the city for your family to enjoy.
Finally, off the coast of Sydney, your kids can spot and enjoy migrating whales which travel across the Indian Ocean to come to the continent’s shores.
2. Luna Park
What kids don’t love fun? Luna Park is perhaps the most apt place in Sydney for exactly that. It has a variety of rides for your little ones to enjoy.
And then there is the incredible Coney Island, full of laughter and fun with an amazing view over the harbour.
The numerous side shows and contests which the island offers are an added bonus for your children to participate in.
3. A Ferry trip
We strongly recommend the beautiful Sydney harbour that gives you an opportunity to take a ferry ride across it and explore the calm sea in between.
Various passing cruise ships and big shipment vessels are a guarantee to inspire awe in the minds of the young explorers.
What is even better is the fact that all this is available for a mere $2.50 per person. Indeed, a very small price to pay for a wonderful experience of a lifetime.
4. UNESCO Convict Sites
Perhaps unknown to the general world, Australia’s history has been tumultuous. A rich history unexplored and awaiting for the world to see.
A continent built by the toil of prisoners and convicts. Out of the 11 convict sites in Australia, 4 are present in Sydney.
They are usually open to the public on most days of the week and they offer a glimpse back to the past when the modern Australia was being formed by the sheer will of the convicts.
5. Sydney Opera House
The great opera house of Sydney is one of the most influential architectural marvels of the 20th century. It is also enlisted on the UNESCO World Heritage List. It is not always that you can visit world heritage sites, let alone with your kids.
Every year it hosts several shows for children, more than they host operas. In our opinion, it would be a wonderful experience for them to cherish fondly.
6. Explore Circular Quay
The circular quay is the original foundation site of the city. It is an active hub located at an opportune place in the heart of Sydney. I say opportune because the locals regard it as a gateway to the city.
One side of the quay leads to the Sydney Opera house and the other to the Harbour Bridge. How convenient is that, right?
You could also take your kids and stroll in the area and find many street performers performing their art. It would be a delight to watch kids being thrilled and amazed by street magicians and dancers.
7. Sets of Home and Away
It is the birthplace of many actors from Australia who are now working as prominent actors in Hollywood. Remember Mr. Hemsworth as Thor? He is Australian. Then you have Hugh Jackman, Nicole Kidman and many more.
Kids love superheroes, don’t they? I know I do. Here in Australia they get to see where ‘Thor’ was brought up. A chance that must not be missed!
8. Darling Harbour
All this running and exploring will tire out everyone eventually, even the most energetic and lively of children. In comes the great darling harbour. A must visit place if you want to gorge on delicious cuisines and food from all over the world.
The streets are full of Indian, Chinese, Thai, Continental, American and Mexican cuisines. No kid will walk away dissatisfied, this we promise.
9. The beautiful daisies in the gardens
Sydney is full of a large number of lush gardens to explore and walk in. From daisies to lilies, marigolds to roses, you'll find all kinds of flowers in these gardens. So we urge you to visit there and explore away with your children!
10. The Beaches
Sydney being located on the edge of the continent, is blessed with a number of good beaches. They sprawl tens of miles and you can always find a private place for yourself and your young ones to enjoy.
You can explore the shores together, go swimming, ride a jet ski or lie down and soak in the sun. We advise you to carry buckets and shovels, because the kids would love to build sand castles with them.
11. Museums
What do you do when clouds interrupt clear blue skies and it starts to rain? You head to a museum and let the artefacts and fossils take care of your time.
Some of the museums that you would enjoy exploring with the kids are the Discovery Museum, Living Museums, Rocks Discovery Museums and the Jewish Museum. While you're at it, do not forget the museum of Fire. Going by the name, it is something I know I wouldn’t want to miss.
12. An Afternoon High Tea
It is perhaps one of the few drinks which you can enjoy with your kids; a simple cup of unassuming tea. Yes, just like most Americans love their cold bottle of beer, people in Australia love their tea. So do not worry, you'll get a lot of variety to taste in various parts of Sydney.
We recommend the Disney High Tea experience highly.
13. When sky is the limit
There is a little stargazer in all of us, especially our kids. This fascination can lead you and your family to wonderful new adventures across the city. Your kids can learn about aeroplanes, physics of the solar system and watch stars at an observatory.
And if the kids do get bored, there is always an ace up your sleeve with iFly. It is a thrilling place where you can skydive, but safely on the ground in a wind tunnel, because safety is paramount, is it not?
14. Nothing like a good walk
Walking is one of the most beneficial exercises for the body. Every parent wants their kids to adopt a healthy lifestyle. What better way to instil this habit in your kids than to do it with them?
You can put on a pair of sneakers and start strolling around the city with your little ones. A city surrounded by water offers many ideal places for sightseeing. Fortunately, a lot of options present themselves in the form of beautiful bridges. A fulfilling walk on any of those bridges is not only good for the body, but also soothes the mind.
You can consider these routes to explore on foot.
Bondi to Coogee walk, Brick Pit walk, Federation cliff walk and the famous Spit Bridge to Manly walk; always invigorating and fulfilling.
15. Playground fun
Playgrounds are a great place for fun, family and bonding. Children enjoy visiting one and spending quality time there. This not only gives you a much needed break, but also provides a great opportunity for your kids to socialise and make new friends.
There is certainly no dearth of options around Sydney to choose from. We recommend the Farfield Adventure Park which is a great spot for teens and kids alike. There is always an activity to choose from at Farfield.
And if you're looking for some place less adventurous than Farfield, you must visit the Sydney Park and Blaxland Riverside Park which are suitable for all ages.
16. Get your skates on
Who would have thought that Sydney of all places would have an ice skating rink, right? But the city is fast growing a reputation for ice skaters who enjoy ice skating indoors in state of the art facilities.
Have you ever heard of the Parramatta Winterlight Festival? It is one time when you can go ice skating outside!
Some of the best ice skating rinks around Sydney are the Macquarie Ice Rink, Canterbury Olympic Ice Rink, Liverpool Catholic Club Ice Rink, Penrith Ice Palace and the Ice Zoo Sydney.
17. Haunted Sydney
Do you have kids who enjoy a good ghost story once in a while? Sydney offers plenty of haunted places to choose from and visit. Although not all are recommended for your kids, we are sure you would find one which suits your family.
Some of the better places are the Quarantine Station, Macquarie Fields Train Station, Gladesville Mental Hospital, Callan Park, Studley Park House, The Rocks, Central Station Ghost Platforms and our favourite, The Street with no Name. There are rumours of strange vibes felt by dogs there and weird sounds heard nearby.
18. Secret Sydney
Most of the locations in Sydney are discoverable by tourists. But there are some, about which, the locals would be slow to tell you. Perhaps the locals want all the tranquillity to themselves or they are just unwilling to share these beautiful spots with others. Don’t worry, we have got you covered.
Places like the Wendy's Secret Garden, the Auburn Botanic Gardens are a joy to venture in and relax your mind. Then there is the Nicholson Museum, it boasts of the largest collection of antiquities. And of course, the beautiful Parramatta Lake. You simply cannot miss them as they promise you a great time with the kids.
19. Vivid Sydney
A festival like no other, it runs for 23 days each winter. There are a plethora of installations all around the city to bring it to life at night. These installations offer a great range of activities to experience with your kids.
Places like the Luna Park, Taronga Zoo and the Botanic Gardens, all come to life at night. It is undoubtedly one of the most beautiful festivals you'll witness in the world.
20. Sea Life Sydney Aquarium
We all know that not everyone has the heart to dive straight into the deep blue sea to explore its wonders, I know I don’t. And this is where the Sea Life Aquarium comes to our aid. It has the world’s largest collection of Australian aquatic life.
From sharks and dugongs, to stingrays and seahorses, you can discover 14 themed areas with your family on a journey through the aquarium. And if you're willing, you can get up close and personal with the mighty sharks!
In our opinion, the best part of the aquarium is the long tunnel park. Imagine all the wonders of the sea and its magnificent creatures, but behind the safety of a glass. This would be an experience that your kids will never forget.
21. Featherdale Wildlife Park
This park offers you a chance to meet the koalas, hand feed the kangaroos and watch the Ngukurr, largest living reptile species native to Australia.
The location of the park is ideal as it is situated in Sydney’s western region, and lies on the way to the World Heritage Listed, The Blue Mountains.
The park is open daily from 9am to 5pm. It also has cassowaries and quoll breeding precincts which will allow you to watch these endangered animals up close with your children. Don’t worry; a guide is always available to be with you at every step of the way.
After watching the wombats, echidnas and owls in these precincts, you can head straight to the souvenir shop to enjoy your lunch and tea. A train station or a bus stop isn’t far either.
22. The Australian Museum
This museum deserves a special mention for the simple reason that it was the first public museum in Australia’s history. Its huge collection is dedicated to natural history, dinosaurs, the indigenous Australians and the unique wildlife of the continent.
Open from 9am to 5pm, the museum has 10 complete dinosaur skeletons and offers behind-the-scenes tours and plenty of activities for children.
As for adults, you wouldn’t want to miss the Menagerie, a contemporary sculpture exhibition. It features established and emerging Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island artists, who have produced exceptional sculpture works of various native animals.
23. Sydney Harbour Tall Ships
Have you ever had the chance to sail aboard 18th century ships? At Campbell’s Cove situated in The Rocks, you get a chance to do the very same. There are numerous cruise ships here. The only difference is that these ships are artefacts from history and yet operational, with mast and sails still intact and the wood carefully preserved.
Children wouldn’t want to miss the adventure of a lifetime. Why? Because it is not often that you can help the crew hoist the sails and watch the canvas fill with wind. A qualified crew will even help you in climbing the mast and present a unique view to you and your kids.
24. The Sydney Tower
For $18 an adult and $11 a child, you can go to the top of the Sydney Tower, the city’s tallest freestanding structure. It stands at a mighty 1,014 ft and has an observation deck with breathtaking view of the skyline.
And for a few extra bucks, you get to take your kids on a walk of a lifetime. The Sydney Tower skywalk which is almost 900 ft above the city streets has a glass floor to look down through.
25. The Blue Mountains
And finally, we recommend to you the majestic Blue Mountains. They are situated in a region of west Sydney in New South Wales. There is also a cable car service from atop the peaks. Can you imagine the bewilderment and excitement that your kids would be barely able to contain?
Your eyes will gorge on beautiful scenery, and together with your family, you'll be close to nature and closer to each other.
So, what are you waiting for?
The world of opportunity awaits if you plan on flying with kids to Sydney. For every second in the hot Australian sun, you'll have plenty of gardens to shade you. For every mad ride at an amusement park, you'll have lakes and mountains to bring you tranquillity and a sense of togetherness with nature.
A holiday well spent with your family and memories to cherish for a lifetime.
The following post Your Ultimate Guide to Top Things to do in Sydney with Kids is available on: { https://www.mumknowsbest.com.au/
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mumknowsbestaus · 6 years
Message to all parents
- not taking your child’s injuries seriously when they’re younger, may make them feel like they can’t tell you anything when they’re older.
- PLEASE let your kids take personal days once in a while once they reach high school.
- grades are NOT everything. you can get plenty of well paying jobs now without having to go to college.
- really strict parenting WILL lead to sneaky kids. trust me.
- let them be who they want. they can’t change who they are, whether it be sexual orientation, gender identity or anything else. they need someone to support them.
- ^never say “they’re too young to know"
- 1 in 5 teenagers deal with mental illnesses of some sort. please make sure they know.
- you can’t MAKE them choose an educational field.
- even an A+ student, who’s a star athlete can be suicidal.
- self harm is more common amongst teenagers than you think. it’s not always cutting (or on wrists). PLEASE BE AWARE.
- sex ed. doesn’t teach them anything
- tattoos and piercing aren’t "unprofessional” anymore.
- if they have depression, please DO NOT call them lazy. it’s almost the worst insult you could say.
Read More: http://peachycaits.tumblr.com/post/139558407871/message-to-all-parents
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