nandininelivigi12 · 13 days
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nandininelivigi12 · 23 days
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Porcelain Veneers | Best Dental Clinic in Bellandur, Bangalore | Nelivigi Dental Clinic
Porcelain veneers, also known as dental veneers or dental porcelain laminates, are thin shells of tooth-colored porcelain that are custom-made to cover the front surface of a tooth. If you want straight, white, natural looking teeth without the use of braces or surgery, you may want to consider porcelain veneers!
For more information visit: https://nelivigidentalclinic.com/ or call us @ 08123 803 803
#NelivigiDentalClinic #DentalClinic #DrNandiniNelivigi #Dentist #dentistry #dental #smile #CosmeticProcedure #Veneers #DentalVeneers #PorcelainVeneers #PorcelainLaminates #Overlays #Inlays #VeneersTreatment #DentalCrowns #CosmeticDentistry #teeth #dentalcare #dentalclinic #oralhealth #toothcare #dentalclinic #tooth #bhfyp #Bellandur #Bangalore
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nandininelivigi12 · 2 months
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Facts about Oral Cancer | Best Dental Clinic in Bellandur | Nelivigi Dental Clinic
Best Dental Clinic in Bellandur, Bangalore | Nelivigi Dental Clinic. Oral Cancer is one of the leading cancer among both men and women in India. Early detection of oral cancer significantly increases the chances of successful treatment and survival. Consult our dentist in Bellandur, Bangalore today!!
For more information visit: http://www.nelivigidentalclinic.com/ or call us @ 08123 803 803
#NelivigiDentalClinic #NelivigiDental​​​​​​​​​​​ #DrNandiniNelivigi​ #Dentist #oralcancer #oralcancerscreenings #oralhealth #oralhygiene #oralcancerawareness #oralcare #oralhealthcare #dentalcare #dentalclinic #dentalhealth #dentalhygiene #mouthcancer #mouthcancerawareness #MouthCancerAction #QuitSmoking #AvoidSmoking #dentistry #smile #dental #Bellandur​​​​​​​​​​​ #Bangalore
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nandininelivigi12 · 4 months
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Stages of Gum Disease | Best Dental Clinic in Bellandur, Bangalore | Nelivigi Dental Clinic
February is Gum Disease Awareness Month!! Let's look at the three stages of gum disease which are said by our dentist in Bellandur, Bangalore. Explore dental treatments provided by our skilled professionals who are dedicated to oral health.
For more information visit: http://www.nelivigidentalclinic.com/ or call us @ 08123 803 803
#GumDiseaseAwarenessMonth #GumDisease #GumHealth #OralHygiene #DentalCare #GumDiseaseAwareness #Dentaltips #Dentalcare #Oralhealth #viral #Dentist #Dentalclinic #Dentistry #dentalcheckups #gumsensitivity #gumwellness #beautifulsmile #preventivedentistry #periodontalhealth #healthyteeth #gumcaretips #oralhealthmatters #NelivigiDentalClinic #NelivigiDental #DrNadiniNelivigi #Dentist #Bellandur #Bangalore
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nandininelivigi12 · 4 months
Podcast: Facts About Teeth | Best Dental Clinic in Bellandur, Bangalore | Nelivigi Dental Clinic
Best Dental Clinic in Bellandur, Bangalore | Nelivigi Dental Clinic. Welcome to "Dental Care Information” Podcast. In this podcast series, our dentist shares some of the important "Facts about your teeth" which you should be aware of.
So, listen to this podcast carefully.
To Listen more podcast episodes visit: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/drnandini-nelivigi
For more information visit: http://nelivigidentalclinic.com/ or call us @ 08123 803 803
#NelivigiDentalClinic #NelivigiDental​​​​​​​​​​​ #DrNandiniNelivigi #Dentist #DentalFacts #DentalHygiene #oralhealth #DentalClinic​ #DentalClinic​Bangalore #DentalClinicBellandur #HealthyGums #Dentalcare #teeth #Oralcare #oralsurgeon #dentistry #smile #dental #tooth #healthyteeth #oralhygiene #oralhealth #DentalPodcast #Bellandur​​​​​​​​​​​ #Bangalore
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nandininelivigi12 · 4 months
Happy National Toothache Day 2024!! | Nelivigi Dental Clinic Bellandur, Bangalore
Happy National Toothache Day!! National Toothache Day is celebrated on 9 February, every year. This year Theme: “Promoting Dental Health: Say Goodbye to Toothaches”. Spread the importance of dental care, encouraging regular hygiene and checkups to prevent toothaches.
For more information visit: http://www.nelivigidentalclinic.com/ or call us @ 08123 803 803
#NationalToothacheDay #ToothacheDay #DentalCare #DentalHygiene #toothache #oralheath #NelivigiDentalClinic #NelivigiDental #DrNandiniNelivigi #dentist #DentalClinic #Bellandur #Bangalore
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nandininelivigi12 · 4 months
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Early Signs of Gum Disease | Best Dental Clinic in Bellandur | Nelivigi Dental Clinic
Best Dental Clinic in Bellandur | Nelivigi Dental Clinic. Gum diseases initially begin in the gingiva, if left untreated may involve the periodontium and may finally lead to loss of alveolar bone and tooth loss. Here are the few early signs of Gum Disease which are said by our dentist in Bellandur, Bangalore. To keep the gums and periodontal tissue in good health a regular bi-annual checkup and oral prophylaxis (scaling and polishing) at the dentist is recommended.
For more information visit: http://www.nelivigidentalclinic.com or call us @ 08123 803 803
#GumDiseaseAwarenessMonth #GumDisease #GumHealth #OralHygiene #DentalCare #GumDiseaseAwareness #Dentaltips #Dentalcare #Oralhealth #viral #Dentist #Dentalclinic #Dentistry #dentalcheckups #gumsensitivity #gumwellness #beautifulsmile #preventivedentistry #periodontalhealth #healthyteeth #gumcaretips #oralhealthmatters #NelivigiDentalClinic #NelivigiDental #DrNadiniNelivigi #Dentist #Bellandur #Bangalore
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nandininelivigi12 · 5 months
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Benefits of Orthodontic Treatment | Best Dentist in Bellandur, Bangalore | Nelivigi Dental Clinic
Best Dentist in Bellandur, Bangalore | Nelivigi Dental Clinic. Orthodontic treatment is done to align the teeth and the jaws in correct occlusion. Orthodontic treatment is most commonly done during the teens, however adult orthodontics constitutes a significant proportion of our orthodontic practice. Here are the few benefits of Orthodontic treatment said by our dentist in Bellandur, Bangalore.
For more information visit: http://nelivigidentalclinic.com/ or call us @ 08123 803 803
#NelivigiDentalClinic #NelivigiDental​​​​​​​​​​​ #OrthodonticTreatment #DrNandiniNelivigi #Orthodontist #Dentist #DentalDoctor #oralhealth #DentalClinic​ #DentalClinic​Bangalore #DentalClinicBellandur #HealthyGums #Dentalcare #teeth #Oralcare #oralsurgeon #dentistry #smile #dental #tooth #healthyteeth #oralhygiene #oralhealth #DentalPodcast #Bellandur​​​​​​​​​​​ #Bangalore
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nandininelivigi12 · 5 months
Podcast: All that you want to know about Toothbrush | Nelivigi Dental Clinic Bellandur, Bangalore
Best Dental Clinic in Bellandur, Bangalore | Nelivigi Dental Clinic. Welcome to "Dental Care Information” Podcast. This is Dr. Nandini Nelivigi, Dentist in Bellandur, Bangalore with you. In this podcast episode, our dentist explained to you about “Choosing the right toothbrush for good oral health”.
What is a toothbrush?
It is a device used to clean your teeth, gums, and tongue. It has a head-on in which bristles are mounted, a handle to hold the brush comfortably and move it into all parts of the mouth and a neck which connects the head with the handle.
Types: Basically we have 3 kinds of Tooth Brushes
1] Manual Toothbrush 2] Electric Toothbrush 3] Interdental Toothbrush
With so many different kinds of brushes available in the market, it is quite confusing which one to buy. Comfort is the key. Pick a brush that you feel would be most comfortable for you. The best brush is the one that fits your mouth correctly and easily reaches all parts of your mouth.
Watch this video till end, to know it in detail about “Choosing the right toothbrush for good oral health”.
To Listen more podcast episodes visit: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/drnandini-nelivigi
For more information visit: http://nelivigidentalclinic.com/ or call us @ 08123 803 803
#NelivigiDentalClinic #NelivigiDental​​​​​​​​​​​ #DrNandiniNelivigi #toothbrush #DentalHygieneAwareness #DentalHygiene #oralhealth #DentalClinic​ #DentalClinic​Bangalore #DentalClinicBellandur #HealthyGums #Dentalcare #teeth #Oralcare #oralsurgeon #dentistry #smile #dental #tooth #healthyteeth #oralhygiene #oralhealth #DentalPodcast #Bellandur​​​​​​​​​​​ #Bangalore
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nandininelivigi12 · 5 months
Podcast: Health Benefits of Straight Teeth | Nelivigi Dental Clinic Bellandur, Bangalore
Best Dental Clinic in Bellandur, Bangalore | Nelivigi Dental Clinic. Straight Teeth is not only for a Great Smile But Medical Benefits Too. You may be surprised to know that the benefits of having properly aligned teeth extend far beyond a confident smile. Many people consider crooked teeth to be a cosmetic issue, but the health benefits of straight teeth are actually quite significant. While having straight teeth definitely contributes to a beautiful smile, it also bodes well for both your dental health and your overall health.
Listen carefully to this video "How Health Benefits of Straight Teeth will help?".
To Listen more podcast episodes visit: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/drnandini-nelivigi
For more information visit: http://nelivigidentalclinic.com/ or call us @ 81238 03803
#NelivigiDentalClinic​​​​​​​​​​​ #StraightTeeth #InvisalignAligners #NelivigiDental​​​​​​​​​​​ #DrNandiniNelivigi​ #Dentist​ #DentalClinic​ #DentalHospital​​​​​​​​​​​ #Dental​​​​​​​​​​​ #DentalCare​​​​​​​​​​​ #DentalSpecialist​​​​​​​​​​​ #DentalDoctor​​​​​​​​​​​ #DentalTreatment​​​​​​​​​​​ #DentalServices​​​​​​​​​​​ #Invisalign #InvisalignTreatment #InvisalignBraces #OralHealth​​​​​​​​​​​ #OralHygiene​​​​​​​​​​​ #HealthyTeeth​​​​​​​​​​​ #Bellandur​​​​​​​​​​​ #Bangalore
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nandininelivigi12 · 5 months
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Tooth Infection or decay | Best Dental Clinic in Bellandur, Bangalore | Nelivigi Dental Clinic
Best Dental Clinic in Bellandur, Bangalore | Nelivigi Dental Clinic. A root canal is a treatment to repair and save a badly damaged or infected tooth instead of removing it. The procedure involves removing the damaged area of the tooth (the pulp) and cleaning and disinfecting it, then filling and sealing it. The common causes affecting the pulp are a cracked tooth, a deep cavity, repeated dental treatment to the tooth or trauma to it. The term “root canal” comes from cleaning of the canals inside the tooth’s root said by our best dentist in Bellandur, Bangalore.
For more information visit: http://nelivigidentalclinic.com/ or call us @ 08123 803 803
#NelivigiDentalClinic #InfectedTooth #DecayTooth #NelivigiDental #DrNandiniNelivigi #dentist #oralhygiene #OralHealth #Dentist #DentalCare #DentalClinic #DentalTreatment #smile #dentists #orthodontist #teeth #dentistry #HealthyTeeth #DentalFilling #dentalhygiene #RootCanalTherapy #rootcanaltherapy #rootcanaltreatment #rootcanalspecialist #RootCanalRetreatment #rootcanalfilling #Bellandur #bangalore
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nandininelivigi12 · 5 months
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Dangers of Thumb Sucking | Best Dental Clinic Bellandur, Bangalore | Nelivigi Dental Clinic
Best Dental Clinic in Bellandur, Bangalore | Nelivigi Dental Clinic. If thumb sucking persists after permanent teeth start erupting around 6-7 years, it can change the growth patterns of the jaw, and cause misalignment of the teeth.
For more information visit: http://www.nelivigidentalclinic.com/ or call us @ 08123 803 803
#NelivigiDentalClinic #thumbsucking #oralhealth #dentist #dental #healthysmile #thumbsuckingproblems #thumbsucker #KidsDentistry #PediatricDentistry #DentalExams #NelivigiDental #DrNandiniNelivigi #dentist #oralhygiene #Dentist #DentalCare #DentalClinic #smile #dentists #orthodontist #teeth #dentistry #HealthyTeeth #oralHealth #dentalhygiene #Bellandur #Bangalore
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nandininelivigi12 · 5 months
Dental Myths: Brushing Harder Cleans Better | Nelivigi Dental Clinic Bellandur, Bangalore
Best Dental Clinic Bellandur, Bangalore | Nelivigi Dental Clinic. In this video let us know about "Common Dental Myths: Brushing Harder Cleans Better".
Watch this video to know the fact!!
For more information visit: http://www.nelivigidentalclinic.com/ or call us @ 08123 803 803
#NelivigiDentalClinic #NelivigiDental​​​​​​​​​​​ #DrNandiniNelivigi​ #Dentist​ #Orthodontist #DentalClinic​ #DentalHospital​​​​​​​​​​​ #Dental​​​​​​​​​​​ #DentalCare​​​​​​​​​​​ #DentalMyths #DentalCheckups #DentalCheckup #smile #dentist #orthodontist #teeth #dentistry #HealthyTeeth​​​​​​​​​​​ #OralHealth #DentalClinicBellandur #Bellandur​​​​​​​​​​​ #Bangalore
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nandininelivigi12 · 5 months
Happy New Year 2024 | Nelivigi Dental Clinic in Bellandur, Bangalore
I, Dr. Nandini Nelivigi, wish you a Happy and Healthy New Year! May the coming year be filled with an abundance of wellness, joy, and prosperity. Happy New Year 2024.
Website: http://nelivigidentalclinic.com/ Call us @ 08123 803 803
#NelivigiDentalClinic #DentalClinic​ #HappyNewYear2024 #HappyNewYear #NewYear2024 #Welcome2024 #HNY2024 #NewYear #NYE2024 #NewYear2024Images #HappyNewYear2024Image4 #MerryChristmasAndHappyNewYear #31December #NewYearsEve #NewYearsDay #NewYearsEve2024 #NewBeginnings #HappyNewYearEveryone #HappyNewYearToAll #HappyNewYearAll #HappyNewYears #HappyHolidays #HappyNewYearInAdvance #Bellandur​​​​​​​​​​​ #Bangalore
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nandininelivigi12 · 5 months
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nandininelivigi12 · 6 months
Happy Merry Christmas 2023 | Nelivigi Dental Clinic Bellandur, Bangalore
Best Dental Clinic in Bellandur, Bangalore | Nelivigi Dental Clinic Wishing you a Merry Christmas filled with joy, love, and wonderful memories!
For more information visit: http://www.nelivigidentalclinic.com/ or call us @ 08123 803 803
#MerryChristmas2023 #HappyHolidays2023 #FestiveSeason #SeasonsGreetings #JoyfulCelebrations #ChristmasCheer #FamilyAndFriends #Christmas #christmastree #christmasdecor #Xmas #merrychristmas #christmastime #love #winter #NelivigiDentalClinic #NelivigiDental​​​​​​​​​​​ #DrNandiniNelivigi​ #Dentist​ #DentalClinic #Bellandur #Bangalore
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nandininelivigi12 · 6 months
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Happy Merry Christmas 2023 | Best Dental Clinic in Bellandur, Bangalore | Nelivigi Dental Clinic
Best Dental Clinic in Bellandur, Bangalore | Nelivigi Dental Clinic Wishing you a Merry Christmas filled with joy, love, and wonderful memories!
For more information visit: http://www.nelivigidentalclinic.com/ or call us @ 08123 803 803
#MerryChristmas2023 #HappyHolidays2023 #FestiveSeason #SeasonsGreetings #JoyfulCelebrations #ChristmasCheer #FamilyAndFriends #Christmas #christmastree #christmasdecor #Xmas #merrychristmas #christmastime #love #winter #NelivigiDentalClinic #NelivigiDental​​​​​​​​​​​ #DrNandiniNelivigi​ #Dentist​ #DentalClinic #Bellandur #Bangalore
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