nathanwidell · 10 years
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"Mmm, cowards rarely do." Nathan agreed, nodding his head. "Pity really. 'spose it makes it that much better when you kick their asses afterwards though." His gaze flickered down to the bottle in the Vampire's hand , not particularly wanting to spend time sweeping up shards of glass again. "Yeah, that's how I do it. Only if they're causin' problems. Ain't had to take out anyone round here in a long time, actually. Half the time, I don't know who is n' who isn't in this town." He smiled a little. "Well, good on y' for takin' 'em out. Might think twice 'fore comin' back for anyone else in this town." At least he hoped so anyway.
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Sam sighed. “Apparently they do not like that. Cowards rarely like equal fights,” he hissed, his knuckles turning white from their grip on the bottle. He forced himself to release it, not wanting to break another one. He paused. “But you would only do it to someone who was causing problems, right?” Sam snorted bitterly, tossing more booze back. “Yeah, they wanted me for experiments and to gather ‘data’. Whatever that means. They are just lucky I left as many of them alive as I did.” Anger was still pumping through his veins, and he was this close to going back and finishing them off.
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nathanwidell · 10 years
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"Well damn." He raised his eyebrows a fraction, shaking his head, "That just seems like they're chicken to me. Gonna do somethin', do it without takin' away the fight." He shrugged a little, "Within reason, o' course. But that's just how I'd do it." Nathan leant against the bar top. "Not all hunters will do it that way y'know. Most, if they went after you, would just kill y'. Wouldn't risk y' gettin' out. My thoughts? If they did that? They wanted you for somethin'."
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Sam nodded and took the beer. “Sons of bitches shot me more than enough times, then injected me with vervain,” he growled, tipping the beer back. Sam looked over at him at the comment, reaching up to feel the dried blood. He sighed and licked his thumb, wiping at it. “No offense, but this is why I hate hunters. I have been there since they took me, being tortured and experimented on.” He sighed, rubbing at his eyes.
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nathanwidell · 10 years
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Looking up, Nathan was about to give a sarcastic remark until he saw the dried blood on Sam's jaw. He stood there quietly for a moment before nodding. Grabbing a cold beer out the fridge, he put it down in front of Sam. "Amber's been tellin' people you went after the shooter. Got taken. You..uh. Y' got some blood on your neck."
"Can I get a beer without any hostility this time?" Sam sighed, sitting down at the bar and rubbing his hands over his face. He raised his eyebrows, waiting for a drink.
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nathanwidell · 10 years
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nathanwidell · 10 years
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"Is that what I said? No. I just meant--" Nathan sighed, shaking his head a little. "If y' go around asking too many questions, threatening people, the shooter is going to catch on. He's gonna know what's goin' on, likelihood is, he'll go after you. You gotta be more..diplomatic, man. More careful. Don't want any thing else happenin'."
"So i’m supposed to sit on my ass and do nothing until the shooter realizes what he did was morally wrong and comes walking up to me with a signed confession?" Callum raised an eyebrow at the guy, "Didn’t think so." 
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nathanwidell · 10 years
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nathanwidell · 10 years
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"Really? I was on stage when he got shot, dude." Nathan scoffed, shaking his head a little. "Look, we're all wantin' the dude that shot him, it's rattled us all up. Y' don't need to go 'bout threatenin' people. They ain't gonna tell y' jack shit."
"So, who wants to a play a game? It’s called tell me everything you know about the shooting or I make you wish you’d never been born." 
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nathanwidell · 10 years
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"Ah, how old is she?" He asked curiously. "No need forcin' her if she don't want t'. Just make sure she stays safe. You're welcome to stay n' have some grub. Gonna make a load for whoever wants it anyway. Make a couple pizzas n' stick 'em in the oven, feed everyone if they want it." He shrugged a little. "Ain't no point in anyone goin' anywhere needlessly until we get to the bottom of this."
Tyler hesitated. It was a nice offer, but there was one slight bump in the road. “My sister can’t drive yet,” he explained, almost sheepishly. “I guess I could go pick her up? She might just want to sleep. I don’t know, I’ll text her.” He pulled out his phone and typed a quick message to his sister. As he waited for a reply, he sat on the bar stool again, across from Nathan.
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nathanwidell · 10 years
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"Right, okay." He paused for a moment. "Why don't y' see if she wants to come meet y' here? Can get the chef to make y' both some dinner? Ain't no time to be out n' about on your own right now. Not while that shooter is still out there." Nathan suggested, a slightly concerned look on his face. "Tyler. If y' goin', stay safe, alright? Don't want you gettin' hurt too."
"Auction? No. God, no. Never." Then he shrugged. "Not sure if they’re worried. Dad’s probably not home yet, and Mom doesn’t really seem to care, but my sister might be a little worried." He looked down at the bottle of root beer in his hand, avoiding the bartender’s gaze. "Maybe I should get back." He hopped off his bar stool, leaving the bottle on the counter top. "I’m Tyler, though. Nice to meet you, Nathan."
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nathanwidell · 10 years
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"Hey, don't worry 'bout it. It's been a long day for all of us.  How's he doin'?"
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nathanwidell · 10 years
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"No worries. Name's Nathan. Widell. I own the place.--- You, you weren't up for auction were y'? What's y' name kid?" He asked as he wiped the bar top with a cloth. "Shouldn't your parents be wonderin' where you are by now?"
Tyler smiled slightly and twisted the cap off the bottle. This was about the best he was expecting. “Thanks,” he said, taking a swig. “So…” said Tyler, trying to whip up some small talk. “I don’t think I ever caught your name.”
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nathanwidell · 10 years
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"You're right, I wouldn't." He chuckled, shaking his head softly. "Let you have a beer though." Smiling to himself, Nathan got a bottle of root beet out the fridge and put it in front of Tyler. "Non-Alcoholic though, o' course."
"I don’t suppose you’d let a seventeen-year-old take a shot or two, would you?" Tyler asked with his ever-present tone of sarcasm.
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nathanwidell · 10 years
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"I just don't get how any of this---
                   'f anyone needs a place to just... I don't know, gather y' thoughts or whatever,  I'm gonna open up the bar tonight. Drinks are on the house. We're all gonna need it for one reason or another."
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nathanwidell · 10 years
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nathanwidell · 10 years
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nathanwidell · 10 years
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Nathan watched as she walked towards the stage, then slowly made his way down the small set of stairs, straightening his tie as he did. "So, uh, what made you bid on me then?" He asked curiously, shoving his hands in his pockets. "Not that I'm complaining.. Just didn't expect any one to spend that much on me."
Tonya rose and smiled as innocently as she could at the man in the front. One thousand was the hopeful final bid. She could go higher, higher than most bidders, but hopefully she wouldn’t have to. She hated fighting over something that was already considered bought.
Making her way to the stage, she placed a hand on her hip in a ‘Tonya fashion’, a victorious smile painting her face. “Hello handsome.”
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nathanwidell · 10 years
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Anyone that says they can’t watch him lick his lips forever is lying
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