new-dungeon-toilet 5 months
My love @chelebell sent me this, and the whole thing is gold.
My fellow elder millennials/xennials, have this perfect 4 minutes of comedy.
To any gen z-ers who see this, please listen to Iliza, we're with you, but our backs hurt and we're so tired.
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new-dungeon-toilet 8 months
Saw a post about the sesamarot and wanted to share my favorite reading
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new-dungeon-toilet 11 months
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new-dungeon-toilet 1 year
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new-dungeon-toilet 1 year
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new-dungeon-toilet 1 year
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new-dungeon-toilet 1 year
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new-dungeon-toilet 1 year
Each year, the North appropriates from the South a net total of 12 billion tons of raw materials, 21 exajoules of energy, 820 million hectares of land, and 188 million person years of labour, embodied in traded goods produced in the Global South. These South-North flows happen because of power imbalances in international trade and finance. Northern States and corporations are able to leverage their geopolitical and commercial power to artificially depress the prices of labour, resources and producers in the Global South, such as through their disproportionate control over decision making in multilateral institutions such as the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Trade Organization (WTO), and through the imposition of structural adjustment programmes. This means that for every unit of embodied labour and resources the South imports from the North, they have to export many more units to pay for it, thus inducing a large net flow of labour and resources South to North.
The quantity of energy the North appropriates from the South each year would be enough to build out the necessary infrastructure to ensure that all 6.5 billion people in the Global South have access to good healthcare, housing, heating/cooling, refrigeration, sanitation, transit, internet, computers and other basic services. Additionally, the quantity of land that the North appropriates from the South would be enough to provide nutritious food to 4-6 billion people, depending on land productivity and diet. Instead, these extraordinary productive capacities are mobilized around servicing growth in the Global North. All told, the total quantity of goods appropriated from the South each year is worth USD 10.8 trillion in Northern prices, which would be enough to end extreme poverty 70 times over. In other words, the dual crisis of ecological breakdown and mass poverty is an outcome of the deep inequalities of the wider structure of the capitalist world economy.
Jason Hickel, A New Political Economy for a Healthy Planet
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new-dungeon-toilet 1 year
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Buddy Cole web weave? Buddy Cole web weave.
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new-dungeon-toilet 1 year
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new-dungeon-toilet 1 year
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new-dungeon-toilet 1 year
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new-dungeon-toilet 1 year
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Hot take that needs to be said via antiwork
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new-dungeon-toilet 1 year
Every few months I think to myself "what exactly is Wario and waluigi's relationship. They're not brothers so what are they" and I check the wiki and it doesn't say their connection
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new-dungeon-toilet 1 year
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A snake story, based on an experience I had while I was in Florida.
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new-dungeon-toilet 1 year
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[image description: a picture of a printed message on a piece of paper. before the message is a picture of pope john paul II smiling and with his hands raised in the air. below it reads:
if you're reading this message, it's highly likely that your printer is exposed to the public internet via port forwarding. This means that *anyone* on the internet with some technical knowledge can send print jobs to your printer - or worse, try to exploit it and use it as a part of a global botnet.
If you didn't intend for this, please look into disabling UPnP (Universal Plug and Play) on your router, or remove the port forwarding rule for the port 9100.
~ a friendly catgirl hacker :3
end ID.]
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new-dungeon-toilet 1 year
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Kolchak: The Night Stalker (1974-1975)
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