nitiwa · 11 months
Things that don't fit eternal happiness can't become eternal happiness
If the soul repels or does something strange, it goes to hell
Whether the beginning of the universe is one or nothing is still an in-progress idea.The origin of the universe is the best state in the universe. There is no human emotion and nothing, but the true happiness of the universe.
Some follow God and Buddhism, but it depends on the person, and there are also mistakes, and the true and eternal happiness of the origin of all the universe is eternal happiness.
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nitiwa · 11 months
vicious circle
The words you say to the strange evils of the world
I'm worried about myself because I'm a good person, and I don't hear or care about evil
It's a word that is said to evil, but evil puts it into words and says it to a good person.
this is a vicious circle
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nitiwa · 11 months
Whoever denies the eternal happiness of the universe happiness denies what he likes and believes, for the origin of everything is eternal happiness
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nitiwa · 11 months
that there is a rank
Evil people often yell at people and harass them, don't they? That person does it because he or she has a rank. There is also a rank, so it is certain that there is a rank, but I don't know the standard for that level. The soul should be on top, right? I know that person has a rank, but the criteria for judgment are insane, so that person is ignorant and crazy. , If you do something like this, this person is evil, isn't he?
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nitiwa · 11 months
4/5 are wrong
There are religions in the world and in Japan, such as Buddha and God, for example, let's say there are five religions. Well, but let's look at those opinions, the good thing about having 5 religions is that 1/5 are right and 4/5 are wrong, which means 4/5 You mean people go to hell, and they're evil because they're doing the wrong thing, it's amazing, 4/5 chances are they're going to hell, and that person is spreading evil Well, there are many evils in this world. To solve this, we need to become true and eternal happiness, which is the origin of everything. That is eternal happiness.
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nitiwa · 11 months
What do you work and live for? Do you know true happiness and how to make people happy? what are you doing that you don't know what does that mean? If you don't know how to really make people happy and do something because you don't have time, if you can't make people happy anyway, cut that time and find out what true happiness is. Isn't it time to move forward with it?
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nitiwa · 11 months
There is a saying that rich people aren't always happy, right? This can also be said on a country-by-country basis. Japan's economy and towns are beautiful and develop, but their hearts aren't good and they aren't happy. , Other countries may not be very developed, but they may coexist with nature and have a rich heart. So don't lump it all together. It depends on the person. Good people must gather and furthermore, we must align our energies with the truth of the whole universe.
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nitiwa · 11 months
Humans were Australopithecus until the development of modern languages. At that time, the number of humans was probably small. In those days, there weren't many men and women. People of the same kind would have gathered together and lived with respect for each other. You know, we evolved from animals, we cherished family and friends, and I think it would have been better if the opposite sex matched. However, as the number increased, their hunting and lifestyle developed, and various personalities appeared, and various villages appeared. However, as the number increased, there were people who did not know each other's faces. a dispute arose
When the number was small, it was common happiness, but when the number increased, it became separate happiness.
The number of people has increased, conflicts have occurred, and we have become the society we have today. Differences in happiness, knowledge, and lifestyles have emerged. We had a strange social life, people had to get together, gods had a concept from the old days, but there were many religions to make everyone happy. Disparate people gather, and they gather again and seek happiness. It's better than before, but there aren't many people who are really in trouble and have a hard time, so it's not well known, and it's a little difficult. People gradually become happy people, and from slightly good people to really happy people.It is often represented by a pyramid, but isn't it actually an inverted triangle and a triangle above it? About happiness Human beings have continued to evolve, have been scrutinized and their lives have become better, but everyone still doesn't know the truth, true happiness, which means that everyone is not truly happy. In the beginning, I was happy with a small number of people and thoughtful sharing, but now there are many people. The problem is whether you are happy or not, but you don't know the truth. To have is to have all origins, you know, and to have all origins is true eternal happiness, this is eternal happiness, simply, there is no other. The real thing is done, if you've been doing it until now to be happy and help people, let's do the real thing.
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nitiwa · 11 months
what should be prioritized first
Life is short and ephemeral. We may have goals such as becoming rich, finding a happy family, or becoming a famous person, but even if we die or become one, we don't know what true happiness is. Isn't it? Also, even if you think you are happy, it is not true happiness, and you can explain what true happiness is to that person, such as your precious family or acquaintances, and make that person truly happy. will it be possible? At this point, you may not be thinking about it, or is it no? That's why it's important to know true happiness first and then practice and teach it.
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nitiwa · 11 months
It is important what kind of standards and ideas you have
Everyone is now involved in television, school, groups, and organizations. Also, although there are those, I think there are people who decide on their own regardless, but I don't know what the energy of my existence is.
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nitiwa · 11 months
I can't go with an existence in the middle
We cannot evaluate based on human insight alone.
Because we are within the laws of this universe
If you're still living and evaluating things based only on the knowledge of the human world, then that's a very low level, so it makes sense to brush up your soul level just like you're brushing up in the human world.
If you don't know it, please learn it by yourself.
And those who know a little about Shintoism and spirituality don't have the insight based on that knowledge and experience. From the point of view of the whole universe, it is an existence that is completely in the middle, and you who are learning it are still at a lower level.
Therefore, with its existence, evaluating or denying the origin of the entire universe is against the law of the universe.
Therefore, each of us must take our own soul level seriously and brush it up.
That's the reason I've been doing so far, and it's the law of the universe
When I hear this story, I feel angry, and if I don't do the true law of the universe, that's just laziness, sticking to the soul level of the human world and stopping. about it
If you've studied Shinto and Buddhism, you'll understand, but in the heavens, you may be at a low level of enkaku, and even Shinto and Buddhism are souls of a completely low level compared to the entire universe.
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nitiwa · 11 months
What will happen to Africa that is not Japan?
It's necessary to spread eternal happiness anywhere in the world and spread it to save people
If you say that, the heavens of the universe will say the same.
In Buddhism, it is said that we are reborn and happy in any state, but we do not know, we are doing things that we do not understand. , and then it will pass without knowing again, this is how you teach me what you don't know, and you don't know, so it's strange, there is a true and eternal happiness that is the origin of everything, and that is eternal happiness. You can have eternal happiness, I don't know if the earth will break and become a new star There will be eternal happiness, there will be eternal happiness, and you will know that true happiness is eternal happiness, true eternal happiness be happy
only this one
is complete
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nitiwa · 11 months
Congratulations on 3 YouTube subscribers!
YouTube, thank you for the 3 channel subscribers
3 people are amazing
If these three people are introduced again, that alone will increase more and more.
The Buddha and the leaders of other religions say that the training should be done by three people.
3 people registered
it is really amazing
Changing the subject, there are various types of registrants and members.
Truly enlightened, vague, doubtful and spying
I think there are many reasons
However, each god and every Buddhism is compared to the laws of the universe.
True souls and hearts will be saved, but evil souls and nauseous will be punished according to the laws of the universe.
And this is the true law of the entire universe
But it is amazing
Well, but when you say things like this, you tend to be overly cautious about good things and not think anything about bad things, so you have to be careful, even if it's just one word. applies differently to
Good things should be taken lightly, and bad things should be improved.
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nitiwa · 11 months
you are still immature
That's right
I don't understand the laws of this universe
Now let me ask you, do you know the true laws of the universe?
you don't know
What that means is that you are wandering around in an unknown world.
that might hurt people
You can't be happy that way, because even if you're happy, if those around you don't know true happiness, you're not following the laws of the universe, and the effects might fall on them. Does this make you realize that you need to be truly happy, and can you make people truly happy? can you tell me You can't do it, because you don't know the law of true happiness, and this is really unfortunate, because even though there are people in trouble right in front of you, you can only temporarily make them feel better. In order to save the person in front of you, you shouldn't know anything. Teaching Dharma, this is based on arrogance, ignorance and irresponsibility, so it is necessary to responsibly convey true happiness that has been carefully examined.
So, everyone, you need to throw away your inferiority complex, arrogance, ignorance and irresponsibility, and tell the truth.
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nitiwa · 11 months
what will happen to the current law?
The laws up to now have been both correct and incorrect.
And each person has their own instructions.
So the good thing is to use
To tell you the truth, it's always been that way
That's why the law up until now is to take in good things, and after that, there will be eternal happiness.
The most important thing is the true and eternal happiness of the origin of the whole universe.
Also, now that the Internet has developed, there will be law along the way, so let's research it. What matters is eternal happiness, if you know this, it's all, because there's nothing but eternal happiness
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nitiwa · 11 months
only eternal happiness
It seems that there is eternal happiness and the human world in virtual reality, but in fact there is only eternal happiness, the concept of the past and the future, and the fact that it continues to change because it has changed from the origin of the universe is nothing but virtual reality. , Gods, Christ, Hindus, etc., cannot be determined whether they were created or not. It is said that we do not know about the universe, that humans do not understand, but humans do understand that, even in this unknown, there is one thing that is certain. That there is, that it is the eternal happiness of the origin of the whole universe, that it is eternal happiness, that this is the only unshakable and definite thing. There are things like nothing, existence, and constant change, but that is virtual reality, and what actually exists is eternal happiness, that is eternal happiness.
That's why so many religions have come up until now. You wanted to be happy and you were aiming for higher energy. So all things must be eternal happiness, that is the law of true eternal happiness, the way to do it is to say "one with eternal happiness", as if it came in the way of the law Every day, morning and evening, if there is an obsession or interest, it is the law of the way, as if it came first. It is necessary to do, this principle, the law should be known. If you know something, you need to do it right now. should be
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nitiwa · 11 months
Ignorance is useless as it is now. The reason for this is that if we are fine with the way things are now, the energy of the entire universe will remain in the middle. What if the energy around you increases with the energy of the universe? It's evil just to have it, and it spreads, so it's not eternal happiness, isn't it?
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