noboruworld · 2 years
In digital marketing, various teams work together simultaneously on a single project so the project management tool helps in keeping a record of work done.
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noboruworld · 2 years
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noboruworld · 2 years
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noboruworld · 2 years
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noboruworld · 2 years
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noboruworld · 2 years
To empower businesses across the globe and help them establish a great relationship with their potential and existing customers, using the best-in-class talent, practices, solutions, technology, and the core fundamentals of marketing and communications.
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noboruworld · 2 years
In a world where ‘Google’ has replaced the word ‘search,’ it is hard to say anyone hasn’t seen a website. But do you know what goes behind it to give you the best experience ever? It’s UI/ UX.
The difference, you ask? Well, let’s clear that out in the next section.
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noboruworld · 2 years
By constantly updating its google algorithm update 2021, Google ensures the best possible results for each user based on their interest over time. However, while it may be great for users, businesses need to climb to the top of the page to pique users’ interest. The goal of Google is to provide all information in one click, and they are well on their way to achieving this.
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noboruworld · 2 years
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3 Design Tips for UX Designers! 
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noboruworld · 2 years
How Fintech companies can leverage organic growth marketing channels
We are not on the same page technology-wise as we were a decade ago. Be it our mobile phones, payment methods, communication channels, and software, we have evolved drastically, thanks to innovations and technological advancements that have leveraged organic growth marketing channels.
A decade ago, we were familiar with tokens for metro travel but, the scenario changed, and most of us upgraded ourselves with a metro card that is easy to carry, queue-free, and above all, hassle-free payment with a few clicks from our phone.
But, a worthy and pleasant change that we accepted and use thoroughly is – online payment providers. Yes, most of us, especially smartphone users, are committed to one or more online payment providers such as – Google Pay, PayPal, Payoneer, Amazon Pay, etc.
We buy ice cream, do online shopping, book movie tickets, pay the bills, do money transfers (national/international), pay or receive your salary, etc stress-free because most of the financial activities are now efficiently catered by the reliable fintech industry that is thriving massively.
1. Fintech Growth
2. The Transition
2.1. 1. SEO is the Heartbeat
2.2. 2. Don’t be Static – Give Solutions
2.2.1. Fact!
2.2.2. Fact!
2.3. 3. Gamification
2.4. 4. Affiliate Program
2.5. 5. Partnership marketing
Fintech Growth
Considering the global fintech market, the market is valued at USD 5504.13 billion in 2019 and is expected to grow at a CAGR of 23.58% between 2021-2025.
If we talk from the Indian perspective, the Indian fintech industry has boomed in recent years. With a spike in the use of mobile, India has gradually become a powerhouse for many fintech startups such as – Paytm, Pine labs, PayU, PhonePay, Faircent, etc.
SoftBank has been actively investing in many potential fintech startups. Moreover, followed by the US, India has secured the second position in the world with the largest fintech startups in 2018.
Technological advancement is one of the key factors for the growth of the fintech industry, also there is a good share of investment in technology-based solutions by banks and other financial institutions.
Moreover, infrastructure-based technologies such as AI, blockchain, APIs are reshaping the future of the fintech industry and successively proliferating and preparing themselves to move along the needs of the customer and booming fruitfully.
The Transition
Earlier, cross-border payments occurred via cheques, bank transfers, and payments in advance (trade), but now the scenario has changed, so do our wants and payment behavior.
With the coming up of various online payment alternatives in the fintech market, the borders for financial transactions have blurred and are free from all the chaos and wait that we earlier faced.  
Thus, with the growth in the mobile and fintech industry, many payment providers are popping into the market. Many established fintech brands are facing challenges because their audience is diverse and tend to bifurcate from their company when they receive flashy offers from peers in the market.
We aren’t stating that the budding players in the fintech industry merely serve mirage effect or breathing fraud. We are implying that fintech companies should use effective marketing methods rather than merely depending on the flashy offers to keep a loyal hold on their customers so that they aren’t lured into attractive offers easily.
Let’s look down to a handful of effective marketing methods that fintech companies can channelize to drive organic growth:
1. SEO is the Heartbeat
Have limited pounds but want to invest it wisely? Put in those pounds and worthy pennies in hiring an SEO specialist because these are the souls who could pull in traffic. They do their work effortlessly, and you reap a fruitful outcome in return.
You might have an attractive website, post informative content, conduct meaningful workshops, and host video sessions with influencers, all this labor shall go in vain because it wasn’t well-structured in an SEO-friendly manner.
By boosting up the SEO game your brand/company will start ranking in the upper positions in search engines as compared to the websites or content that stays at the bottom.
After optimizing your website and content it would create an easy passage for the seekers to find your page, which in return will help in growing the traffic.
But, one thing that you should understand is SEO isn’t a one-day job, you need the patience to reap positive results. Patience is a crucial element that most businesses lack in today’s corporate world.
Because of the increasing players in the market, the motive of overtaking has turned most of the corporate moguls and budding brands impatient.
Those who can’t wait long for results can dissolve the mantra of pay-per-click and SEO together to reap better results. To know more read – Fintech Marketing Case Study | Yaser.uk
2. Don’t be Static – Give SolutionsFact!
According to HubSpot’s State of Inbound Report, 77% of the B2B purchasers prefer to do their research before ever speaking to a salesperson. This means you might have an efficient customer service team, but it’s useless until they do full-fledged research about your company, offerings, and potential solutions.
Therefore, start providing solutions via blogs, workshops, or interviews with influencers or field experts, infographics, Youtube videos, etc. The more relevant content you provide, the better foundation you build for yourself.
Do not completely copy the content or do not be ‘inspired’ by someone else’s idea. Divide your blog into a reasonable ratio of 6:4, where 6 is the restructured format of information from a plethora of websites, and 4 should be your observation, opinion, and expert advice.
Put in quotes and opinions by the leaders of the field, this means attribution where you are supporting the statement with an expert opinion. This makes your blog or content more credible making it stand out from the others on search engines that simply endorse wordplay.
As per the Demand Gen Report, 96% of B2B buyers opt for content that delivers more input from industry thought leaders.
3. Gamification
Gamification is a strategy that increases the buzz and eagerness around the brand. In this process, the company wishes to indulge the audience in some kind of collection, referral, rewards, or other kinds of games to pull in traction.  
For instance, if we consider Google Pay, they too use gamification as a marketing channel. Here, you could get rewards (monetary/offers) after sending or receiving payments.
Apart from rewards, Google Pay also introduced ‘Google Pay Diwali Stamps’ where the user had to collect five kinds of stamps using three different ways of collection before a stipulated date and time.
The luring offer was, if the user completes the task then, they will be rewarded with ₹250 and also get a chance to win Rs. 1 Lakh. But Google Pay also had a psychological punch that made it a success for their company. To know about it click
4. Affiliate Program
The affiliate market was a passive sector until 2009, it gradually picked up the trails of progressiveness and now is an established and thriving billion-dollar marketing channel.
It offers limitless partnerships and opportunities to have a side income by recommending the product/service in your dedicated community and persuading them to join the brand.  
In the Fintech industry, affiliate programs are growth tactics used for traction. It is also used to highlight the benefits of the joiners.
Moreover, it is one of the best ways to get quick and direct access to your target market and earn consumers’ trust.
In addition to that, affiliate programs encourage potential customers to produce quality content about your company. Here, ‘word of mouth’ is the means to recommend products/services offered by you. We could call it free publicity.
5. Partnership marketing
In this type of marketing, one company collaborates with the other (that is in tandem with their product/service), to reach a broader audience, and to inflict a greater magnitude of awareness.  
Now, such partnerships could include:
Joint Ventures
Influencer Marketing and many more.
For instance, Tide is working with NASA to make the first laundry detergent for astronauts in space. The news of this collaboration project left people in awe.
These are a few ways through which fintech companies can leverage organic growth. But always remember organic methods consume time, so patience is the key.
Get in touch with us now for all your marketing needs!
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noboruworld · 2 years
Noboru World is a marketing and communications company with multi cultural and diversified talent pool of digital experts have come together to craft high impact brand communication. 
Learn more:https://bit.ly/3flqMQn
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noboruworld · 2 years
Top 20 Super Common Content Marketing Mistakes to Avoid in 2021
1. Not Knowing What Your Audience Wants
Assuming the substance system is setting out toward a lemon, diminish your misfortunes before it is past the point of no return!
Today, in the domain of showcasing, nobody will do anything to the disadvantage of User Intent and User Experience.
Envision that you are searching for clients all around the internet based world with content that nobody needs to see. That is inept, right?
Off base information on your ideal interest group is one of the normal mix-ups of numerous organizations today. Keep in mind, getting a second's consideration from individuals can be an overwhelming errand.
Remember that work alone isn't sufficient, and you should contend with incalculable a-list brands. Immaterial substance won't just occupy your crowd however will likewise make your psyches disdain them and walk out on it assuming they see your promotion over and over.
To deliver great substance, you want to be aware of the present patterns. Allow me to let you know the most ideal way to do this. Nothing else than perusing news updates, and it isn't so much that that troublesome by the same token.
Begin investigating HubSpot, SmartBrief, Entrepreneur, Digiday, Adweek, and more to improve thoughts to make drawing in and appealing substance that crowds might want to peruse.
2. Contemplating Only Blogging
Do you think in your substance technique, simply making a blog can direct people to your site? Many actually accept that content advertising is only the embodiment of "contributing to a blog."
The advertising of content is substantially more than contributing to a blog and article posting. This is just one of the various kinds of viable substance promoting systems in full circle. They incorporate –
PPT/Slideshare introductions
digital books
Online courses
White papers
Also some more
To be sure for the substance showcasing procedure, certain organizations ought not depend just on writing for a blog.
How might you figure out which content advertising approach is ideal? You want to investigate and discover what sort of material associates best with your main interest group.
3. Keeping away from User-Generated Content
Research led by Reevoo states that 70% of people get drawn in and have more confidence in pictures posted or made by clients, rather than pictures made by brands. Promoting individuals that dismiss client created content come up short on a colossal opportunity to foster brand faithfulness.
Advertisers ought to find out with regards to what inspires their clients to deliver content and draw in with your business by utilizing content created by clients.
It's an astounding way to deal with run a client produced content mission with the utilization of web-based media organizations, particularly through Facebook and Instagram.
Client produced content is only any neglected substance made by the client. It can contain photographs, recordings, tributes, youtube video blogs, remarks via web-based media, audits, and then some.
4. Not Personalizing Content
A purchaser's excursion can be depicted through 3 stages, for the most part:
Beginning with First Stage Awareness, your crowd might have an inquiry or issue where they face an absence of data or arrangement.
In the Consideration stage, they look for specialist co-ops or organizations giving answers for their concerns across every single internet based channel.
In the third and official choice stage, they will affirm a supplier to all the more likely go with.
Clients may not generally make a motivator decision in the B2B circumstance to purchase their merchandise or administration. Every buyer goes through a buying venture that empowers them to choose whether or not to put resources into your image.
Content can help them to conclude that. You should produce content that is fitting in all stages to impact the purchaser's excursion. You can alter your material as per the necessities of your purchaser.
5. Not Focusing on Target Markets
A particular computerized publicizing approach is fundamental for each target market. Whatever prevails with nerds won't work with their dads and granddads' age.
You might require one more topic to make impact inside the children's class or some other gathering of fans. In any case, you don't really have to make content for every single intrigued person.
In addition, you should Identify and notice the specialties in which you might get a great deal of opportunities to play with the substance dependent on the preferences and inclinations of the crowds.
This can more readily help you 2x further develop your substance system and assets and foster a more prominent brand notoriety. Momentarily, simply center around explicit ages, interests, or places.
To Read More: Click
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noboruworld · 2 years
10 Most Common Marketing Mistakes That Startups Need to Stop
For example, you are a startup promoting office with an effective centre group and other required assets. In any case, being a startup with non-greater or zero brand insight, there are consistently the odds of submitting bumbles on various scales. In this manner, you should take a gander at these 10 missteps for your startup promoting: 1] Have The Right Knowledge Like, duh! a conspicuous point, correct? However, it is by all accounts a conspicuous point; many showcasing new companies don't know about the continuous patterns or way breaking advertising stunts from history (public or global). Aside from benefiting from hypothetical information about advertising, one ought to 1) Understand the latest things 2) Monitoring the patterns 3) Who are your rivals? 4) How does the global market look? 5) What are the strategies and varieties found in the unfamiliar advertising market? 6) What are the most recent thoughts and assets utilized in showcasing? 2] Think Big Gradually! For example, you sent off a showcasing organization fourteen days back. Initially, you will get customers that are new companies. You can't expect a client base, for example, – Birla, OnePlus, Bata, and so forth As a startup, you should show restraint about the interaction and propel your group that large things will show up soon on their platter with predictable difficult work. Who can say for sure, the achievement of little size customers could harvest you a nice demographic. 3] One Mistake Doesn't Mean the End of The World! "All that you need is on the opposite side of dread." ~ Jack Canfield Everybody is frightened of submitting botches, considering notoriety. Yet, making a decent attempt to earn enough to get by, we fail to remember that flawlessness is feign. None gets a 100 separated from math. We as a whole submit botches, apologize, plan, and repair the potholes. One error should never placed a full stop in your life since we are people, and we will generally submit botches. Never consider submitting botches is the end. Enough said. 4] Always Have A Plan Never go for a conflict against your adversary without weapons. It resembles moving around without wearing a veil. Continuously have an arrangement in light of the fact that a coordinated work structure helps in weaving better advertising procedures. For example, your startup showcasing office has a customer that sells advanced and simple watches (the brand is only a year old on the lookout). Presently, assuming you have an arrangement: You set a mission. List situational examination (happenings in market and contenders) Set up a showcasing procedure Curate showcasing blend Map the costs However, assuming you don't have an arrangement and make offhand moves, it will prompt debacle in light of the fact that there are no pre-set thoughts or hypotheses for possible dangers. To Read More Visit Our Website Blog Section: Click
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noboruworld · 2 years
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Visit our Website: https://www.noboruworld.com/
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noboruworld · 2 years
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While we know that UI/UX is a creative field, there are some thumb rules that you should follow in order to have a good user experience. Here are some of such tips that will help you become a better creator. To read more such tips visit here - https://bit.ly/3INyPD1
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noboruworld · 2 years
While we know that UI/UX is a creative field, there are some thumb rules that you should follow in order to have a good user experience. Here are some of such tips that will help you become a better creator. 
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noboruworld · 4 years
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