The Rise And Fall of A Midwest Princess Poll Round 1 part 2 (based on popularity)
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Happy Pride Month! 🏳️‍🌈 🏳️‍⚧️
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my heart absolutely breaks for gaza. imagine screaming for help. for someone to save you and the world ignores you for the most part. shame on anyone and everyone who supports this. where is your empathy.
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If we want Taylor to pay attention, we have to give her something to look at! Clearly, social media pressure is not getting to her, so we need to provide a monetary incentive for her to speak out.
Do not like any of her social media posts. Do not engage with her brand. Just for ONE day. If we can get enough people to participate, we may be able to make a significant dent in her streaming revenue and let her know that remaining silent is UNPROFITABLE.
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everyone say happy pride month to rose marion tyler.
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I can’t stop laughing when I see swifties still having hope in Taylor. She doesn’t fucking care. She just doesn’t. And I know that hurts. And I know that you don’t want to admit that there’s no point in holding out hope for her. But there’s not. She’s not going to say shit. She hasn’t said shit in years. If she was going to speak up, she would have done it already. Her time to speak has come and gone. Either accept her with her shittyness or don’t accept her at all. I’m not judging either way. But holding out false hope for her is only going to hurt yourself.
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If we want Taylor to pay attention, we have to give her something to look at! Clearly, social media pressure is not getting to her, so we need to provide a monetary incentive for her to speak out.
Do not like any of her social media posts. Do not engage with her brand. Just for ONE day. If we can get enough people to participate, we may be able to make a significant dent in her streaming revenue and let her know that remaining silent is UNPROFITABLE.
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when i was a tiny baby queer (aka a 24-year-old), i went to my first pride festival probably three months after i kicked ex-gay therapy to the curb and came out to my parents. being the people they are, my parents came with me. they weren’t really sure about this whole gay thing, but they loved me and wanted me to be safe and happy and wanted to be involved in what was important to me, so they came along. (i also think my mother still might have thought i might get drugged or murdered or beaten by a protester of which there were plenty.)
anyway i wanted a memento of my first pride, you know, and this one vendor was selling keyrings, and i liked it, so i bought one. do you remember those italian charm bracelets that were all the rage like 10-15 years ago? it was a keychain like that, and it had a rainbow rooster, a rainbow cat, and then just a rainbow, and so I bought it.
i run into my mom a couple of vendors over and she goes oh you bought something? what’d you get? so i showed her, and i was like, “I’m not sure why it’s a rooster and a cat. Seems kind of random. But I liked the rainbows.”
and my mom, who was some form of minister’s wife for most of my childhood and teenagerhood, stares at me like she thinks i’m joking.
“What?” i say.
“…it’s a cock and a pussy, Jules,” she says flatly, and that is the story of how i died at the age of 24 while attending my first pride festival.
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I see the original post going around every so often and it saddens me a little that it's never accompanied by this thread explaining why it's completely understandable how a child would arrive at these spellings in accordance with english phonetics
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Just a reminder, queens use deodorant as to not scare off the people with a putrid stench
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chappell roan frog anon, i am getting your messages and i really appreciate them but i don’t have the energy to reply to them rn, thanks tho
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“our teeth and ambitions are bared” is a zeugma
and it’s a zeugma where one of the words is literal and one is metaphorical which is the BEST KIND
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ive just been feeling so shitty for the past couple days and now ive been hit with this wave of exhaustion like i have so much to do but i spent the past hour lying on my bedroom floor doing notjing
i still feel shitty, im more tired than before, and i haven’t packed my bag yet
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i feel like i might throw up
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thinking over and over and over of that clip from a maya angelou talk about the importance of knowing one another's history. no matter how brutal no matter how bleak no matter how despairing no matter anything because the only way through it is to go all the way through it. and the only way to build anything with one another is by having gone all the way through it because otherwise there is no connection. whats a connection worth that's built on ignorance? sustained by ignorance? "only equals can make friends" she says. only equals.
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