nursesaubrey · 4 years
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working in a hospital, seth made sure to be up to date with any and all updates regarding the bloody virus and it’s spread, but there was one fact he couldn’t quite process.. “all this telling us how to wash our hands, did people a) not do it? and b) not know how to?” he queried, a look of slight disgust wrinkling his nose as he glanced at his coffee. “you can only hope our barista’s know how to sing happy birthday whilst washing their hands” he joked. 
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nursesaubrey · 4 years
“oh that is true, i would hate if that would happen….imagine serving a finger to my costumers.” dylan laughed trying to find some humour in the whole situation he was in at the moment. “well yes but i’ve been chopping things snce i was like 5, i should really know better but thank you.” he laughed softly. “oooh perfect, those are great news. i swear i owe you big time”
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“please don’t give me those images.” he wasn’t squeamish, not by a long shot after all he’d seen some nasty things over the years, but the idea of being served a finger elicited a shudder. “let’s focus on keeping all your fingers now.” he said, shaking his head. “your parents let you use knifes at five?!” he said, as he moved dylan’s hand out from beneath the water and leaned down to grab a dry clean towel and began drying the wound. “nah, just cook me something good and we’ll call it even,” laughed seth.
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nursesaubrey · 4 years
she walked back over from the counter, and saw him lovingly looking at his coffee, “that’s why you’re so in love with that cup of coffee,” she joked.  “that’s really cool though, do you work at the hospital?  i’ve been watching a lot of grey’s anatomy recently,” anastasia said.  she knew that grey’s anatomy had to be really unrealistic, but she hoped that she’d make the tired man smile.  “i’m a florist!  i help run a flower shop near here.”  
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“ah yes, honestly i’d marry this cup of coffee right now if i could,” he attempted to joke back, a yawn cutting through the laugh that bubbled in his chest.  “was i that obvious in my affections?” he added. he took a sip of his coffee, still a little hot it scalded his taste buds, but he decided it was worth it to get that jolt of caffeine into his system. the laughter he’d held back earlier spilled out, causing him to cough on his coffee. “i’m no doctor mcdreamy - i’m just a nurse.” he shook his head, a small smile clinging to his lips. “didn’t they do a musical episode of that? i mean what bloody hospital has staff that break into song?!” he listened to her, nodding as she told him what she did. “oh cool! can’t say i’ve got a green thumb, but then i work so much anything i do own tends to die... i think i kept an aloe vera alive by sticking it in the bathroom. do you like gardening and that or is it just flowers?”
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nursesaubrey · 4 years
Noel laughed as the other expressed his excitement. It was great to see all these people ready to have fun. “Don’t worry, lad.” He smiled, his Mancunian accent becoming more prominent after his first drink. “Not planning on drinking a lot tonight.” He shrugged. “But I will attack all of those cinnamon rolls over there.”
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a slightly disbelieving glance was thrown his way when he called seth lad, seth didn’t much feel like a lad, at thirty five he felt he was a bit too old to be classed as such but who was he to argue. “just making sure, you really don’t wanna know some of the horror stories i’ve had to deal with.” he shuddered, “anyway, not gonna lie the cinnamon rolls sound so good.”
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nursesaubrey · 4 years
“It’s not often I turn up to a party, period.” She chuckled softly, her irish accent thick. That wasn’t strictly true, she’d been going to a lot more as of late, now that she was no longer under the guidance of her parents, but she’d had a lot of assignments over the last few weeks and had decided to skip them for a while. Due to not having mardi gras at home however, she’d decided to turn up, just to see what all the fuss was about. She tipped her cup towards him, showing him the purple liquid inside. “Grape soda. I like to start off light.” She joked. 
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“there is nothing really good about parties anyway,” aside from a night of carefree behaviour, the ramifications were often more long lasting. letting go of your inhibitions never ended well. but after a week of twelve plus hour shifts, he needed to let go. usually he’d just stick his video games on and play for a bit, but socialising had seemed the better option for once. “as you should, in fact you can have just as good of a night sober i’m sure.” 
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nursesaubrey · 4 years
“trust me, i know how to drink responsibly,” anastasia chuckled, taking another long sip from her drink.  “i somehow survived college with going out at least four times a week.”  she decided to leave out that detail that her partying is what got her in trouble with the university.  “you should loosen up!  it is a party, y’know.”
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“i don’t think you’re the one i really need to worry about,” he said with a low chuckle, his gaze cast around the room surveying some of the parties as they revelled in the mardi gras goodies. “but still, one of us has to be a little sensible.” especially when that someone worked in the hospital. “this is me loose,” said seth, laughing awkwardly. “i’m not good at this, i didn’t do the partying at college.” and the only times he went clubbing now were when he was being called to help at demonio. 
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nursesaubrey · 4 years
IT  WAS  SAFE  TO  SAY  that  liam  was  not  ready  to  have  fun  when  he  came  here,  but  now  that  he  ran  into  his  former fiancée  he  needed  it.  any  distraction would  be  welcome and  alcohol  would  make  it  easier  to  actually  be  distracted,  right? the  other  male’s words  made  him  laugh  and  he  shook  his  head  while  he  downed  his  own  shot.  «can  we  just  not?  i  get  it,  we  are  adults, we  are  supposed to  be  responsible human  beings,  but  i  don’t  want  to  remember  anything tonight.  i  don’t  even  want  to  remember the  color  of  my  toothbrush. it’s  black,  by  the  way.»
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seth laughed in response, an easy going if not a little awkward sounding chuckle. “i’m just saying you’ll thank me tomorrow, it’s one way to at least keep a headache away - the rest of the hangover not so much.” he tutted, but continued smiling. “hey, i’m just trying to make sure i don’t see any of you in the ER for alcohol poisoning, it’s not as easy to switch off when you know the consequences.” he blanched a little thinking of the cases he’d seen over the years, then shook the thought away. “right, if we’re forgetting everything tonight i’ll join you in a shot.” which was a horrible idea on his part he was sure.
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nursesaubrey · 4 years
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“seth, my man!” archer greeted the other, going for a light hug. it had been a while since the last time he had to call seth to come help at demonio, which it was a relief for archer now but it meant they hadn’t seen each other in some time. “i’m so fucking glad you made it! i’ve been meaning to get you out for a couple of drinks, you know? out of work and shit. what are you drinking?”
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“archer,” he patted the other man’s back when he hugged him and stepped back. “long time mate” though he supposed that was a good thing in a way, his services so to speak hadn’t been required. “well i had the night off for once, and i couldn’t resist the chance to unwind with free cupcakes.” he chuckled, patting his stomach as he’d already helped himself to a couple cakes. “but don’t worry about it, we’re both adults and adult life is scary busy. beer for now whilst those cocktails look interesting i don’t drink enough to trust myself with them.”
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nursesaubrey · 4 years
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“Honestly, same. I don’t get out much, but when I do…” August agreed, letting the sentiment trail off into obscurity. He smiled at the other man, “I guess I  can make that deal in the interest of my own self preservation,” He said, sticking out his tongue. “let’s get those drinks…  and waters. “ 
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“i work most of the time, so partying isn’t really on my radar, but figured tonight should be an exception since i’m not working.” especially when 9/10 evenings he’s shattered after work. “you’ll thank me tomorrow - it may not save you a hangover, but least you won’t have a banging headache.” he said with a low chuckle, sure he knew most of the youngsters wouldn’t listen, but least he’d ease his conscience knowing he tried. “seriously, though it really is key alcohol is a diuretic. so best keep hydrated. but enough before i start lecturing, drink yes. absolutely.”
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nursesaubrey · 4 years
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“wish i could say the same, but i’m sorta the party queen when i can actually party,” she said before holding up a water bottle. “i’m not allowed to drink anything but water and gatorade, so i am fully hydrated.”
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he gave michelle a warm smile, “i can’t say i have ever been the partier, though i’m sure you can believe that.” he laughed, though he was pleased to see she was staying away from the plethora of alcohol on offer. there was a small thrum of guilt, it should have been the other way around. she should be the one enjoying herself here. “well tell me you are at least making the most of the cupcakes?” he asked. 
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nursesaubrey · 4 years
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“it’s not often i turn up at a party ready to have fun,” said seth, absolutely planning on knocking a couple drinks back himself, still he knew that if he spotted anyone in trouble he’d stop and help, it was drilled into him to help and not switch off. “i hate to be that adult but let’s at least remember to hydrate between drinks, huh?” he said with a chuckle.
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nursesaubrey · 4 years
tilly’s eyes quickly averted to where the other had touched her hand. she didn’t have a problem with touch, but only when she initiated it. she looked back up and smiled softly, not wanting to bring attention to it. “i can sleep on non-fancy sheets, you know? i may be living in luxury but i’m not against more inexpensive products.” tilly rolled her eyes playfully and hummed. “i don’t know about a hundred actually but, so many times.” she reached a hand out to raise her drink and took a sip from it. “there’s nothing wrong with video games, seth. you keep playing them forever. you’re always invited to join me in the gym, though.”
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seth pulled his hand away, unaware of her reaction. perhaps if he’d been less tired he might have been more observant. “well don’t complain to me when you find them itchy and uncomfortable,” joked seth, an easy smile on his lips. “it’s a point of contention with my parents too, they keep saying if i was a doctor i could afford better things.” he said, with a huff. “many many more than i’ve read any book myself, you could probably read it to me by memory,” said seth, though he teased he thought it was a good thing to love a book so much she could read it again and again. “tell you what, you join me for a video game night - i’ll join you in the gym.” 
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nursesaubrey · 4 years
e.t.: what’s one ‘weird’ feature that you love about yourself?
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“probably my eyes.”
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nursesaubrey · 4 years
“oh god okay let’s just do it.” dylan nodded feeling like a little kid who hated getting help from nurses and doctors. he put his finger under the water as he was told and nodded. “yeah…i got distracted and before i knew it…it happened. you’d think i’d know better now, right?” he sighed deeply.
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“hey it’s okay, it’ll be over shortly, could be worse - you could have sliced you finger clean off,” said seth, aiming for reassuring as he patted dylan’s shoulder briefly. honestly, he did feel sorry for the young lad. it was never nice, and even seth wasn’t a great patient himself. “hey it happens, you work with knives, you’re statistically more likely to have a few accidents.” he said, gently taking hold of dylan’s hand as he examined the cut now it was underwater. “right, good news is it’s a clean cut, means it’ll heal a bit quicker.”
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nursesaubrey · 4 years
dylan’s welcoming smile quickly turned into a frown when seth said he would be cussing him and sighed. “oh shit it’s going to hurt more, isn’t it?” he huffed as he walked to the bathroom figuring it could be better for him. “i was just cutting carrots and…yeah” he mumbled taking off the cloth from his finger. “tell me it doesn’t need stitches please.”
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“well...” he began, “not sure hurt is the right word - it’ll sting a bit for sure. but you don’t want the risk of infection so you’ll have to grin and bear it so to speak.” perhaps not quite his usual bedside manner, but here he didn’t risk being reprimanded. following, seth placed his bag down on the bathroom floor, then stood to look at the cut. “ouch mate, you’ve done a number here haven’t you,” said seth shaking his head. “you won’t need stitches. so that’s something at least.” he said, letting the bathroom tap run till the water was definitely cold, “put your hand under, let’s get this sorted now yea?”
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nursesaubrey · 4 years
truth: has a crush ever found out you liked them and turned you down?
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“yea. hasn’t everyone been turned down at some point? i guess one that really sticks with me was my childhood best friend, i fell in love with her and she just couldn’t love me back like that. she found out when our mutual friend ‘accidentally’ pointed out my ‘little’ crush. she let me down gently, but it ruined our friendship and that wasn’t what i wanted.”
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nursesaubrey · 4 years
dylan held the cloth around his finger and rushed to the door once he heard the doorbell. he was chopping some carrots when he accidentally cut himself on the finger,he couldn’t stop bleeding so he called seth to see if he was available. “oh you’re here, thank you so so much for coming. shit i know i should be more careful but…fuck you’re my hero right now.” he said whining because his finger was hurting.
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he hadn’t wasted a minute when he’d gotten off the phone with dylan, running around his own flat as he searched out his first aid kit, keys and grabbed the nearest available jacket. as dylan opened the door he gave the younger man a strained smile. “no need to thank me mate,” said seth as he moved inside. “maybe tell me that after i sort this out hey, cause i think you’ll be cursing me in a few minutes.” he said, thinking of the antibacterial ointment in his bag that he’d have to apply. “let’s have a look at this cut then. let’s hope it’s not deep enough to require stitches.” 
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