oberons-ghost · 6 days
If you own a psychic-type, do some research on their moveset - many can learn Ice Beam, and if so, this latent cryokinesis can be channeled into a milder utility to create and maintain ice. This is less energy-intensive than keeping an ice-type around, but it does still take normal psionic strain so keep foods around to help them restore brain glycogen easily!
With summer rolling around, remember that our Pokemon companions have to deal with the heat too! Not every pokemon can beat the heat, especially some ice types, so here are some tips and tricks to make sure you and your team get to enjoy the summer!
1. Never leave your partner alone in the car while it's turned off! Cars can be a hot and sweaty nightmare even with the windows down and the AC blasting! They're even worse when you're locked in with little airflow and no water! If you have to leave the car, take your pokemon with you in their pokeball!
2. Make sure you have some shade nearby, and use pokemon safe sunscreen when it applies/is possible! Not only does the sun contribute to the heat, but plenty of pokemon risk drying out or even getting burnt if left out in the sun for too long! This includes many grass types! While many do appreciate the sun, there is such things as too much for some species!
3. Water! Bring so much water! A lot of people think the little water they have on them is enough! It's probably not! You need a lot more than you think, especially on a hot summer day, and you need even more if you plan on bringing your pokemon with you! Many water and grass types especially need plenty of water to stay stress free! Bring a large reusable bottle with you for yourself, and I like bringing a second bottle for my team as well!
4. Be aware of their types, and do research on that specific species! The Alolan subspecies of ninetails can spend a good amount of time in the heat compared to some other ice types, but just barely as they still prefer the colder mountain peaks! Fire types can survive extreme heat, some even living in volcanoes, but some like Houndoom and Arcanine may still want to let out excess heat by spewing smoke and flames and should be allowed to do so to prevent them from getting uncomfortable! Figure out what strategies and schedules work for you and your team AHEAD of time, and don't be afraid to ball them if they seem to be struggling!
5. POKEBALLS! USE THEM! I have mentioned them a few times on this list but it needs to be said! While some pokemon may dislike their ball, and being cooped up for long periods of time can cause harmful effects, a few minutes to an hour in their pokeball to cool down if overheating or avoid having to deal with the heat in general is harmless and usually tends to be downright beneficial to many pokemon! Please do not risk your weavile getting heatstroke because it dislikes it's ball! A short amount of discomfort so you can safely bring it home is always worth it. I know some people may be worried about the heat breaking the pokeball, especially in hotter climates, but you don't have to worry! Unless the ball has some sort of defect or was badly made, most pokeballs are built to withstand extreme temperatures to keep up with the wide variety of pokemon and demanding journeys some trainers end up on! If you're still nervous, you can purchase specialty balls made by independent craftsmen and small businesses specifically built with a focus on dealing with extreme temperatures and preform a ball transfer.
Obviously there's probably plenty of things I forgot or couldn't include! If you have anything you'd like to share about helping our pokemon friends stay happy and healthy during the hotter months of the year, you're totally free to add to this post!
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oberons-ghost · 6 days
when a pokemon is both steel and feathers
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oberons-ghost · 13 days
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i think she's on to us
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oberons-ghost · 17 days
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had to styler a bunch of wild toedscool today bc they kept running around the sunflora lawn doing this to each other and it was scaring off the gym challengers
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oberons-ghost · 19 days
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oberons-ghost · 25 days
Got any advice for how to reduce tannin content in Gogoat milk? I was experimenting with artisanal cheese-making, but the final product came out extremely bitter, like over-brewed green tea.
gogoat milk can be really tough- i have a friend who makes cheese from it, and there's definitely a learning curve! part of it comes down to your gogoat's genetics. certain breeds of gogoat have been selectively bred for sweeter herb production, which in turn affects the flavor of their milk. your gogoat's diet can also affect the flavor, as certain types of forage will impart different notes on the milk (wild onion is a notorious culprit for bitter gogoat milk). if you want to sweeten the milk, adding some alfalfa to their forage can help with that.
keep in mind, though, that bitter milk can also be the result of mishandling the milk (that overbrewed tea flavor often happens when you heat the milk too much) or mastitis, so make sure to do a good check of your gogoat's udder and double check your production methods
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oberons-ghost · 1 month
I had a dream that I declared my intention to catch a wild Mawile... This, of course, must be fulfilled.
Now, where to find one...
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oberons-ghost · 1 month
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Duskull + Shiny Duskull
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oberons-ghost · 1 month
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sïñïstër sneapot
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oberons-ghost · 1 month
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i have to cart her around the shelter like a human infant or else she wails in indignation
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oberons-ghost · 1 month
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Love these animals
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oberons-ghost · 1 month
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I was worried about Bit, but he seems to be okay, he's just hanging out in his little Play pen.
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oberons-ghost · 1 month
How DO you walk an arcanine??
Put collar on Arcanine
Attach leash
Put on roller skates
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oberons-ghost · 1 month
on the scale of "hairless cat thing that wants to destroy humanity and can blow up buildings with its mind" to "Clippy from Word circa 2001" how fucked up is your manmade Pokemon
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oberons-ghost · 1 month
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New bugs, this time from Hoenn!
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oberons-ghost · 1 month
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oberons-ghost · 1 month
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