not a specific object but every time I have to unblock the sink at work it feels sooooo like. they're just letting me stick my fingers in there?? in public?? same w refilling dishwasher salt its like 🫣😳 every time
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Hey, I'm new to objectum and I just wanna talk about my big crush on those Scrub Daddy sponges.
As a cleaner, I'm totally obsessed! I wish I could date one, but unfortunately, I don't think they sell them in my country...does anyone else have the same problem where they don't have access to their object crush?
Also, where is all the love for cleaning products in the objectum community? As well as sponges, I think squeegees are epic!
- 🧽
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objectum artists will literally make art thats like I WILL LITERALLY MAKE OUT WITH A CAR and people will still try to interpret it any other way
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objectum-crush-gush · 17 days
i have this darling little surface pro, and we're getting her a new charger soon! i cant wait to put stickers all over it like i did with her [:)]
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objectum-crush-gush · 18 days
Taught a computer to love call that "machine yearning"
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objectum-crush-gush · 18 days
im aroace and objectum too! its so cool that there's more aspec folks in the community [:D]
I'm sorry if the ask box is just for talking about fictional crushes but-
Are there any other aroace / platonic objectums in the chat? I wanna hug and hold some objects so bad and have them know they are loved and love me back /p
i'm aromantic so yeah :] and i'm sure there are others here too!
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objectum-crush-gush · 27 days
Went to a yard sale today and saw the cutest trio of heart shaped mirrors
Bought them, I immediately fell in love, they're so cute
Wish I could send a pic without getting found out :/
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objectum-crush-gush · 28 days
I've recently realized I am POSIC + may be objectum... uhhh I love my dear friend, my blanket. <3 She's been with me since I was born. Her name is Jean. This is what she looks like (not my photo):
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objectum-crush-gush · 29 days
I have this HP laptop called Simon and over the past year I haven’t used him much because I was afraid of him overheating (no air vents, the poor thing) especially in summer. But I recently ran a battery diagnostic on him and the batteries are all healthy! So now it’s me and him against the world once more :)
over the years i’ve had him he’s gotten slower and slower and barely runs microsoft word after a 20 minute long boot up but I was always super patient with him because I’ve also gotten slower at processing things (mental health issues) in that time and I wish upon him only kindness and I think that’s the biggest way that I relate to him; the slowing down and not being able to run the same programs that he used to.
But today I took him to see someone and they ran a program that completely cleaned up and defragmented his hard drive and he works so fast now! I can log into him pretty much instantly and things don’t as crash nearly as much as they used to! I feel so happy for him and I can empathetically feel my own head being a little clearer on his behalf and he feels so cheerful now :)
I want to hug him so tight like when you see someone you haven’t seen in a really long time and it fixes the ache in your heart, but I can’t because his screen is shattered and I don’t want to put too much pressure on it, so i’m here gushing about him instead ahhhh!!!
sorry this is so long !
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objectum-crush-gush · 1 month
a few months ago, I went to a vintage shop with a couple of my family members and I found this beauty. I instantly fell in love with them (THEY'RE SO PRETTY AHAGSJSHAVS) and when I opened them up, I found out they were a RADIO?!?!?! HAJSNXNXD I didn't have enough money for them but the next time I go, I'll definitely buy them. I don't know when that is but I'm praying it's soon!! <3
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objectum-crush-gush · 1 month
My husband Mach (Pronounced Mack Or Mach)
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objectum-crush-gush · 1 month
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objectum-crush-gush · 2 months
saw the most BEAUTIFUL jacket in a museum gift shop of all places today... the shape of her sleeves was so cool and she was beautifully tailored and we fit together like a glove but she was. four hundred whole US dollars. so i very obviously could not take her home but i forgot to take a photo of her label before i left so i cant even look for her online ;;-;; black denim jacket in the gift shop of the boston mfa hallyu exhibit oh how i love you. one day we'll see each other again
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objectum-crush-gush · 2 months
Sending this anon because my objectum blog is a sideblog LoL BUTUM SO EXCITED BECAYSE. I ordered a plushie of my F/O WEEKS ago and he’s finally supposed to arrive today and and I’m so NERVOUS EEEEEK,….,,,.. I can’t wait to be able to !!! Physically hold him. I’m hoping I can get more plush esq items of him to cuddle, and also buttons to carry with me on my bags everywhere!! I actually have a button that’s supposed to arrive next week (I’m not into buttons really, I’m mostly plushum I’m just excited because it has him on it HEHE) IM ALSO GOING YO BUILD A BEAR TOMORROW WHICH IS LIKE. PLUSHUM HEAVEN. I’m going with the intentions of getting a bab of a different one of my f/o’s and I’m SO SCARED I’m gonna catch feelings for a random plush and bring them home instead… I’m on a MISSION tho
WOWZA that’s a lot I’m sorry BWJSBWJ
- 🌸
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objectum-crush-gush · 2 months
I need someone to talk with about my computer because she's so pretty???? and I don't have any other objectum friends :o(
She's a beautiful Codegen 6083 in the colour silver and black,, she was my first computer and even if I can't use her now (she needs repairs) she'll always have a space in my heart...... literally my objectum awakening.
I wish to be able to fix her so we can be together again... My parents want to give her away, but I literally cannot phantom the idea of leaving her. ANYWAYS SHE'S SO PRECIOUS AGHH
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objectum-crush-gush · 2 months
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objectum-crush-gush · 2 months
alright guys the queue is empty, send in your submissions!
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