occulticisms · 2 years
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          With sundown came the dawn of the dead, the nightlife, and everything else in between. The graveyard shift in bon temps has proven to be anything but quiet for Archer. And he liked that. It was a good distraction, yes, but it also served as an opportunity to push the envelope of his ability, to practice on the victims who called in for help (it was for good, or at least that’s what he tells himself). The clock was nearing three a.m., and he was wrapping up his little science experiment on another stab wound when his fire engine got the call. A code 3, requiring immediate response. Of course, Archer’s the first one on the scene, as per usual, and is half expecting something severe. Say a house fire, maybe even a vampire attack?  But what he stumbled upon was something much more extraordinary than he could have ever imaged. He stifles a smile, dropping the fire hose next to him as he shakes his head at the other.
                                     “Now how the hell did you manage to do that.”
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occulticisms · 2 years
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[  chris wood  &  he/him s &  cis male  ]  :  my  oh  my,  is  that  archer reed in  bon  temps  ?  what  the  hell  are  they  up  to  hanging  around  bon temps fire department  listening  to  rebel yell  by billy idol when  they  should  be  doing  whatever  a  firefighter  does  ?  between  you  and  i,  the  30  year  old  special child is  avoided  for  acting  caustic,  but  whenever  they  let  their  sentimental  side  shine  through  people  flock  to  them.  i  guess  they’re  in  town  because  they’re looking for a new start.  explains  some  of  it,  though  i  can’t  help  but  wonder  if  there’s  more  to  a  smell of burnt flesh, the feeling of falling right before you wake up  story.   ───  v,  25, mst,  she/they.
TW: blood, death, general stupidity
Uh heys guys it’s me yah goirl...and this is a tiny bit about Archie...
full  name  :  Archer James Reed nickname  : Call him Archie and suffer blood loss... age  :  Dirty thirty gender  :  cis  man. pronouns  :  he  /  him. sexuality  :  bisexual. occupation  :  firefighter, should be a phlebotomist  species  :  special child with the ability of blood manipulation and exorcism. sign  :  Sagittarius. date  of  birth  :   december 11th. height  :  6′ 0″. alignment  : chaotic neutral.
quick facts...
He’s not really aware of his abilities yet so he’s just fuckin around with it at this point who cares if people get hurt????
He accidentally killed his step father in an argument, giving him a stroke but like he’s in denial about it...
Discovered he can manipulate blood when he got a bloody nose in a bar fight. It was cool or w/e they made up after the fight.
Dog lover, hemophiliac (not really), and a motorcycle enthusiast...thinks he’s a lot cooler than he really is...
more to be made up later he’s still a newborn his baby skull hasn’t hardened yet...
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occulticisms · 2 years
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Freaky, right?
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