ofichvr · 5 years
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vidar had never once thought that he would go back to SHIELD , especially after what happened to his youngest child and yet he ended up going back after swearing that he would never go back to that lifestyle. but this lifestyle is all that the bjork-thorson knew. he was thrown into the military at a young age and once he got out he threw himself into SHEILD because it was the closest he could get to familiarity. “ he used to like me , “ vidar chuckled , playing it off as a joke. it was always nice to see bucky , despite the little punch in the gut that bucky got his happiness and vidar was still... vidar. still lonely as ever and still going through his own personal hell after what happened to his youngest. “ well , not everyone can say that they have to grease their arm. very cool. “ 
bucky sat on a bench outside of the security building, coffee and sarg sat next to his feet. his arm had felt heavy all day despite the material being light, he was sure he felt it sparking earlier, too. dislodging it from his shoulder, he admired it in his lap with his free hand, a loud sigh leaving his lips as he did so. hearing someone approach him, he shuffled awkwardly, sarg moving to stand in front of him protectively. “uh – sorry. just gotta y’know, oil the metal work or whatever they say.” his words were obviously bashful, eyes stuck on his prosthetic.
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ofichvr · 5 years
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“ what’s that ? “ vidar looked at his ( ex ) brother in law with a confused expression. though , despite the brunnhilde , sif + carter families being an EX family , he still saw them as his family. “ is it a board game... ? “
“What the Hel is a Fortnite and why are Midgardian kids so obsessed with it?” Bjørn was genuinely curious, though he had no intention of actually playing it. “It looks…boring.”
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ofichvr · 5 years
‘ is everything okay ? i mean , other than , you know … everything . ’ / @wvtchful.
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“ should you really be asking me that ? “ it was HARSH. vidar didn’t like how he was always so conflicted with his feelings towards theora. she saved his daughter and was his best friend’s sister so he should like her. he should feel like he owed her something for saving tova. but he also lost someone BECAUSE of her. he lost his baby sister and one of his closest friends. 
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ofichvr · 5 years
❛ what do you do to afford v-necks, vidar? ❜ / @firechiicken.
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“ contrary to popular belief, i just buy them at walmart for less than ten bucks a piece. target’s a good place too, though , “ vidar finished off his chocolate milkshake loudly. “ do i really wear v-necks that much that you start to question it ? “ 
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ofichvr · 5 years
❛ you could pour soup in my lap and i’ll probably apologize to you. ❜ / @danielthorson.
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“ i’m not... going to pour my soup on you, i have better reflexes than dropping an entire container of soup across the table from where i’m sitting. “
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ofichvr · 5 years
❛ anyone who’s seen my dick and met my parents has to die. ❜ / @danielthorson.
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“ i can’t tell if you’re joking or not... “ kids these days with their jokes that didn’t even sound like actual jokes. vidar wasn’t even sure how they got to this conversation topic. 
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ofichvr · 5 years
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“I can entertain the kids while you cook. I always like catching up with them — they are wonderful. You just let me know what day works for everyone.” Thor says with a smile, and pats Vidar’s back gently. “You are holding up okay?”
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sometimes he thought that his own children liked their grandfather more than they liked their own dad. he wouldn’t blame them - his dad was amazing. but he felt a disconnection to his kids that his dad had never known. “ as long as you’re there they’ll love it , thanks dad. “ some of vidar’s reasons for not being around as much wasn’t exactly his fault and couldn’t be helped but he still took full responsibility for his marriage falling apart and his children being so distant. “ yeah - yeah , i think i’m doing okay. “ 
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ofichvr · 5 years
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the younger blond’s eyebrows furrowed together, as he looked from his brother to the phone and back again. he wasn’t sure what was going on- but he knew vidar was definitely confused. “i knew old people were bad with technology, but i didn’t think you’d be this bad,” he finally responded, a poor attempt at a joke to lighten the mood. 
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“ sorry ? “ he wasn’t old , but then he was. vidar had been brought back in time ( not physically - only mentally ) so he thought he was only in his twenties when in reality he was actually in his early forties. “ i really don’t know what you’re talking about and there’s no way that apple went from being on the third generation of iphones to being... on the seventh in a matter of months. unless i really did miss A LOT when i was overseas... “ 
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ofichvr · 5 years
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“It is a surprise indeed! It is a great one, I do love getting to spend more time with all of you. How about we do a family dinner” Thor suggests, not that he nows a lot about cooking, but he could help. “I can offer assistance in the kitchen. I would not leave me alone with the appliances though.”
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“ family dinner would be great - they’ll ALL like that , “ vidar nodded. he was excited to be around family again but especially his own children. he just wanted to be a better father to them for ONCE. “ yeah , no , i can handle the cooking part ; i’m a fair cook. “
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ofichvr · 5 years
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“ what can i say , sometimes i get emotional -- can’t blame an old man for trying , “ DEEP BLUE EYES filled with concern as he watched ava. he knew better than anyone how easy it can be to use alcohol to make yourself feel better. but he didn’t want to see that in ava , of all people. “ maybe not - but it makes me feel a lot better seeing it gone. “ 
@ofichvr sent:  ‘ because i love you … i think . no , i’m pretty sure . yeah , i love you . ’
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“you gettin’ sappy on me, viejo?” ava smirks as she stares at the last half of her whiskey bottle. even slightly buzzed, who was she to deny a request with that tagged on, especially from vidar? without a word, she holds out the bottle and releases it to drop the 10 feet to empty concrete below. she lets a silence loom for just a moment, “alright. it’s gone,” she finally glances at him with a small smirk, moving to bump him with her shoulder, “love you too, now stop lookin’ so serious, a bottle isn’t gunna do me in.”
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ofichvr · 5 years
ava nearly jumped out of her skin at the sound of vidar’s voice with what she also heard. guns, shells exploding, meal crushing, orders being shouted, it all seemed to clamour in her head at once, broken by the sound of a voice she was more than relieved to hear now.
If anyone could get her through this, it was vidar.
“you don’t hear that?!” she rushes over and ducks a little as she puts a hand on his shoulder, “v, they brought the fucking war here,” the panic was clear, “you gotta know who we call or… something?”
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vidar takes a moment to try and LISTEN , even used the enhanced hearing he got from being part asgardian but all he heard was kids fighting , people panicking , loud feet running in the halls... but nothing that would alarm him or make him worry. “ no - sorry - what do YOU hear ? “ vidar eyebrows furrowed together. “ uh , -- do i know you ? “ 
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ofichvr · 5 years
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vidar wasn’t sure what was going , he only knew that everyone around him seemed to not enjoying themselves. his last memories involved his kids being small and saying goodbye to his four kids ( tova , gunnar , ocavtius + laurel ) right before heading out on another tour. he doesn’t know it , but that significant tour will change him for the rest of his life. “ there could be - but i don’t have any ideas at the moment. “ he’s the LEAST HELPFUL - anyone else would be more helpful than him. “ i don’t... entirely know what’s going on. the last thing i remember is saying goodbye to my kids and wife. “
Everything had gone to hell in the past few hours and ever since, Althea would not sit down for a second. She paced back and forth, her mind going a million miles a second. She was absentmindedly talking to herself about what to do, she hadn’t really needed to use the abilities she inherited from her father, so they couldn’t be of much use. 
She was finally snapped out of it, though very briefly, when someone stepped near her. She quickly turned her attention to him. “There has to be some explanation, some way to get everyone back to normal. Right? There can’t just be any way that we’re all stuck here and like this, right?”
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ofichvr · 5 years
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so far, gunnar has been more stumbling through the corridors rather than searching for his family, as he knows he has to. yet, it doesn’t seem he’s had to do much right now as he hears an echo of his dad’s voice close by. “d–dad?” he quickens his steps, sniffling away some tears until he spots his father’s figure. his steps don’t slow as he turns the corner, hurrying towards him, relief clear on his voice. “dad!”
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“ dad ? “ vidar looks at the UNFAMILIAR boy - not knowing that the boy is his own SON. he’d admit that he looks a lot like his second eldest , gunnar. but gunnar was so much younger than the boy before him. “ you must have me confused for someone else , my kids are all CHILDREN. my eldest is only eleven. “ 
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ofichvr · 5 years
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“that’s because it’s not a blackberry,” the younger of the two males responded with a laugh as he held his phone out for the other to see. “it’s an iphone 8,” he continued- it occurred to daniel that vidar not recognizing an iphone could be considered odd but he shrugged it off. 
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“ EIGHT ? but the three only just came out... “ vidar looked at the younger kid , not recognizing him at all. “ and they definitely don’t look like that. “
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ofichvr · 5 years
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vidar wasn’t sure what was happening but he was having a grand ol’ time. he was wondering where his kids and wife were but was starting to assume that they were back home. maybe he just had a wild night the day before , though he didn’t feel hungover - so that was out. “ hey , can you - , “ vidar stops mid-sentence when he recognizes the look in the girls face. a look of fear. “ what’s going on ? “ he asks , the tone in his voice changing drastically. 
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ofichvr · 5 years
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“ this place is a fuckin’ maze , “ vidar shook his head. he was confused as ever as to why he was in a college but even more confused on how to find his way OUTSIDE. “ has nobody ever heard of a map ? “ he asks out loud , mainly to HIMSELF. 
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ofichvr · 5 years
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“ what kind of phone is THAT ? “ vidar pointed to the phone in the kids hands. “ it doesn’t look like any blackberry i’ve seen before , buddy. “
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