❝ It looks like a mystery to me. ❞
❝ I can already taste those chocolate-covered hotdogs. ❞
❝ I’ll wait here and when you find out, send me a telegram. ❞
❝ Can I help it if my first toy was a garbage disposal? ❞
❝ I’m so scared I wish I had a ham sandwich. ❞
❝ It sure would help if we could find another clue. . ❞
❝ Well, we saw a very strange character running around out there. ❞
❝ Besides us there is no one else on this island. ❞
❝ We know we didn’t imagine all those kooky things that happened. ❞
❝ Maybe the moonlight was playing tricks on you. ❞
❝ You shouldn’t believe everything you read. ❞
❝ Soap? I hardly use it myself, but why not? ❞
❝ Creeps and Crawls! They sure picked the right lawyers for this job. ❞
❝ Come on, ______. Where’s your sense of humour? ❞
❝ I’m beginning to think that following ghosts is safer than following you two! ❞
❝ Another mystery bites the dust. ❞
❝ I have to figure out why my trap didn’t work. ❞
❝ Oh, good gracious! What is that? ❞
❝ Why do you need more money? ❞
❝ What about this locket we found where you were digging? ❞
❝ Well, guess we owe you kids thanks. ❞
❝ Like, uh-uh– Like, who–who is this? ❞
❝ The real mystery has just begun.. ❞
❝ You don’t know what you’ve uncovered. ❞
❝ You should never have brought that locket out of the cave. ❞
❝ Gang, we have a mystery on our hands! ❞
❝ Think you could come and get us? ❞
❝ I guess we’re here for the whole night. ❞
❝ I left a few pages blank, you know, for future traps. ❞
❝ Rule number two: stay in your rooms, no matter what you hear. ❞
❝ I’m starting to smell a little… funky. ❞
❝ Like, I’ve got a bad feeling we’re gonna find out. ❞
❝ Are you trying to set me up with - him/her/them? ❞
❝ Anyone with hair that perfect has to be guilty of something. ❞
❝ Does this mean you finally accept what I want to do with my life? ❞
❝ Wow, who are you trying to impress? ❞
❝ Like, what can I say? Junk food and me have a very special relationship. ❞
❝ I have no idea what you’re talking about.  ❞
❝ You promised me you were going to start caring more about your appearance. ❞
❝ What in the name of whole wheat toast is going on? ❞
❝ I didn’t know this year’s prom theme was terror and pandemonium. ❞
❝ I need to tell you something and I need you to listen. ❞
❝ Isn’t it obvious? My looks are starting to fade. ❞
❝ But what are you doing here? Why have you been sneaking out? ❞
❝ Like, you don’t hear many monsters from other dimensions scream for help. ❞
❝ Why can’t anything in this town ever turn out to be real? ❞
❝ Hooray! Hip hip hooray! Hip hip hooray! ❞
❝ Hey, little muffin, how ‘bout you and me go for a moonlight ride? ❞
❝ All I know is, since my dad owns the place, we get free refills. ❞
❝ Did you break into the armory and steal a rocket launcher? ❞
❝ Don’t be so hard on yourself. You tried to do a very brave thing. ❞
❝ I’m going to have to let out an unearthly howl and destroy you. ❞
❝ I would have gotten away with it if it wasn’t for you meddling– ❞
❝ Zoinks! ❞
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H O R R O R . P R O M P T S
“I just got back from the cemetery.”
“I swear I just saw someone… or something looking in my window.”
“I know I closed the damn closet door, but it keeps opening! Please tell me this is just some kind of joke you keep pulling.”
“What’s behind you in these pictures…?”
“Apparently like 20 years ago, some girl slaughtered her family in the basement.”
“I think there’s something about this house that you’re not telling me.”
“I keep hearing noises coming from the attic…”
“I know what I saw, and whatever is in the basement… it’s not human!”
“I didn’t have time to see what it was! I just got the hell out of there!”
“Whose grave were you bringing flowers to…?”
“The electricity guy said there was absolutely nothing wrong – and yet, the lights always flicker on at 2am. Explain that to me?”
“Why don’t you spend the night in that house ‘alone’, then try to convince me that you don’t believe in ghosts.”
“Y-you don’t understand, he didn’t have a face!”
“I had a dream that I killed you.”
“Ah, yes… the room you’re staying in. It’s a paranormal hot spot, apparently.”
“I keep hearing whispers at night… I-I can’t sleep!”
“There was something else in there with me, I’m not going back to that house.”
“Come on, it’s just an urban legend…”
“Are you trying to tell me I’ve been sleeping in a dead girl’s room!?”
“I keep getting the feeling that someone is following me.”
“Don’t panic… but I think there’s someone else in the house.”
“I can still feel her/his ghost, and it’s killing me…”
“There’s something growling in the basement… could you, uh… check it out for me?”
“Can you just… can you please check the closet?”
“P-please… put the knife down.”
“I bought this haunted ring on eBay!”
“No, no, no – run!”
“I didn’t forward one of those freaky chain letters and now I keep hearing the laughter of children coming from my hallways at night.”
“The dead are all around us…”
“She’s dead! She’s dead and yet I keep seeing her, everywhere!”
“There’s something breathing under the bed…”
"You can’t tell me you don’t believe in ghosts after all we’ve been through.”
“I saw something I wasn’t supposed to see, something… that wasn’t supposed to be here.”
“Maybe an exorcism is in order…?”
“I woke up, and it was j-just… staring at me.”
“He was there, then like a second later he literally vanished! I saw it happen!”
“I like the ghosts here… they keep me company.”
"You can’t honestly tell me you’re in love with a dead girl.”
“Wasn’t someone murdered in this house? Why are we here?”
“If dying means being with him/her, kill me. I’d be happier that way.”
“Ghosts aren’t real. You need help.”
“…what do you mean we didn’t talk last night? You came over, you were here.”
“You saw something you weren’t supposed to see. And now… now you know what has to be done.”
“I’m pretty sure my toaster’s haunted.”
"What’s wrong with you? You look like you’ve seen a ghost.”
“Don’t! Don’t you dare open that door!”
“I visited his/her grave for the first time today…”
“Something terrible happened here, didn’t it?”
“Wh-why do you have a knife…?”
"You’re all bloody, what happened!?”
“You know that book from The Evil Dead? Yeah, well… I’m pretty sure we found something pretty damn similar to it.”
“You’re bleeding…”
“How can you not see it…? I’m dead! I’ve been dead for years!”
“I’ve always wanted to see you choking on your own blood.”
“I’m sorry, I’m busy Friday with the… funeral and all.”
“I’ll never forget the sound of his screaming.”
“From the looks of it, the afterlife is a lot more fun than this.”
"Legend has it that you can still hear her crying for her lover in the dead of night.”
“I want to be dead, too.”
“Well don’t you look lovely, all covered in blood.”
"Whoa – wait! Please don’t go down there… let’s just get out of here, please?”
“You played with a Ouija board!?”
“Me and some friends played with a Ouija board the other night… and things have been a little strange since then.”
“There’s so much negative energy in this house… do you know if someone died here?”
“You’re always hanging out in cemeteries… and yeah, it’s kinda creepy.”
"They just don’t believe like they used to…”
“I will haunt you until the end of time.”
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“Too true.” Sip. “ unfortunately. ” He gave a grimace and lounged back against the wall. “The Man seems to have bungled things outside of camps.” New Rome had a woman as Praetor. Reyna certainly commandeered respect as well.
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 " and maybe a little bit up in the clouds. Just a little bit.“
Clarisse nodded respectfully as he identified himself. “They say it’s a man’s world,” she replied with a shrug.
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“If we don’t prove ourselves, we don’t get respect.”
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I highly recommend you follow the person I reblogged this from.
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‘ i said, tell me his fucking name. ’ ‘ i think he’ll try to kill me. ’ ‘ that’s the language of vendetta. they took one of ours, we take two of theirs. ’ ‘ you want to impress me? ’ ‘ you’ve got to get us through this. ’ ‘ you remember that god spared you. but what did you do with the extra time he gave you ’ ‘ i’ll cut you… from this family. ’ ‘ intelligence is a very valuable thing, innit, my friend. and usually it comes far too fucking late. ’ ‘ it was fucking biblical mate. ’ ‘ none of you will survive. ’ ‘ in the words of my sinful catholic mother, “keep his balls empty and his belly full.” ’ ‘ okay. but i warn you, it’ll break your heart. ’ ‘ now, i will accept my job back if the terms on offer are favourable, but i will not behave myself. ’ ‘ i coulda killed you when i walked through the door. ’ ‘ and no fucking fighting! ’ ‘ these [women]/men will not leave this city until the whole family is dead. tThat’s how it works. an eye for an eye. it’s called vendetta. ’ ‘ i think. so that you don’t have to. ’ ‘ big fucks small, always, actually. ’ ‘ you once said to me that [women]/men like us can never be loved. ’ ‘ yeah… until hell freezes over. ’ ‘ i’ve been a fucking idiot. i haven’t appreciated nothing. ’ ‘ all right, the problem right between rum and gin is that gin, it leads to the melancholy, whereas rum incites violence and it also allows you to be liberated from the self doubt. right here, you are probably more in need of the old rum. ’ ‘ you have something to say to me? ’ ‘ i found you, and you found me. we’ll help each other. ’
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"Child of Bacchus." He gestured towards himself with a smirk. Taking another light sip. " it seems whether Roman or Greeks you daughter's always have something to prove though, huh? "
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Thank God my kindles Tumblr app won't update, because on the browser half of this fandoms blogs aren't compatible and won't show me links 😂😂
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Like this for a royal starter?
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Vigilante au ideas:
was once part of a decently known team, until a mission went completely sour
is now the joke amongst heroes and villains alike (despite them actually being more than capable and most of their missions having a success rate)
Eventually leaves team. Takes off on his own to train. Comes back even more weaponized and with an... Interesting concept of right and wrong 
His old team is his family. Even if they're not talking or with each other constantly like they used to be, he will raise heaven and hell for them. Even if it requires making the decisions no one else will. 
has no problem crossing the line. At all. 
Is a real jack ass sometimes 
When not on the job he's probably drunk
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Get down!
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Percy took the bottle and shook his head. He knocked it back, finding that it was easier to do so now that he was buzzed. “I could try Iris messaging her, but I don’t know where she is.” He sighed and rubbed his eyes. “Anyways. Enough about me,” he told him. “What about you? Any lucky ladies?”
As Percy drank, Dakota pulled a bowl from his pocket, already packed. A flick of his thumb and he was inhaling the smoke... and choking on it at Percy's question. "Me?" He coughed out, now laughing. He took a swig of the bottle, trying to ease the burn. " definitely not. " he hardly had time for such things. And most people here still treated the fifth cohort like relative scum. Dakota didn't have any plans on dating someone like that. 
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Percy couldn’t help but laugh loudly. “Carson does whatever she wants. I’d be scared to tell her that she couldn’t go do something she had set her mind too.” He had to think about his first question though. “Not necessarily. But we’ve never fully said it. I don’t think we’ve ever actually confirmed our relationship even.” The thought made him scowl. What was he to her? He knew that he liked her, maybe even loved her.
"Sounds like someone else I know." He hummed, thinking of the similarities between Percy and her. He sipped again, staying quiet for a moment as Percy spoke. It was obvious he was still head over heels for her. A thought that was a little funny to him. "Don't get all twisted up here," he tapped his temple and handed the bottle. "There's always time." Something he knew there wasn't . But they could always make it. "Do you have a way to reach her?"
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friendly reminders that
frank is lactose intolerant
hazel doesn’t know what a chicken nugget is
nico literally had a nightmare about popcorn. popcorn
carter kane essentially did the same thing for zia rashid that leo did for calypso. keep that in mind.
bianca willingly left nico twice in both life and death, once to join the hunters and then to be reborn
percy can’t control the mist. thalia and hazel can.
jason hadn’t seen his mother since he was two years old
paul is an example of a good stepparent. annabeth’s stepmother is an example of a bad stepparent
magnus’s mom had a pixie cut, like alex
hazel likes to draw
nico likes card games which is a 100% guarantee he is a total nerd for magic the gathering, dungeons and dragons, etc. as well as probably video games and star wars and star trek
sadie is dating both anubis and walt
dead moms club: nico, bianca, hazel, leo, frank, jason, hedge
yes, coach hedge’s mother is dead.
piper is a vegetarian
pretty much all of frank’s family (except ares, obviously) is dead or presumed dead.
jason is near-sighted
alex does pottery
the titan and giant wars are just two of the wars chiron has been around to see. and he has been around since the original ancient greece.
percy is going to be an older brother
piper’s dad is famous. so she probably kind of is too, at least to some degree.
the three roman emperors that have come back to life are part of the group that has been terrorizing percy and the gang since the beginning
grover exists. he’s a member of the council of cloven elders. he and juniper are dating. in case you forgot. (i know rick did…)
tyson and ella are dating (also, tyson!!!)
rick riordan himself is a character within the series (royal scribe at camp half-blood, receiver of carter and sadie’s recordings, percy’s editor)
also, he wrote each book each year (sometimes two in a year). this guy deserves waaaay more credit than he gets
anubis likes to chill in graveyards
and, finally, may castellan is probably still making sandwiches and baking cookies for a son who will never come
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He chuckled and took another swig from the bottle before passing it back to the other. He could already feel the alcohol swimming through his body, his head slightly lightheaded. “Carson.” The name left him in a sigh and he shook his head, running his hand through his hair. “We’ve been really rocky. And she’s traveling right now. Or well, she was before I left. Her brother passed away.” He didn’t know if that was too much information or not but he didn’t care right now. Thinking of her made him just a tiny bit calmer which was crazy because when they were around each other, she drove him nuts.
He laughed softly at the longing on his face, and took another deep sip. Dakota made this game dangerous, for now easy he took it down. One would think it was sugar water. 
 "Did she say she wanted to break up with you?" He questioned , resting his head back gently to thinly against the log. "You let her just.. Go and travel?" Dakota panicked at the thought of anyone he loved traveling . Especially on their own, too? It stressed him out. 
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Percy sat down beside Dakota, taking a swig of the root beer. He smacked his lips and held his hand out for the bottle of Hennessy again. “Thanks. I trust you. I don’t trust myself.” He chuckled and took a sip of the golden liquid. “You remind me of Carson,” he told him. “She’s my girlfriend. Or well, she was. I don’t know what we are now. And that’s not because of my memory loss.”
He passed it over with a grin. Now they were talking. "That's ok, too. Learn from it brother." He was testing waters with Percy still . But so far, he was liking where this ship was sailing. Too much to pull out a bowl? Ahh, he could probably get away with it if Percy was drunk. 
"Carson's the name?" Now he was interested . He moved to sit on the ground so he could rest his back against the stump. "Why don't you know?"
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Percy grinned. “Good. Is that all you have to drink?” He asked, tilting his head at the bottle. If it was, he would drink it, but he wanted to know all his options. Not throwing up everything in his body would be a nice touch to the end of the night.
"Are you suggesting we go back and risk getting caught?" He sounded amused , and he handed the other a root beer bottle. "I have chaser, if that helps at all." Personally he wasn't a fan of chasers. It was either vodka and cool aid , or something straight. "We won't let you get sick, have a little faith. " He patted the stump beside him and grinned. The whole copse of trees looked like a clearing set for a bonfire. With ample room to sit and relax. 
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