ofsemicolone · 5 months
The Concept Behind.
More than 450 million people suffer from mental disorders. According to WHO, by the year 2020, depression will constitute the second largest disease burden worldwide. So here we are, with our concept that raises concerns about mental health, semicolon is ready to accompany you, make yourself feel comfortable in our presence so you won't feel alone and make your days full of happiness. Semicolon ; NOT JUST A TATTOO. /ˌsemiˈkəʊlɒn/ Semicolon is a symbol ( ; ) this symbol is used when a writer seems to choose to end a sentence, but it doesn't. It is as if the author is yourself and the sentence is your life. So does the meaning of this semicolon tattoo. It becomes a physical representation of a person's strength in their inner struggles and fosters hope and love for those who are struggling with their sadness. VOL 4.0 NEW PAGE SEMI, we position ourselves like punctuation marks in the story written by Colones. Like the Semicolon(e) itself, we remain a small part of Colones journey. Whether it's a dot, comma, quotation, or anything else, we are always present in their story, be it past, present, or future. Like punctuation that consistently completes sentences, SEMI will always complement Colones. "We will keep moving forward." As time passes, we must realize that the journey to a brighter future and personal well-being is not always smooth. Sometimes, we may feel tired, even wounded, in our efforts to reach our best potential. However, like a small wounded bird gazing at the sky, we all have the determination to see beyond, surpass limits, and achieve our desires. In facing challenges, we must learn to be brave, ride the winds of change, leap higher, and overcome every obstacle. Although raindrops may disturb us, and long stormy nights with dark clouds may seem daunting, we must not give up. The thunder and waves in our lives are part of this journey, and we will grow stronger through these experiences. The fire in our hearts continues to burn, becoming a guiding beacon leading us through the darkness towards the dawn. Before the dawn breaks, we must keep developing our talents, exceeding the highest speed limits, and undertaking this journey with sincere determination. With courage and perseverance, we will reach the future we dream of, face challenges, and achieve the happiness and well-being that are our goals. IT REALLY DOESN'T END HERE, SO WILL YOU FIGHT WITH US?
Lebih dari 450 juta orang mengalami gangguan mental. Menurut WHO, pada tahun 2020, depresi akan menjadi beban penyakit terbesar kedua di seluruh dunia. Jadi di sinilah, dengan konsep kami yang menyoroti kesehatan mental, titik koma siap menemani Anda, buatlah diri Anda nyaman di hadapan kami sehingga Anda tidak merasa sendirian dan membuat hari-hari Anda penuh kebahagiaan. Semicolon; BUKAN HANYA SEBATAS TATO. /ˌsemiˈkəʊlɒn/ Semicolon adalah simbol ( ; ) simbol ini digunakan ketika seorang penulis tampaknya memilih untuk mengakhiri kalimat, tetapi sebenarnya tidak. Seolah-olah penulisnya adalah diri Anda sendiri dan kalimatnya adalah hidup Anda. Begitu juga makna tato titik koma ini. Ini menjadi representasi fisik kekuatan seseorang dalam perjuangan batin mereka dan menyemangati harapan dan cinta bagi mereka yang berjuang dengan kesedihan mereka. VOL 4.0 NEW PAGE SEMI, kami memposisikan diri kami seperti tanda baca dalam cerita yang ditulis oleh 'Colones'. Seperti Semicolon(e) itu sendiri, kami tetap menjadi bagian kecil dari perjalanan Colones. Walaupun hanya berupa titik, koma, kutip, atau apapun itu, kita selalu ada di dalam cerita mereka, baik yang sudah terjadi, yang sedang berlangsung, maupun yang akan datang. Seperti tanda baca yang selalu melengkapi kalimat, SEMI akan selalu melengkapi Colones. “Kita akan terus melangkah.” Seiring berjalannya waktu, kita harus menyadari bahwa perjalanan ke masa depan yang lebih cerah dan kesejahteraan pribadi tidaklah selalu mulus. Terkadang, kita mungkin merasa lelah, bahkan terluka, dalam usaha mencapai potensi terbaik kita. Namun, seperti burung kecil yang penuh luka yang menatap langit, kita semua memiliki tekad untuk melihat lebih jauh, melampaui batasan, dan mencapai keinginan kita. Dalam menghadapi tantangan, kita harus belajar untuk berani, berlari mengendarai angin haluan, melompat lebih tinggi, dan mengatasi setiap rintangan. Meski tetesan hujan mungkin mengganggu kita, dan malam badai panjang dengan awan hitam mungkin terasa menyulitkan, kita tak boleh menyerah. Guntur dan ombak dalam hidup kita adalah bagian dari perjalanan ini, dan kita akan tumbuh lebih kuat melalui pengalaman ini. Api dalam dada kita terus membara, menjadi mercusuar penerang jalan yang membimbing kita melalui kegelapan menuju cahaya fajar. Sebelum fajar menyingsing, kita harus terus mengembangkan bakat kita, melebihi batas kecepatan tertinggi, dan menjalani perjalanan ini dengan tekad yang tulus. Dengan keberanian dan ketekunan, kita akan mencapai masa depan yang kita impikan, menghadapi tantangan, dan meraih kebahagiaan serta kesejahteraan yang menjadi tujuan kita. IT REALLY DOESN'T END HERE, SO WILL YOU FIGHT WITH US?
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ofsemicolone · 5 months
Rules and Regulations
Main Rules
1. Each person may only have one account, and we highly recommend using your main, active account. 2. The only accounts we accept are selective accounts, all-star characters, and general roleplayers. 3. There is a maximum of 3 OA (including us) and 2 SQ allowed. 4. The following number should be less than 500. 5. No nicks permitted. The display and username need to be related to the muse. 6. You need to have an active account.  7. Put our identity on your website, bio, and/or location page. 8. Love wins. 9. We hope you are going to participate in all of our full schedule. However, if you were unable to participate, you had to inform the base (event) and get your friends' permission (member's game). 10. For OOC content, use your bracket. 11. All members and SEMICOLONE accounts must be followed. 12. Drama of any kind is not appreciated in our family, nor is there any CIC. 13. Treat everyone in SEMICOLONE with kindness, humility, respect, and kindness. 14. NSFW content is permitted between 12 PM (GMT+7) and 4 AM (GMT+7), yet viewing explicit media is not allowed. 15. New Account must have Minimum. 300 Tweets and 50 Followers. 16. For daily interaction, Colone(s) must do 10 tweets interaction with other colone(s).
GDM Rules
1. We will have 2 GDM. One is for interact and other is for Information only. 2. You can only use Interactive GDM. You can not send any bubble chat or tweet to Information GDM. 3. On Convo only on Friday start from 18.00 to Saturday 10:00. 4. You can only send your own tweet, you can’t send someone tweet to express how you felt. 5. If you break the rules you will get punishment (dare) that will last for 24 hour.
Hiatus 1. Hiatus is up for 5 days. 2. Semi hiatus is up for 3 days. 3. We do not accept Long Hiatus. Changing character, username or account 1. Please report it to the base if you want to change your character or username or account. 2. Can only be done 1 time. *If you got 72h limit, suspend, locked or any type of love letter from Twitter, you can inform us.* Temporary swap 1. TS is up to 2 days. 2. Please report it to the base if you want to do a Temporary swap. 3. Please don't TS to a character that existing in our OA (but if you want you need extra permission to ask the character). Unverification 1. Inactive for 24 hour after verification. 2. Inactive for 24 hour after hiatus periode ended. 3. If you are not active for 3 days. 4. Involved in any type of drama or CIC. *If you are not giving any news after deactive/suspend : we will wait for 2 days.* You will get a warning if you 1. Pass 500 following. 2. Not put our identity in our bio. 3. Not follow fellow member or any account that link to SEMICOLONE. 4. Not participate in event and not reporting it.
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