ofsight · 5 years
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GIF MOODBOARD: PARVATI ( click for captions )
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ofsight · 5 years
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fay dunbar & hermione granger & lavender brown & parvati patil & sophie roper
and in all the stories my daughter shall hear, it will not be the princes that slay the dragons, but little girls that believe in magic with big, brave hearts and even bigger dreams.
she will learn to rely on her own sword, in every battle, in every struggle, in every war because she will learn how to devour every single monster from their very core.
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ofsight · 5 years
WHEN: 31 january, 1:54pm WHERE: some corridor idk WHO: @pcrkinscns
She’d taken special care to avoid Pansy ever since the night of the Hufflepuff party --- the memory of being alone with Daphne in a broom closet only to be interrupted by the Head Girl still filled Parvati with embarrassment, and she was certainly not eager to interact with Pansy and be forced to re-live it. Plus, she’d been holding onto this secret of Pansy’s trysts with Padma for nearly a month now, and if forced to confront Pansy she was quite afraid that she’d let it slip in front of many other students. 
Still, it wasn’t that large of a school. 
“Merlin’s beard, do you mind watching where you’re going?” She accosted Pansy perhaps more harshly than she needed to, especially considering the fact that it had been Parvati who was flipping through Witch Weekly while she walked and not paying attention to who she might bump into. “If I could just go one day without having to look at you, that’d be great.”
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ofsight · 5 years
WHEN: 29 january, 8:24pm WHERE: room of requirement WHO: @adgoldstein
Parvati always looked forward to the practice sessions within DA meetings. She was a decent dueler, she supposed, more-or-less average --- but if she wanted to feel more powerful than that, she needed to be better. Today she was paired with Anthony, someone she was automatically wary of due to his close association with Michael, but had no actual reason to dislike. She stood and followed him to a clear area of the room, drawing her wand with a friendly smile. 
“Right, then. Promise you won’t go easy on me? Chivalry is dead anyway, you know.”
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ofsight · 5 years
( susan. )
OPEN. when: january 28th, 1998; 8:50pm where: hufflepuff common room
“i might have nicked some of this from the party,“ susan confessed while pouring some more into the line of plastic cups, "but truly, what is the hufflepuff common room without a constant supply of drinks.” for her eighteenth birthday, the girl had decided on an open event, whispered around by the students - anyone who could get into the hufflepuff room was free to have a shot, or some of the cookies she’d last bought during the break, which were definitely not in their peak quality. all around, a pretty good birthday celebration. “you know, if this all goes to shit, i think i might have a future in bartending, right?” on the table she’d been serving drinks, enough to fill a whole bottle puddled up, and the floor definitely smelled like liquor. “oh, wanna see some of my tricks? i can juggle! sort of.”
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Parvati didn’t know Sally-Anne Perks all that well, but the girl would probably trust a blast-ended skrewt if it said please. That was how Parvati had come to be admitted into the Hufflepuff common room, where she’d made a beeline when she heard there were drinks available. After the latest Potterwatch broadcast, she really needed them --- how much death and tragedy was she supposed to be able to handle. Two shots in by now, Parvati gave Susan a tipsy laugh, lounging in her armchair and watching the girl expectantly. “Go on, then. Let’s see those tricks,” she encouraged Susan. “Regardless, I think you’ve definitely got a future in bartending. It takes a special kind of person to be able to give alcohol away instead of keeping it for themselves, and you’re clearly one of those rare gems.”
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ofsight · 5 years
WHEN: 28 january, 11:43pm WHERE: gryffindor common room WHO: @sophierropers
To no one’s surprise, the common room was still reasonably full --- it seemed as though not many people would be getting much sleep tonight. Since the news about Oliver Rivers spread, a strange silence had settled over all the students, making Parvati feel even more upset than she already was. She couldn’t stand grieving energy. 
Clearing her throat slightly, she made her way over to where Sophie was, taking a seat next to her. “Have you seen Seamus at all?” She asked with concern in her voice. “I’m a bit worried about him, since ---” Since it could’ve been Dean. At least, that was Parvati’s first thought as soon as she’d heard the news. 
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ofsight · 5 years
( tracey. )
tracey remembers a time when this would be simple, the routine laughter and sarcasm, with padma’s cynical but amused presence looming over them. she remembers parvati’s genuineness, the truth to her composure, something tracey has always looked for in companionship – and feels a longing towards all the people she’d met because of padma, people she’s now lost.
some bridges are burnt long before war. “can you blame me?” she snickers, turning halfway towards parvati. there is a sadness to the snow that she’s come to accept, that silences the running stream of her thoughts. she pauses, because there is also a heavy weight in the air between the two of them, something unspoken, something that will remain unspoken. tracey thinks that in another world, where she didn’t get her heart broken, where things would be easier than this, parvati and her would have made great friends. there is a simplicity to the friendships outside the dungeons that she doesn’t think she’ll ever get, but she longs for, constantly. she looks at parvati, and thinks about how things could have been.
“how are you?” she asks, more loaded than idle chitchat. she hasn’t spoken to parvati in months. how is padma? how are you holding up? how am i supposed to go through this all alone?
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The really tragic thing about all of this is that in truth, Parvati has more in common on a friendship level with Tracey than she ever has with Padma. The sense of whimsy and spontaneity they shared was something that she’d found so delightful back when they were friends --- when they were allowed to be friends. She’d be lying if she said she didn’t miss it, but loyalty to her sister needed to come first. She and Padma are different as night and day, they’ve always known that; but regardless of how comfortable she used to feel around Tracey, Padma will continue to come first. 
“That’s a pretty huge fucking question,” Parvati replies with a tired laugh, crossing her arms together for warmth. “I’m alright, I guess. As good as I can be.” She knows who Tracey is even more interested to hear about, though; the girl’s tone made it clear that she longs for information beyond meaningless small talk. “I think she is as well,” Parvati continues, knowing it’s obvious that she means Padma. “Honestly, we’re not really talking at the moment. We had a big fight.” She glances at Tracey apologetically, wishing she could give the girl more of the answers she’s looking for. Truth be told, she’s been wondering how Tracey is doing ever since she heard the news about her father back in November --- until then, Parvati had been under the impression that she was pureblood. 
“How’ve you been?” Parvati returns the question with a raised eyebrow. 
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ofsight · 5 years
( terry. )
when: january 29th, 3:27pm where: main corridor who: open
it’s been over a day since the news about oliver had been leaked, and his head is still reeling. it feels like a dream of sorts, that he’s going to wake up and it’ll all be some sort of joke. this can’t be happening, oliver is someone he’s known since the first day at hogwarts, oliver is someone he considers a friend.
past tense, his thoughts darkly remind him - oliver was someone he considered a friend.
he doesn’t know what the right response to this is - anger, hopelessness, sadness, fear. somehow they all seem accurate, and yet all terry really feels is numb. out of the corner of his eye, he sees a retreating figure, who he instantly recognizes as amycus carrow. and he realizes that it’d be easier to deal with this if there was someone to blame for it, rather than an unnamed person who killed oliver. terry’s not thinking at all as he slowly steps forward - the only thing on his mind is the unrelenting reminder that oliver is dead, and whoever did it can’t get away with it. when he raises his wand to aim at amycus’ back, there’s a strange sense of satisfaction at the thought of what he could do. 
nothing ends up happening, however, as someone knocks his wand out of his hand. “the fuck are you doing?” he spat, before moving to pick his wand back up. “you ruined it.” 
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Part of Parvati feels as though she’s been walking around in a daze since last night. She didn’t know Oliver, not well at least --- they’d never interacted much outside of close proximity during shared classes. Regardless, the news has still shaken Parvati to her core. She woke up the yesterday morning with a horrible foreboding feeling, knowing inside that something terrible and tragic had happened; and finding out later what that was had sent her into a state of dread. How many more lives would to be lost before all of this madness ended (if it ever ends)? True, she hadn’t known Oliver, but who would be next? Dean? Someone inside the castle, like Lavender or even Padma? The thought alone is enough to send Parvati spiraling. 
She’s just walking along absentmindedly when she sees Terry ahead, raising his wand --- and in a flash of her Inner Eye, she sees the jinx hitting Amycus squarely in the back, followed by a yell of fury and Terry’s screams of pain at his retaliation. As blood begins to drip from the corner of Terry’s mouth --- not the present Terry, the future Terry she can see as clearly as though he was standing in front of her --- Parvati’s instinct takes over and she runs right into him, knocking his wand to the floor and causing the future in her head to vanish. 
“Stopping you from doing something really, really stupid,” she replies. “Come on, exactly what were you hoping to accomplish by hexing one of the Carrows in the middle of a crowded corridor?”
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ofsight · 5 years
( hannah. )
Parvati Patil was something Hannah didn’t quite understand. Something, not someone — she was an appearance, a shining star of a girl, bright and real all at ones. She often found herself musing about the way the people around her appeared, how they talked and acted and left their mark on her and the world around her but Parvati — sometimes she took an extra second for her. Why, Hannah knew all too well. It had been a silly crush once, one she’d had before, one she’d felt for many people. She had dreamed about the two of them walking hand in hand and giggling under the stars for a while before having fantasies about another. But now she was back, so often appearing in her mind. How is Parvati doing?, she’d ask herself in rare quiet moments. And now she was in awe, once again.
( Acting on those feelings, though, was something Hannah hadn’t started thinking about just yet. Maybe later. Maybe soon. )
“Oh, I absolutely agree! The red is powerful, of course, as it stands for so many things, but making it all more colourful, more … I don’t know, lively? It makes it stronger. Especially when he’s the one that’s in colour.” Her eyes lingered on Harry’s face for a moment, and she stopped herself from wondering where he was. “Murals make a great statement, especially when they’re impossible to get off.” A rare, mischievous grin curled Hannah’s lips. She thought about how she’d painted on the walls at home as a child, messy doodles with dripping paint, and later, after her mother died, with dark black and shining stars. “We absolutely should, yes! There’s so many more empty walls, after all, that deserve a bit of colour and Merlin knows the Carrows deserve something like that. We could add Snape as a bat, or something … more offensive.”
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Parvati grinned and nodded at her words, trying to direct her gaze someplace other than Hannah’s eyes, her hair, her lips... no, she couldn’t let herself get hung up, not this time. Although Hannah was making that rather difficult, with her looks and her kindness and her energy. Parvati had always been a big believer in energies, even back before she knew how strong her Inner Eye was --- each person she’d ever met gave off an aura that either clashed or complemented her own perfectly. Hannah’s energy was warm and nurturing, like coming home after a long day to the smell of sugar cookies baking in the oven. It drew Parvati in and crept into her thoughts even when Hannah wasn’t around, making her wonder about her and do things like glance over at the Hufflepuff table during breakfast, hoping to see her. There was no telling if Hannah felt even remotely the same, but for now Parvati was content to just be around her either way. 
“Oh, definitely, we could have all the teachers in it. Add Slughorn as a huge, spineless worm. McGonagall as a lioness attacking Snape and the Carrows. She’d probably like that. It’d be done in a way that’s quite flattering, of course.” Parvati laughed, falling into step with Hannah as the two of them rounded the corner to a different corridor. She paused for a moment, her expression turning slightly more serious. “It just feels so important to be doing stuff like this, you know? I know it’s not really doing much... I just think I’d go mad if I wasn’t taking some kind of stand. Even something as stupid as vandalism. I’m thinking about maybe signing my name to the next one, letting them know just how little I actually care. But then, those detentions still aren’t too fun.”
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ofsight · 5 years
( mandy. )
Bristling at Parvati’s retort, Mandy’s smile stiffened, hardening into something else all together. “Someone ought to.” Although she had never personally been slighted by Parvati, her association with Lavender was enough to condemn her. Petty, perhaps, to paint someone else with the same brush, but an utter necessity these days. Plus, she was idiotic enough to break the rules in such an overt way. “Let me guess - this is another one of those childish DA antics?” Was right up their street. As if painting a mural was going to change the course of the war. As if it was going to do anything but create more work for Filch. “I don’t think it looks much like him. But I get where you’re going with it.”
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Parvati gathered her supplies haughtily, shooting Mandy the dirtiest look she could muster as she stepped away from the finished mural. She wasn’t going to let herself be talked down to by someone like her --- someone who, despite having no genuine reason to believe so, still thought herself superior to people like Parvati. She had, of course, her rather delicate history with Sue, and she liked both Morag and Wayne well enough, but her loyalty to Lavender and her own sense of personal pride trumped all of that easily. “I don’t know what you’re talking about. But if it was, I’d rather be doing ‘childish antics’ than behaving like a fucking coward. So there’s really no need for you to be acting all high-and-mighty --- I like my choices, thanks.”
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ofsight · 5 years
☁ + "am I the best shag you've ever had?"
Send ☁ + A QUESTION for my muse to answer in truth or dare.
Parvati choked on her drink. She’d known Fay was bold, but to ask her that question in the presence of two other people Parvati had previously shagged, as well as Fay’s own current girlfriend... that was next-level ballsy, and Parvati had to admire her for it. If she was being honest, Fay probably was near the top of the list, if not at the top, but there was no way Parvati was going to look Sophie in the eyes and say that out loud. 
“Nah,” she laughed. “Alex Brodeur, this Beauxbatons kid --- he takes first place. Those French really know what they’re doing. Sorry, Dunbar. I hope your technique’s improved, for sweet Sophie’s sake.” 
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ofsight · 5 years
Send ✖ for my muse to land on yours during spin the bottle.
It was her third go at spin the bottle, and at this point Parvati was several drinks in and certainly feeling the side effects. So when the nozzle landed directly in front of Seamus, she couldn’t help but laugh out loud. Who had been the last girl Seamus had even kissed? Lavender? She shook her head. 
“I love you, Seamus, but I think I’d be doing us both a favor by skipping out on this one,” Parvati giggled. “That being said --- this is a law-binding game. If we don’t obey, there could be disaster. Anarchy, maybe. You never know.” So she leaned forward, careful to shoot Michael a cutting glare as she did so (petty? perhaps, but that’s never stopped her before), and planted a brief, but firm kiss on Seamus’ lips. 
“You’re welcome.”
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ofsight · 5 years
Send ☠ for our muses to do shots together. 
“Oi! Enough of this firewhiskey nonsense. I need tequila,” Parvati slammed her fist forcefully on the surface of the drinks table, knocking over a few cups but hardly noticing in her current state. After scanning the surrounding area, she finally noticed what appeared to be a nearly-empty tequila bottle and grabbed it greedily. 
“Hey, care to join?” She caught the attention of the person standing nearest to her, which at that moment happened to be Stephen. “It’s only right that I do a shot with one of my wonderful hosts.” Parvati smiled, grabbing two plastic cups and divvying up the remaining tequila evenly between them. She handed Stephen one, and didn’t wait for a toast or a cheers before tossing the other right back down her throat.
“Mmm, disgusting. My favorite,” she grimaced.
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ofsight · 5 years
Send ✖ for my muse to land on yours during spin the bottle. 
True, her head was still practically reeling from kissing Hannah, but that wasn’t going to stop Parvati from continuing to partake in all the fun of spin-the-bottle. If everything went successfully for her tonight, she wouldn’t be leaving the party alone — and now was a perfect time to figure out her prospects. She took her second turn and grinned in a flirty manner when the bottle landed on Terry: not her favorite person, but certainly not her least favorite. And physically speaking, she could’ve done much worse. 
“Alright, Boot, time to see if you’ve got game,” Parvati laughed, leaning across the circle. Her lips met Terry’s softly, but confidently, as she did the best she could not to think about the fact that Hannah was still in the circle, watching her. She was determined not to let a silly crush get the best of her, not this time. The kiss with Terry ended after a few moments and she shot him another grin, taking her place back in the circle. “Not bad,” Parvati quipped. “Not bad at all.”
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ofsight · 5 years
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ofsight · 5 years
Send ❝ for my muse to drunkenly reveal something to yours.
“Oi, Bulstrode!” Parvati was quite drunk by now, taking care not to stumble over her own feet as she made her way toward Millicent. She had never liked the girl --- in fact, despite her apparent kinship with Fay, Millicent Bulstrode fell neatly into the category of Slytherins which Parvati automatically loathed. Tonight, however, there was a mood of everyone being friends with everyone; maybe it was the Hufflepuff-ness of it all. Regardless of what caused it, drunk Parvati was quite keen to unload some of her personal issues onto someone, and Millicent was the lucky recipient her gaze landed on. 
“Hey, do you ever, like, hate your parents?” She didn’t wait for her to answer. “’Cos I really don’t like my Mum. She’s so overbearing and awful and we argue every time we’re together and I can’t stand it. Don’t tell my sister, but I think I wanna look for my dad after this whole war mess is done with. I don’t remember anything about him, just know he’s a Muggle. Probably a piece of shit, for all I know. But he’s probably better than Mum, you know?” Parvati slurred, looking at Millicent for a moment before deciding it was time for another drink. “Good chat, Bulstrode. Maybe I’ll find you tolerable someday.”
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ofsight · 5 years
"Parvati!" Sophie gripped onto her hand, stumbling a little. She leaned into her and pressed a little kiss to her cheek. "Hi. Hi, I was... I was going to say something. Give me a second." She thought it over for a moment. "Right! Okay. I got it. I was gonna say..." She dropped her voice to a whisper like she was telling a secret. "You're gorgeous! You have the best hair out of like, everyone in our year."
A smile lit up Parvati’s face as she tried to keep her balance and focus her attention on Sophie. It had reached that point in the night at which everything was beginning to get blurry, and Parvati’s inhibitions were pretty much completely out the window. It seemed as though Sophie was in a similar spot, the girl’s cheeks as flushed with alcohol as Parvati’s. She laughed with glee and held on to either side of Sophie’s face, looking her dead in the eyes. 
“Stop it, you’re the cutest, I’m going to die. Really, Soph, you’re so incredible and pretty and small and nice that I can’t even be mad at you for taking away my fuck buddy. I’d kill for you, Sophie Roper. I’m serious, point to whoever needs to die and I’ll do it. I don’t even care. Let’s go.”
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