oh-brotherkin · 6 years
i super was about to block you cause i thought this was an anti otherkin blog, but i was pleasantly surprised! thanks for spreading positivity!
We have got this a lot in the past 4 years! It’s the price to pay for having a humorous pun as our URL.
We’re happy to spread positivity, goodness you lot need and deserve it!
-Star Wolf
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oh-brotherkin · 6 years
A moment of silence for our fallen bovine kin ...
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oh-brotherkin · 6 years
Supernumerary Phantom Limbs, the forgotten phenomenon - what are they, and how do I get them?
Supernumerary phantom limbs have somewhat been forgotten in today’s community, in that they used to be one of the few defining traits of being Otherkin. Many of you may have heard of supernumerary phantom limbs, but it is pushed to the side in todays’ Otherkin society.
What are they?
Do not worry if you have never felt a supernumerary phantom limb (I will refer to this as a SPL for the rest of this post), as these were typically felt through focused meditation - a method which has somewhat been lost to time. It IS possible to feel a SPL without meditation, but many members of the community may not know what this sensation is.
SPL is a phenomenon in which, you feel the limbs which you would have in your kintype’s body, that are lacking in your human form. These can be in the form of wings, tails, etc.
A SPL can feel like a presence - a strange sensation that something is there. It may be uncomfortable to have something in the place of this SPL, as if it is being restricted.
Meditating on it
If you can not feel any SPL’s where you should have them, and would like to experience this, there are ways of meditation.
A common method is to fill a bath tub with 8 inches of lukewarm water, undress, and light some scented candles of your choice. The higher relation to your kintype, the better (e.g sea scents for ocean creatures, forest scents for woodland critters). You may also choose to play relevant, soothing sounds.
Darken the room and lie down in the bath tub, taking in the atmosphere of the room. Picture yourself as your kin type, then focus on their limbs - limbs that you do not possess in this form. Picture how you use this limb, familiarise it. Soon, you will start to feel this limb. Congratulations, you have done it!
If you do not feel your SPL - do not worry. Try again when convenient to you.
Some may never feel SPL, this does not change the legitimacy of your kintype. You are still Otherkin!
Over and out, Star Wolf
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oh-brotherkin · 6 years
And We’re Back!
Some things have changed, but we’re back!
One original mod remains (Kitten/Star Wolf)
We have one more mod (Calico)
We hope that our older kin beliefs will help touch back to older beliefs, despite many of the original transcripts being long gone.
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oh-brotherkin · 7 years
You've heard of the boy who cried wolf, now get ready for:
The boy who wolf
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oh-brotherkin · 7 years
Sorry for no posts lately. Working on revamping the entire blog and getting in some new mods.
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oh-brotherkin · 7 years
ppl who arent kin but respect otherkin/fictionkin’s beliefs are truly wonderful people
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oh-brotherkin · 7 years
Anti-kin are the reason fuzzy pajamas don’t stay fuzzy for long
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oh-brotherkin · 7 years
fun prank to pull on fickin
-find out their biggest, most them character -draw them w a comfort character/good canon mate -send said drawing -watch as their day becomes very good
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oh-brotherkin · 8 years
adding on to that-
my therapist said that me being otherkin might actually be really good for me
because i’m really passive and anxious, i submit easily
but my strongest kintype is a very strong, assertive animal
so she said it would be helpful for me to look to my kintypes to get better and overcome difficulties i have with assertiveness
my therapist said me being otherkin is literally helping me get better
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oh-brotherkin · 8 years
✨People with 20+ kintypes are valid ✨ 
✨People with only one are valid ✨ 
 ✨People who have kin memories from all their lives are valid✨ 
 ✨People who don’t have any kin memories are valid ✨ 
 ✨people who are only otherkin are valid✨ 
  ✨People who are only fictionkin are valid✨ 
 ✨In conclusion all otherkin and fictionkin are awesome af and hella valid ✨
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oh-brotherkin · 8 years
this post is as much for me as it is for other fictionkin but
its okay to have 20+ kintypes
its okay to just have one
its okay to have lots of kin memories
its okay to not have any kin memories
its okay to have memories from some kintypes but none from others
its okay to have a questioning list ten miles long
its okay to consider a kintype for months before adding it to your list
its okay to add kintypes right away
its okay to think you’re kin with a character but later find out you’re not
its okay to have the intensity of a kintype fluctuate over time
its okay to have a kintype from a problematic canon
its okay to have a kintype from an obscure canon
its okay to have multiple kintypes from the same canon
and last but not least, its okay to have fun being fictionkin !
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oh-brotherkin · 8 years
Pale by Within Temptation
Suggested by melvarkie
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oh-brotherkin · 8 years
stop being a dick to otherkins 2k15
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oh-brotherkin · 8 years
buddy you fuck off
why are you such an asshole to the otherkin community? we haven't done anything to you. now all those people you've mentioned in your little video are going to get hate. you and your fans would be responsible for their lives if they killed themselves bc of the hate they received. seriously, what's your deal bucko?
Fuck off, please.
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oh-brotherkin · 8 years
block http://teenagegalaxywhispers.tumblr.com/
they are harassing otherkin.
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oh-brotherkin · 8 years
PSA about tag spam
If you blacklist “goo.gl” it will block every single one of those awful spam posts that have been showing up in every popular tag since yesterday. 
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