omega-lps · 6 years
beyond true
when theres fandom discourse and youre just trying to have a good time
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omega-lps · 6 years
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Two doodles from the last few days; both of them of Thade D'naan, one of @omega-lps’s Xenoblade X Crosses! She’s basically a culmination of a lot of my aesthetics (turqouise colours, face tattoos, scales, BUFF WOMEN, pointy ears…..), so I love to draw her :’D
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omega-lps · 6 years
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Thank you for 200+ followers on tumblr!!! I feel bad for never really interacting with any of you guys much, but please know that you are all extremely appreciated~ (If you ever wanna have a chat with me btw, don’t be shy ^^) Rules and everything in the pic above; if you need more info contact me! Good luck!!! <3 Find me (and the giveaway) on twitter too: https://twitter.com/Aeviann
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omega-lps · 6 years
Puns and the Man
A retelling of Yelv’s affinity mission, Arms and the Man, with a few twists.
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omega-lps · 6 years
Perfect Life
They once had the perfect life. But now, he must move on.
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omega-lps · 6 years
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It’s nothing I usually draw, but I watched the Hobbit earlier and for some reason it made me wanna draw Galadriel? I used a ref since I wanted to practice lighting a bit~
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omega-lps · 6 years
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XCX Cross Thade! Illust commission for @/omegalps on Twitter!! || twitter || ig
It was really nice to use white/blue colors again!!
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omega-lps · 6 years
Are fedoras really that bad?
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omega-lps · 7 years
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Sketches (7-12 USD)
Colored Chibis (12 USD)
Colored  Illustrations (22-30 USD)
Hello everyone! I’m open for commissions! I would appreciate if you take the time to go through and consider. if interested, kindly message me or through my email [email protected]! A reblog would be useful too! Thank you so much!!!
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omega-lps · 7 years
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A Day Out
Jaynix asked @flametorchic‘s Flame to go with her on a Survey across Primordia and Sylvalum. She wants to use this opportunity to bond and after some convincing, Flame says yes.
Deciding to make the trip lighter and hoping to get Flame to smile, Jaynix invites two Curators along, her best friend @omegalps‘ Zack and the lovable Minty Pal @elysia-cross‘ Elysia.
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Together they took trips across Primordia, fought giant Indigens, swam with Terebras and crossed the island chain to Sylvalum where they fought even more giant Indigens amidst the Rising Energy Mist and took in the sights of Lake Ciel (no venturing close to the giant evil plant for Ely’s sake).
With the long survey at its end, Zack and Ely take off first, leaving Jaynix to ask Flame “Did you enjoy this day out?”
Because she did. Jaynix loved every second she spent with her sister.
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omega-lps · 7 years
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Another sunset screen, because god is this game's lighting gorgeous. Featuring a minor character I recently made, Harriet.
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omega-lps · 7 years
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Decided to take a melancholic/inspirational screen, and I loved it so much I made it my banner :>
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omega-lps · 7 years
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I finally got back to cosplay after like a year or so! My Light Priestess Micaiah is not a new cosplay, but one that I decided to polish up, because the old version was… outdated, in certain aspects, and since I wanted to attend the ChisaiiCon in a costume, I had a reason to do the work! Now that I am finished with it, it has become one of my favourites, and my friends ( @knoskoloz was one of them, thank you so much for that :D)​ took so many pictures that I couldn’t decide which ones I wanted to show, so… yeah, have a fuck-ton of cosplay pics. I got some more professional ones with some photographs as well, but it’ll probably take a lot of time until I’ll be able to get them, so these will do for now~
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omega-lps · 7 years
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Uchuu Sentai Kyuuranger Cross Version
Super Sentai has been going for over 40 years and it does not seem to be slowing. My Dairanger Tribute (and Kibaranger) was so much fun I decided to do it again, this time with the current Sentai team: #41 Uchuu Sentai Kyuuranger!
Given that 10 is the image limit I’ll be uploading a seperate one so you can see everyone without them being blocked by anyone else’s arms and such.
Until then, I don’t think this will be the last time I do a Tokusatsu tribute with Crosses. Hopefully next time it won’t be as hard to decide on who to doodle or gather references!
And for reference here is the Kyuurangers transforming and their roll call!
Featuring Jaynix as Super Star ShishiRed Kriss as Poison Star SasoriOrange Kruse as Beast Star OokamiBlue @shunkuroichii Shun as Trick Star TenbinGold @omegalps Zack as Ring Star OushiBlack @flametorchic Flame as Silent Star HebitsukaiSilver @elysia-cross Elysia as Shinobi Star ChameleonGreen @heroicmeep Meep as Speed Star WashiPink @love410s Rosetta as Food Meistar KajikiYellow @omegalps Paige as Dragon Master RyuuCommander Azure as Big Star KogumaSkyBlue
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omega-lps · 7 years
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Haven’t been on here in a while. School can screw itself over for all this stress I’ve had over the past few weeks, but luckily drawing manages to make that all melt away. So, two new pieces. Let’s begin.
First one is @omega-lps Xeno, Thade, a xeno who is amphibious and is also a dancer. Her species does dances with that are either elegant or energetic, and they are able to manipulate ether in a way that it can create visual effects. Here we have Thade, in an outfit that I decided to come up with, dancing with a javelin of some sort (Her tribe does more energetic dances before they head off to battle to get the group riled up and ready) and creating water effects that are formed by manipulating ether. I decided to get a little creative with her and gave her some features that would make her look more alien, such as her pointed ears and the fins on her arms.
Second one is a gift for @shiro-hunter featuring their Crosses, Schwarzer Shortzer and Seven, otherwise known as “The Avatar of the Sentient Planet” and “The Angel of Darkness” respectively. I wanted to make this just for fun and as a thank you for all Shiro has done in this community as a whole and for all the work they put into their artwork. Keep it up, Shiro!
And that’s about it.  I hope you all have a good morning/afternoon/evening and remember: you are awesome!
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omega-lps · 7 years
Noroma No Kappuru
Zack looked at his comm again. 11:34 AM. Xenth was supposed to be here over thirty minutes ago. The Advance Recon Scout was sitting on a bench in Deliverance Park, dressed in his casual black and grey sweatshirt and pants, still keeping his Veyes on as always.
It was several weeks after Xenth had revealed to him that she was a Definian. Since then she had told Athena, Jaynix, and Mavis about it as well. And as she suggested back then, they were meeting up at the park to plan the afternoon's activities. Whenever she decided to show up, that is.
He passed the time by observing his surroundings; civilians and off-duty BLADEs milled about the park grounds. A dog chasing a multi-colored butterfly. Looking over to the middle of the park he could see his friends Draco, Aeviann, Athena, and an unknown male in glasses. Zack assumed he was the husband Athena kept talking about. They appeared to be on some kind of double date.
"Sorry I'm late!" Zack turned his head in the direction of the yell, and sure enough there was Xenth running over to him. Dressed in a black jacket and leather jeans she skidded to a halt in front of him. trying to catch her breath,
"Had to talk to Erio about a few things, but I'm here now!" Zack got up with a nod, "What do you have in mind for the afternoon?"
"Well, Athenie told me about some of these great new cafes opening in Barista Court, so we can start with lunch there, and then-"
As Xenth continued to speak, they were being watched from the bushes by two pairs of eyes. The owner of the fiery red pair narrowed them in anticipation.
"There're the targets, Scarlen," She said to the one with the blue pair, an impish grin splitting her face, "You remember the plan?"
Scarlen nodded to her with a smile of his own, "Sure do, Jaynix, I'm ready when you are."
Meanwhile Xenth continued to list off destinations. Zack arched his brow at how many suggestions were vintage comic book and video stores, but that was to be expected from her. At least she'd be semi-distracted during their conversations.
Lately an odd feeling formed in the pit of his stomach whenever she was around or when thinking about her, though he couldn't pin down what it was. Zack had noticed that Xenth was beginning to behave strangely too, no longer making eye contact when talking with him and occasionally stuttering. Perhaps with something to keep them occupied they could have a productive night out without any awkwardness.
His musing was interrupted when he caught a blur of red in the corner of his eye. The fast moving object moved in between him and Xenth, Zack feeling the air move across his face as his Veyes was torn from it.
"Wha-" Zack and Xenth both looked in the direction it had gone, catching the culprit rounding the corner to the Administrative District.
"Was that Jaynix?" Xenth asked, Zack nodding slack-jawed.
The raven-haired BLADE opened her mouth to speak again when a dark-skinned man in white armor bowled into her while yelling, "Hey Jaynix! Wait u- oof!"
The force of the impact knocked Xenth forward into Zack, who stumbled backwards to avoid being hit and in doing so tripped on the bench behind him. Like a domino effect Zack fell backwards with Xenth falling towards him, his large frame combined with their momentum tearing the supports out of the ground. The back of his head hit the ground with a thud while something slammed into his face, feeling weight on his torso and face.
The brief headache from the impact had made Zack shut his eyes. When he opened them he found himself staring into Xenth's own red pair, which were extremely close and wide in shock.  Zack quickly realized why. She was on top of him. And their lips were making contact.
Every muscle in Zack's mim locked up in his usual response to physical contact, made worse by the compromising situation they were in. His mind raced as he felt his face turn a dark red. Neither of them paid attention as Scarlen got up and ran off after Jaynix.
Xenth was frozen in place too, her mind spinning uncontrollably as she continued to stare into Zack's grey orbs. A short while passed before she had the presence of mind to pull her lips away from Zack's and awkwardly slide off the large man. Once she was off Zack's muscles released so he could sit up, still in shock from what just happened. The two friends' eyes met again for a second and looking away from the other out of sheer emberassment, both blushing furiously.
Meanwhile, Cain had seen the chaos unfold and pointed it out to the others. Aevi mouthed, "Oh my," behind her hand, while Athena commented on how cute they were. Draco glanced at them over his glasses before taking out his comm device and took several photos of the 'kiss'.
Zack's hypersensitive hearing picked up the sound of the camera shutter and saw Draco. Throwing a death glare in his direction he scrambled to his feet and charged at the Squad Dad, who ran for the A.D. with the giant Curator hot on his heels and leaving Xenth sitting on the ground. Reaching up she lightly brushed her lips with the tips of her fingers, a jumbled mess of emotions flooding her brain as she stayed there while Athena came over to talk with her.
From the upper level of the Administrative District the blue and silver frame of an Urban model Skell watched silently. It nodded once, the incident providing the A.I. inside with the evidence it needed to confirm its hypothesis. Receiving a priority message from its Pilot to assist in hunting down a certain sunglasses-wearing BLADE, he sent his affirmative and took to the sky in the direction they'd gone, playing a track inside the cockpit that only it could hear.
"Never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down...~"
After the incident things became awkward for the two BLADEs; anytime they passed each other in the street or when with friends caused both to avoid eye contact and blush. Although Draco denied sending the photo of the kiss to anyone it spread like wildfire through FrontierNav, even Vandham and Nagi became aware of it. Zack went on another of his mission sprees to avoid the heckling he got from his friends, his fellow Scout Paige and his brother Max in particular, as well as try to clear his head with work.
But no matter how hard Zack tried, he couldn't stop thinking about the kiss. He knew it was purely accidental and that neither of them had meant it. So why was he feeling these foreign emotions when he recalling the incident, and why did they amplify whenever he was around Xenth?
Meanwhile Xenth was dealing with the same problems he was, although she knew exactly what she was feeling. She was terrified by it, especially since she was feeling this way for a close friend, and one who was like an older brother figure for her at that. Xenth wanted to adress the elephant in the room with him, but whenever the oppurtunity presented itself she couldn't find the words.
After a week Xenth had had enough. Athena had told her in passing that Zack was back from his missions and would be meeting a client in Deliverance Park, so that's where she was now, hoping to catch the giant Curator before he left. It was an overcast day, though there was no rain in the forecast today.
The Definian BLADE waited for what felt like hours, until finally she saw him. Zack was talking to an Orphean and handed him a specimen of a wild Miran flower, which the insectoid Xeno promptly gobbled up before handing over payment. Apprehension twisting her stomach, Xenth walked over to him as the Orphe left. He was typing up a mission report in his comm device and didn't notice her approach.
She cleared her throat to get his attention. Hearing the noise Zack turned and froze once he saw her. His expression set itself to his usual blank expression as she spoke, "U-uhm, can I talk to you for a minute?"
Zack nodded a small affirmative, so she asked, "Zack... remember when we kissed that time?"
"Ah...er- um..." Once she brought it up Zack's defenses crumbled and he became a stuttering mess. This was no way for an Advance Recon Scout to act. He had to keep a cool head, but no training had prepared him for this situation. All he could do was say, "Eh, y-yeah?"
Xenth gulped. She was going to ask him, she had to know.
"W-Well...uh...did you...uh...er...."
Zack's core processor accelerated while his plasma pressure was increasing at an alarming rate. She was having trouble saying what was on her mind, but he knew exactly what she meant, and he'd dreaded this moment. The Scout in him told him to deny his feelings like he had before, that he couldn't afford to be in a relationship when humanity was still far from settled on this planet. But... he wasn't just an amnesiac Scout anymore. In the few months since he was brought out of stasis, the experiences he's had and the friends he shared them with shaped him into a much different person than he was back then. I
t was then he realized it wasn't just him, Xenth had just confirmed the feelings Zack had were mutual. Falling back into self-denial would hurt her, and that was last thing thing he ever wanted to do to.
He closed his eyes for a second. Opening them he looked straight into hers, giving his answer with a slow nod. But that wasn't enough. Zack got down to eye level with her, removing his Veyes shakily. Xenth was nervous too, her heart beating rapidly against her chest as they stared at each other. Slowly his face edged towards hers, Xenth's eyes closing in anticipation.
Stopping just before making contact Zack realized something: he didn't know how to kiss properly. So he went with how he recalled seeing other couples do it, and pressed his lips to hers. The sensation of her mouth against his own flooded his system with endorphins, an incredible sensation he'd never known until now.
In turn Xenth, overcome with warmth and joy wrapped her arms around the large man's neck and deepening the kiss, all the nervousness and apprehension she'd felt before melting away. Even though she'd watched this scene play out hundreds of times in anime and movies, none of them compared to this moment.
Breaking for air, they stared into each other's eyes for a few moments. Eventually Zack broke the silence with an awkward grin, "Does... this mean we're in a mutally exclusive romantic relationship?"
"You mean dating?" Xenth giggled, releasing his head to hug his body and lay her head against the chestplate of his Bodywear, "Then yes. Yes it does."
The new couple embraced, unaware they were being watched from the bushes. Jaynix lifted up her fist and Scarlen bumped it with his own with grins spread across their faces.
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omega-lps · 7 years
Following the defeat of Dadaan at the hands of Athena, Zack, Jaynix, Xenth and Soleil…Jaynix heads out for another mission and bumps into a familiar face. Featuring @omegalps
The serene forests of Noctilum, home to all sorts of wildlife, fantastical flora and fauna and the most incredible waterfalls that Planet Mira has to offer…
Currently the region may as well have been under attack, a blade sliced through the air, whistling as it moved at a sharp, drastic speed and sliced clean through countless Indigens.
The blade belonged to an Interceptor named Jaynix. As she shot towards another Simius, she thought of her most recent team mission to Oblivia. She went alongside several other BLADEs to reclaim some White Whale wreckage only to find the self-proclaimed Strongest Prone near said wreckage. Jaynix and the other BLADEs worked together to bring down the Prone and succeeded in doing so.
Jaynix recalled the blows that the Prone landed on her, the force behind them. It piqued her curiosity, she wanted to know how she would fare against him alone. Not that anything could be done about it now since the Prone lay dead. Regardless, she wanted to train, grow stronger so that if she ever fought an enemy that strong again, she’d be able to take the hits even better.
Yelling, she sliced clean through the Simius throat. There were a few spasms before the body lay still. Examining her surroundings, she grinned at the countless dead Indigens. Pulling out her comm device she checked off three more missions before moving on her way, whistling to herself.
The countless trees all around her left huge roots in the ground, with very little effort she jumped over the obstructions. Happily walking along when she heard gunfire. Turning in the direction of the sounds she waited a few moments before taking off towards them.
Finding a clearing she looked up to see three Sylooths, one of which was being pelted by grenades, swinging its massive arms at something along the ground.
“Someone’s fighting three of these guys? My kinda BLADE. I’m sure they won’t mind the help.”
Smirking she brought out her own Assault Rifle and fired into the air, one of the Sylooths turning towards her.
“Yeah that’s right ugly! Over here!”
Roaring the monster swung its arm at her, quickly she jumped and landed on the appendage. Bringing the arm up to its head, the Sylooth stared at Jaynix as she fired her assault rifle right into its face, blinding the creature.
As it stumbled back in shock, Jaynix shot off the arm and drew her blade, spinning around she cut deep into the beast’s face, forcing it to fall over to the ground.
Landing on it she jumped again and began rotating in the air before shooting back down again, a fearsome flurry of blade strikes ripping through the Indigen’s head.
As it lay still she turned to see one left, still attempting to strike at it’s unknown opponent. Spotting the glowing orb on its leg she decided to cripple it. Closing the distance she leapt up just as the other person did, together both their blades cleaved through the Indigen’s leg, forcing it down on one knee.
Hitting the ground the pair rolled to their feet, backs to each other. Turning Jaynix spotted a very tall man who seemed familiar. She could tell from his eyes that he recognized her too. At the same time the pair looked to the wounded Sylooth then back at each other and nodded.
Longswords in hand they charged at the creature, felling it within moments.
With the three Sylooths dead, Jaynix began stretching as the man took out his comm device and checked something off.
“The aid was appreciated though not necessary.”
Jaynix shrugged.
“I didn’t think it was. What kind of idiot would fight three Sylooths unless he knew he could win? I just wanted to join the smash up for the thrill of it.”
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