two days of semester left...
one week of semester left...
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What is the highest number of notes on a post you have made? What's your most "successful" post?
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cool story bro
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I hate work I should be at the (remembers I don't want to go to the club) the imagination
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three days of semester left...
one week of semester left...
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i think rice with things on it & also some sort of sauce is like basically the best food genre tbh
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the thing is that unalive is just such a deeply uncool euphemism for kill/die/whatever. there are better options. topped. offed. bit it. plotzed.
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My art friend reminded me that, while Enron was collapsing in one of the greatest corporate fraud scandals in human history, Playgirl and Playboy did editions with their now-former employees
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this kid is not alright!
daniel pinkwater is, if not my favorite author, at the very least top three and the education of robert nifkin is a good book but it also reads like he put alan mendelsohn, young adult novel, the snarkout boys, and lizard music in a blender and hit liquefy. there's really not anything new in there unless you count how goddamn bleak it is.
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so i've been thinking about this and i think the BIG difference is that unlike the other "school is hell" novels, nifkin doesn't have any support system in the school OR compelling reason to get away from it. for months! in alan mendelsohn, leonard meets and befriends alan fairly quickly, and when alan gets suspended/leonard gets temp excused they already have plans to trawl bookstores where they meet samuel klugarsh, the mad guru, etc. in young adult novel all the action takes place in the school but the members of the Ducks sort of insulate each other from the school environment which has a notably less negligent/cruel administration than the others. in the snarkout boys, again the two protags meet at school and quickly build a robust network of acquaintances outside of it. the only connections nifkin makes at school are linda/nastasia, who he sees there all of once; lance, who is terrible; delfett or however that's spelled who he beats up; and the unnamed slacker who tells him how to skip study hall.
it is only after he becomes so depressed that he literally can't even get off the bus that he skips school, and then he doesn't even get the energy up to get OFF the bus until he completely randomly runs into kenny papescu. nifkin is at rock bottom for a good portion of the book in a way that pinkwater protagonists rarely are.
it's also interesting that i think this is the first school novel that has a private school as an escape from the torture of public school and it's not portrayed especially well here. the wheaton school is a much healthier environment for nifkin than public school, but it is essentially an institution that exists to provide no-effort diplomas to kids who may or may not ever show up. there's a bit where the protagonist wonders how it's even accredited, and it's mentioned that the students who are there because their parents enrolled them under the impression it is a legitimate school really struggle there. nifkin graduates with a fake drivers license and a job delivering counterfeit art pieces for his friend's dad. what the hell!
daniel pinkwater is, if not my favorite author, at the very least top three and the education of robert nifkin is a good book but it also reads like he put alan mendelsohn, young adult novel, the snarkout boys, and lizard music in a blender and hit liquefy. there's really not anything new in there unless you count how goddamn bleak it is.
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its so so important to follow blogs that will put a bit of softcore porn on ur dash. it is not only tasteful but also a key part of the microbiome
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daniel pinkwater is, if not my favorite author, at the very least top three and the education of robert nifkin is a good book but it also reads like he put alan mendelsohn, young adult novel, the snarkout boys, and lizard music in a blender and hit liquefy. there's really not anything new in there unless you count how goddamn bleak it is.
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it's a shame the original sketch is so small, i rly want this as a sticker
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Hyvää Joulua!
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one week of semester left...
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it's not even funny how much the owl house has me by the throat, music-wise. i have three (3!!!) song wips and just today i caught myself thinking about how to rewrite Blowed and Torn to be about eda
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Really good album cover (Crabby Road, band is Pirates for Sail)
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