outlawpuck · 4 years
Have I ever denied that? Keep it up and I’ll go find some other couch to sleep on, both of our egos aren’t going to fit in this place.
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Nope, ever since we were kids you’ve had that cute little twinkling eye for ol’ Puckerman. Damn, you’d leave me just like that? Wouldn’t be the first time, I can take it
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outlawpuck · 4 years
Clearly you’re mistaken, Noah. My finger happened to slip as I was scrolling through. Don’t be so full of yourself.
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Sure, let’s go with that. I wouldn’t be me if I wasn’t completely full of myself though. You love me anyway.
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outlawpuck · 4 years
theerealrachelberry liked your photoset
Supreme eye candy...I know. You just can’t look away
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outlawpuck · 4 years
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outlawpuck · 5 years
Rachel: "You're right, I'm not fond of her. She hurt you, she hurt Mama P, she's like a blonde tornado that hurts anyone in her path. What she seems to forget is she's hurting him too by doing all this, kids need to know where they come from, who they come from. " In truth Quinn reminded her of Jesse, always putting herself before everyone else and not caring who got hurt in the process. Puck had fucked up, there was no debating that, but he didn't deserve any of this. Every time the two of them took five steps forward they took another ten back. "Sorry...you're right, I know. I will just always be team Noah, before anyone else. I just wish she could see how far you've come like I have."
Puck: "Don't get me wrong, I wanted to rip her head off just like you. Hated the very though of her. But then in one of my meetings I had to face reality. That I was somewhat responsible for all of this." Puck could only fault Quinn but so much. Even if she wasn't the greatest person, his actions started this whole train wreck. "But I do appreciate you always being in my corner. I'm team Rachel always...speaking of...has that fucking idiot been staying out of your way?" he knew she'd knwo exactly who he was talking about.
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outlawpuck · 5 years
Rachel: "Damn straight you do., she's not only hurting you but she's hurting him as well. She's just to blind, blonde and ignorant to realize it" She huffed, how she ever had wanted a friendship with Quinn Fabray was beyond her. "I'm well aware, she talks about it every time she calls. A father shouldn't be kept from his child, and neither should grandparents. She's in Beth's life, how could she not be in his too? Play dirty, she's never played clean, why should you. You have your sobriety and good record since being released to back you up."
Puck: Puck didn't want to fight with Quinn and he didn't want to 'Play Dirty' as Rachel put it. That just wasn't his MO anymore. "Nah that isn't what I want. I don't want to have the stupid back-n-forth drama. I don't want to fight with her or play dirty. I just want my son that's it. Hurting her doesn't make me happy. She's still the mother of my child. And after what I did to her, how I treated her & spoke to her...I don't blame her for leaving. Rach I know you're not fond of her but she is still my children's mother and no matter how she's treated me I'll always treat her with respect. Even is she is a bitch." he couldn't help himself with the last part.
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outlawpuck · 5 years
Rachel: "....so do you want Daddy's number or do you have it on speed dial yet?" Rachel hated to be the critic, or the 'i told you so' person, but times like this just called for it. Someone had to be the pusher. "This is your leverage to have him in your life, she want's a divorce to start her 'fairy tale' life, then you want your son in your life, and on the same continent. Not for five minutes, not for two weeks a year, consistently, the way any custodial parent deserves to be in their childs life. Which you should be for the record....she wants something, so do you."
Puck: "You're right, and I have every right to be in his life. My past is my past and I'm just tired of being punished for it." He was already being judged by society for being a felon. And for the last four and a half years being judged by the she-devil herself but not anymore. "I have your dads number, I'm gonna call him and get the ball rolling. Like you said...she wants something and so do I. I've been nice long enough. Plus this doesn't just hurt me. It hurts my mom and Sarah too. You know how hurt my mother is over this..."
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outlawpuck · 5 years
Rachel: "I mean...I'm always right so....you must spend a lot of time hating it" She teased as she sat up and put the movie on pause, pulling her legs into her chest. "I told you not to marry her, I begged you, promised you wild promiscuous sex in random places and yet you still did, why Noah? Why?" She had to keep it comedic, if it got to serious it'd just be to sad. "You need to grow a pair and stick to this, he's your son too. She didn't create him on her own, you had a very active part and if things hadn't gone down like they had you would have continued to be that active part, she never gave you that chance, and any judge would see that and agree. If anything you know first hand how hard it is to grow up without a father, why would she of all people want that? Her Dad was shit, she should want a caring an attentive father to stick with it. The proof of it is how great you are with Beth."
Puck: Puck began reading the attached letter as Rachel spoke in the background. He was somewhat listening but also somewhat tuning her out. "It's been almost five years, who's to say she hasn't found a father figure for my son?" Quinn was like that and judging by the tone of this letter his assumptions were right. She was getting married. Now all of a sudden she needed him and he was just supposed to jump? "Well looks like I was right, she's engaged. I read the stupid letter. Didn't even have the decency to send some pictures..."
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outlawpuck · 5 years
Rachel: "Noah Puckerman, you want to throw yourself a pity party I'm all for it. Hell I'll buy the balloons and streamers, make a playlist, I'll do the electric slide, but the one thing I won't allow is you to compare yourself to your dad. You fucked up, yes, but you know what, we all do. We all fuck up, Noah, and that doesn't make us our parents. You are not, nor will you ever be the man who simply donated his sperm." One day she'd be able to hammer away a little of the stubbornness he so proudly walked around with. "And don't worry about my Dad, just fax him the info you got and the rest will work itself out. You're practically his son, you really think he's going to make you pay even a fraction of his rates? I don't think so."
Puck: "Fuck. I hate it when you're right. Don't worry I'm currently pulling my head out of my ass right now." [Puck walked over to his fridge grabbing a bottled water.] "I just really hate that she doesn't say shit for years but randomly send me divorce papers. Without a conversation before. She's always been this way. Controlling every fucking thing, and only making shit worse. But I can't just let her keep me away anymore. She wants these papers, she's going to have to see me face to face."
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outlawpuck · 5 years
Rachel: "Then you need to call Daddy and send him copies of that paper work. He always offers to help with custody, maybe it's time to take him up on the offer?" She suggested cautiously, it had been a long on going battle for him, it was understandable that he didn't want to take another step without the possibility of seeing his son first. Quinn had kept them apart long enough. "And drinking one or five beers won't help your case, think of how far you've come Noah. Think of that chip in your pocket, she is not worth throwing it all away for. Then she wins and Fabitch cannot possibly win this."
Puck: "Actually I think I'm going to have to take him up on that offer, I just know I can't pay him what he's worth. He's a fucking big shot and I'm barely making ends meet. No way in hell I can afford you dad Rach." Puck was very stubborn and hated depending on others. Whenever he did, something always fell through. "But yeah you're right, I just hate that shit ended up this way. Makes me feel like...my own dad."
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outlawpuck · 5 years
Rachel: "I don't know why you need either one of those things when you plan on spending the night on your couch, on the phone with me. Driving while talking on the phone is dangerous you know, and against the law." Rachel refused to let Puck's demons wins, she'd been his sober couch, his sponsor, her best friend for to long to let those demons rear their ugly heads and win. "Read it, the letter is still going to be there tomorrow, and the words on it are still going to stand however they stand. It all just depends on how long you want to delay reading them. She's finally not being an uber bitch and giving you what you want, think positive thoughts, babes."
Puck: She knew him all too well, and she was right. He was definitely staying in and watching and binge watching episodes of 90 day fiance. "You're right...I'm not but I could definitely use a beer or five." Not seeing his son in years, was the true reason he felt that familiar urge. He could care less about Quinn at this point. She had every right to leave, but no right to take his child to an entirely different county. "I'm not signing these papers until I see my son."
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outlawpuck · 5 years
Rachel: Another day trapped in her significantly smaller apartment since the ordeal with Jesse, Rachel was starting to feel like a caged bird. Being caged wasn't her strong suit. Laying across the couch, absentmindedly watching Funny Girl, but not really watching, she perked up a bit when she heard the all to familiar ringtone she had picked up just for Puck. Grabbing her phone off the coffee table, she didn't even need to look at the caller ID. "Noah, how many times do I have to tell you I have enough grey hair already, I will not be giving in and engaging in phone sex with you. At least not tonight." She teased
Puck: It was hard for him not to laugh at Rachel's bad humor so he let out a chuckle. "As amazing as that sounds...that not why I called. I have my keys in my hand and the bar in my GPS..." Being a refined alcoholic was still one of his toughest fights to date. But every day sober made him a stronger man. Sadly he was fighting with himself at the moment trying not to break nearly five years of sobriety. "I got divorce papers in the mail today...there's a letter attached but idk if I can read it."
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outlawpuck · 5 years
Puck: It had been a long day to say the least. Between hours at the garage & practice with his team after that, Puck was exhausted. Ruffling through his mail he found a larger than normal package addressed to him with no return address. Opening the package with hesitation Puck felt his hear sink. Divorce papers, signed by his ex wife Quinn. The urge to drink overcoming him quickly he dailed the only person who could talk him off the ledge. [He clicked on her contact and waited as the phone began to ring]
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