paracosmhq · 2 years
Recovery and Moving Forward
Hello everyone!! First of all, a warmest thank-you to all the wonderful people who shared messages of support with me during my health leave this year. They made for some bright moments in an otherwise very difficult time. ❤️
It turns out that my hands’ recovery was significantly slowed by post-COVID complications, which I’m sure many folks can relate to these days. I’m relieved to say that I'm healing, slowly but surely! I’ve started to be able to make some art and do a little programming again and it feels great.
As I mentioned in my last post, I knew that a break would give me time to reflect. One thing I was well aware of before my injury is that progress on a huge project like Lumen moves too slowly with a one-person team. My strategy to get around this was to power through developing a few more big Lumen updates on my own (HD, Audio-Reactivity, and a Windows version), hoping that these features would increase Lumen sales enough that I could hire collaborators and grow the team from there.
Looking back on the previous couple years has made it crystal clear to me that this strategy is not working out. A different approach is necessary in order to grow the business sustainably - and honestly, to live my life sustainably in good physical and mental health. I don’t think I realized how burnt out I had become until circumstances forced me to stop. So now that I’m recovering, it’s time to try something different.
My new strategy will be to focus on smaller and more manageable projects in order to grow a larger and more capable company. Unfortunately, this means a pause on Lumen feature development for the time being. I will continue supporting Lumen as it exists today, working on bug fixes, documentation, and keeping it compatible with the latest Macs and macOS versions.
To all those who have been waiting so patiently for these big features: I’m truly sorry that the original strategy didn’t work out. I know it’s super frustrating. But the reality is that I need to build a business that can sustain a project of Lumen’s size and then work on those big features, not the other way around. So this isn’t the end for Lumen, it’s just a different path forward.
With limited energy and resources, I'm going to streamline and focus on sustainability first. To that end, I’ll be retiring the Lumen Nation Facebook and Paracosm Slack groups. There are many other excellent places online to discuss video synthesis (check out scanlines or the LZX Community!), and I hope you’ll connect with fellow Lumen users there. And while I’ll no longer be posting regular Lumen Development Updates on this blog, you can keep up with me/Paracosm via Twitter, Instagram, the mailing list, or as always, drop me a line anytime at support (at) paracosm.us ❤️
Wishing you happiness and good health,
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paracosmhq · 2 years
On Health Leave For Now
It’s a software developer’s worst fear: I’m dealing with an injury right now that makes it impossible to type as much as is necessary to program effectively. It’s not life-threatening, I’m getting treated, and I intend to make a full recovery! But the bottom line is that I can only handle minimal computer use for the time being.
This whole thing makes it clear how much being a single-person company is holding back development at Paracosm. When everything has to be put on pause because of one injury, things aren’t where I’d like them to be. So I’m taking this forced break to reflect on how to build a more sustainable operation.
So what to expect next? Right now I’m focused on healing, so development on Lumen is paused. Support will probably be slower than normal, and my responses will likely be short. But hey, I’ll be back after a while with fresh hands and a renewed perspective :)
I’ll post another update as soon as I’m well!
Joke that I couldn’t work in: “It literally pains me to say this…”
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paracosmhq · 3 years
Development Update October 2021
Sustainability and Our Priorities
Sustainability in computing is important to us. That’s why we have always tried to make Lumen compatible with as many computers as is technically possible. For instance, this year we kept Lumen running with nine different OS versions, including the upcoming macOS 12 Monterey. The oldest version we’ve been supporting, macOS 10.9, can run on hardware made in 2007 (before Barack Obama was even elected!). However, the limitations of supporting this large number of OS versions came into sharp focus in the past couple of weeks.
To paraphrase our friend Marc, “developing software means making promises that rely on promises other software developers made to you.” The fact is that Apple typically only supports the most recent two of their own macOS versions, even when it comes to critical security updates. Right now, this means 10.15 Catalina and 11 Big Sur. 10.14 Mojave hasn’t received any updates at all since July. You can imagine how difficult that makes it for small software creators like ourselves to keep our compatibility promises.
You may have heard about the problems caused by the Let’s Encrypt’s root certificate expiring on September 30th. Long story short, this led to services and apps across the internet ceasing to work, particularly on older operating systems. The largest software companies in the world, including Amazon, Google, and Microsoft, all had to fix issues caused by this problem. The small, independent, third-party service we use to provide license key validation for Lumen also had an issue with it, but only because of a bug in older versions of macOS that Apple no longer supports.
This meant that some new Lumen users found themselves unable to activate Lumen on macOS 10.14 and below. Our licensing service has since released a workaround that we are including in Lumen version 1.1.2. However, as a result of them updating their system requirements recently, we also had to make the difficult decision to change Lumen’s system requirements to include macOS 10.14.
For us, this licensing problem forced us to take a hard look at where we are spending our energy. According to our calculations, at least 15% of all our development time has been spent on compatibility work, which is painful to even think about. We never know when a problem like this one will arise, or when it will be out of our control to fix it. Even when it is in our control, working around older OS versions’ issues can cause incredibly long delays while trying to get a release out the door. Every OS version we support takes time away from what we can do otherwise - we want to be spending that time instead building new features (like HD) and on supporting more platforms (like Windows and Native Apple Silicon), particularly ones that allow for more sustainable computing practices.
Updating Lumen’s Minimum Compatible OS Version to 10.14
We’re releasing Lumen 1.1.2 today, which fixes the activation problems due to the Let’s Encrypt certificate expiration, and also sets the new minimum compatible OS version to 10.14.
Importantly, if you have already activated Lumen on an earlier version of macOS, it will continue to operate as normal. However, you will not be able to receive new updates or deactivate/reactivate the app unless you upgrade your OS. If this will cause issues for you that can’t be avoided, or would like us to remotely deactivate your license so you can move it to a new computer, please reach out to us via email at support (at) paracosm.us.
Coming Soon: External Processing Guide
In the midst of all this, we do have a bit of good news to share this month. The long-awaited External Processing Guide is nearly finished and will be finalized and released in the next couple of weeks! We’ve had many requests for this and are very excited to be able to get it out to the world. Stay tuned and we’ll post again once it’s ready.
Up Next
#1: HD Output - This feature will allow for HD video processing in Lumen along with custom aspect ratios and remains our top priority.
#2: Improving Lumen Guides - We’ll continue improving the guides in step with releases moving forward.
#3: Windows Version - We’ve moved the priority of this up, given everything we outlined above. We don’t have an estimated release date yet, but it’s very important to us. 
#4: Audio Reactivity - We’ll be able to focus on this again after HD is finished and Lumen for Windows is released.
Thanks so much for reading - and as always, let us know if you have any questions by emailing us at support (at) paracosm.us ❤️
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paracosmhq · 3 years
Development Update August 2021
The days in the Northern Hemisphere are getting shorter again… and Team Paracosm is back with another bi-monthly dev update!
Windows Compatibility Update
We received some very kind and generous notes in the past month from future Lumen Windows users and were inspired to dedicate this post to sharing our progress toward the Windows version!
As we’ve mentioned in previous updates, the Quest for Lumen HD has required a lot of rewriting of code under the hood. In order to progress toward the Windows version, we’ve been making sure that all new code is cross-platform compatible if possible. We’re excited today to share some numbers!
Of the nine main systems in Lumen, three of them -- Rendering, Remote Control, and Simulation -- are being rewritten to accommodate HD Output. Together these components make up about half of Lumen’s code. We’re excited to share that these are now about 95%, 90%, and 75% cross-platform respectively. In fact, we estimate that 58% of Lumen’s code is now Windows-compatible -- that means we’re more than halfway there!! 🎉🎉🎉
We hope these numbers provide a little insight into our progress toward the Windows version. Thank you to all future Windows users for your patience and words of encouragement along the way!
Up Next
Medium-term, we’ll still be working on our #1 priority: HD Output. We’ll make incremental updates as often as we can, but we’re currently optimizing for the fastest timeline to release HD, even if it means fewer updates along the way.
You can read more about our long-term roadmap in the previous dev update.
Thanks so much for reading - and as always, let us know if you have any questions by emailing us at support (at) paracosm.us ❤️
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paracosmhq · 3 years
Development Update June 2021
Look at that, it’s another bi-monthly dev update! Apologies for the delay -- a fully-vaccinated Team Paracosm has taken some time off for a much-needed break and to visit with family. We’ll be back at it again after one more week of family time!
M1 & Monterey Compatibility
Lots of folks have written to us to ask if our apps are compatible with the new M1 (“Apple Silicon”) Macs, and whether they will run on the recently-announced macOS version 12, Monterey. We’re very glad that we can say yes on both counts! Lumen and Polymer both run on M1 Macs using Rosetta 2, without any weirdness or performance problems. We’ve also tested them thoroughly on a preview version of macOS Monterey and everything looks great. 👍
Lumen HD Progress
We continue to make big gains toward our goal of releasing HD Output for Lumen. We’re rewriting the internals piece by piece to achieve the necessary performance, while at the same time taking steps to make Lumen able to run on Windows in the long-term.
Typically we release smaller updates with little bits of progress that build up to a big release, and this was the plan that we shared with you in the previous dev update. Since then, though, we decided to try something different this time around. Because so much of Lumen’s code is getting modified for HD, we’re planning to save time by not doing the little releases and instead opting for a bigger release that bundles more changes at once. The downside of this approach is that there’s no new Lumen version we can share with you at the moment, but just know that huge strides are happening behind the scenes. We’re getting closer by the week to having a solid date to share for the beta release of HD Output. Stay tuned!
Up Next
Every so often we like to remind folks about what’s coming up beyond the next feature release. Our current priorities are:
#1: HD Output - This feature will allow for HD video processing in Lumen along with custom aspect ratios.
#2: Improving Lumen Guides - We’ll continue improving the guides in step with releases moving forward.
#3: Audio Reactivity - We’ll be able to focus on this again after HD is released, so it probably won’t be available until the end of 2021.
#4 Windows Version - Every line of code we’re writing now is cross-platform. We don’t have an estimated release date for Windows, but it’s very important to us.
Thanks so much for reading - and as always, let us know if you have any questions by emailing us at support (at) paracosm.us ❤️
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paracosmhq · 3 years
Development Update April 2021
Hey there, we’re back with another bi-monthly dev update!
On The Road to HD
If you’ve been following these posts, you know that our big goal right now is to release a free update that adds HD Output to Lumen. This means either optimizing or re-architecting many of Lumen’s systems. Things are well on their way, and a lot of the core parts, like parameter editing, undo/redo, and MIDI control have already been upgraded!
But several important systems still need to be given the deluxe treatment in order to bring HD video synthesis to life. We’re focused on Video Input currently, which allows Lumen to receive video from Cameras and other apps via Syphon. In addition to being a necessary step on the way to HD, overhauling this code will result in smoother transitions between patches and fewer bugs around cameras. We’re excited!!
Crash Fixes in Beta
We recently fixed a couple crashes that were too important to wait for the Video Input release. For users with a large number of saved patches, you may have seen Lumen crash at startup sometimes. The new Beta version (v1.1.1b) has a fix for this, and a couple others! If all goes well, it should be released to all Lumen users next week.
Up Next
Medium-term, we’ll still be working on our #1 priority: HD Output. We’ll update the Video Input & Output systems in the process, and optimize the Renderer, which is the part of Lumen that simulates video synthesis. Each of these updates will make Lumen a faster, more reliable video synth at any resolution.
You can read more about our long-term roadmap in the previous dev update.
Thanks so much for reading - and as always, let us know if you have any questions by emailing us at support (at) paracosm.us ❤️
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paracosmhq · 3 years
Development Update February 2021
Hello and Happy New Year from Paracosm! We’re back with the first bi-monthly update of 2021.
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MIDI Performance Improvements Released
We’re excited to finally be able to release Lumen 1.1.0, with all the MIDI performance and stability improvements we’ve been working on. We were also able to fix a handful of bugs thanks to all the wonderful folks who tested out the beta version and sent us feedback!
To get the new version, select Lumen -> Check for Updates from Lumen's main menu.
New Lumen Guide: MIDI & Remote Control
To go along with this release, we put together a brand new Lumen Guide that goes in depth on MIDI-related topics including:
Managing and editing MIDI mappings
What kinds of MIDI controllers work well with Lumen
Controlling Lumen from other apps, including a walkthrough with Ableton Live
Check out the Guide and let us know what you think!
Up Next
Now that the MIDI Performance Improvements release is out, we’re well on the way to getting HD Output out the door! Our current priorities are:
#1: HD Output. This feature will allow for HD video processing in Lumen along with custom aspect ratios.
#2: Improving Lumen Guides. We’ll continue making improvements to the guides as we go.
#3: Audio Reactivity. We’ll be able to focus on this again after HD is released, so it probably won’t be available until the end of 2021.
#4 Windows Version!! All the code we've been writing is in the direction of Windows-compatibility. We don’t have an estimated release date for Windows, but we get closer with every release!
Thanks so much for reading - and as always, you can let us know if you have any questions by emailing us at support (at) paracosm.us ❤️
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paracosmhq · 3 years
Paracosm Development Update November* 2020
Hello from Paracosm - we’re back with another bi-monthly development update!
*a couple days post-November so we could announce a new Lumen Beta release! 🚀
MIDI Performance Improvements in Final Beta
First, a huge, huge thank you to everyone who tried the Lumen Beta and tested the MIDI Performance Improvements release! 🙏 With your help, we were able to identify a whole load of bugs. The new beta version, v1.0.7b, fixes almost all of these problems, along with many important stability improvements and long-standing issues that we fixed as we ran across them.
If you are already using the Lumen Beta, you can select Lumen -> Check for Updates from the main menu to get the new version today. After a couple more weeks in testing, we will finally be able to release this update to all Lumen users!
Up Next
Once the MIDI Performance Improvements release is out, we’ll continue working on the (mostly internal) changes and optimizations needed to get HD Output out the door. Our current priorities are:
#1: HD Output. This feature will allow for HD video processing in Lumen along with custom aspect ratios.
#2: Improving Lumen Guides. We’ll be able to prioritize this once we’ve released HD Output.
#3: Audio Reactivity. We’ll be able to focus on this again after HD is released, so it probably won’t be available until the end of 2021.
Thanks so much for reading - and as always, you can let us know if you have any questions by emailing us at support (at) paracosm.us ❤️
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paracosmhq · 4 years
Paracosm Development Update September 2020
Hello from Paracosm! It’s Jason here with another development update.
Lumen Beta Launch & MIDI Performance Improvements
Thank you to everyone who downloaded the new Lumen Beta! The launch was a great success: Not only have we gotten a lot of good feedback from artists enjoying Lumen’s newly-overhauled MIDI system, but your feedback helped us find even more bugs than our old process. 😅
We’ve been busy since then fixing those additional bugs, some of which were more involved than we expected. In order to make sure the end result is up to our standards, we’ll release another Beta version before the final official release for the MIDI Overhaul. The new Beta release is currently planned for the second week of October.
Up Next
Our priorities are the same, but we’ve updated the estimated timeline for Lumen’s upcoming features:
#1: MIDI Subsystem rewrite and performance overhaul. The next official release! Our goal date is a week after the Beta release mentioned above. Of course, if you would like to try out where things are at ahead of time, check out the Lumen Beta.
#2: HD Output. This feature will allow for HD video processing in Lumen along with custom aspect ratios. We originally aimed to have HD out by the end of this year, but that’s looking unlikely. Once we finalize the upcoming release, we’ll have a better idea of a revised timeline.
#3: Improving Lumen Guides. We’ll be able to prioritize this once we’ve released HD Output.
#4: Audio Reactivity. We’ll be able to focus on this again after HD is released, so it probably won’t be available until the end of 2021.
Thanks so much for reading - and as always, you can let us know if you have any questions by emailing us at support (at) paracosm.us ❤️
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paracosmhq · 4 years
Paracosm Development Update July 2020
Hello again! It’s Jason from Paracosm, back with another dev update  😃
MIDI Subsystem Rewrite + Performance Overhaul
I spent these last two months giving Lumen’s MIDI remote control system a major upgrade under the hood. We’re seeing some massive performance improvements:
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Stress testing Lumen’s MIDI Remote Control - Processing 40 times more MIDI pitch-bend messages with no slowdown!
This week I’m fixing up the last obvious bugs from that feature before sending it out for a brief round of private testing. I can’t tell you how great it feels to be on the verge of getting this update out to the world! But as exciting as that is, I’m even more excited about something coming right after that we’ve never done before here at Paracosm - releasing a Public Beta!
Coming Soon: Lumen Public Beta
A “Public Beta” means a test version of Lumen that anyone can download that has new updates included before they’re officially released. It’s a win-win situation, allowing us to get more testing and feedback before releasing the “Official” version, and allowing you to get your hands on upcoming Lumen features before they’ve been given the final stamp of approval. 
Our current plan is to launch the Lumen Public Beta, featuring the improved MIDI subsystem, about 2 weeks from now. So if you’re interested in being one of the first people to try out this and future Lumen updates, be sure to sign up for our email newsletter so you can be notified of upcoming Beta versions.
Up Next
Long term, we’re still focused on building an HD version of Lumen! The improved MIDI remote control performance from this release will help us get there, and we’ll continue making incremental releases with the big goal of releasing HD by the end of 2020. You can read more about our long term roadmap in the previous dev update.
Thanks for reading!  I’ll be back with the next update in another two months. And as always, you can let us know if you have any questions by emailing us at support (at) paracosm.us ❤️
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paracosmhq · 4 years
Paracosm Development Update May 2020
Hello, World! 👋 I’m Jason from Paracosm, and this is the first in a series of posts that aim to give you insight into the development progress on our apps. While we’ve been so heads-down focusing on development, we haven’t been as communicative as we need to be. It’s understandable that people would want to be kept a little more in the loop about how it’s all going. So, starting today, you can look forward to these updates every other month!
Before we look at what’s ahead, though, let’s take a brief look back:
Why the Delay in HD Output & Audio-Reactivity?
Lumen was released as Paracosm’s second app in 2016 after two years of solo development by yours truly. As soon as it was out, we heard loud and clear from users what features to work on next: MIDI Control, HD Output, and Audio Reactivity. So we set our sights on those and got to work right away.
Long-time users may even remember that we originally aimed to release HD Output in the fall of 2016. So why the delay, since work has been happening full-time on Lumen since it was released? Let’s crack into it.
Immediately after Lumen was launched, the team -- myself and a couple of contractors -- worked really hard and released the MIDI Control feature update, to much fanfare. We then prototyped the HD feature swiftly, but almost immediately ran into roadblocks. Without going into the technical details: performance wasn’t good enough in several important ways. It was the same story with Audio-reactivity - prototyped, then plagued with performance issues.
Though we tried to cut many different corners to improve performance quickly, eventually we came to the realization that the problems we were up against were systemic, and fixing them would mean re-architecting much of the synth from the ground up. This requires more effort, but the alternatives weren’t working.
I also had to face the fact that we couldn’t continue to support a team, and had to shrink back down to the way it all started - just me. That’s where things still stand today: I’m the full-time developer / designer / documentation writer / anything else, with some help from my family taking care of customer support.
To wrap it up, these are the main reasons why there haven’t been many updates in the past few years. We haven’t been in a position to to release anything because we’re not making incremental changes, we’ve been rewriting Lumen, and where we originally expected to have a larger team to tackle the problems we’re facing, we’re back to being a one-person company. 
So yes, development of these features has dragged on. I personally take responsibility for this, and apologize for things taking far, far longer than I’d originally estimated, and for not making the time to keep Lumen’s users in the loop like they deserve in the meantime.
On the positive side, things are actually looking much better these days. The pace of development is picking up as more of Lumen’s core systems get rewritten, and importantly: it’s vastly more performant. And in the process of rewriting these systems, Lumen’s codebase is moving from the Apple-specific language it was originally written in, to one that will allow Lumen to run on Windows. Although this means fewer updates in the short-term, we’re building a future that allows for Lumen’s continued development in the long-term.
For me, the project of creating Lumen isn’t just about making a cool synth - it’s about making the techniques of video synthesis easier to learn and available to more people. That’s why I’m still dedicated to refining Lumen into a high-quality visual instrument that remains approachable and affordable, and why I continue to insist that Lumen be able to run on the average laptop, even if it takes longer to build it that way. 
What’s next for Lumen?
As promised, here is the first bi-monthly status update!
#1: MIDI Subsystem rewrite and performance overhaul. We know some users are seeing slowdowns and crashes using Ableton and Max4Live, and this is a performance issue. Fixing this problem also improves performance for HD Output, so we’ve made it our top priority. Our current goal is to release this by the time the next Paracosm Development Update is out (2 months).
#2: HD Output. This feature will allow for HD video processing in Lumen along with custom aspect ratios. We aim to release this before the end of 2020.
#3: Improving Lumen Guides. We know some users have been waiting for the remaining guides to come out, and some of the existing guides need updates. We’ll be able to prioritize this once we’ve released HD Output.
#4: Audio Reactivity. We’ll be able to focus on this again after HD is released, so it won’t come until probably the end of 2021.
We hope these updates are helpful and clear up any confusion about where things are at, why they’ve taken so long, and our commitment to Lumen and beyond. Thanks for sticking with us, and for all your support over the years - it means the world to us. ❤️
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paracosmhq · 5 years
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Tomorrow night (April 16th) in Portland, OR - at the monthly Video Mixer event, Jason from Paracosm will demonstrate how to pair Lumen with @ableton Live & @lzxindustries analog video synths. From 7-9pm at @modular_eight! (at Modular8) https://www.instagram.com/p/BwTUNxIl89b/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1c7wxmlm2l7xt
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paracosmhq · 6 years
Scar Polish Interview
On the heels of his new music video release, we got a chance to chat with Robin Fisher aka Scar Polish, a 29-year old musician from the UK living in Berlin.
Tell me about Scar Polish!
It was kind of accidental. I had some terrible luck when I first moved to this city. Amongst homelessness and people conflicts, my eventual flat was broken into and instruments were stolen. It was a real bummer and I was basically left with only a little sampler I had just picked up (Korg Volca Sample), but it also allowed me to hyper-focus on making music with just one device.
Before this time I had been mostly songwriting on guitars, so making music like this was pretty new and my first proper entry into electronic music. I posted some videos online and realised that people were digging these strange sounds. Eventually played my first shows and the rest is history.
How did you get started making music and visuals?
I made a bunch of music videos for previous projects. No matter what the content, the aesthetic was always kind of this grainy, analogue film/VHS look. I wasn't really aware of video synthesis but when I began to learn about it recently I knew I'd seen these effects before and that it was something I wanted to explore and play with. Lumen seemed like the easiest way into the club without obliterating my bank account.
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Visuals clearly play an important role in your artistic process - could you talk a little about how the concept for the Protein Coated Sadness video came together?
I found a picture of the desert on the street, it's been on my wall for a while. Kind of reminded me of that Dali painting with the clock and somehow those images all made it into the video.
Personally I don't work too well with a scene-by-scene plan but I had some basic visions. I have this green screen permanently set up on my wall and I knew I wanted to do something very sensory with lots of effects and flashes so I started shooting performance footage and processing myself, processing found footage, creating multiple layers of the same thing with different effects, stuff like that.
I guess it's the same way that I'm making music right now in that I just start jamming with whatever medium I'm working with, then redo parts, throw things out, re-edit stuff. The dinosaur-versus-the-asteroid thing kind of happened by accident when I found some green screen stock footage of both objects and just decided to run with it for the center section.
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Obviously a lot of effort went into putting this together. What was your technical process like for this video?
I basically shot all the live action footage with my phone. Didn't think it needed a fancy cam as I knew I was going to intensely process everything. Chroma-keyed out the green background, then Syphon-ed  the video through Lumen. I am really a beginner with the video synthesis stuff and I can't tell you exactly what my patches were doing.
The most important thing I found was the ability to smoothly (or violently) move between multiple knob positions with the XY pad. That's really cool. I would play back the music and animate a lot to the beat with that. Then back in Final Cut I layered everything together and master processed with Red Giant VHS.
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What did you learn while doing this project?
I learned what video feedback looks like, that's pretty cool! I didn't even know that's what I was doing until the video was released and someone explained it to me. I think next time I want to study the theory a lot more and see how far I can stretch it.
Any dreams about what's next?
I have some ideas now that I've fallen on this style. Make more videos, maybe some that are around 30 seconds long with music and super animated. So I can upload something to YouTube more frequently. I'm also projecting Lumen visuals in my live shows sometimes so I'd like to work more on that, possibly beat sync the animations.
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Do you have advice you'd like to give to artists who are making their first music video?
Don't be afraid to experiment and play around and make mistakes. The only way to figure out what you like is to dive in, even if you don't have a clear idea of the end goal.
Thanks Robin! <3
You can stay up-to-date on what Scar Polish is doing on YouTube, Facebook, or Instagram.
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paracosmhq · 6 years
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So excited to have a working video toaster at our booth at #knobcon this year! (at Knobcon) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bng3duJA06u/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1s8o2niei6chj
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paracosmhq · 6 years
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Going to #knobcon this weekend? So are we! Stop by the booth to play with video synths, get some free swag, or enjoy some video-themed refreshments! ...We also may happen to be selling a special limited-edition boxed version of Lumen 😄👏 #knobcon2018 (at Knobcon) https://www.instagram.com/p/BnW5MPqgd9m/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=ko7mnsqnh1uo
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paracosmhq · 6 years
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kid pix × lumen by @paracosmhq × static feedback
higher res here
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paracosmhq · 6 years
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kid pix × lumen by @paracosmhq × static feedback
higher res here
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