paulofsinnoh-blog · 10 years
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The 31st icon in your folder is your characters reaction to seeing something scary.
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paulofsinnoh-blog · 10 years
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Hey, I know we don't have a thread going on or anything like that but I wanted you to know that you should take all the time you need. Anyone who's not willing to wait for you just isn't worth it anyway. If you need someone to talk to I'm here too okay? 
Hiatus Notice
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paulofsinnoh-blog · 10 years
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Shinji just sighed, shaking his head in slight annoyance at his brother's actions. He was trying to calm down a bit still as well just because... really he hadn't expected that at all. "... I don't know what I'm going to do with you Reiji... " He grumbled a bit. Really... his brother was just... he didn't know how to explain it really. "You talk to the weirdest people... I can promise you that I don't have a brother complex... and even if I DID it doesn't mean I'm gonna want to have that kind of experience with you.." 
"Nah, Shin chan, it’ll be fine.  I usually act a bit happy for your liking but you’re grump so of course I’ll seem happy in comparison to you.  Don’t get me wrong: I love you Shin chan, since you’re my little brother and very sweet."  Reiji then starts giggling again.  "I don’t want to give you a adult kiss or anyone for that matter.  And that guy the other day says you have a brother complex and I’m told him that you’re a little kid and they don’t have brother complexes but you say that you’re not a little kid."
Reiji then helps himself to some candy from his pocket.
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paulofsinnoh-blog · 10 years
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Been a while since I made up questions, so I made up some Halloween-themed ones! I suggest clicking the images, since Tumblr didn’t feel like cooperating with me (the images appear larger and smoother if you click them).
Have fun everyone! uwu
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paulofsinnoh-blog · 10 years
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        "Idiot! Why would I want a 'more adult kiss' from you  of all people!?" He shuddered involuntarily a bit. He wasn't sure how he felt about that idea. He growled a bit at Reiji's laughter, his eyes narrowing slightly." That's nothing to  laugh over you know! People are going to realize you're insane if you're not careful you know!"
Send me “¤” For my muses reaction to yours kissing them out of no where
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          Shinji sputtered rather badly as he pulled back after his mind had caught up with the situation. "D-Damnit Reiji! I’m not a kid anymore! You can’t just pull shit like that out of no where!!It might have been okay when I was youngerbut now it’s not!” Really, if this was Reiji’s attempt to get him to act more like when he wasyounger it wasn’t working in the right way. He wasn’t going to just fall for something like that!!
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paulofsinnoh-blog · 10 years
Send me "¤" For my muses reaction to yours kissing them out of no where
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          Shinji sputtered rather badly as he pulled back after his mind had caught up with the situation. "D-Damnit Reiji! I'm not a kid anymore! You can't just pull shit like that out of no where!!It might have been okay when I was youngerbut now it's not!" Really, if this was Reiji's attempt to get him to act more like when he wasyounger it wasn't working in the right way. He wasn't going to just fall for something like that!!
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paulofsinnoh-blog · 10 years
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Paul at first was about to state that it sounded like childish dreams and ideals, especially with all of the comments of needing a childish air and a sense of justice, however it was soon proven to be something quite dangerous in it's own right.  The look of surprise on his face was there for just a moment before he forced it back down again.  "... Perhaps it has some merit.." He admitted before he scoffed "It doesn't exactly seem plausible for many people nowadays however. Suppose that just makes you special." However the way he said it made it difficult to tell if he was being sarcastic or not.
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    “Seems you need a crash course in what it means to be an aura master! You need a pure heart and a clear mind! A childish air, a strong sense of justice.” he stated, as he took off his own gloves, pocketing them, as the ball of light began to glow in his hands.       “Reach deep inside yourself! As deep as you can, your soul laid bare, bring those emotions to the very front of your entire being and…!” With those words he threw the energy ball and allowed it to cleave through any rock formations or nearby trees.      “Aura Sphere. A move known to legendaries, Lucario, Riolu and a very, special few known as aura masters.”
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paulofsinnoh-blog · 10 years
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          "... That just makes you as insane as he is. An  Aura master? That sounds like some kind of game  that children would play." Paul scoffed at that, eyes  closing. "Purity of heart isn't something that will get  you where you need to be in life. It just means you  had a lucky and nice childhood. You don't need it in the long run." 
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       “I have met Ash actually!” or was that Aaron who’d met Ash? He could no longer tell who’s memories were belonged to who. “He shows great promise in being an aura master like myself. You shouldn’t knock him, he might be a bit naive and childish, but his heart is pure and that is what matters.”
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paulofsinnoh-blog · 10 years
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"You think this place is sane? You must have been lucky enough not to meet Ash.." 
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    He’s never visiting Kalos. He’s gonna stay in Sinnoh, where things are sane.
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paulofsinnoh-blog · 10 years
Send my muse "Trick or Treat!" and see what you get!
Some candy
A kiss on the cheek
A hug
A pie in the face
Mouth-to-Mouth candy
A jump scare
A halloween date night out
Scary movie night
A kiss on the lips
Your muse gets pantsed
Your muse pantses mine
Tickle fight
Passionate kiss on the lips
Bite mark
Mun decides!
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paulofsinnoh-blog · 10 years
Send me "¤" For my muses reaction to yours kissing them out of no where
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paulofsinnoh-blog · 10 years
breederreiji replied to your post: breederreiji said:ff+ Reiji, ff+ ...
thanks for responding in so much detail. Also I hope you don’t mind me reblogging for the attention of a friend. I can assure you that I don’t usually do that with RP blogs.
// I don't mind at all! I'm actually fairly laid back as a roleplayer unlike my muse so no worries. I'm glad you enjoyed it. 
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paulofsinnoh-blog · 10 years
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Reblog With A Picture of Your Rp Character Being Cute
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paulofsinnoh-blog · 10 years
ff+ Reiji, ff+ Satoshi, ff+ Dorapion, please and :p
Send me "ff+" and a character name and my character will react to finding and reading a graphic and sex-filled fanfiction of themselves and that character.
ff+ Reiji
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He didn't know what had drawn him to this situation but now that he was here he regretted it with every fiber of his being. "... This is ridiculous... Why would I ever do something like giving pleasure to my brother of all people in that way...?" He scoffed loudly then. "... Or let my brother chain me to the bed post... absolute nonsense... these writers need to do more research.." He hoped to never read such garbage again. 
ff+ Satoshi
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".... I did WHAT to Satoshi!?" He stared at the offending literature for a while longer as if by staring at it it would suddenly up and change the words that were written there. ".... As he screamed Shinji's name for all to hear, Shinji felt a wild stab of satisfaction that he was behind the cries of pleasure that now bounced off the very walls..." Shinji mumbled it out to himself before groaning. "What is this..? Why Satoshi...? Do I even want to know what these writers are high on...? And why, oh why, would you write Satoshi as being very persuasive and pushy about it one second, and this submissive little shy creature the next....? I need to go wash out my eyes.." 
ff+ Dorapion
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This one, Shinji honestly had no clue how to even respond to. ".... The Pokemon, having held back long enough, pounced upon Shinji. The limbs on it's head easily held down his arms as it....." He shook his head. ".... What is going on in these fans of mine's heads.... ravished by Dorapion of all things..? I..." Well he supposed if his Pokemon actually felt that way and approached him about it he wasn't opposed to the idea in theory..... but the way it was written! It didn't even make sense! Especially with all the spelling mistakes and grammar errors that he'd managed to decipher. He rubbed at his forehead then, grumbling. ".. I need some ice for my head now..." 
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paulofsinnoh-blog · 10 years
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   Aura — A supposed emanation surrounding the body of a living creature, viewed by mystics, spiritualists, and some practitioners of complementary medicine as the essence of the individual, and allegedly discernible by people with special sensibilities.   
♦ Selective/Private/Multiship/Independent ♦ Can roleplay Gameverse, and anime ♦ Years of experience; 16ish yrs/4yrs on tumblr ♦ Friendly mun, always willing to talk ooc ♦ Cross-overs are accepted and encouraged. ♦ OCs/Self inserts are allowed ♦ Will even talk to personals ♦ No Genderbends, please. I don’t like them. ♦ Come talk to me, mun’s a lonely dork.
             i. ii. iii.
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paulofsinnoh-blog · 10 years
Send me "ff+" and a character name and my character will react to finding and reading a graphic and sex-filled fanfiction of themselves and that character.
requested by anonymous as reversal to this meme.
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paulofsinnoh-blog · 10 years
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So. Everything's all settled and ready to go. Uh... let me know if you want a starter I guess? 
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