pennylind · 10 months
"Oh, you know.. trying new things I haven't tried before." Penny reached for her cup of tea, sipping on the drink in an attempt to hide the blush creeping across her cheeks. "Me? Definitely not. I haven't sang in front of a crowd since I was in church choir as a kid. What about you? Are you going to be belting out any tunes tonight?"
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"What kinda challenges?" CJ asked, curious. He liked the idea of challenges and games and obstacle courses. Anything that made simple tasks more fun, and if he got to help out his friend, it was an added bonus. He deflated slightly at the news of no dog, but was also glad she reached some sort of compromise. "Well, I'm glad we can be like double eye candy for her," He joked. "Are you getting yourself on stage?"
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pennylind · 10 months
Penny couldn't wrap her head around the idea of pleasuring herself with something that resembled a cute animal. She felt using a toy like that would be too distracting. "Yeah, let's go with simple." Her doe-shaped eyes landed on the vibrator Jeanie had pointed out. It looked far less intimidating than the other ones. "I'm okay, I swear. This is just a whole new world to me." She leaned in closer towards Jeanie, keeping her voice low. "I've had sex before. It just wasn't that great and it was a long time ago. I want to know what it's like to have a good sexual experience, even if it is with a vibrator. Is that.. pathetic?"
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At the sound of her confusion, Jeanie reached out and pointed to one of the rabbits on the shelf. She was thoroughly enjoying herself now, but she could tell her friend was out of her element and didn't want to appear like she was teasing her. "They've got an attachment for your clit, see they kind of look like bunny ears. But we can totally find you something more simple!"
A customer assistant had appeared at the end of the aisle and started walking towards them, but Jeanie shot her a look which seemed to get the message across and the woman turned around hastily to help somebody else. "What about this?" She asked, indicating to a small pink vibrator that didn't appear to advertise any complicated additions or settings. She glanced at Penny, a sympathetic look falling over her face. "Hey, are you okay? Do you want me to go to the counter for you? Or we can leave if you want, get iced coffee and window shop along all those fancy stores uptown."
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pennylind · 10 months
Penny blinked her eyes open to see a doctor standing in front of her. She straightened up in her seat, accidentally causing her phone to slide off her lap. "Dang it." Penny muttered, reaching down to scoop it off the floor. Get it together. "Oh, I'm fine. Thank you for offering. I'm just waiting for my brother. He's getting some x-rays done on his leg." The ping of her phone going off caused Penny to tense up with anxiety. "Um, h-how long do x-rays take?"
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Alicia was used to having anxious people out in the waiting area. It was understandable considering they would be waiting for news about some person they cared about. But as she headed out to grab herself a soda from the vending machine for a sugar kick, she couldn't help but notice someone so anxious that she looked like she might soon end up needing help herself. "Hi," she greeted the woman with a small smile. "Shall I get you a coffee? Some water?"
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pennylind · 10 months
An apologetic smile reached Penny's lips. "I'm sorry, you're not doing a bad job. I'm just terrible at taking a compliment. It's something I'm working on. I've been giving myself little challenges to help build up my confidence." She didn't have the nerve to bring up her trip to Condom Sense with Jeanie. That felt a bit too personal to share with one of her guy friends. Penny cast a glance over her shoulder, grinning as she turned back to CJ. "Nope, no dog. Maybe she was checking us both out," she teased.
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Completely ignoring her advice, CJ laughed at Penny’s sarcastic remark. “I don’t know the meaning of the word!” Which wasn’t exactly true, because he had a word a day calendar from his school days tucked away in Wren’s garage that had the definition somewhere. “I feel wounded that I’m not doing a good enough job to hype my friend up, and please don’t speak badly about my friend Penny, because she’s real awesome and pretty and that girl back there could have been looking at her.” CJ grinned, reassuring and confident in his words, before shrugging. “Unless there’s a dog behind us we haven’t noticed.”
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pennylind · 10 months
Penny's lids fluttered open as the familiar sound of Ingrid's voice reached her ears. She expelled a small breath of relief and rose up to her feet, reaching out to wrap her arms around Ingrid. "I'm so glad to see you." The sound of her phone pinging off another notification had Penny clinging to her best friend. "One of the cows kicked Linc in the leg while we were working. It was pretty bad, so I drove him up here. RJ keeps texting me and it's just.. a lot."
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Ingrid always dreaded the task of obtaining her Epipen prescriptions. Hospitals filled her with an intense unease - the eerie halls, the doctors, everything about the place made her uncomfortable. It was meant to be a simple errand, just grabbing the prescription before heading out, but as she scanned the surroundings, her eyes locked onto a familiar, small figure sitting alone in the corner. "Pen Pen?" she whispered, puzzled by the presence of her best friend in this setting. With furrowed brows, Ingrid approached slowly. "Are you alright? What brings you here?"
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pennylind · 10 months
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pennylind · 10 months
status / open @providencepeakstarters (capping at 2)
location / providence peak memorial
Penny stared back at the rapid series of texts from RJ with a looming feeling of anxiety creeping over her shoulder. She and Lincoln and been doing some work around the farm earlier while RJ was out meeting an important client. While they were herding some of the cows into the main barn, one of the cows got spooked and ended up kicking Linc in the leg. The kick had done enough damage that Penny found herself taking her brother to the hospital. She was left waiting alone while they took him up for an x-ray. As her phone pinged off another text alert, Penny sighed anxiously. Her brother's panic was only poking at her own. Penny placed her phone down for a moment and closed her eyes, focusing on slowing her breathing before she became too overwhelmed.
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pennylind · 10 months
"Oh, thank you." A soft, rosy hue of color blossomed over her cheeks. "You have a cool name too. Is Chey short for something." Penny wasn't usually the type to hop into a stranger's car. She liked to think that she had a good read on people and nothing about the kind stranger felt off or unsafe. "Yes, thank you. That's very nice of you to offer." Penny smiled brightly at Chey, making her way towards the passenger side door.
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"You're welcome, I definitely couldn't live with myself if you were left stranded." Chey took another glance over to where the young woman had said her truck was parked and found herself appreciating her tastes.
"Oh, good. It happens though, certainly don't beat yourself up about it. Mine's been chiming at me to get the oil changed for nearly a month and I forget about it as soon as I leave the car."
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With a soft smile, "I'm Chey, nice to meet you Penny. I love your name." It was sweet and seemed so fitting. "Want a ride over to your truck?" The professor pointed at her passenger door.
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pennylind · 10 months
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pennylind · 10 months
Despite mustering up all the confidence she had before walking through the entrance doors of Condom Sense, the overwhelming feeling of being completely out of place hit Penny hard. Her eyes darted around the building, blushing harder and harder with each erotic sight that passed her gaze.
"A rabbit?" She didn't have a single idea what Jeanie was talking about. Penny glanced over to the various array of dildos and vibrators, once again overwhelmed by all the options. "Simple sounds good. M-Maybe one with just a simple vibration setting? I don't think I need anything more than that."
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The toy section was a wonderland of brightly packaged dildos and vibrators. Jeanie bobbed down the aisle happily, stopping to slurp her drink noisily and peer at items on sale. She pretended not to notice how awkward her friend looked, knowing it wouldn't do much to put Penny at ease if she pointed it out. It was better to act normal, like she was here with CJ to kill time before heading to the movies.
"So what are we looking for here?" She asked when they reached the vibrators. "Do you think you're more of a rabbit or a wand girl? Or maybe you're looking for an egg? Leti always talks about these, but you might wanna start off with something simpler I guess..." She pointed to a complicated looking toy advertising a variety of different heads and textures, then plucked the box from the shelf to examine it. "Ooh, half off!"
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pennylind · 10 months
"Sure you can. Just pretend you're dusting lint off your shoulder." Penny could feel a rush of heat bloom across her round cheeks as CJ whipped around to flash the girl a charismatic smile. "Real subtle." She grinned, shaking her head. The farm girl released a snort-like chuckle, rolling her brown eyes. "You're sweet to try and flatter me, but I highly doubt I'm the person she was looking at."
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CJ loved these things, it always made him feel like he was in the middle of a cool movie or something. Not that he got some of the poetry read on the open mic, much preferring it when people sang, especially if they were like old rock covers. But to be honest, he was fine with just vibing, and Penny was also awesome company. “I kinda can’t look without being obvious,” He admitted, before swinging his whole body around, smiling at the girl in purple, before turning back round. “Eh, maybe she’s looking at you? I don’t think she realized I existed until I made eye contact.” He pointed out, half-joking.
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pennylind · 10 months
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pennylind · 10 months
"I don't see how that's a bad thing. You sound like a determined person to me." Penny smiled proudly as Daxton mentioned he knew of the farm. "That's always nice to here. We pride ourselves on having an excellent reputation. You should come out some time and check out the farm."
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"You see, I am stubborn when it comes to learning new skills. I can never fully give up on something. I try to but always come back to it and finish learning it. Can be annoying sometimes," he chuckled with a small grin on his face. "Oh, I know that name. I have heard a lot about our farm. All good things about it."
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pennylind · 10 months
"Oh my gosh, thank you so much. You're a lifesaver." A smile of genuine appreciation reached Penny's lips.
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"No, thank goodness. I just got done shopping and then I came out here to find my battery was dead. It's my fault, really. I've been meaning to get a new battery, but I kept putting it off. Lesson learned," she rambled anxiously. "I'm fine, thank you. I'm Penny, by the way."
At the sound of the young woman's approach Chey looked over her shoulder and nodded her head as the other explained. "Well, that sucks," the brunette commiserated, "but yeah we can see if my car can jump your truck."
Truthfully the professor wasn't all that handy at this sort of thing but her Honda sedan should be able to accommodate it.
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"Have you been stranded long?" The woman could've been waiting a while and Chey had been in the store for at least an hour. "Do you want a water or anything?"
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pennylind · 11 months
status / closed @cjwelford
location / deja brew (open mic night)
"Try not to be obvious, but I think that girl over there in the purple top is checking you out." Penny casually glanced off to the side, sipping on the dark roast brew in her cup. The open mic night had the coffee house buzzing with life and music. Penny popped in to check out event and ended up running into CJ while she was there. They grabbed a table together and settled down to watch the talented performers step up to the mic. "I think someone has an admirer," she flashed a teasing smile.
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pennylind · 11 months
Penny felt some relief when RJ admitted to not hating their father. There still could be hope for her brother and father to possibly mend their broken relationship. "I understand, and I would never try to push you into something you weren't ready for. I'm not ready to talk to him yet, but I'm working on building up the courage to do it. I just thought you should know that." Penny leaned over and rested her head on RJ's shoulder. "Thank you for being so understanding."
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RJ's heart grew as Penny rested her head on his shoulder. For the last several years, all they had was each other. He cared for both Penny and Lincoln so much that it hurt him to see either of them anything but happy. RJ carried the weight of the world on his shoulders. "I know you have," something that RJ always appreciated about his family. He reached, placing his hand on her knee and giving it a squeeze. "I don't hate him either, Pen," at least, he didn't want to hate him, "I just find myself unable to let him in again right now." RJ had worked so hard to get to where they were.
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pennylind · 11 months
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