Ah the grand Hagia Sofia, Built by Emperor Justinian I, spared by Mehmed II, it still stands before us today in all its splendor. This grand building has stood the test of time despite the ruin brought around it. It has survived wars and disease to make it to this modern era. May it’s glory stand for another thousand years to inspire those who come after us.
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Istanbul, Turkey 🇹🇷
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The cosmos are one of the harshest environments known to man, able to degrade and destroy even the hardiest of machines, yet despite the best efforts of the cosmos we have managed to rise above the challenges presented. Out among the cosmos travels a little machine riding the solar winds for nigh on fifty years, studiously sending images and readings of the marvelous world we are but a small part of back home to us. Through every extreme imaginable this little machine has marched forwards to be our first introduction to an interstellar community, providing a snapshot of what once was. On its back rides the hope of humanity to put a brighter foot forward towards a better day. And still the probe sails on. Whirling away with its mechanical marvels. Though now long since outdated it’s quant mechanism remains sturdy and reliable. Neither disuse or overuse. Nor radiation or frigid void. Not even extreme heats or age. Nothing has been able to knock the little probe down and halt its journey. So on still marches the probe, simply happy to see the stars. Out past the solar system and in open space the probe sings back its merry songs of discovery and majesty. Showing views once thought impossible. Weaving together a tapestry of the marvelous dances of celestial bodies. Moving in a symphony of colour once seen as impossible. The cosmos are one of the harshest environments known to man yet even still there is hope, for one probe pushes forth the forefront of human discovery, and on its back travels a golden disk of hope for a brighter day.
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Out in the far sandy dunes of the east lie a great woman, the Sphinx of the desert. A wise woman beyond years who knows all and sees all. One who will not hesitate to consume those who fail her riddles. And by her side sits an aged man. One who has seen the sands of time flow so. One who has seen the rise and fall of great empires. Each night he answers her riddles so, asking only to spend the nights safe and warm by her side. Yet time has not been kind to the man and his mind like it has the Sphinx. For he is no more then a mortal man compared to her. Yet still he does not falter and still answers her riddles though it is clearly getting harder and harder for him to do so. So the sphinx in her endless wisdom changes her riddles from mind bending words to simple questions for the elderly man. Yet still the mancontinues to slip further, finding harder and harder to answer even these simple riddles. So she simplified it further, “Who am I?” And “what is the weather.” Yet still the passage of time is cruel to the old man, and he finally gets a riddle wrong. And so the riddles change one final time to one’s of worry and concern, for the sphinx knew there was nothing she could do for the old man who so greatly cared for her, despite what he no longer knows. Instead of riddles of great wit they are now no more then questions asking after his well-being, asking if he remembers, if he sees. And further still the old man slips, aged beyond years now. He utters little of this world, trapped behind glassy eyes and memories of long since last, yet still the sphinx stands by his side, unwilling to let the mind that once rivaled hers go so simply and so for one final night he answers her riddles wrong and goes to sleep. Yet he does not wake up in the morning leaving the sphinx to mourn the only person who could beat her.
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In the face of ruin and detritus we find ourselves viewing a scene. A scene of two lovers in a bombed out building and a crackling radio in the corner. They have seen the start, beginning and now end, yet they stuck together. All around them bullets fly and ruble fall, ringing out a haunting tune. Yet here the old couple stand together in the face of ruin united one final time. As men clash and bullets fly across the husk of society we see a brief moment of peace clawed from an unfriendly world. For the briefest moment two aged souls entwined together in the face of despair and bring fourth hope for brighter days. As the soldiers clash a haunting tune of brighter days echo out across the field in a moment of tranquility of what once was. Yet in the end they will be found. And there will be nobody left to save them for they too will be gone. Nothing will remain and soon the soldiers will leave. And in the face of such despair here they dance to a final tune to remember what once was in their final moments. One last time the song of hope cries out over the battle field only to be extinguished once more in the name of progress.
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