petrifyne · 4 years
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They offer a -- surprisingly sheepish smile, though not out of place on their rather delicate features: not so unlike a well-made doll, lovingly crafted, or a sculpture well-carved. Their hands gently touch...of all things, a stuffed animal, which they've been absently playing with for the past few minutes. Ah. Small pleasures.
"Ah -- er -- that is, I meant to say...did you need something of me? I'm not occupied at the moment."
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petrifyne · 4 years
( Shiny... )
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The sparkles have been upped significantly!
“So…are my shoujo sparkles convincing you that I’m adorable yet?”
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“They are indeed! I can even hear the little sparkly noise in my head.”
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petrifyne · 4 years
( Shiny As Fresh Metal. )
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Makes sparkly eyes at someone.
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Sparkles back at! (Albeit sleepily.)
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petrifyne · 4 years
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Mistakes have been made yet again. Hi hello it’s ya boi Matt again and if you like snarky mages who refuse to talk to most of society, exist holed up out of time and space, really like guns, and are arguably part snake(?) vampire, then I’ve got the Fate OC who is extremely up your alley –  Aers-Maurem Alche-Veure Es Florestis, also known as Lord Florestis or simply Eris, a disaster magus in their mid-twenties. They’re extremely lawful chaotic, well-meaning, and entirely too emotional and expressional for a magus, but here they are nonetheless.
They will have other verses and such added over time! Like or reblog this so I can check out your blog! 
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petrifyne · 4 years
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“Guess who slept for a month? Me. It’s me.”
It’s been more than a month, Eris.
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petrifyne · 5 years
hey i’m a dumbass it’s midnight n i just
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so all i can do since school literally starts today is crop icons or maybe use a phone art app for art which is ridiculous but ibis paint just might save my life so my commissions page is over at @knightresources i will still draw things i just ... i’ve been drawing on ibis paint lately as it is but anyway yeah i just gotta fix this in whatever way i can
contact me here on this blog if you want art n whatnot & check out the commissions blog for prices , anything helps !
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petrifyne · 5 years
( Pretty-Eyed Lord. )‌
@petrifyne asked  —
“Here - it doesn’t require you to place it within the sunlight, it only needs water.” They clear their throat, offering the small arrangement of potted globeflowers outward: plants they’ve adapted to their usual state of living, kept indoors and out of sight. “They tend to grow - quite happily, for better or worse, where I’ve kept them. Perhaps they could brighten an office or some such.”
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       Tending to flowers was not the professor’s specialty. He wouldn’t let them die, of course; he would put his best effort forward to ensure they were kept watered and cared depending on their needs. The only problem was his “best” effort wasn’t the best. In his lifetime, several potted plants had withered under his nose. One plant would be accidentally watered too much, another not watered enough. It was then that he allowed Gray to take overseeing whatever plants he had, which if he were being honest, there were currently none in his apartment to avoid that issue. Yet there were those like Eris that made it so his office and home was a bit more lively. 
       “Only water? Ah, I see…” Seemingly uncertain, gloved hands reached out, accepting the potted brilliant yellow flowers. They were beautiful, yes. It was all the more reason he didn’t wish to accidentally kill them with his not so green thumb. “These are… This is a nice gesture,” he answered, looking from the globe flowers to them, “Did I miss a special occasion? I cannot say that I am normally given flowers by anyone.” Unless there was ulterior motive, but he thought it might be safe to assume their intentions were innocent. “Though I am not ungrateful. These will have a home on my desk for the time being until I can figure out where to put them.” 
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“No special occasion, no.”
They wonder, distantly -- are flowers supposed to be reserved for such things? It seems unfair to both the plants themselves and to people receiving them. (After all, flowers have no sense of "special", they simply grow and bloom.)
"Globeflowers are quite low maintenance. They can be left to their own, and they'll happily grow away in their pots or in a yard...they're bright, sun-colored little worlds in the form of a plant. And they're resilient. -- they're about the only things that kept me from going fully mad a time or two as well, so I suppose I'm a little biased in thinking they're good gifts, but they are rather...soothing to look at."
They gesture vaguely, smiling bright as they can manage: the flowers symbolize gratitude -- an ideal thing, perhaps, to hand to someone who at least bothers talking to them without immediately stiffening or turning away. (They don't say this much, however, merely keeping their jovial grin.)
"Did you know plants respond well to being spoken to? Things like commentary, loud voices, even loud music...plants grow better with the sound of a person near them. It's quite cute -- but, ah, I'm rambling again. My apologies for that. I simply...quite enjoy my plants. The thought I can give them to others is nice, given all my family does."
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petrifyne · 5 years
feel  free  to  change  pronouns  ,  tense  ,  et  cetera  to  suit  personal  preference  .  trigger  warning  for  sexual  content  ,  toxic  dynamics  ,  &  strong  language  .
you’re  my  number  one  .
you’re  the  one  i  want  .
i’ve  turned  down  every  hand  that  has  beckoned  me  to  come  .
i’m  a  geyser  ,  feel  it  bubbling  from  below  .
hear  it  call  to  me  ,  constantly  .
hear  the  harmony  only  when  it’s  harming  me  .
it’s  not  real  .
it’s  not  real  enough  .
i  will  be  the  one  you  need  .
i  just  can’t  be  without  you  .
i  know  that  i  ended  it  ,  but  why  won’t  you  chase  after  me  ?
you  know  me  better  than  i  do  .
why  didn’t  you  stop  me  ?
why  didn’t  you  stop  me  &  paint  it  over  ?
i  look  for  a  picture  of  you  to  keep  in  my  pocket  ,  but  i  can’t  seem  to  find  one  .
look  how  i  remember  .
we  nearly  drowned  for  such  a  silly  thing  .
someone  who  loves  me  now  ,  better  than  you  .
that  pretty  friend  is  finally  yours  .
i’ll  be  around  on  sunday  ,  if  you’ll  meet  me  at  blue  diner  .
i’ll  take  coffee  &  talk  about  nothing  .
i’ll  take  anything  you  want  to  give  me  ,  baby  .
i  haven’t  told  anyone  ,  just  like  we  promised  .  have  you  ?
every  time  i  drive  through  the  city  where  you’re  from  ,  i  squeeze  a  little  .
you’re  growing  tired  of  me  .
you  love  me  so  hard  &  i  still  can’t  sleep  .
you’re  growing  tired  of  me  &  all  the  things  i  don’t  talk  about  .
sorry  ,  i  don’t  want  your  touch  .
it’s  not  that  i  don’t  want  you  .
sorry  ,  i  can’t  take  your  touch  .
it’s  just  that  i  fell  in  love  with  a  war  ,  nobody  told  me  that  it  ended  .
it  left  a  pearl  in  my  head  ,  &  i  roll  it  around  every  night  just  to  watch  it  glow  .
every  night  ,  baby  ,  that’s  where  i  go  .
there’s  a  hole  that  you  fill  .
i  call  you  ,  to  see  you  again  .
so  i  can  win  ,  &  this  can  finally  end  .
spend  an  hour  on  my  makeup  to  prove  something  .
walk  up  in  my  heels  ,  all  high  &  mighty  .
you  say  ‘hello’  &  i  lose  .
nobody  butters  me  up  like  you  .
nobody  fucks  me  like  me  .
in  the  morning  ,  in  a  taxi  .
why  am  i  lonely  for  lonesome  love ?
why  am  i  lonely  ?
i  gave  too  much  of  my  heart  tonight  .
can  you  come to  where  i’m  staying  &  make  some  extra  love  ?
i  need  somebody  to  remember  my  name  .
all  that  i  can  do  for  them  is  done  .
i  need  something  bigger  than  the  sky  .
hold  it  in  my  arms  &  know  it’s  mine  .
just  how  many  stars  will  i  need  to  hang  around  me  to  finally  call  it  heaven  ?
i  need  someone  to  remember  me  .
to  finally  get  somewhere  i  can  be  all  done  ,  somewhere  like  heaven  .
i  steal  a  few  breaths  from  the  world  for  a  minute  .
i’ll  be  nothing  forever  .
all  of  my  memories  &  all  of  the  things  i  have  seen  will  be  gone  .
me  &  my  husband  ,  we’re  doing  better  .
it’s  always  been  just  him  &  me  .
i  bet  all  i  have  on  that  furrowed  brow  .
at  least  in  this  lifetime  ,  we’re  sticking  together  .
i’m  the  idiot  with  the  painted  face  ,  in  the  corner  taking  up  space  .
but  when  he  walks  in  ,  i  am  loved  .
come  into  the  water  .
do  you  wanna  be  my  baby  ?
are  you  waiting  to  touch  me  ?
you  look  so  good  .
maybe  i’m  the  same  as  all  those  men  ,  writing  songs  of  all  they’re  dreaming  .
would  you  tell  me  if  you  want  me  ?
i  can’t  move  until  you  show  me  .
i  didn’t  know  i  had  a  dream  .
i  didn’t  know  until  i  saw  you  .
my  god  ,  i’m  so  lonely  .
i  open  the  window  to  hear  sounds  of  people  .
venus  ,  planet  of  love  ,  was  destroyed  by  global  warming  .
did  its  people  want  too  much  ?
i  don’t  want  your  pity  ,  i  just  want  someone  near  me  .
guess  i’m  a  coward  ,  i  just  want  to  feel  alright  .
i  know  no  one  will  save  me  .
i  just  need  someone  to  kiss  .
give  me  one  good  honest  kiss  ,  &  i’ll  be  alright  .
i’ve  been  big  &  small  &  still  nobody  wants  me  .
i  glow  pink  in  the  night  in  my  room  .
i’ve  been  blossoming  alone  over  you  .
i  hear  my  heart  breaking  tonight  .
do  you  hear  it  too  ?
it’s  like  a  summer  shower  ,  with  every  drop  of  rain  singing  .
i  love  you  .
i  could  stare  at  your  back  all  day  .
i  know  i’ve  kissed  you  before  ,  but  i  didn’t  do  it  right  .  can  i  try  again  ?
a  lake  with  no  fish  is  the  heart  of  a  horse  named  cold  air  .
who  ,  when  young  ,  would  run  like  a  storm  .
i  thought  i’d  traveled  a  long  way  but  i  had  circled  the  same  old  sin  .
toss  your  dirty  shoes  in  my  washing  machine  heart  ,  baby  ,  bang  it  up  inside  .
i’m  not  wearing  my  usual  lipstick  .
i  thought  maybe  we  would  kiss  tonight  .
baby  ,  will  you  kiss  me  already  ?
though  i’ve  closed  my  eyes  ,  i  know  who  you  pretend  i  am  .
why  not  me  ?
somebody  kiss  me  ,  i’m  going  crazy  .
i’m  walking  'round  the  house  naked  .
silver  in  the  night  .
out  there  i’m  a  sharp  knife  .
are  you  that  blue  light  ?
does  it  smell  like  a  school  gymnasium  in  here ?
it’s  funny  how  they’re  all  the  same  .
we’ve  both  done  it  a  hundred  times  before  .
it’s  funny  how  i  still  forgot  .
it  would  be  a  hundred  times  easier  if  we  were  younger  again  .
we’re  just  two  slow  dancers  ,  last  ones  out  .
the  ground  has  been  slowly  pulling  us  back  down  .
you  see  it  on  both  our  skin  .
we  get  a  few  years  &  then  it  wants  us  back  .
to  think  that  we  could  stay  the  same  .
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petrifyne · 5 years
Some possible alternate faceclaim icons under the cut because I finally found smth suitable for dark-hair variant Eris
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AU where Eris hair never like. Gets fucked into oblivion. Or where they just dye it??
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petrifyne · 5 years
( Mister Lance, Again! )‌
@petrifyne // deal with my modernverse u punk
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“I come with gifts,” Lancelot announces lightly as he sets a to-go cup of coffee on the counter near the shooting range’s entrance. “Seeking audience with the king.” Eris gets a small smile in their direction when they appear, a gesture toward the coffee offering (can’t come into another’s domain without that, after all). “I heard you were enjoying your downtime too much and came to give you trouble. Have you gotten anything new lately that you’d like to show off?”
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"I do indeed -- a new maiden all primed up for her debut!"
Their hands are swift, pulling a gun case from behind the counter: all new projects, of course, rested comfortably in such containers until they needed to be handed over to a customer. A nice bed for the sleeping princesses and maidens of their little court. (They know, they're eccentric: it is the allure of this place. And the allure of themself, if their constant suitors are anything to judge by.)
"Ermione here is a new model -- a semi-auto pistol, fresh up and finished about a week ago. She's a bit feisty, but if you steady her, she won't buck you too bad. Sturdier than a Walther, but a little more light in the hands! A good girl, she is. Even had her fancied up."
The enamel on the pistol's grip does indeed bear some tribute to her namesake: daughter of Helen and Menelaus, enshrined in opera forevermore. (A ship on one side, a fainted woman on the other -- the engraving really was a nice job, if they do choose to pride themself.)
"She's good for being held tight due to her makeup. Water resistant, won't slip much if your palms sweat. A quiet girl, too -- optimal for if she ends up bought off by someone for self-defense or leisure. Ah, and she's a little speedy in her actions, so that might startle you a bit. She'll need a reload fairly quick. Gets hungry, she does."
Like a parent talking proudly about their child, they list features in a way that sounds almost like they're describing a person -- after all, their girls (their guns) are made by hand, all on their own time. Such speech is understandable of them.
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petrifyne · 5 years
Shipping Call - Send me one if you want to plot one or more of these
💚 - friendship 💙 - kinship ( blood or symbolic familial bond ) 💔 - past relationship 💜 - hateship ( they hate each other but can’t stay away ) 💛 - hateship ( enemies ) 💟 - friends with benefits ❤ - romantic relationship
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petrifyne · 5 years
Character solidifying!
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petrifyne · 5 years
(( Inbox Call!! I'll do these after I sleep a bit! ))
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petrifyne · 5 years
Eris has a top five "ideal heroes" list, aka the people they've looked to in times of stress or worry, and due to using folklore to cope with hardship and trauma growing up --
Queen Gwendolyn, the badass war-queen.
Argonaut wrangler, Jason.
Brynhild, the valkyrie strayed by love.
Suzuka Gozen, the clever fox.
the fifth slot is like. Tied between several people but there you go.
They, are doing their best. Please note this isn't the list that counts people from modern history! That's a separate entity entirely.
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petrifyne · 5 years
everyone else: sees Jason and wants to yeet him
Eris, immediately: I must Hold him. I must Protect him. I must Save him.
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petrifyne · 5 years
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(( Starter Call! ))
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petrifyne · 5 years
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They may or may not be lost. This is bad, very bad. -- such is to be expected, when they’ve got all about nothing going on in their head in regards to the layout above-ground, in any place outside of the Sea: they wring their skirt, inhaling softly and tilting their head to the side. Maybe there’ll be someone nearby they can ask for help? They do have a map, after all.
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