Hey all! I'm a long time Tumblr user but completely new to studyblr and I'm excited to get started!
You can call me PJ! [they/them]
I am a double major in Computer Science and Applied Physics who is on track to graduate with a bachelors in December of 2024.  I’ve had academic experience in Python, Java, C++, MatLab, and some personal project experience in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.  The physics double major is a relatively recent addition, so I’ll just say I’m finishing up Phyiscs 3 right now lol
My interests mainly lie in my fields of study, but I also really enjoy things that are classics (AP Latin my beloved) and language related!  I also like coffee and food so don’t be surprised if I reblog some recipes here.  I hope this blog can help motivate me to be a better and more passionate learner and also be a place where I can reblog fun nerdy things :)
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