piratequinn · 9 years
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 ”I think that as an artist, the more that you can do to diversify, and kind of challenge yourself, the more you grow.”
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piratequinn · 9 years
She didn't want to be rude. Or, well, didn't want Lucas to be rude. She would have been rude to Rachel had her been Quinn. She was getting on her nerves and all to do something Quinn knew Rachel wanted to do. It was stupid.
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"I need you to help the crew, but whatever will make you stop talking, Miss Berry." was all she said, her eyes following the girl's movements. They were strangely enthralling. Hypnotizing.
"So, will you help us all not die or will you keep trying to torture me?"
Anywhere but here | Rachel&Quinn
"You want my help.”
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Rachel stated, matter-of-factly, then smirked a second later. She ignored everything else that Lucas said   though his teasing remark sounded almost friendly and confused her a little   because having him in this position was a rare opportunity. 
If he thought that after everything he has ever said to her she would make it easy for him he was so, so wrong. She was almost sorry for Lucas. Almost. 
“So, if I got it…” she paused, and slowly traced the edge of an old desk with her fingers, ”which of course I did, but you should repeat just to make it very clear, you need me.” The punctuation here was clear, and she glanced up to Lucas with a pointed look before finishing. “To help you.” 
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piratequinn · 10 years
"I am a pirate, or becoming one, but I wouldn't kill a member of my crew and I already told you I'm here to ask for your... cooperation." she refused to say help even if that's basically what she was asking for.
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"If you're referring to Hudson, it's probably because he doesn't pay attention to a word you say. He's too busy staring at your cleavage and doe eyes, trust me." she knew very well how guys like Finn Hudson worked because she had lived among them her whole young life and knew how to play them like a fiddle. They were easy creatures. A coy smile, a flutter of her eyelashes and they'd do whatever she wanted them too. She was sure Rachel could be as crafty. She was actually sure the girl was doing some of that on her thinking Lucas was like any other male. "Better write to the Queen herself, maybe she'll reconsider after seeing you in action." she mocked with the usual bite in her words gone. Weird. Was she really bantering with Rachel Berry? Being locked in a ship was affecting her brain. "So, a stop. Shall I present the idea to the Captain or shall you?" she redirected the conversation.
Anywhere but here | Rachel&Quinn
"I am assuming you don’t consider yourself a pirate, then. Weren’t all of them cruel murderers?" Rachel smirked and moved her hands to her waist. "Well, if you mean physically, you are probably right but I wouldn’t risk. I can effectively manage the element of surprise sometimes."
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"However, I would rather not use violence. One of the most difficult tasks of my life has been to find a genuinely nice human being who is not hellbent on upsetting me for no reason other than the fact that they don’t understand me so we can say I have quite the experience of defending myself verbally." She told him and her eyes followed his hands, wondering if his hair was as soft as it seemed. Ignoring the urge to reach out and check - because it would be just incredibly weird- Rachel sighed and crossed her arms on her chest, choosing to focus on his words. "Unfortunately. I wish we were, but you know that only men can act in plays. It is immensely unfair and I did write a letter to the Governor about it. It is been a while but he is a very busy person so I keep my hopes that one day he will read my letter and change the theatre laws." She should have tried to delivery it personally, she thought to herself, even though they said the Governor was too busy to meet her. 
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piratequinn · 10 years
"You sure do live in a different world than ours, don't you?" she wondered standing up, she didn't like being shorter than the shortest person she had ever met. It was annoying to be shorter than most of her pirate comrades but she wasn't about to be talked down by a midget. Her eyebrow shot up at the accusation, she had not meant that. At all. "No, I didn't mean me. I'm not a murderer and you have no idea how to defend yourself" she said plainly, her arms crossing in front of her. She then realized how close they were, her arms actually touching Rachel. She would have taken a step back if it weren't because Rachel would think she was intimidated. And she wasn't. She actually didn't know why her heart was beating stronger than usual. Probably because the other girl was so irritating. And dramatic. She let out a laugh, a hand coming up to her hair. "You're so dramatic. We're not in a Shakespeare play, Rachel. You can act like a normal person for once." she stated.
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Anywhere but here | Rachel&Quinn
"Why are you laughing?" Rachel rolled her eyes then crossed her arms, clearly annoyed by the boy laughed at her. "I just thought we should try to be nice before take desperate measures like murder. Communication is always the better option."
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Rachel scoffed at his accusation and was about to defend her intentions and inform him, for what felt like the hundred time, that she was a simply guest on the ship, therefore definitely not a part of such a terrible group of people. However, his next words made her forget his previously comments. “And by someone you mean you?,” it was more an accusation than a question and if her tone didn’t give it away, her finger pointed into his chest definitely did. They were a few inches from each other and Rachel felt like it was the first time she noticed Lucas’s appearance. He smelled good, which was both surprising and weird because all the men on the ship smelled like putrid fish. And was handsome, actually. If only he wasn’t so infuriating. “Is this why you came to my living quarters?”, she asked and stepped forward, getting absurdly close to him. “Do it, do it now.” Although she was smaller than him, she managed to look right into his eyes and give him her best challenge look. She was scared but she would never let him know it.
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piratequinn · 10 years
Quinn snorted and then laughed freely. She couldn't help herself. She couldn't believe someone was as naive as Rachel, or maybe stupid was a better word to describe her. Even Quinn, who had grown up sheltered by her parents and her status knew better. Definitely stupid. "Yeah, that will work. We'll tell them we just want to take all their food, nothin' to worry about. We're just pirates, no bid deal. Where have you been livin'? Under some rock?" she mocked. "I will repeat it for you, lady: We. Are. Pirates. We steal. We rob. We murder. That's what these people do and now we're part of it." she ended saying, marking her words and looking at the other girl seriously. "You'll end up dead if you keep up this stupidity of yours. Someone on this ship will end up killin' you."
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Anywhere but here | Rachel&Quinn
"We will      what?!”
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Fight. Her brain actually processed what Lucas said but the question slipped out before she could realize that. Fights were never good, people sometimes died during them.  ”This is completely wrong and insane, who knows what kind of people we’ll have to fight with?” She asked as her eyes ran over Lucas’s arms then checked the rest of his body. He didn’t look strong but he was young and fast, so maybe it would help him to survive. Although she would never admit, she couldn’t keep the same hope about Finn. If his lack of coordination and simply glumsy movements were anything to go by, he would accidentally hurt himself while trying to attack the enemy. “Are you sure there isn’t another way? Maybe if we talked to them and explained our situation they would give us some of their food and even water? I’m sure there are kind men who would he happy at helping people…even if they look like dangerous pirates."
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piratequinn · 10 years
Quinn looked around and decided to just sit on the closest surface, which happened to be Rachel's bed. She tried to make it manly, legs open and slightly slouched. That's how men sat, or so she had seen in the ship. Her suitors sat in a much more elegant manner, but she was a pirate and had to act like it. She arched her eyebrow at the girl's words and chuckled. "I knew you were naive, but not to that point. You still haven't realized where you are. Pirates don't buy provisions, they steal them. We'll probably attack wherever we port and get as much as we can without getting killed." she said before realizing that meant she'd have to fight. She had learnt some tricks from Blaine, as pompous as he was he actually knew how to fence, but she wasn't that sure about her abilities. 
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Anywhere but here | Rachel&Quinn
Rachel rolled her eyes slightly at his words, breaking the gaze they shared. She had to admit he had a talent at least: annoy her to no end with a few words. However, she decided not to reply. Maybe if she kept the talk at minimum, he would soon be leaving her cabin. Not speaking her mind was a something the small girl wasn’t used to but she was willing to do a sacrifice. She could always think of it as a challenge. She loved challenges. “Please, have a sit,” Rachel said once she realized he was there for something important and gestured to the old, ugly chair near to a broken desk in the corner. Everything there was old and barely working but Rachel made sure it would be clean and look organized at least. “I have actually talked to our Captain about porting soon and we settled on a date already”. She informed as she walked to sit on what she considered her bed, even though it was just an old, large sofa. “However, he mentioned a little reluctantly that we unfortunately ran out of gold so I’ve been wondering how will we get supplies if we can’t pay for that.”
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piratequinn · 10 years
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piratequinn · 10 years
Staying aboard keeps me fed and save, why would I leave permanently? So that's a no to the treasure, though now I'm interested. Is that what the Captain keeps muttering about? 
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You know you can just…get out forever right? No one would be forcing you to stay aboard. Unless you’re in for the big treasure, of course. Is that why you’re here boy?
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piratequinn · 10 years
Well, your cooking is pretty... colorful. Not for everyone's palate. Had you worked as a cook before?
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Oh, just the Captain's cabin boy. 
I’m pretty disappointed, since no one on this ship seems to like my cooking. Except for Mr. Hudson, of course, but I’m beginning to think he’ll eat anything.
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What job did you end up taking on the ship?
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piratequinn · 10 years
"Sorry to disappoint." she said looking at the girl. She could see she wasn't pleased and she could guess why, it was the reason she had fled in the first time. And still, no one would believe a woman travelling in a pirate ship was still pure, she didn't understand Rachel's concern. "I came to talk to you about provisions and looking for a place to stop and get some." she explained, hands in her jacket pockets. She would give it to men, their clothes were far more comfortable. At least the ones she'd been given.
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Anywhere but here | Rachel&Quinn
"Yes," she answered reluctantly and closed the door as rolling her eyes at his manners. Of course he didn’t think of asking her if he could walk inside her room. She just hoped Finn wouldn’t mind if he heard rumors around the ship because she knew people would talk behind her back and call her a whore if someone saw Lucas doing it. Turning around, she sighed and looked up to him. "Not that it’s your business anyway. Now would you mind to explain what are you doing here?" 
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piratequinn · 10 years
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I think they'll be grateful. I've seen a lot of rats down with the food and it's nauseating. 
It was very lucky of you to find him, I can’t imagine it fun to live on the streets once the snow comes.
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He had an air of confidence which made me think he must have been a Lord in his past life.  I wonder if anyone would notice if I buy a cat at the next port and bring it on board with us.
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piratequinn · 10 years
It's good news, I agree. I can't wait to get out of this place. Even for a few hours. 
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According to Schuester —not that he’s ever right, but still— we’re supposed to reach White Dove in a few hours. I never thought it’d be excited at the prospect of seeing people at all, but given the fact that i’ve dealt with the same fools for who knows how long, it is something to be thrilled about. 
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piratequinn · 10 years
She realized Rachel had been expecting something by the disappointment in her face, she still smiled more than smirked because she was there to ask for a favour.
"You may, actually." she answered stepping into the room after a slight gesture that meant she was going to do it. She was pretendig to be a man, but she still had manners. Kind of. "Expecting someone taller?" she said, not being able to resist and turning around to look at Rachel.
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Anywhere but here | Rachel&Quinn
Rachel jumped out of the chair as she heard the knock in the door, mumbling ‘finally’ as she walked to answer it. Finn said he would come over to walk her around the ship while they hold hands. He was annoyingly late, but Rachel guessed it was part of the obscure, and rather confusing, man code. He just didn’t want to seem desperate, right? She didn’t even try to hide her disappointment as she opened the door and found it was the person she had been avoiding in the past days. “Hello, may I help you?” She did really dislike him but that wasn’t a reason to be bad-mannered. 
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piratequinn · 10 years
Anywhere but here | Rachel&Quinn
Asking for something was not on Quinn's list of preferred activities, it was actually something she avoided at all costs. And still, she found herself having to do it and having to ask the worst person on the ship. Rachel Berry, the bane of her existence. She knocked on the girl's door, hoping Mr. Dim Hudson wasn't with her. 
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piratequinn · 10 years
You wound me, Miss Berry. Your opinion is of great value to me. I may cry tonight.
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piratequinn · 10 years
When they are doing a poor job, as is your case, it is considered help. Yes. 
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piratequinn · 10 years
There's no excuse for you.
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I just did, you just won't let me. You're too proud, obviously. It's not an insult if it's the truth.
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