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Click above for access to my Collaboration Industry Report.
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Please click the link to access my Self-Publishing Report!
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Huntley Muir Email Reply!
Despite deciding not to use Huntley Muir in my final essay, as I was trying to stay based on more illustrator and author collaborations, I had emailed them previously, and this morning, received a reply! There were very informative and answered with a good chunky paragraph! 
They managed to clear up a few things about collaboration that I had wanted to ask, and it has helped me think more on their views as well as my own, and how other work in collaboration. 
The last question I really like! They work most effectively as a duo and they have never fought over a project! This shows that each person gets an equal view and no one’s ideas are considered more valid than the other. I’m sad I haven’t been able to include this in my essay, but it is VERY helpful for future projects and for future collaborations!
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The final images produced from the Forum! 
These are the final images of the periodic tables that others had helped to finish at the Forum! 
Here are some close ups of some of the images that had been made through the course of the day!
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These are from the “metals” section - we had some drawings that weren’t quite connected to the periodic table, but nonetheless our main goal was for people to have fun and join us in our collaboration process!
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Soem more science-related drawings - a rocket that has green igniter fluid (boron does this!) and teeth with a toothbrush for flouride (used in toothpaste!) 
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Down in the radioactive, lower part of the table, we had some stickers very carefully placed by a young girl, some paints and drawings!  I’m really glad everyone took to the materials and had a play around, experimentation is great fun! 
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I was really pleased to see the variety of drawings and it was fun to have made it educational and have a group to plan it all from. We received lots of positive feedback from the public and everyone who came to our table was smiling and having a good time! 
I think these pieces would be a great idea for a larger-scaled poster or art piece as it really shows the artistic connection between people!
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Emails to Quentin Blake and Terry Denton (I was unable to find Andy Griffiths’ email) regarding collaboration for my essay!
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Jake and Dinos Chapman - Collborative brothers 
We were introduced to Jake and Dinos Chapman quite early in the year, but since the collaboration project, they have become more of an interest to me as they are well known collaborators. 
They work together in several ways, but I am focusing on their sculptural pieces and their Exquisite Corpse pieces. The Exquisite Corpse drawings are very interesting to me, as they are clearly pieces of work that have two different ways of drawing on each part. Perhaps a way fo working I could have explored in the collaboration process but have little time now. 
Their sculptures are very dark and misery-inducing! I don’t like them very much in terms of subject matter, but I admire the work and planning that must have gone on before the piece was made - and for two people, it looks very well-made and structured. 
I believe a good relationship has helped to put these pieces together, and good communication. Communication and planning is something I have wanted to look further into, but as my essay plans are turning more towards authors and illustrators, I will not include these collaborators in my essay, but will keep them in mind for future projects and keep up to date with their work! 
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We set up our poster on the wall - Phoenix had separated the pages with the same black tape used int he periodic table grid. We believed this would help see the image’s letters and read better, as well as giving it some form of structure! 
Also, Sinae had been able to get us lab coats and goggles! I am here modelling one next to our poster - we taped up the big ‘UEA’ on the front with tape. I was very excited about wearing costume, as I felt it would give SUCH a more scientific feeling to the stand!
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The table - nearly full up! We had ages from around 2 to 80 visit our stall and have a go! 
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We replaced the sections (we cut out the sections to help us in terms of transporting to the Forum as well as being able to replace certain parts rather than the whole thing) around early afternoon/lunch time. We had another one prepared, but we managed to fill up 2 nicely by the end of the day!
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I’m happy I’ve been able to document the day as it went on - I captured the table as it filled up and I noticed through the day the materials were scattered around and well-used. Although it got a bit messy, we expected this, and I think it just shows people had a good time playing and experimenting with materials! 
We had a chemistry teacher come over to praise our work and tell us we were “doing a good job!” This made me SO happy that we had done well and helped me feel confident about the stand. 
By the end of the day, the tables were full and we packed away and took them back to uni. We received feedback that everyone loved the event and those that hadn’t heard of it before they visited the Forum were pleasantly surprised. 
I really enjoyed the event and taking the aspect of collaboration further than just my group and engaging with the public! It’s a great way to learn about people’s ways of working and how they react when it comes to art and making. 
My group has also been amazing and I am very proud of all of them! 
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We went out for materials the day before and bought:
Aprons for kids, gloves, hand wipes, paint, bowls to hold paint, and some brushes!
We wanted EVERYONE to be able to play without being messy, so we took care to buy things to keep hands and clothes clean. 
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We set up at the Forum when we arrived, placing down our cards, originally, at the front and information facing up. We set the materials where the back of the table would be, and the copper bin would be placed on the floor to collect gloves, wipes, etc. 
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We then tried a different placement - keeping the materials at the front but placing the cards in the areas where the colours of the periodic table were. We liked this idea but thought it might restrict people into where they could draw and paint later on in the day. 
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We finally decided the cards would sit at the bottom together, for people to feel curious as to what they are and take a look! By this time, we had a few people come over and look, and even try drawing on their squares! 
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Sections that people had drawn in! It was so nice to see how different everyone’s ways of drawing and creating were in relation to our theme. 
Continued on next post!
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Stickers for the stand!
Sinae (sinae-carrotate.tumblr.com) created some stickers for the event! I helped creating the orange stickers for the Noble Gases elements! I think this was a very nice touch to the stand that would add another aspect of interactivity to the stand! 
These were made by taking imaged from the files for the cards, placing them within a circle of colour depending on the part of the periodic table, and finally printing them onto adhesive paper. It only took a short time (less than a day) to create the images and get them printed ready for the event. 
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Reviewing (once again!) our table - last minute changes
Before the cards were laminated, we set the table up how we thought we would want it at the Forum. We made a list of things to do before the day and the changes to make that would overall improve the table, even if slightly! 
- Buy/acquire materials (paints, stamps, pens/pencils, drawing materials)
- Laminate the cards
- Change/remake/scrap the wooden stand (Sinae took charge of this! more info on the stand on her blog @sinae-carrotate)
- Create a visual point of interest for the cups holding materials (Hannah was on top of this! @hannahshelleyblog)
- Find/buy/borrow lab coats (maybe goggles?) (I tried to contact City College Norwich about this, but they declined. Sinae was asking her friend at UEA to borrow some!)
- Perhaps the sponges are better used as a material rather than decoration? They seem to make certain elements look significant when they are not.
-Cut out sections of the tabler rather than keeping it on a big piece of paper. This will help keep costs low and make it easier to transport to the Forum.
- Set up the stand again after these were done and reevaluate! 
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Huntley Muir is a collaborative duo that share an image and manipulate, overlap, distort, paint and draw over each other’s work. The collaboration shows an equality between the both of them, showing that without one, the other would not create such effective work! 
A lot of their work is digital - I’m unsure as to whether they take turns in drawing or both draw at once on the same image - whether one draws a bit and sends it via a file to the other? It would be interesting to research and find out. 
They take a lot of paid commission work, and have performed an interview with Monocle Radio.
They speak about expression through their work, which I think is an interesting process between two people and one canvas space to draw and create on. 
I have included a link to their Tumblr blog. I thought about including Huntley Muir in my essay and researching further, but I decided to focus more on the collaboration of illustrators and authors rather than both artists. However, I think they are great artists and would like to research them more in the future.
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Quentin Blake and Roald Dahl - both whimsical and comedic creators in collaboration!
I’m very interested in learning more about the relationship between the two collaborators and how they worked together. They are an iconic and famous author/illustrator duo and I want to find out what it is that makes them work so well together, and if their ways of working are similar and how that helped to create their most famous books. I’d like to look into the first book Quentin Blake illustrated, “The Enormous Crocodile”, in 1976. 
I thought The Enormous Crocodile, being the first book by Roald Dahl and illustrated by Quentin Blake, would be a great book to put into my essay to develop further. I’m curious as to whether it was difficult to illustrate the book for the first time, and if there was a feeling of pressure to “get it right”. 
Blake, on Dahls website, has a page discussing his collaboration with Dahl, and talks more about The Enormous Crocodile. He explains about his own personal connections with the crocodile as a character, such as the crocodile from “Punch and Judy” as well as Richard III. I want to look into this further for my essay and discover how the process went and what made Blake illustrate the crocodile how he did. 
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Andrew Griffiths and Terry Denton: Author and Illustrator collaborators on The Treehouse Series
I want to focus on the relationship and how this effects the collaboration of these two. They illustrate and write children’s books, and when interviewed and spoken to, seem to keep this childish demeanor about them which really puts them into the mind of a child’s. 
In their FAQ page on their website, (http://www.andygriffiths.com.au/faq/), I see they carry this demeanor through and through, and I am interested as to how often this attitude is present and if this is an important process when it comes to creating a book. Does this way of acting help them get into the mindset of creating their books?
The book series I want to focus on is “The Treehouse Series”, in which the characters, named after the illustrator and author themselves, live in a treehouse and make stories together. It is the best selling book in Australia, and is praised for how good it is. I plan to research further about them in my essay as I think their relationship is very interesting and would love to discover how this helps with their collaboration methods, and has helped them create such a successful book!
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Credits to each card-maker in the image captions!
I took the task on of printing the cards out double-sided, making the back of the A6 cards the colour of the section it related to in the periodic table. I printed them A6 and trimmed the edges, then when all twelve cards were finished (everyone made two for each section!) I took them to be laminated. 
Everyone’s cards are very informative and have a text-based card as well as an imagery based card. I think this creates a nice balance and will be perfect for all ages at the Forum. Laminating them gives them a more clinical and professional feeling, a nice touch to the chemistry theme while keeping the colours bright and having a nice balance between too white and formal and too messy and free! 
I chose to have the cards laminated at Jarrolds as I was worried the laminating sheets given at the Design Studio would keep pockets of bubbles in the machine, as I had no access to an iron or heat press at the time I could have got it. I am really happy with the final result of the cards! 
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My Final Posters for the 9 x A3 designs
These are my final letters for the 9 x A3 posters. I decided to mess around with the scale of my images, as non metals are very diverse in scale and colour, and so I have tried to incorporate this into my letters! I think they work very well together and add something very different and changing into the image, and paired with my group’s other letters, I think they all look very different, but definitely show the chemistry despite having the word spelled out. Visually it is very striking, and can be seen as a simple image without lettering. 
One person in the tutorial explained she could firstly not see the lettering, but still considered it very chemistry-based, which is very pleasing, as that was what we were hoping to achieve through IMAGERY!
(C and H by @sinae-carrotate.tumblr.com) (E and M by myself)
(I and S by @chandramon​)
(T and R by Phoenix Cushion phoenixcushion.wix.com/illustration)
(Y by @hannahshelleyblog)
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My Finished Cards for Non Metals!
These are my finished cards! 
Looking back to the thumbnail sketches, I decided to scrap the third card as everything I wanted to include information-wise could fit into these two cards. 
I created one that is more text-based and one for imagery, as I understand some people prefer to read where some prefer visual material to learn. I wanted to cater to all learning types! I’ve kept with the pink theme and made my writing light and fun to keep a happy feeling through the project.
Using these cards, the audience could learn about the elements and other non metals, and using my images as references, they can draw in the squares of the periodic table, in the pink section where the non-metals go. 
I am excited to see the cards made from others! I want to print the cards so they are double-sides, and have the colour of their sections on the back. This way, we can have people pick the cards because of their colour and I think it would make it much more fun that way! 
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