portalgunning · 4 years
So my computers p much broken, and that makes me sad, but It’s super hard to do anything with the graphics card not able to show me ANY photo, it’s just annoying. I’m going to go on semi-hiatus to full hiatus for maybe a month, to hopefully get it fixed in that time.
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portalgunning · 4 years
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portalgunning · 4 years
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portalgunning · 4 years
She blinks, slow and deliberate hearing his words and tilted her head to one side. Cybertronian? The scientist in her couldn’t help but be curious, shifting as she walked up to his massive form and began to inspect him, sliding a hand on his foot as she did, inspecting every groove and crevice.
‘ I am from Earth, ’  she signed up to him after a while, eyes shimmering softly as she did.
‘ Tell me more about your species? about you! About your planet. I’ve never met something from another planet. Sure I made a portal to the moon, but I was only there for about 10 seconds. ’ Her signing was rather rapid as she got more excited, before glancing up at him again, hoping he got all of that.
  A jump of surprise, her eyes darting up at the other as she freezes, unsure how to speak.;of what to say.  If she could even, her voice wavers, decades of unuse forcing her to remain silent around someone she does. Not. Know.
A heavy breath before slowly she shook her head, and licked her lips nervously glad everyone seemed to understand her gestures around here so she need not talk.
‘ No. not in my way. Not used to not super white and shiny robots. You’re not an A.I. Are you? ’
“Not white and shiny…?” Now where has he met a bot like that before?
“Ah– no, I’m not. I am sorry if I frightened you, though. Would it make you more comfortable if I were to sit? I assure you, I mean you no harm.” And sitting down so he’s not towering over her quite so much might help to reassure her of that.
“I’m not a robot at all.” He’s not sure yet whether that fact will help calm her or whether it will just make things worse.
“I’m a Cybertronian. And… am I correct in assuming that you are an Earthlet?”
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portalgunning · 4 years
A jump of surprise, her eyes darting up at the other as she freezes, unsure how to speak.;of what to say.  If she could even, her voice wavers, decades of unuse forcing her to remain silent around someone she does. Not. Know.
A heavy breath before slowly she shook her head, and licked her lips nervously glad everyone seemed to understand her gestures around here so she need not talk.
‘ No. not in my way. Not used to not super white and shiny robots. You’re not an A.I. Are you? ’
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Oh, that’s a robot. A really intricate robot that’s staring at her. If only she had a portal gun right now. She is ready to book it first sign of movement.
Currently however they’re locked in a stare off, her body screaming for her to dash away, but her not saying a word as she waits to see what happens. WAs she just surrounded by robots? Was there nothing but robots around her? She prayed to god not, but she’d seen more bots than humans. || @beyond-use​
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portalgunning · 4 years
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Oh, that’s a robot. A really intricate robot that’s staring at her. If only she had a portal gun right now. She is ready to book it first sign of movement.
Currently however they’re locked in a stare off, her body screaming for her to dash away, but her not saying a word as she waits to see what happens. WAs she just surrounded by robots? Was there nothing but robots around her? She prayed to god not, but she’d seen more bots than humans. || @beyond-use​
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portalgunning · 4 years
A small pause as she glances up and around, she’d been attempting to get used to partner living, but currently, it’s all still very odd to her, having actual people around that were not robots, she frowned adjusting herself and brushing some hair back as she did when she noticed someone looking her way.
Was she still all bruised up from the fights? Yes, did she mind she was being looked at? Not particularly. Did it still bug her a bit, of course.
A small sigh before she turned and raised an eyebrow, what did this person want?
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portalgunning · 4 years
I’ll be doing starters / replies in a bit. got into kinda a funk and I wanted to get in the right headspace before I responded to things.
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portalgunning · 4 years
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small isola starter call, capped at 3; castmates exempt.
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portalgunning · 4 years
logical brain: you have chores to do. do your chores
stupid brain: think about glados doing domestic things 
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portalgunning · 4 years
[ look ]
[ look ] for your muse to catch mine staring
A pause as once again she feels the gaze on her, unsure what it actually is, she looks around. After the fifth time of feeling it she spun right on her heel, ready to give whoever it was a pretty mean face before pausing seeing the A.I. turned Android in front of her and froze like she’d just been startled.
A pause and she stares up at the other, eyes wide, and clearing her throat slightly and shifting nervous brushing her hair back. “Hi.” she mumbled with her horse voice. What did she want? A small shift as she rubbed her hand on her other arm, nervous like she just got caught doing something wrong.
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portalgunning · 4 years
lazy roleplayer symbol meme
Send in a symbol and I’ll:
@ : reply to one of your open starters
?? : write you a starter
+ : go through the memes you’ve reblogged and send one in
!!! : write a headcanon about our muses
% : write a drabble about our muses
$$$ : go through your wishlist tag and write a starter based on one of the posts
♬ : write a starter based on your blog music
… : write a headcanon based on one of the aus in your verse page
^^ : go through your muse’s aesthetic tag and write a starter based on one of the posts
# : write a headcanon based on one of your side muses / npcs
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portalgunning · 4 years
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Silently eating a large chocolate cake by herself.
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portalgunning · 4 years
      …   what ?
     morbid  curiosity  affixes  stygian  gaze  with  near  uncharacteristic  attentiveness ,   light  lashes  narrowing  under  an  ashen  brow ,   keeping  an  even  expression ,   as  though  indicating  a  semblance  of  consideration  to  Chell’s  frantic  actions .   before  speaking  further ,   thinned  lips  purse  in  near  mock  amusement ,   as  if  to  let  the  other  know  just  how  RIDICULOUS  she  sounds .
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      ❝   you should feel embarrassed i need to clarify this at all .   a week ago i was in Aperture ,   raising my three to - be killing machines & overseeing tests .   no bombs were thrown ,   no turrets sent your way ,   & i certainly was NOT ripped to pieces .   ❞     a  laugh  resounds ,   all  too  human   &   oddly  devoid  of  its  usual  dry  wit .   ❝   ———————   it is funny you need to ask that .   you’ve been a raging lunatic since the day i first met you .   & for the record ,   i will never die .   ever .   even when you are old & wrinkled ,   i will be here ,   laughing at how poorly you do on tests .   ❞
      pity ,   most  likely ,   comes  bereft  of  mockery ,   a  lone  step  taken  closer .   single  cold ,   synthetic  finger  tilts  up  test  subject’s  chin ,   gaze  so  full  of  life ,   surely  infectious  with  it’s  solemn  demeanor .   GLaDOS  almost  laughs  again  at  the  sight .
  ❝   now ,   you really ought to get a hold of yourself .   it’s no way for a precious asset of the Aperture Science Enrichment Center to act ,   especially now that you are the very first official test subject in the Unofficial Aperture Science facility to be built here on   ————   wherever this place is .   congratulations ,   by the way .       ❞
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She frowns at the confusion of the other, her hands which had been bandaged and began to furiously undo the said bandages cuts, burns, and gashes lined her fingers, electrical burns too. She frowned and thrust them out to the other. Before undoing several other half-assed bandages to reveal turret bullet wounds and other sorts of things that would only be from turrets. Or at least that’s the only thing she’s known to spray so many bullets out but almost none find a true mark.
‘ explain this. ’
She mumbles angrily before a pause as her face is lifted to look up at the other, tears welling in her eyes, the words despite their horrible meaning are sort of comfort in an odd way. Sniffling a bit she slowly sits up, and quietly reaches over, hugging someone she’s known the majority of her life, and despite all of this, has learned to feel...... something.
‘ I don’t have a portal gun....  I kept it safe... but it vanished on me a few days ago, I don’t know where it.. sniff, went ’
She’s trying to be strong, normally she wouldn’t be this frustrated or angry, nor would she talk so much, she didn’t like talking. All those years in the chambers ruined her vocal cords and everything came out in such a harsh whisper even when meant to be soft.
‘ sorry. ’
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portalgunning · 4 years
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Stares dead on, slowly raising one brow. Before shrugging. 
‘ I don’t think... that works on me. ’
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     ❝   this statement is false .   ❞
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portalgunning · 4 years
Of all the things she wanted to DEAL with today, meeting a ‘woman’ she had murdered thrice (with one being quite recently) and seeing her again, was kinda kicking in a huge state of panic for Chell.
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             And now, she’d been found, just what she wanted. A pause as she listened to the other ‘speak’ shifting from boot to boot and putting her hands on her hips, before frowning and making some quick gestures, seeming frantic.
[ Well pardon me, you’d just been CHASING me around for almost a week, throwing bombs, and turrets at me constantly, and after I ripped you apart with my bare hands once all attempts to reason with you were in vain, and cried over your corpse here you are. So sorry if I’m irritated, confused, and not wanting to DEAL with more emotional bullshit right now. ]
A huff as she finished flailing her arms about gesturing and simply collapsed against a stone wall burying her head and letting out a small noise. Then shifted, and whispered, almost inaudible.  ‘ This is... the real you, isn’t it? I’m not actually going crazy? ’
      ❝   did you know that 96% of those who run & flee from a situation usually are guilty of a crime ?   it’s true .   remember how you tried to flee after killing me ,   & after attempting to kill me again ,   & after you’d put some imbecile in charge of my facility ?   makes me wonder what you did this time .   ❞
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   towering  over  her  previous  test  subject ,   there’s  a  beginning  of  a  feigned  frown  hung  dry  at  the  corner  of  her  lips ,   as  though  she  were  relearning  the  motions  of  emoting .   this  lack  of  control  breeds  irritation ,   withering  any  typical  courses  of  action  she’d  take  into  absence .   so  she  is ,   absent  of  a  way  forward ,   slumped .
    ❝   really .   if my heart hadn’t already been torn to bits & pieces by your previous actions ,   it would be weeping due to this rude behavior .   ❞
—————— @portalgunning​​   /   s.c
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portalgunning · 4 years
I just find it so funny, Chell JUST literally ripped GLaDOS apart, turns a corner without her portal gun and boots now, and sees a GLaDOS in an android body and is like ‘not dealing with this!’
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