private-pumpkin · 4 years
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Credit: @ThinkAnneThink
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private-pumpkin · 4 years
I love Jacqui. I also love Cassie (their friendship is goals man), but I hate the way they wrote Jacqui as a backup character for Cassie's plot in the game. I understand Cass is the new "chosen one," but back in the day, Johnny and Liu had equal banter and fights (first movie wise). Then again, they are both men. And we still have a long way to go before some women in fiction are represented properly to save the realm/restore balance/kick ass, whatever...without needing backup, being a total Mary Sue, and/or being hated for the sheer sake of it.
I realize nobody reads my shit. But hopefully someone will overlook my crackahip (BlackCage) and actually like some of what I post.
Broke: Hating Jacqui Briggs
Woke: Realizing Jacqui is among the few NRS characters with flawed writing but loving her anyway because you believe she deserves better and NRS set her up to be hated.
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private-pumpkin · 4 years
This is amazing 😂😂😂
Can you like write motivational words for studying from the mk lads?? Like i rlly need it lol 😂👌
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I don’t know if this is what you meant, bubba, but good luck with your studies anyway!
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private-pumpkin · 4 years
so I got into grad school today with my shitty 2.8 gpa and the moral of the story is reblog those good luck posts for the love of god
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private-pumpkin · 4 years
Rewriting some Sindel Intros
I’ll save you the rant and just link you to my Twitter thread in the replies where I air my grievances about this new Sindel.
I based these off the leaked interactions that have been floating around (I will link the video in the replies as well). I picked one interaction from each character (Save for the mirrormatch and guest character intros)
Sindel: I see you no longer grovel at Shao Kahn’s feet. Baraka: We have allied with Kitana Kahn, who sees us as equals. Sindel: Kitana Kahn? My little one continues to shine even in my absence.
Sindel: You would make a fine bodyguard for an empress. Cassie: Sorry ma'am, I’m already spoken for. Sindel: The Special Forces squander your potential.
Cetrion: why do you betray Kronika? Sindel: Over and over she’s played with my fate, and in each version, I suffer. Cetrion: You must see the product beyond yourself.
D'vorah: Why does Shao Kahn value you? Sindel: To him I am just one of many conquests. D'vorah: Then surely he will not miss you.
Sindel: I would hope you ally with your new Kahn the same way you allied with Kotal. Erron Black: Sweetheart I’m just going where the money’s good. Sindel: Kitana would be wise to put her trust elsewhere.
Frost: My Lin Kuei could have been your allies Sindel: Then let them be allies on their terms, not under the control of this cruel initiative. Frost: Your loss, Empress.
Sindel: What have you seen of my future? Geras: Death, corruption, tyranny. Sindel: I cannot let this future come to pass.
Sindel: It is unwise to wage wars with Shao Kahn’s armies. Jacqui Briggs: I don’t wage wars, I stop them. Sindel: You are as headstrong as your father, and look what that got him.
Sindel: I beg for your forgiveness, Jade. Jade: It is unbecoming of an empress to grovel. Sindel: My behavior under Quan Chi was not that of an empress.
Jax Briggs: Shiiiit, it’s you. Sindel: Please, I do not wish to be known solely for the atrocities I committed. Jax Briggs: It’s gonna be hard to forget- and forgive.
Sindel: A pity that such a handsome Earthrealmer is also so dimwitted. Johnny Cage: All I’m hearing is that you think I’m handsome. Sindel: Such a waste of a pretty face.
Kabal: I hate to bust up Shao Kahn’s woman. Sindel: I will burst your eardrums for referring to me as such! Kabal: Not before I burst through your sound barrier.
Sindel: You are only loyal to yourself. Kano: I guess me and your hubby have that in common. Sindel: And you will die just the same.
Sindel: You share Jerrod’s bleeding heart. Kitana: That heart won Outworld’s loyalty. Sindel: I pray you will not share his fate as well.
Kollector: How may I serve you Empress? Sindel: I have no use for Shao Kahn’s, lapdog. Kollector: Shao Kahn was foolish to wed such a shrew.
Sindel: All those years you were by that retched man’s side… Kotal Kahn: I was also sworn to protect you, Empress. Sindel: Where was my protection from the man who forced me into marriage?
Kung Lao: How will you fare without Shang Tsung’s magic? Sindel: Better than you would without your hat. Kung Lao: I welcome you to try and take it then.
Sindel: Kitana will always be my little girl. Liu Kang: rest assured I will not overstep my boundaries with her, nor you. Sindel: Then you already have my blessing.
Sindel: You kept me from destroying Earthrealm. Nightwolf: My sacrificed saved the Matoka. Sindel: and prevented further bloodshed by my hands, thank you.
Noob Saibot: You could have been a mighty Empress. Sindel: Under Shao Kahn’s rule, I was nothing but a prisoner. Noob Saibot: Quan Chi will make sure your potential does not go untapped.
Raiden: Will you be Earthrealm’s ally? Sindel: My priorities lie with my kingdom. Raiden: Your kingdom will fall along side Earthrealm if we do not unite.
Scorpion: My sword ended Quan Chi’s life. Sindel: For that I am indebted to you. Scorpion: Pledging loyalty will not save you now.
Shao Kahn: Return and again be my empress. Sindel: I would rather be Quan Chi’s puppet again than yield to you. Shao Kahn: There is that sharp tongue I remember.
Shang Tsung: I’ve heard rumors, Sindel. Sindel: Your sick power no longer interest me, sorcerer. Shang Tsung: How can I be sure of that?
Sindel: You attack me Skarlet? Skarlet: I will be Shao Kahn’s empress. Sindel: You can have him. I’ll make sure you share a grave.
Sindel: You’re a powerful woman, why settle for a fool with a pretty face? Sonya Blade: My love life is none of your goddamn business. Sindel: I hate to see fellow woman hold herself back.
Sindel: Your bloodline descends from Edenia. Sub-zero: Why did my ancestors flee from your kingdom? Sindel: They knew better than to try and stand their ground against Shao Kahn.
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private-pumpkin · 5 years
Every mom can relate 😂
Johnny: Hey Sonya, wanna have some fun tonight?
Sonya: Johnny, we can’t.
Johnny: Cassie is spending the night at Jacqui’s house…
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private-pumpkin · 5 years
Erron Black intros
with women: 85% flirt, 15% threat
with men: 
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private-pumpkin · 5 years
I've been lurking on one of my favorite new ship's hashtags for a long time. Time to throw my hat in the ring. So, in relation to Mortal Kombat X, 11, and beyond: I can see the hints at Erron looking out for Cassie. He is always where she is when shit hits the fan. He even freed her and Jac after they were captured as teens to give them a fighting chance. He was there during the Outworld Bread War, and even went easy on her during their bout. His younger self was there at the Black Dragon Nightclub to supposedly terminate young Johnny Cage. Yet he purposely hesitated pulling the trigger, knowing damn well Sonya or Cassie was about to intertut it. He has pistols named Cage and Blade, I mean, come on. In all of the game intros for MK11, he's the most "open" and human with Cassie, offering insights to his past that he doesn't with anyone else. Argue with me all you want. Sonya and Johnny were not an obvious pairing concept until the Malibu comic series and the first movie. A special forces agent and an actor are about as likely as a century old gunslinger who still looks 25, and a 25 year old modern special forces commander who also happens to love her "toys.' In Erron's era, women were not in positions of authority or power. Then here comes Cassie, throwing him for a loop. They're opposites only due to their time of birth. Not by circumstances. Cassie is also called the Chosen One now, and somehow Erron is always in the background...seemingly to help stop her or put her in her place, yet always doing something that winds up sparing her life. NRS is up to something. I would love to see how they eventually work into a spoken alliance, comrades, or whatever else. He represents the old world, while she represents the new world. And I love it.
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private-pumpkin · 5 years
I love them so hard.
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- Lose that badge and what’ve you got?
- Try and take it and I’ll show….now hol’ on, you really took it…
- Guess who’s the Sheriff now, country boy >:3
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private-pumpkin · 5 years
I could use all the help I can get right now!
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private-pumpkin · 5 years
No one:
No at all:
Erron: I remember when hookers used to cost $2. Those were the days.
Kano and Kabal: 😳
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private-pumpkin · 5 years
😂😂😂 If they make more than one new MK movie, this needs to be a scene in the 25 years later part.
911 operator: 911 what’s your emergency?
Johnny: my wife is going into labor!
911 operator: okay is this her first child?
Johnny: no this is her husband
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private-pumpkin · 5 years
I love everything about this quote.
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private-pumpkin · 5 years
In the Details
I'm a mama, first and foremost; that growing extension of myself wires me, keeps my heartstrings secured, and my priorities in check while sometimes testing my inner and outer limits. Up until recently, I was a single mother. Then out of nowhere, that part has changed. I'm in my mid-later thirties, my daughter is going on 3 going on 13. I'm southern, short, hot tempered like lit C4, protective, sensitive, sentimental, stubborn about what matters to me, all for equality, believer that love always wins and hate needs to dlsentigrate. I consider myself Christian and spiritual. I am very open minded spiritually and cosmically. I believe in reincarnation, God, Jesus, and that this world is a tiny atom among all the others among the universe. There's a much bigger picture nobody can fully see yet. We have no right to judge others for what they do and do not believe. We will know one way or another when our time comes, and we shouldn't waste our precious life and energy on anything but being good to one another and leaving our surroundings a little better than we found them. Nobody should use any religion or anything else to try justifying hatred or hurting others. Ever. Let people be happy! Let people enjoy things! What we do has a ripple effect somewhere out there. Words can heal or harm. Please leave your qwerty sword and armor at the door on my page. I would like this to be a safe space, whether or not you agree with a post I write or reblog. We are all human beings behind these screens, with feelings, hard days, obligations, responsibilities, sore spots, and are fighting battles nobody even knows of. Try to be kind. Or apologize later if you haven't been. Humans make mistakes. It's how we learn to do better.
I am legally blind and in that sense, I am what is considered "disabled". Some eye conditions I was born with due to being born 3 months early. Others were later developed from a still as-yet not specified autoimmune disease. I am the youngest eye patient in one specialists' building by a few decades, if that tells you anything. I can still see. My world is not blackness, but it isn't always easy to do what some may deem simple or average. The less sleep I get? The worse I see. If I forget my medicine, caffeine, glaucoma drops or artificial tears in the morning? Forgettaboutit. My child, thankfully, is perfectly healthy.
I still enjoy several fandoms and will always be a geeky nerd or a nerdy geek at heart. I used to read more comic books, play video games and watch more movies and shows than I have the time or as much sight for these days. I used to practice martial arts, even competing and placing in several tournaments. I fell out of furthering or advancing once I started working assistant teaching at a preschool full time. I've taught off and on for 13 years, and have been in childcare longer than that.
Writing has always been a passion of mine. One day I keep telling myself that I will set out to rewrite that novel the harddrive crash of 08 lost. Or maybe some short stories or gather up the poems I've written over the years. I enjoy reading a good story, whether it is a book or a piece of writing somewhere on the internet, listening to philosophies about the world, the universe and life, random fandom fan theories, others' headcanons, enjoying art and photography. Children, animals and nature and music have a special place in my heart.
Fandoms I enjoy (to expand upon as my brain lights up):
Marvel (#Daredevil, #Elektra, and my own versions of #Shadowcat and #Dazzler are fun to write. I am a #Kiottr shipper)
Mortal Kombat (#CageBlade, #BlackCage
Eternal Champions (#JettaMaxx #LarcenTyler)
Alice in Wonderland
Peter Pan
The Everland series
Tomb Raider
And others that will come back to me in the middle of the night.
Feel free to follow, message and comment! There will be more blurbs from this page as time allows. Peace, love and pixie dust!
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