psz95 · 7 years
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After one month I've been abandoned Instagram. And today, I would like to say hi ! 👀 Hashtag dahitakbolehsorok 😆
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psz95 · 7 years
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psz95 · 7 years
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psz95 · 7 years
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Girls who wear a lot of makeup? Amazing. Girls who don't wear any makeup? Amazing. Girls who can do both? Amazing. Girls? Amazing. ❤ Me? Damn amazing 😂 (at Kuala Lumpur International Airport)
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psz95 · 7 years
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psz95 · 7 years
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I'm Okay 😘 Pantai Morib/29Jan #throwback #thegoodolday
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psz95 · 7 years
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Malu bila orang ingat kita baik sedangkan hanya Allah sahaja yang tahu kita sebenarnya bagaimana. Syukur kerana Allah telah tutup aib kita dari pengetahuan manusia. Jaga aib sendiri dan sesama kita in shaa Allah 😊 #throwback3yearsago #thegoodolday
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psz95 · 7 years
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Jebs dan mak jebs. Jek rindu. ❤ Aku nanges woii rindu kat korang ! Serious weh 😔😭 #hatisu #sistakuad #rinduJebs #thegoodolday
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psz95 · 7 years
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Love. We learnt about love by looking at them. How much they argued each other, still, they stayed and stick together through thick and thin. This is the truest relationship goals ! ❤ IbuAbah, thanks for the lessons of life which no one can taught us like both of you did. Please stay strong. Stay with us. May Allah ease everything for abah's upcoming operation. We love you. اللهم آمين.
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psz95 · 7 years
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psz95 · 7 years
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To the girl who's struggling, I know that what you are going through right now is not easy. You had sleepless nights. Tireless crying. Memories are haunting you all the time. It's okay to cry. It's okay to feel vulnerable. It's okay to feel weak. It's okay to be sad and to feel tired. Do not give up on life. There's so much in store for you. When someone leaves, another better will come. Everything happens for a reason. You might not understand the reason now, but soon everything will make perfect sense. I cannot wait the day when I can see your genuine smile and laughs again. I can't wait to see the happy you again. Take your time, there's no need to rush. Soon you'll be okay. Words by: Truth Slap #saضkan 😊
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psz95 · 7 years
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Angin selalunya membelai, jarang sekali menghempas, tetapi apabila dia mula menghempas pasti ada yang tidak akan faham lagi makna dibelai. #santapanminda
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psz95 · 7 years
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I am just hoping for a better future in 2017 .Better self, better world. #denabahrin Camera penipu 😂
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psz95 · 7 years
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To that girl who has been single for a long time, Don't pressure yourself just because you're still single. Don't rush yourself in love. Achieve your dreams. Don't lower your standards just to be in a relationship. Spoil yourself. Spoil your family. They deserve that. Travel the world. Create great memories. Wise words by: Truth Slap 27Dec2016, 3days to go. 😊
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psz95 · 7 years
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Sawah Padi, datang dari kedoh 😆 #throwback
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psz95 · 8 years
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Don't be afraid to move on and start a new chapter! Jeti Kem El-Azhar, Morib. 21Nov2016/BusyMonday #movingon #saضkan 😘 (at Selangor International Islamic University College)
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psz95 · 8 years
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'One day, Bila kau dah jauh di depan, Kau akan bersyukur atas kegagalan kegagalan yang Allah takdirkan utk kau sebelum ni.' By #itsteme
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