puppyandrade · 3 years
Born in Malta, on Psamathe, Soraya is a 27 year-old make-up artist who has been working on the Apex Games since their creation. She was raised among the rich elite of her planet and has always managed to get what she wanted thanks to her parents' connections — though both of them were extremely disappointed to see her choose to work in the hair and make-up department of the Games. She started low in the food chain but has risen to the top and recently become the Head of the Hair and Make-up Department. Soraya is also known to get involved in the designing of costumes for certain Legends, like Loba and Rampart.
"An enthusiastic and stubborn sweetheart who doesn't let anyone step on her feet". This how many of Soraya's colleagues perceive her, and it's extremely close to be exactly what she is. For most things in life, Soraya tries her best to be optimistic and to spread positivity around her, even if it can he complicated when you work at the Games, where people chase each other, guns in hands.
Soraya is known around most of the cosmetic departments of the Games as a very kind and generous person who can appreciate a good joke — good jokes, as well as the bad puns Wattson can come up with. Her smile and laughter are contagious. But the hair and make-up department also knows her as someone who can be strict and demanding when it comes to respecting schedules; Soraya is a kind boss, but she is a boss who wants things to be perfect. She can be a friend to co-workers, but she remains the Head of the department, something that she refuses to let others forget just because she is understanding and nice.
In spite of a personality that can appear imposing to many while Soraya is at work, she is far from having an imposing physique. She is a petite woman, not even visibly taller than Wraith, but she wears heels so often that she can fool people into thinking she's taller than she actually is. Soraya is a put together person who makes sure to look nothing short of perfect whenever she gets out of her apartment. She takes great care of her appearance, as her job relies solely on looks. Her go-to make-up is a natural look, but she will never be spotted outside without it.
Soraya has an unexpectedly toned body. Most people don't realize how much effort she puts in her looks and health. She has had to work out a lot to be able to put up with her crazy schedule and her late fiancé, and she has created a workout routine for herself that she enjoys. Soraya doesn't have the rippling muscles of a Legend, but she still manages to impress some people with her biceps.
In spite of an attractive and toned physique, her defining features remain her high cheekbones and strong jawline — many say that her light green eyes are what caught their attention the most. Soraya takes great care of her naturally tan skin and keeps her wavy black hair shoulder length, as it is easier to maintain it on a tight schedule.
Soraya doesn't need to be a Legend and participate in the Games to be famous among fans (as well as the general population). With her father, Barbosa, being the CEO of a company responsible for the creation and production of weapons of all sorts, and her mother being a renown journalist, it is no surprise that she would have gathered attention. But while her parents' fame is partly to blame, the main reason why Soraya's name can be seen on TV and in magazines, is her former relationship with a man more famous than her parents. The fame has allowed Soraya to become Head of her department faster than she would have, had she been a nobody, but she often catches herself thinking that she would rather nobody knows her name. She is tired of being "the draughter of" and "the ex-fiancée of". Fame is nice, but Soraya would rather be her own person.
Rocky would be the perfect word to describe a large part of Soraya's relationship with Forge, but nonetheless, she loved the man, in spite of his many faults. Their meeting was far from romantic, as she was introduced to him by her father, a fan of his combat skills and a firm believed that he could offer "The Forge" a great sponsorship. Soraya thought that he was an arrogant jerk (she wasn't wrong), and he thought she was a spoiled brat (he wasn't exactly right). But Soraya was surprised to find that Forge was a man who could treat her like an equal, and not a rich little girl whose feelings needed to be spared — it led them go on several dates together, dates that were, of course, made known to the public. When Forge didn't deny being the source of the rumors, Soraya decided to break things off with Forge.
They found their way back together several months later, after it was revealed that her father was the one who had revealed to several news outlets that she was seeing Forge. They had many arguments about Forge covering Soraya's father being a shitty person to spare her feelings, something that Forge had never done, something that had made Soraya enjoy his company in the first place. They got engaged two years laters. Not too long after, another event almost broke up their relationship: the revelation of Forge's treatment of Bangalore. Soraya thought that his macho attitude was just an act for the public, as Forge had assured her so often throughout their relationship, and the reveal felt an absolute betrayal. It was the fact that The Forge himself swallowed his pride to apologize to her and promise that he would apologize to Bangalore that convinced her to stay.
Sadly, Forge's life was ended brutally, under her eyes, before they could even plan their wedding.
Because of their link to Forge, Soraya and Bangalore had very tense moments. Until Forge was announced as a future Legend and Bangalore revealed how he treated her, they weren't particularly close or distant, but they later had arguments. Bangalore believed that Soraya was just a naive kid and a jealous girlfriend who couldn't handle the truth, while Soraya thought that Bangalore was unnecessarily rude to her over what her fiancé had done. They have found ways to communicate with each other, and Bangalore is impressed with how much Soraya wants to believe in redemption and see good in people. They have grown close to each other and have built a mutual trust and admiration.
Because of Bloodhound's mask, those two don't really have reasons to spend time together. Bloodhound remains one of Soraya's favorite Legends in the Games, and they are someone that Soraya respects. They have brief but amicable conversations when Soraya helps the costume department.
Soraya has only worked with Caustic once. Since then, she has refused to take care of him. Being optimistic by nature, Soraya can't handle Caustic's scientific views on humans — she admires his brains, but she would rather be as far away from him as possible.
They don't get along, and they don't not get along. Soraya doesn't often work with Crypto, but when she does, they know how to enjoy each other company in silence. Crypto doesn't care much for her, but he likes that she can do his hair and make-up without desperately trying to initiate a conversation like some of the other make-up artists do.
Because he's a giant, sweet teddy bear, Gibby reminds Soraya of both her father and her maternal grandfather — both being two men that she loves with her whole heart. She rarely gets to work with him, but she really likes him, and she always makes time to talk to him, even if for just a minute, and wish him good luck before games. Gibby appreciates Soraya for her optimism and kindness, as well as their common need to see the good in people (even those that might not deserve it).
Horizon hasn't been around long enough for Soraya to have a proper opinion of her, but she is definitely intimidated by her intelligence. Soraya struggles to understand Horizon's accent a lot of the time and spends too much time asking her to repeat herself (until she gives up and pretends to have understood Horizon). From what she knows, Horizon is a good person and she can't wait to get to know her better.
The first Legend Soraya worked with. Lifeline will always have a special place in her heart — she made her feel comfortable and at ease from the start. Soraya loves working with Lifeline more than anything else because it just feels easy, no matter how complex things can get when it comes to makeup. Her favorite thing is to compliment Lifeline on how pretty she is and to thank her for taking such good care of her skin, unlike some other Legends. They can enjoy chill conversations pre-games and sometimes even hang out outside the Games for a restaurant "date".
Refusing to let anyone do her make-up because she couldn’t trust them, Loba originally avoided the hair and make-up department staff, but Soraya’s (very expensive) engagement ring caught her attention. While she only wanted to steal said ring and started to act friendly towards Soraya for that reason, Loba grew attached fairly quickly. The two of them now love their (not so) playful flirting and are unnecessarily touchy with each other all the time. No matter how much they appreciate each other, neither of them thinks that they can, or should, allow things between them to grow any further — though for the most part, it is Loba being worried for Soraya’s safety and believing that a thief isn’t good enough for ray-of-sunshine Soraya.
Theoretically, Mirage and Soraya should get along well. Things aren’t bad between them, and Soraya loves that Mirage can be eccentric and enjoy crazy costumes and styling, but their personalities aren’t as compatible as some would expect. Mirage’s self-confidence can easily get on Soraya’s nerves, and Soraya’s strict work policies are far from being something that Mirage likes. 
As a Legend, Soraya absolutely loves Octane and his constant excitement and his daredevil attitude. As someone to work with, Soraya absolutely hates Octane. He can't sit still for more than three seconds and it makes it really hard for her to do her job — but she has figured out ways to keep him still enough, by telling him about all the new explosives and crazy weapons her father has been working on.
For obvious reasons, Pathfinder doesn’t require hair and make-up time, so they don’t get many opportunities to hang out. Pathfinder calls Soraya his friend, and she calls him her friend in return because she knows that it makes him happy. They have brief conversations in the corridors of the ships 
They have been on a first name basis since the day they met, even if they aren't the closest of friends. Soraya respects how strong Rampart is and her modder brains, being constantly impressed by her. Rampart isn't a big fan of the make-up team because they all can be fussy, but at least Soraya knows weapons and they can talk before matches. Just like with Horizon, though, Rampart's accent often leaves Soraya confused.
It's safe to say that everyone at the Games tries hard to make sure that Soraya won't end up in the same room as Revenant, or even see him in a corridor.
Nothing can ever stop Soraya from thinking that Wattson is an absolute sweetheart and an angel. They don't have deep and long conversations or anything of the like. Whenever Soraya works on Wattson's make-up, she just listens to her ramble about all her inventions. It's quiet and relaxed for the both of them. Soraya occasionally flirts with Wattson because she thinks that she's adorable when she gets flustered. They love to share jokes and puns together.
It took a while for Soraya to be able to approach Wraith, as there was no trust between the two of them. It took months of trying for Soraya to be able to approach Wraith, but they are finally going somewhere. They spend most of their time together simply quiet and enjoying silence. They have a mutual understanding: no personal questions, no long conversations.
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puppyandrade · 3 years
FAQ (that nobody ever asked because I just created this blog but who cares about details? I sure don't.)
Who runs this blog? Jack. She/they (genderfluid struggles). 25. Big gay energy. French.
Are you any good at playing Apex? Fuck no, I suck, that's why I'm writing. I started early-ish season 7 and the most kills I have on a Legend is around 170 with Wattson.
What do you write? Anything. Everything. I've participated in lots of fandoms (only to run away from all of them because I have no loyalty, apparently). I have a preference for writing AUs that come out of nowhere.
Will you write Legends x reader content? I will likely give it a try soon because I haven't tried anything x reader in quite a while and it could be fun. And take requests? Definitely, even if I know I can't keep up, and romance would likely be female Legends only.
Find the content you need (that I haven't written yet):
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puppyandrade · 3 years
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has anyone else noticed lobalore is basically reskinned batcat or is that just me?
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puppyandrade · 3 years
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Pathfinder being adorable and badass in “Stories from the Outlands - Fight Night”
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puppyandrade · 3 years
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oh wow look at that
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puppyandrade · 3 years
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puppyandrade · 3 years
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Time to bring the pain.
Apex Legends Season 8: Mayhem
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