raisingsuperstars · 9 months
Top 7 Parenting Tips to Raise a Smart Child Ft. Raghav Himatsingka | Raising Superstars
In this video, Raghav Himatsingka talked about my 7 researched-backed tips that every parent should know to make their baby happy and a lifetime learner! The tips mentioned in the video will make your child self-sufficient and confident but for that is important as a parent that you take out a small amount of time every day to implement these tips which will help in your child's growth.
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raisingsuperstars · 9 months
Empowering Excellence: The Impact of Boundaries in Raising Superstars
Building boundaries for your baby is like constructing a sturdy fence around their garden of developmental milestones. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to create those boundaries.
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raisingsuperstars · 9 months
Role Of Play In Navigating Bad And Good Behaviour
It is important for parents to understand role of play in early childhood education when it comes to navigating both good and bad behavior. It serves as a powerful tool for children to learn, explore, and develop social and emotional skills. Here's how play contributes to shaping behavior.
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raisingsuperstars · 9 months
Bonding & Brain Development: Tummy Time’s Multifaceted Benefits for Newborns
Welcome to the realm of tummy time, where remarkable growth unfolds. You ignite a cascade of crucial advancements by placing your baby on its belly. Not only does tummy time nurture motor skills and prevent flat spots, but it also fosters essential bonding, stimulates senses, and propels cognitive development. Here are some more reasons why tummy time for newborns is essential.
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raisingsuperstars · 9 months
What Are Developmental Milestones for 2 Year Olds? An Overview
In a child’s second year, the brain undergoes exceptional development, marked by rapid expansion and the establishment of complex new neural connections. A child’s brain goes through tremendous changes throughout this period, laying the groundwork for later learning, cognition, growth and milestones for 2 year olds.
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raisingsuperstars · 9 months
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How Baby Talk Enhances Infant Brain Development
Baby talk isn't mere gibberish; it's a well-calibrated way of speaking that captures your baby's attention. The high-pitched tones and sing-song patterns stimulate various regions of their brain responsible for language processing and emotional connection. This is how baby talk gives infant brains a boost.
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raisingsuperstars · 10 months
Essential Items For Newborn Baby That You Must Have
Ready to bring home the newest member of your family? Great! But first equip your nursery with newborn essentials that you cannot do without. Remember that once your baby is home, you may not have the luxury to go shopping. If you are unsure which baby items you need, we’ve got you covered. Here’s the ultimate Essential Items For Newborn list telling you what you need to keep the new being comfortable, happy and safe.
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raisingsuperstars · 10 months
10 Parenting Tips Every New Mom Needs
Being a mom is another level of happiness, isn’t it? And with that comes the anticipation and excitement of becoming a parent. Even the most comprehensive Parenting Tips for new Moms with newborns cannot prepare you for everything, and there will be times when you goof up. That’s perfectly normal, too. Babies don’t come with instruction manuals, so new moms often learn by messing up.
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raisingsuperstars · 10 months
Secrets of Raising a Child Prodigy: What Every Parent Needs to Know | Raising Superstars
Every parent wants to provide their child with essential life skills from an early age, and the experiences children have in their first five years play a crucial role in shaping their development And hence it is very important for every parent, guardian, and teacher to understand what happens at these early ages to meet their children's needs effectively.
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raisingsuperstars · 10 months
Understanding How Babies Learn: The Three Main Stages of Cognitive Development of a Baby
We often associate learning with adult life. But did you know babies are incredible little beings who start learning actively right from birth? Their minds are constantly working, helping them to reason and think. The growth of these abilities is called ‘Three Stages of Cognitive Development’, and it lays the foundation for learning and success later in their lives. By understanding what affects cognitive processes in babies, you can help your little ones reach their full potential and ensure that your child turns out to be a well-rounded individual.
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raisingsuperstars · 10 months
20 Fun Activities to Do with Your 3-5 Year-Old
Between your child’s boundless energy and insatiable curiosity, it can feel like there simply aren’t enough hours in the day to keep them entertained. To help you out with this, we have compiled a list of fun activities 3-5 years old for you and your little one to enjoy together. These activities can also have a positive impact on your child’s cognitive and social development.
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raisingsuperstars · 10 months
Tracking Your Baby and Child’s Developmental Milestones: The Best Parental Guide
Behaviors and physical skills that children exhibit during their growing stage are known as developmental milestones. Smiling, muscle movement, eye contact, crawling, walking, talking, and taking up social cues, are all crucial developmental milestones in a child.
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raisingsuperstars · 10 months
Developmental Milestones: How To Raise an Independent Child?
In this article, we will explore the different developmental milestones that babies go through to become independent and the role that parents play in Raising Superstars.
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raisingsuperstars · 11 months
Building Blocks: Key Abilities for Your Baby's Growth| Must-Have Skills | Raising Superstars
As a parent, most people desire to give their children the chance to thrive and reach their maximum potential. Teaching your child fundamental abilities at a young age is one of the most efficient methods to accomplish this. Since each child grows at their own speed, it's crucial for parents to be patient and offer the necessary support and opportunities for their children to achieve their potential. Each child possesses distinctive strengths and weaknesses. It's important for parents to embrace their children for who they are and support them as they develop and progress.
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raisingsuperstars · 11 months
Make Your Child Future Ready! | Important Life Skills For Kids | Raising Superstars
As a parent, it is crucial to teach your child important life skills, as these will not only help them succeed in life, but also make them accountable, self-sufficient, and content. Start your own baby's journey toward confidence, happiness, and success. Click here to learn more about how YOU can help your baby awaken their sleeping potential without any pressure or screentime.
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raisingsuperstars · 11 months
Baby’s First Year: Monthly Milestones Chart
Congratulations on your new baby! Baby’s firsts are important and unique for every parent. This is the time to take out your cameras and baby journals and be prepared to document your baby’s first. Your baby will start to follow objects with their eyes and turn their head to track moving objects. This is one of the most important 2 month old milestones.
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raisingsuperstars · 11 months
Developmental Milestones: Understanding How Babies and Children Develop Social Skills
Although children can socialize from birth, they must acquire particular skills to interact with others successfully. Every child is unique, and thus the phases of social development in children may not occur in the same order. Nevertheless, if you take a look at some general developmental milestones, you can determine if your child is developing social skills adequately.
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