random-thoughts-hq · 3 months
Genetically I as one of my mom’s daughters have a 1 in 4 chance of breast cancer. So statistically, one of her four daughters should have breast cancer. Obviously this isn’t an exact science but I don’t like to think about it
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random-thoughts-hq · 3 months
So you’re telling me that Halloween end and weekly dorm kickbacks didn’t give me a terrible hangover but one time o decide to build a train drunk and I throw up suddenly it’s the worst I’ve ever felt
To be fair tho that was 6-8 shots of vodka and I used to cap myself at 5 but it sucks to throw up from drinking for the first time
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random-thoughts-hq · 3 months
One of my friends once heard me say something concerning and just asked “Would you like to unpack that” to which I responded no and we dropped it but I really should. Why he said that is I explained how I wear my daily contacts for a week and just take them out every night because while I know my parents would buy me more I just hate asking them for things. But a couple months ago I got a corneal ulcer most definitely from doing that, and if I hadn’t been able to get it treated right away that would’ve permanently altered my sight so that’s a little fucked up. Just silly rambles
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random-thoughts-hq · 3 months
One of my favorite transmasc things is seeing how other transmasc style earrings. Like you know how fuckboy will wear those sparkly studs? That’s the only one I haven’t seen. But one dude I know has the fucking coolest screwdriver earrings, and another has a collection of flat circles, he usually wears black but sometimes opts for gold or white. Idk it’s just one of those things that can cause dysphoria and it’s cool to notice how they invert it into a gender affirming thing. Personally I make earrings or I get hot topic sets which somehow are the cheap earrings that tarnish the least in my experience
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random-thoughts-hq · 4 months
Pls Ares saying “as much as I would love for a good war to ‘pop off’” is tooo funny. I think it’s bc it’s in character for the characters to feel awkward with the phrase but attempt to use it to seem trustworthy
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random-thoughts-hq · 4 months
Growing up as a Latino immigrant is fun for a lot of reasons right but def one was my parents would not try to make us believe in the tooth fairy, but did try to convince us that raton perez was gonna go all the way to Arizona just for us. And like other Latin kids I assume but at the time I didn’t know anyone else who’d heard of raton perez idk that’s just so sweet plus like Santa is just one guy of many names but teeth get different creatures based on region like zoning typa life ya know. But also they didn’t even try to convince us Santa was real I’m pretty sure I might’ve believed it if I didn’t learn of Santa from school and media
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random-thoughts-hq · 6 months
Who the hell am I
As much as it hurts to be lonely, I have to believe that having a hard time hanging out with people is just a phase and that I am in a phase of growth and if that means I lose some people then they weren’t there for me in the first place. But I have to forgive them for moving on as well. I just need to stop thinking about them and about my ex. I have things I like I just need to enjoy them
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random-thoughts-hq · 6 months
I know my periods coming bc I can’t stop thinking about how I’m lonely and how I still haven’t kissed anyone since my ex
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random-thoughts-hq · 7 months
How are we supposed to go back to being just friends
When I still remember the taste of your chapstick
When pur hands intertwined so perfectly
When your parents were there for me the night mine weren’t
When your hugs felt so much like home
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random-thoughts-hq · 7 months
It doesn’t feel like I came back here. It feels like I’m starting over here. I left and my friends moved on and I didn’t expect them to be so indifferent to my return. It’s not the same but I’m a year older, and January me would never have believed it
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random-thoughts-hq · 7 months
The fact that we broke up less than 3 weeks before local pride is a hate crime and homophobic and transphobic
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random-thoughts-hq · 7 months
I would love to be over my relationship but also it was objectively cute and I can’t just not write poetry (if I could it would be songs I could be famous)
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random-thoughts-hq · 7 months
I love having hard boundaries that prevent me from considering going into mathematics. Partially standards but also the next level math class I’d have to take is taught by my ex’s dad
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random-thoughts-hq · 7 months
Love having a public diary that no one really sees.
Anyway today this cute girl did a double take when she saw me and I wanna know why. She covered by complimenting my earrings but like. Am I cute? Does she know my sister? Did she think she knows me? Does she know me? I gotta know and never will
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random-thoughts-hq · 7 months
No babe I still love you it just threw me off how you said you were fully willing to keep having a relationship instead of saying you wanted to keep having one and fix the issues of me being felt like I’m taken for granted. Anyway thank you for clearing up that I made the right choice I can’t force you to put in the effort and I have to have standards
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random-thoughts-hq · 7 months
I miss who he used to be.
I don’t think he’s there anymore.
But I can’t bring myself to rule out the possibility that he is.
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random-thoughts-hq · 7 months
Sometimes I question my gender but then I realize I 100% believe I couldve gone pro in my high school sport had I stuck with it and that’s all the proof I need that I am in fact a man
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