regudaily · 1 year
Mumbai, known as city of hardwork and patience. Hi, I love observing people. As more you read about me more you understand what I daily do, People fascinates me as much as diamonds do. Every book teaches you new lesson, every person teaches you how to actually use that lesson irl(In real life).
Today I travelled in Mumbai locals, yeah I know I and probably you also must have travelled through them. But today I am not talking about how Mumbai is Beautiful, rather let's talk about what makes it Beautiful, "Dreams Of People".
When every person in that packed train was busy in their own space, I was just observing them, as the stations go by every building in the way fascinates them . "No one of them would think about owning a house in the biggest building ?" I learned many things from that barely 5 Minutes of "non verbal interaction".
The way they were looking at those buildings got me, even they wouldn't know what they were manifesting subconsciously. Those eyes would like to just stop and have glance of the wonders Mumbai has. Everyday same route but still they never stop trying.
Even ladies compartment was almost full but still all of them has different attire , different way of passing those minutes until they reach to their destination.
It keeps me boosted as well as pushes me to think about what I learn from those observations, I know someone would think that it is childish but they way we all look towards life and people are very different.
Thank you :) (OD)
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