rhinorapscallion · 17 hours
In case you've been hearing too much from those "voting doesn't matter" types, I'd like to point out to you that Kansas Republicans recently tried to ban gender-affirming care for minors in the state, and Governor Laura Kelly, a Democrat, vetoed the bill.
Yesterday, Kansas Republicans tried and failed to override her veto, coming up just a couple of votes short.
Every vote matters, especially when it gets us governors to act as bulwarks against gerrymandered legislatures in protecting the most vulnerable in our nation.
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rhinorapscallion · 1 day
1) cancer does have a life cycle. A tumor grows from the tissue surrounding it, it sucks that tissue of blood and nutrients, then it dies as the human does. And because it's human cells, it can be argued that the life cycle of cancer both starts when the human enters the world and ends when they leave it.
2) all eggs have the potential to become a child, conception is just a step along the way. Same with sperm. That's how reproductive systems work. If an egg wasn't a potential child, no about of sperm is going to make it that way.
3) in the stages of pregnancy abortions are usually carried out in, the fetus is a ball or it isn't recognizable as human. Until the fetus is separated from its mother, and is viable. It is part of the mother's body. Birth is the usual way, but c section is also an option. (And technically an abortion type procedure, as the pregnancy is being prematurely ended, just the case that the child survives)
4) an accidental death that results from actions a person takes is involuntary manslaughter. Sex is an action, that can lead to a death. Regardless of whether or not that death was natural. Because we can trace the events that lead to the specific death, is possible to charge the mother for a miscarriage if a fetus is considered a human at conception. The grounds would be negligence, because even protected sex always has a chance to result in pregnancy.
5) and before you give me any "consent to sex is a consent to pregnancy" bullshit. No, consent is only viable for one action. We have all sorts of ways we can prevent pregnancy from just putting plastic on our parts to changing our hormones. Almost none of which can prevent a pregnancy 100%. Using these protections is exhibiting a lack of consent to pregnancy. Hell, when sex ed is properly taught, we see drops on unwanted pregnancies because people know how to prevent them in the first place, in fact here's a source for this claim https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8872707/
6) if you really want to minimize abortions, advocate for something productive, like adequate sex ed, instead of bitterly telling women to their faces that their unborn fetus that's barely qualified as a human is more important that they are.
7) medicine kills all the fucking time, what are our talking about? Antibiotics kill bacteria, antfungals kill fungus. Chemo kills cancer (and parts of the human connected to it). Hell, conjoined twins, in a lot of cases, when the twin still has all the cognitive functions of a child, but only one twin would survive, they are often cut apart anyway, why? Because the life that is lost often would have been lost anyway. Again, when most abortions are carried out, the fetus can barely be recognized as human.
8) I'm done with this conversation, I have provided multiple sources on how I have come to my views, without even mentioning all the rape victims that can't abort what would essentially amount to a reminder of their trauma. Yes, killing children is bad, but when they are part of the mother and literally cannot even think because they lack the brain function to do so, we need to consider the health and wellbeing of the mother first. You have a startling lack of foresight into the pain and unwanted child can hold to the mother and the child itself. This conversation is not productive. This conversation will never be productive. Have a nice day.
The irony of you saying "bodily autonomy is an excuse" when you are using "killing babies" as an excuse to take away people's bodily autonomy lmaoo you people are as fucking dense as you are evil and miserable. Don't pretend to give a shit about human lives or rights and be don't be fucking presumptuous about what people who actually believe in freedom do or don't believe, since you clearly know nothing of the concept. I believe abortion should be free with 0 restrictions actually hope this helps!!!
No, it doesn't help. Spreading anonymous hate and bad arguments doesn't help anyone. Why don't you try educating yourself about what abortion is and does to another human? That would help a lot.
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rhinorapscallion · 1 day
Would you consider cancer a person? Because most abortions are carried out when a fetus is a clump of cells dividing rapidly, which is also what cancer is. In fact, the body must lower its defenses in order to carry a pregnancy, because the body can see it as a foreign body that needs to be killed.
I used potential child for that reason, as every egg is a potential child. Which leads me to another fun fact most pregnancies die before we even know about them, naturally, without intervention.
So all sexually active women are killers? Because thousands of pregnancies fail. Where a fetus becomes a child is always going to be up for debate, I don't really care about when a fetus becomes a child, because that doesn't have any bearing on most abortions.
I may not agree with near-birth abortions (which almost never happen, https://www.cdc.gov/reproductivehealth/data_stats/abortion.htm in fact this source also confirms an increase in abortions post roe.) but I don't see an issue with aborting a fetus when it wouldn't survive outside the womb, again, the fetus is actually taking resources from the mother, it's the mother's choice to remove what is essentially a part of her body.
Pregnancies are dangerous ordeals that require medical care. If a women decides that an abortion is the right way to go, it's not my place to tell them that they can't.
The irony of you saying "bodily autonomy is an excuse" when you are using "killing babies" as an excuse to take away people's bodily autonomy lmaoo you people are as fucking dense as you are evil and miserable. Don't pretend to give a shit about human lives or rights and be don't be fucking presumptuous about what people who actually believe in freedom do or don't believe, since you clearly know nothing of the concept. I believe abortion should be free with 0 restrictions actually hope this helps!!!
No, it doesn't help. Spreading anonymous hate and bad arguments doesn't help anyone. Why don't you try educating yourself about what abortion is and does to another human? That would help a lot.
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rhinorapscallion · 1 day
Actually, I have indeed educated myself on this topic. Enough to know that when an abortion is carried out, they're is usually a reason, from miscarriage to the child being born into a family that never wanted it in the first place. Disallowing abortion does nothing but make the problem you yourself are rallying against (the killing of potential children) worse.
Did you know that in states with abortion bans, child mortality is significantly higher? https://www.commonwealthfund.org/publications/issue-briefs/2022/dec/us-maternal-health-divide-limited-services-worse-outcomes
Abortion bans aren't meant to save lives, if they were, we'd see a decrease in child deaths in states where abortion is illegal or limited. Instead, we have doctors and clinics afraid of giving aid to mothers who may not be able to take care of a child, or miscarriage and need the child evacuated or both will die.
Abortion is healthcare, bodily autonomy should always come first, if a woman wants to abort a pregnancy, it should be their choice, not their governments.
The irony of you saying "bodily autonomy is an excuse" when you are using "killing babies" as an excuse to take away people's bodily autonomy lmaoo you people are as fucking dense as you are evil and miserable. Don't pretend to give a shit about human lives or rights and be don't be fucking presumptuous about what people who actually believe in freedom do or don't believe, since you clearly know nothing of the concept. I believe abortion should be free with 0 restrictions actually hope this helps!!!
No, it doesn't help. Spreading anonymous hate and bad arguments doesn't help anyone. Why don't you try educating yourself about what abortion is and does to another human? That would help a lot.
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rhinorapscallion · 1 day
Pro-life for politicians is not about the life, or else they would increase sex-ed, push welfare programs for struggling mothers, or things that would, you know, help the issue.
Pro-life for politicians is about control. They want to tell a woman what they can and can't do with their body, I see this most often attributed to the "we won't have enough kids to support the economy" type of argumentation. They cannot see the big picture, that by making the world more and more dangerous, they are actively discouraging future mothers from having children. It should always be their choice, but making the world a better place would hurt their bottom line temporarily so we don't see any real change.
If you're in the US, Vote, please, it's our only real power about who's in office.
Republicans be like:
Force people to get vaccinated to stop a pandemic that’s killed millions? Oh no, we can’t do that, that’s wrong.
Force people to carry pregnancies they don’t want event if it risks their life to do so? Oh hell yeah dude!
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rhinorapscallion · 3 days
Dialogue in stories could swap between the two depending on the gender of the character speaking too.
Base idea: there is a language which has two alphabets, and their use is gendered. Men use one, women use another.
Like imagine if English but men write only in lowercase and women write only in uppercase.
Or print/cursive.
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rhinorapscallion · 6 days
Rebloging because: Wow.
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rhinorapscallion · 8 days
They do realize what'll happen if we don't vote right? They do realize that lack of voter turnout is what these corrupt politicians want right?
People are right for seeing though the bullshit politicians spew on a daily basis. But voluntarily giving up your only means to influence the system you see as corrupt is not a solution. Voters rights are written in the constitution for a reason, and there's a reason it being only white landowners in the beginning was bad.
If you really want change,
Go Vote!
Every time I advocate for voting people are like "no you shouldn't vote! Read this literature, it'll totally change the way you view voting!" And every single time it's the same fucking "you shouldn't vote because both parties are exactly the same so it won't make a difference who wins" bullshit wrapped up in some fancy language
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rhinorapscallion · 12 days
AI models are amazing for data analysis, but they replace actual understanding of the patterns with a black box. Things like folding@home do more than just predict outcomes.
All in all, if all you're doing is predicting, go ahead and try to use a model. If you need to understand why, you need a data analyst.
For medical treatments, AI could be used to point out abnormalities in X-rays and MRI's or give a decent list of likely diagnoses, but you need a doctor using the tool, to interpret the output.
AI tools should revolutionize industries, unfortunately we're just trying to replace them.
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rhinorapscallion · 16 days
genuinely one of the saddest parts of this new era of the internet is how hard it is to rick roll someone now. with people's attention spans shortening so much, they wouldn't even get through the first few bait seconds before clicking off the video. like i saw a comment that ended with "btw i made all of this up" and the replies kept treating it so seriously because none of them finished the entire 4 sentence comment. and We're no strangers to love You know the rules and so do I (do I) A full commitment's what I'm thinking of You wouldn't get this from any other guy I just wanna tell you how I'm feeling Gotta make you understand Never gonna give you up Never gonna let you down Never gonna run around and desert you Never gonna make you cry Never gonna say goodbye Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you
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rhinorapscallion · 18 days
seeing anybody tag one of my posts as #fav is such an insane compliment. me? you chose me and my shitty little post? you've archived it?? I made it, up there with the big boys me and my stupid idiot post?? I love you
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rhinorapscallion · 18 days
What happened with the CEO? Can ask in comments because they're off.
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“we’ve heard your feedback about our CEO going on an active harassment campaign against a disabled trans woman and our moderation team’s continued transmisogyny. We thought about that feedback for about .01 seconds and then we thought: what if Tumblr had Facebook groups?”
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rhinorapscallion · 21 days
I will never understand why virgin can be used as an insult in the first place.
Sex positivity is also about not calling Ace people prude and using virgin as an insult 👍 hope that helps
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rhinorapscallion · 22 days
All these setting can be found in Google's account pages by the way. If you use YouTube on iOS, it's a good idea to turn them off.
As for Apple, on iOS, you can go to: Pivacy & Security -> Apple Advertising, and turn off personalization, you can also go to: Privacy & Security -> Analytics & Improvements, to turn off sharing analytics data.
Hey, PSA:
On your phone, go to Settings> Security and Privacy> Privacy> Other Privacy Settings> Ads> Delete Advertising ID
Then go back to Other Privacy Settings> Google location history> Turn off Location History &/or Turn-on Auto-Delete (you can set a time period of how long to keep it)
Then, staying on Other Privacy Settings, go to '+ See all activity controls'> Web & App activity> Turn off (you can also turn-on Auto-Delete for here too)
Then Scroll down to Personalized ads> My Ad Center> Turn Off Personalized Ads.
Google has no business knowing/storing everything you do online, and knowing/storing where you go everyday. Turn it off.
These instructions are for an Android phone, IOS might be different. If you have IOS or another operating system feel free to add on with your own map to where they've buried these settings in your phone to help others.
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rhinorapscallion · 22 days
*referring to uranium* its natural man its good for you its from nature
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rhinorapscallion · 22 days
What if grass feels nice?
nobdoy interact with any plants today. Probably just stay inside
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rhinorapscallion · 22 days
Just because you benefit from a system does not mean you are complicit in it. White people benefit from white supremacy, does that mean all white people are white supremacists? No.
Therefore, just because someone says you benefit from imperialism does not mean they are calling you an imperialist. See what I’m saying? What makes you complicit in a system is when you are aware that system is in place, you realize you benefit from it, and then turning around and denying you do. When white people deny they benefit from white supremacy, whether that be because they’re poor, gay, disabled, etc, they are now complicit because they don’t acknowledge the societal benefits that come from being white. See what I’m saying?
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