richmondsims · 2 days
With two incomes now, Andrew and Tracy made a trip to the bank. Tracy's parents had never intended to keep the cottage long term, but Tracy and Andrew had come to love it and couldn't imagine living anywhere else. The mortgage application was successful, and they had their own home.
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They'd known for a long time that the two bedroom cottage wouldn't be big enough when they grew their family. Tracy's grandfather had investigated adding a hobby room, and although he never got it done the plans had been drawn up and the building consent was still valid.
They had the plans redrawn to make a couple of bedrooms, got eye-watering quotes, and accepted that it would be some years before they could get the work done. But it could be done, and the kids were still young. They had some time. Not much time, but some.
And just like that, suddenly Andrew was turning 30, with a wife, three kids (and a dog) and a mortgage on a house that needed significant work. And he was starting to wonder what the hell he'd done with his life. 
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He absolutely didn't regret the marriage and kids, but here he was with a wife who had finished a college degree while pregnant and immediately started making a name for herself in her chosen field... and he was still working retail?
 There was nothing wrong with working at the bookstore in itself, Kyle paid well enough for what it was, and he was a good boss. But there was really no future in it, no way to advance himself. Kyle had two shops, and both had managers who seemed set to stay there. 
Even if there was the chance to take over from one of them, Andrew wasn't sure that was what the wanted. Jobs like that were fine when you're twenty and free. He needed something more.
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He needed to go to college. 
No, that would mean they were worse off, not better, at least for the next four years. 
He needed to have gone to college four years ago. Or when he was 20 and had no responsibilities and access to the scholarship available to foster care kids for a couple of years after they finish high school.
Too late. Of course.
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He needed a career. 
He turned on the computer and found a job hunting site. He was smart, and he'd always been lucky, too. How hard could this be?
From Andrew
I thought these guys had their lives sorted out, until Andrew turned 30, aged up to Adult and immediately developed my first TS3 mid-life crisis.
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Look at the number of days on that! My sim-year is 80 days so he's in for a ten year mid life crisis (my research tells me it's a quarter of whatever your adult lifespan is, my sims age up to Adult at 30 and Elder at 70 so that makes sense). I've no idea where this is going to lead us, beyond the first related want he rolled:
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"Midlife Crisis wishes cannot be cancelled".  This is going to be interesting I think...
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richmondsims · 3 days
By her final semester of college, Tracy was unexpectedly pregnant. They had planned to have at least one child together, but nowhere near this soon. Fortunately the baby wasn't due until after final exams.
Andrew took over most of the cooking and cleaning...
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... and cared for the kids when he wasn't working, so Tracey could study in peace.
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The kids wanted to help too, in whatever way they could.
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All their effort paid off. Tracy had graduated last summer, with their son Aiden was born less than two months later. 
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Tracy's plan was to go into journalism, and she started working almost immediately as a freelance writer. She researched thoroughly, both on the topic she was writing about, and on the specifications of the publication she wanted to sell it to. 
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As the months passed, she became a regular paid contributor to several magazines and websites. 
From Andrew
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richmondsims · 4 days
Andrew and Tracy didn't have much money, but they tried to keep life interesting and fun for their kids. 
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There were trips to the beach and picnics in the summer, and visits to interesting places like the local aquarium in the winter.
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From Andrew
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richmondsims · 4 days
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THE SIMS (2000) dev. Maxis
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richmondsims · 5 days
Andrew had never really seen the point of making a bigger deal of 'milestone' birthdays. I mean, sure, you can contemplate your life at 20 or 30 or 40, but you could equally contemplate the past decade at 24 or 36 or 41. Now however, at age 30, he found himself drawn into reflecting back even so.
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To be fair, his life was hugely different to the way it had been ten years ago. At 20, only a couple of years out of a childhood spent in children's homes and foster care, Andrew was completely without ties.
He travelled around, taking any job he could, and only staying until he had enough money to move on to the next town. Then, at 25, he'd come to Richmond.
He'd got a job as usual, but in a matter of months, he also had a girlfriend, a dog and an apartment. True, the only one of those things he still had now was the the dog, but he hadn't exactly shaken off the bonds of adult responsibility either.
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He'd lost the job because of his somewhat chaotic relationship with the girlfriend. Then in quick succession he broke up with the girlfriend, got the apartment and got the dog. Then he got another job working for the brother of the woman who had just fired him. The ex-girlfriend left town, came back, and then started working for the same guy as Andrew. Not that it mattered because, by then, he had another girlfriend.
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He'd met Tracy through an online dating site. She was living in a cottage in Bluewater Village that had belonged to her late grandparents, with her daughter Tania. 
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She was also studying for a Communications degree at SSU. Their relationship had developed quickly, and Andrew (and his dog) left the apartment to move out to Bluewater village with her. 
Tracy's parents now owned the cottage, and they'd let her stay there rent free while she was in college. It was only fair that they start to pay after Andrew moved in with her. Money was tight but Tracy grew vegetables for them and Andrew did extra shifts, and they were a happy little family.
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As for Andrew's other extended family, as he'd told Tracy they weren't really people you'd want to get to know. He'd kept in loose contact with a couple of relatives, though, and through them he learned about a distant cousin, a five year old boy who needed a home following the dissolution of his own family. 
Andrew's experiences in state care hadn't been too bad, but he'd heard the horror stories from others. And in any case, a home and family of your own were going to be better no matter what. They were far from rich but they were sure they could afford another child, and there was some government support for foster parents. Following a hectic series of appointments, lessons in kinship fostering, home reviews and legal advice, Neal joined their family.
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Tania was used to being an only child, and it took her a while to accept Neal. After a couple of years, they now got on well. 
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There was still the occasional argument, but no more than any other kids growing up in the same family. And they really were all family now, after Andrew and Tracy were married a couple of summers ago.
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It was a quiet ceremony in their backyard, with only their children and Tracy's parents and a couple of close friends as guests.
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They'd kept it small partly because of the cost, and partly because Tracey's friend Juliana was finally planning her own wedding for that autumn, and they didn't want to steal the attention from her when she'd had so many problems and delays.
From Andrew
These guys have never had an update since I recreated my neighborhood in TS3, so there's a lot to get through.
Neal joined the family almost immediately after I recreated them in TS3. I had set up Story Progression for the household and turned off pregnancy - but I forgot to turn off adoption. Family-orientated sims that they are, the next time I went to play the household it had a new addition. I had played other households for some time and I didn't have a save before it happened, so he got to stay. I made him a family member of Andrew because that made more sense than a couple in their position intentionally seeking to adopt an unrelated child.
Everything Andrew describes in the first part of the story happened back in TS2 and on the blog - you can find the updates by following his tag. It was a slightly crazy period in the story, but it all seems to have worked out well in the end. 
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richmondsims · 5 days
Working on my next update with these guys
Andrew thinks he's found a way to resolve is midlife crisis and better support his family. Tracy isn't impressed.
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It's part two of a story I put on my blog before I was regularly posting to Tumblr. I'm going to post it here over the next few days, leading into part two when I finish it.
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richmondsims · 6 days
Updates updates updates (and fixes)!
Generic Register Mod
Babysitting is now added to the list of duties that the register attendant can perform. Might be useful for your nursery, who knows?
Also, performing duties is a little better handled.
Download: Mod The Sims - Generic Retail Register - With New Features (holiday pay, request time of work, assign duties)
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Bubble Bath Mod
Certain dramatic (and loser, unstable, unlucky) sims may feel nauseous showering in the smell of hot lemon. Tuning is available in the XML.
Download: Simblr.cc - Bubble Baths Runs Out
Hairdresser Mod
Make hairdresser appointments for later in the week.
Hairdressers can also take styling classes to brush up on their skills.
Getting paid now counts as career pay for non-stylist career sims too meaning it can be paid automatically into (Social Club mod) Bronzo accounts.
Chair tooltip edited slightly.
Choosing the days off is done by a pop up list rather than having to type in the day. This does mean you'll have to set them up again for your chairs!
Download: Mod The Sims - Hairdresser Mod - Impress Clients, Temporarily Dye Hair and More!
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Social Clubs
New activities: give lecture, watch TV, play video games.
Hunger is auto resolved during formal clubs.
Tried to fix teleporting lone club toddlers to no avail. If that works worse than before, sorry... seems to work better with inactive toddlers than active ones.
Club restrictions enforced more strongly via. club board for necessary clubs.
Fixed issue with bank transfers not completing when done direct through Bronzo object.
Can order Bronzo card through computer when card is missing (not just stolen).
Can end clubs early via. scheduler.
Can leave club early via. scheduler.
Can ask sim to join club activities for that session.
Sign up another sim in your household to a club via. the club board.
A sim dying should not make the club scheduler unusable anymore.
Traditional Chinese translation added.
Download: Mod The Sims - Social Clubs Mod (+ banking) - Grow Memberships, Push Activities, Make Bank Accounts and More!
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Court Mod
Lawyers should actually help their jailed clients instead of simply changing clothes and standing around like idiots.
Download: Mod The Sims - Take Sims To Court - Sue Sims, Become a Lawyer, Have Court Weddings and More!
Cheerleading Mod
If you were having trouble finding objects, included in the download file, you can now find all the individual unmerged objects.
Download: Simblr.cc - 4t3 Cheerleading Mod
Painting Needs Supplies
(Unsure if this is from this update or a previous one but:) this mod works in conjunction with the Reworked Ultimate Careers mod now. When pushed to paint, sims will use the easel if there is enough paint around.
New tuning added so you can choose if the mod places restrictions for inactive or inactive households (or both).
Download: Simblr.cc - Painting Requires Paint
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richmondsims · 7 days
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What is she even doing over there?
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They've got a bad feeling about how dinner is going to turn out
They're not wrong.
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richmondsims · 8 days
Emily Green, age four
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She was an adorable toddler
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She's still very cute, but boy is she hard work.
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Her traits include Diva and Coward, so she really is scared of everything, and she makes a big deal of it.
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I was well tired of the whole monsters under the bed thing by the time I finished playing the household.
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richmondsims · 9 days
The sun was going down earlier now. Summer was definitely over.
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"Emily ok?" Cory asked, as Rose came out the door.
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"She's fine," Rose said. "Setting up the baby monitor again was a good idea. Tomorrow, we'll find something to store under the bed so there's no room for monsters." She sat down. "What were you saying about Jamie?"
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"He just came out of nowhere and started drilling me for info on the shop. By the time I got away from him, the boy had gone and Corinne was back in the pool."
"That's probably a good thing, really," Rose said.
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"That's what Melissa said."
"Well, maybe you should listen to her. It's only fair that you pay some attention her opinions a bit, now that she cares about yours."
"What do you mean?"
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"You didn't get it? The tattoo... "
"... which she knew I would hate. That's a funny way of  caring about my opinion."
"You're missing the point. She tried to hide it. There were other things you didn't like... dyeing her hair... she never hid them."
"It's getting too cold out here," Cory said, getting up. "And she couldn't exactly hide her hair. The only reason she hid her arm was to avoid an argument."
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"Exactly!" said Rose. "She never wanted to hide her hair because she wanted an argument. She wanted that reaction."
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"You're reading too much into it."
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"Maybe. But I think you've got her respect now. That's quite the achievement."
"Well I still think I should have met that boy talking to Corinne... "
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"If you're right  about them, I'm sure we'll have plenty of opportunities to talk to him in the future."
Cory sighed. "How long til she's 21?" 
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"About eight years. Just in time for Emily to turn 13."
"Great. Thanks. That's just what I wanted to hear...  "
From Cory's Family Part 3
Be afraid, Cory - it wouldn't be this household without some kind of drama! 
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richmondsims · 10 days
"Do you ever actually relax?" Melissa asked.
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"I'm very relaxed," Cory said.
"Sure you are," she said. "That's why you're not in the pool."
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Ok... fine...
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"Where did Corinne go?" he asked.
"She saw some of her friends, I think," Melissa said.
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"She's standing very close to that boy..." 
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Melissa shrugged. "She's a teenager now. Its going to happen."
"She's only thirteen,"
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"Sam met Matthew when she was thirteen," Melissa said - and realized almost instantly that this was exactly the wrong thing to say. Cory was out of the pool, pulling on his t-shirt as he headed towards Corinne and her friends.
He was almost there when Jamie Centowski stopped him. 
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"Oh, hi Cory! Glad I bumped into you. Its my first day at the shop tomorrow, and I was wondering... you know... do you have any tips or suggestions or anything...?
"Look, I'm in a bit of a hurry and - "
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"Just a minute, I'll just get a pen... "
From Cory's Family Part 3
(Jamie really did come out of nowhere and start trying to interview Cory... it was too bizarre not to include...}
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richmondsims · 11 days
That afternoon, Rose had planned some time to herself to work in her garden.
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With everyone more or less talking to each other again, Cory and Melissa and the kids went to the pool. 
Every summer, the pool had staff supervising the water play area so that adults could leave their younger children there and enjoy the pool, without having to worry about them.
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That is, most adults didn't worry...
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"Are you coming in," Melissa asked.
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"I'm watching the kids" Cory said.
"They've got a lifeguard for that."
"I know. But they're little and there's a lot going on over there... "
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"Do you ever actually relax?" she asked.
"I'm very relaxed," he said.
"Sure you are," she said. "That's why you're not in the pool."
From Cory's family Part 3
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richmondsims · 11 days
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Since its kind of buried at the bottom of a long reblogged post... there's also Equestrian Centre rabbit hole doors that I regularly forget exist.
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richmondsims · 11 days
These are brilliant, especially for small worlds. There's also Hexameter's Equestrian Centre Doors
Sims 3 Rabbit Hole Rugs and Doors Complete Collection
Sims 3 Rabbit Hole Rugs and Doors Complete Collection
👍 PetsFixed
👍 patched to 1.63., 1.67., 1.69.
👍 Re-categorizated correctly
👍 добавлен перевод на Русский язык! Russian translation added.
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💓 This great mod allows you build your own custom Rabbit Holes! Just make a separate room in your building on a Community lot with a minimum size of 5x5, install a Rug or a Door in it – and the building will work like a Rabbit Hole!
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Non-Default Replacement! Now you have 3 options for each Rabbit Hole – the buildings by EA, the Rug and the Door! You can use them all at the same time or choose any of them! Just put the selected files in Mods/Packages.
Don’t forget that you can rename any Rabbit Hole using s3pe, or directly in the game using NRaas DebugEnabler.
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Originally this mod was made in 2010 by cazarupt in the galaxy far, far away… Than remade by Jynx, than remade and updated to Late Night by Raven Shadow, MTS… Than partly updated for University Life by Margaret Pendragon and others… than… than… Than lost in sands of time.
Well, here we go.
In attached file you will find the Complete Collection of Rabbit Hole Rugs and Doors, PetFixed, patched to 1.67. Russian translation added. Re-categorization made.
👉 You will find Rabbit Hole Rugs in Community / Rugs and Community / Rabbit Holes sections.
👉 You will find Rabbit Hole Doors in Community / Doors section.
Sims 3 Rabbit Hole Rugs and Doors Complete Collection
Все двери и коврики для “кроличьих нор” из всех аддонов Sims 3 – собраны вместе!
👍 добавлен PetsFix - патч для игры с аддоном The Sims 3 Pets.
👍 обновлены для версий игры 1.63., 1.67., 1.69.
👍 и переведены на Русский язык!
💓 Этот потрясающий мод заменяет огромные и не всегда уместные здания «кроличьих нор» на двери и компактные коврики. С ним Вы можете построить собственное здание для любой карьеры! Не забудьте сделать в нем особую комнатку (желательно без окон, размером не меньше чем 5х5), разместить в ней коврик или дверь (стрелками наружу!) соответствующей «норы» – и  Ваша постройка будет работать как обычная «кроличья нора»! И даже лучше – ведь свое здание Вы можете не только построить в Вашем собственном стиле, но и оборудовать его удобствами, предметами для навыков, отдыха или развлечений, чтобы симы могли перевести дух после рабочего дня.  
Non-Default Replacement! Мод не заменяет здания «кроличьих нор» из игры, а добавляет свои!
С ним на каждую «кроличью нору» у Вас будет 3 варианта: здание из игры, Rabbit Hole Rug (коврик) и Rabbit Hole Door (дверь). Можете установить любые из них – или все разом! И не забудьте, что вы можете переименовать любую кроличью нору, используя Sims 3 Package Editor, либо прямо в игре, используя NRaas DebugEnabler.
Этот мод полезен не только для «строителей», но и для обычных игроков – ведь многие авторы использовали этот мод при создании своих зданий и миров, а значит, Вы должны иметь этот мод в папке /Mods/Packages, чтобы чужая постройка в Вашей игре работала корректно.
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Этот мод делали и дорабатывали разные авторы в разное время, сейчас найти актуальную версию почти невозможно.
Единственное надежное «хранилище модов» – это MTS, но там только версия Raven Shadow, которая была заброшена в 2011 году и не имеет очень важного обновления под патч Pets.
Поэтому – вот полный архив!
Все моды собраны вместе, обновлены для версии 1.63-1.67 и переведены на Русский язык!
👉 Коврики лежат в секциях Общественные / Строительство / Кроличьи норы и в   Общественные / Покупка / Украшения / Ковры
👉 Двери лежат в секции Общественные / Строительство / Двери
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richmondsims · 12 days
Melissa decided it was best she wasn't around for whatever Cory and Rose were going to say to their kids. She had some thinking to do herself, too. 
When she came home that afternoon, she found Corinne in the yard.
"Were they really mad at you?" she asked.
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"It'll blow over, it always does."
"The room sharing thing isn't really working with Emily, is it?' 
"You think?"
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"Hey, I'm trying to help here."
"Sorry. But if you're going to give me another talk about being the really special big sister, that's not going to help."
"I wasn't going to do that. I was going to ask if you wanted to move into my room."
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"I can have your room?"
"No. You can share my room. Except I won't be there a lot of the time. But it's still my room, my stuff stays in there too. And you can't paint the walls all pink or anything like that."
"Ok, got it, no pink walls..."
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"And... if you're not trying to share a room with her, can you at least try to make up with Emily a bit? She's small and the world's scary to her, but that's not her fault. She could do with someone bigger to look out for her."
"I guess... "
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"You don't sound very sure..."
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"I'll try, ok? I was trying, before she started keeping me awake all night."
"Well, that won't happen any more, so I guess we have a deal?"
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From Cory's family - Part 3
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richmondsims · 12 days
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Around the Sims 3 | Living Fridges
Unanimated fridges conversions from Sims 4 and a slot panel allowing to put all kind of clutter on fridge doors!
It will be released on Around the Sims 3 the 17th of May. It’s available in early access for Patreons right now.
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richmondsims · 12 days
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