rockings · 2 years
absolute gordie energy
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rockings · 2 years
a bit of a gender + sexual orientation + romantic orientation post for sunday. it’s long since monday here in aussie land but it’s still sunday for majority of the dashboard i think so i’m gonna run with it!!
gordie is very confident in his gender. he’s a man, he uses he/him, and if you try to drag his transgender identity through the mud, he’ll laugh in your face. if you use his deadname with the intention of eliciting a reaction, he’ll give you one. he’ll give you more than you bargained for.
he’s gonna punch you. he’s gonna punch you GOOD.
with regards to sexual and romantic orientation, gordie doesn’t fear romantic encounters so much as he finds himself a bit averse to them. it takes a long, long time for him to develop romantic feelings under any capacity and he finds people who develop romantic affections very swiftly and intensely to be a bit ... strange? weird. he doesn’t know quite how to box his feelings, but presumes himself to be on the aromantic spectrum. on the other foot, though, his sexuality is very brash and open; he’s far more comfortable to bed someone than take someone on a genuine date. he thinks he’s either bi or gay, and keeps on seesawing on the term, but eventually decided: it doesn’t matter. if someone asks him, he’ll bare those teeth in a smirk that’s simultaneously playful and dangerous. say, “what? you interested?” especially if they’re an interviewer. normally said with just a hint of a sultry underbelly to spark concern, fumbling, confusion.
that always makes him laugh.
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rockings · 2 years
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rockings · 2 years
milo:  so sweet and gentle and genuinely wants to do good, gordie vc:  Fuck I Hate This Man
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rockings · 2 years
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It was the exhibition match, the first of the season. The song of the crowd was cacophonous and ugly, that way harmony was forcefully funnelled by the sheer volume of the mass. A legion of faces—ripe with their grins, their awe, their unbridled intensity—were rendered void, naught but blotches of colour for the two that entered the field.  
Milo Bailey …
Versus Gordie Coldwell.
Milo was all smiles, the way rosy skin complimented the constellation of freckles dotting over plumped cheeks, lifting and arching his hand to a wave, enticing the crowds to shriek and whoop and cheer. Gordie, however, remained as cool and calm as ever, flashing a sidelong smirk and flicking a rogue lick of hair out of his periphery.
But the fact that it was Milo as his opponent thrust less than kind thoughts to bloat his skull.
The battle went just about as Gordie anticipated. Milo was capable of a lot, but he was so soft, so gentle. He’d rather have fun than go all-out. Though almost tripped at certain, crucial points, Gordie ran Milo’s team into the ground. After the debris settled from the final, explosive conclusion, they exchanged a handshake and returned whence they’d came: the locker room. The crowd’s cries grew muted behind closed doors.
“That was a great match, Gordie!” Milo had chirped. “Always can trust you to catch me off guard; though it's fun to fight toe-to-toe like this with you.”
Fuck, shut up.
A glare was shot. “Okay,” came Gordie’s response. For something so quick, it wielded all the fatality of driving a sword down unto a fallen enemy; spat out, tongue curling sharp and sour around the ‘k’. And by Arceus, the way Milo nigh recoiled, the way his verdant-green eyes averted and he tugged awkwardly at his scarf, Gordie felt like he’d kicked a puppy.
A yappy puppy, but a puppy nevertheless.
But there something woven deep down in Gordie’s mind that lurched skyward, thrashing and kicking and usurping his thoughts with a vice-like grip and spurring them to sour once more: that’s what he wants you to think, came a hiss, curling around the coils of his eardrum, tickling ire and venom like wood cast unto flame.
“Right … I'm … sorry if I said something out of place.” Meek, unbecoming of a man his size. “I'll see you around, then.”
Gordie left without another word.
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It was a few days after the match. Gordie had to hustle his way down the platform to reach the train in time; Arceus forbid, if he had to wait two hours for the next one to roll up there’d be hell to pay. The conductor cupped labour-worn hands around her mouth, beckoning the final wave of stragglers for the 10am trip to Hammerlocke.
Gordie managed to just squeeze in.  
The train was bustling. More than he’d actually anticipated for the ride this early on in the day. The man squeaked by booth after booth, each one brimming with passengers that were already a flurry in chatter and gossip. Few people caught sight of Gordie and nudged their neighbour, awe flooding many a face and phones snapping candid shots as he passed by. White seared his sight clean away, flash after flash. His eyes winced; his brows furrowed.  
He continued his hunt for a vacant spot.
And when he happened upon one, he wished he’d simply stood in the carriage prior. He shoved his travel bag underneath the table that erected betwixt the two seats, and rather than ask if he could assume the seat, he simply did.
And was face-to-face with Milo.  
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rockings · 2 years
a soft plotting call? i’m still not feeling 100% tbh but i wanna get some things going w gordie! <3 even if it’s just in the sphere of chatting up potential ideas!
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rockings · 2 years
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The League was aware of Gordie’s gang history prior to his elevation to Gym Leader. Well aware, in fact. However, with him and his mother’s popularity—both in Circhester and online—and Gordie’s unmistakable strength amid the battlefield, they thought him a fitting candidate to bolster. Not only that, but him and his mother’s public falling out? Juicy drama. Something to spice conversations, something to earn attention both within Galar and beyond.
Their selection of Gordie was well calculated. That being said, they monitored him closely and strictly post-selection; willing to strip him down of his title the moment he stepped too out of line.
After he accepted the position, they spruced him up; gave directions on how to act and handle situations; how to approach and welcome challengers and fans. It was all very rigid and performative. He took some of this onboard, used them to build his professional façade, however refuses to strip himself of his humanity entirely. He’s him, and if they hated that so much? They could take him down.
And he’d laugh all the way down because he knew that would be a loss to them.
Gordie’s aware that he was being used, especially during Rose’s reign. A puppet amid a play, the strings twitching and bouncing him about for the glee of their audience and their gaping wallets. While he’s sure that his strength plays a part in their consistent reapplication of him, he knows they don’t care about him in any sense of the word. He’s popular, he’s got an entertaining history, he’s got still-raw drama with another Gym Leader of Galar…
That’s all they want.
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rockings · 2 years
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Alola was nice. A bit on the balmy side, though. The poor man had to lather himself so slick in sunscreen that he felt like one wrong move and he’d be sliding around on the ground, helpless to stop the spill of body and limbs. Even that wasn’t enough at times; he didn’t have fond memories of when he was pinned to his hotel room, skin red like fire and feeling like it too.
Still, overall? He’d had fun. It’d been nice to slink away from Galar during off-peak season and have different sights; see different people and different pokémon. The culture was a stark contrast to Galar’s own, which made for an eye-opener.
Even though he had fun there, a sense of relief shook his core once feet set back down Galar. That relief was further solidified when he hailed the nearest taxi, oversaw the approach to Circhester, and he disembarked, boots crunching against and into the blanket of snow.
A quiet sigh and an equally quiet smile.
A day or two from settling back in his home, comforted by his own decorations as well as his own food, Gordie swallowed down another hearty meal before his gaze lingered on the pokéball that’d since reclined on his couch. A beat, two, before he gestured his phone to float near.
“Rotom, call Raihan.”
The phone zipped around his head for a moment, the dial playing as they both anticipated Raihan. Would he pick up? Yes? No?
No, as it turned out. A dozen seconds passed before he was juggled to the message bank. Presumably, he had his nose buried in paperwork. Or he was in the middle of some hedonistic session. What that session could be? Many things. Drugs, partying, sex ... who knew, really.
Gordie peered down at his rotom phone as Raihan’s voicemail message played, and the phone inquired if he’d like to leave a message in voice or video. 
The phone’s smile grew wider. It opened up the camera in its crown. A beep signalled the message to begin, for Raihan to find later.
“Hey, Raihan. Got back from Alola. Got something to show you, and no, it isn’t a dragon but it’s still cool.” A beat of a pause in the video, before Gordie snapped his face uncomfortably close to the camera, nose and eyes barely contained in frame. “And you better come, bitch, unless you want me to—”
The message ended.
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rockings · 2 years
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Although Gordie puts up a welcoming front for challengers and fans alike, he’s rough around the edges—and that’s putting it lightly. When he’s comfortable around another person, regardless of their initial association with him, he loosens these bright constraints and becomes more snippy and sarcastic and cutting. Some people might regard this as him being “two-faced” but he considers it more so “playing the game” of the spotlight.
The reason why he’s rough around the edges?
There’s many reasons, it’s never just been one, for they all act as a mélange in the concoction that is his psyche but ... Gordie used to be part of youth gangs.
From when he was a young, budding teenager, he was lured into a peer group by a friend known as Astrid. She was a sharp-tongued girl, very quick-witted and easy to provoke. She nudged Gordie towards her own group of friends, a mixture of young people from a variety of backgrounds but with one thing in common—an urge to escape their family life. He ended up being roped into mild thievery, fights, and vandalism. Managing to keep this part of his life concealed from his mother for quite sometime, it eventually spiralled worse and worse.
Stealing a few sweets from the corner shop turned into stealing technology and electronics and pawning them off. Scrawling their names on the taxi turned into destroying property. Mild scuffs turned into outright brawls.
Ultimately, Gordie wanted to appease his peers. He wanted some place to call his own, a place where he was free from the assertions of adults and felt like he could, almost, ‘fight back’ against all these confusing feelings  ( if they be around his gender, his father, his mother, or anything else that dared rear its ugly head )   that he didn’t know quite how to box at the time.
Towards the latter of his teenage years, he and some of his gang-woven friends ended up having a violent falling out over his revelation that he might be trans. He disclosed to Astrid, who then disclosed to the remainder of the gang members, some of which then initiated a brawl with Gordie. Fortunately for Gordie, he was always known as something of a “powerhouse” when it came to fights. Although he didn’t come out unscathed, he did manage to fend them off.
Even now, he still harbours some gang connections. Not because he’s actively involved with gangs anymore, but because he’s still kept some friendly relations with those who’re were part of said youth gangs.
Anyone who knew Gordie from his teenage years knew he wasn’t to be messed with. Even less so now, being one of the top trainers in Galar.
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rockings · 2 years
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lowen’s gordie     ←         →     my gordie
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rockings · 2 years
the menace has ARISEN.
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rockings · 2 years
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#ROCKINGS.      WON’T CATCH ME DEAD WEARING THAT, BABES ! (   gordie from the pkmn series. as adored by oddity.   )
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