runajasmin · 4 years
I just wanted to quickly stop by and tell you that I already love Toni even tho there are only three chapters out yet. Have a nice day✹
Thank you so much! Next chapters are comming soon! :)
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runajasmin · 4 years
'Till I Collapse
Band of Brothers Fanfiction
George Luz x Oc
Part Three
After two more hours of getting humiliated by Sobel, I was reliefed to find out that Training would be over by now. With heavy breathing I opened my ponytail and felt my hair falling over my back.
,, Woah, since when do we have Rapunzel in our company?" I heard a voice behind my back and as I turned around, I saw a brown haired man infront of me. His eyes where twice as big as they would normally be, I guess and his mouth stood open. I let out a chuckle and shook my head ,, Pardon me, but I gotta disappoint you. I'm Toni" I told him and held my hand out to him. He needed a few seconds, before a big smile grew on his face and he shook my hand ,, George Luz ma'am, but you can call me your future husband" he did an extrovagant bow and winked at me. I raised my brow and grinned at him ,, Woah slow down Luz, that girls been here for only couple of hours and you already promisin' to her?" Bill appeared beside me and folded his arms before his chest. George grinned at him knowingly and nooded ,, We're training for war, I see a Pretty Lady and I gotta take my chance" he explained himself and then paid his attention to me ,, So you're the Kraut Sniper Sink broaded about?" he asked me. I scratched my neck and cringed a little ,, Yeah well, I guess so" I answered him a little awkward.
,, Alright guys, ya comin?" Bill asked us and nooded to the mess hall. Automatically, my stomach began to grumble and I let out a small laugh ,, Consider that as a yes, Bill" I answered him and alongside with him and Luz, I went to grab some lunch.
As I stood there behind Toye in the line, I felt every pair of eyes on my skin. Especially on my exposed legs. When I grabbed my food a few minutes later, I immediatly went to sit beside Toye and a few other guys I already met. George took the seat right in front of me and Bill sat to my right ,, Soo, Toni.." I heard Georges speak up as I stuffed some noodles in my mouth ,, What did your pa say, when he heard his princess would be joining U.S Army?" he asked me and looked at me with raised eyebrows. I felt a little prick as he reminded me of my dad, I haven't seen him in months. ,, Uh, I haven't heard anything from my family for about 8 months now. Last thing I heard, was that they tried to escape through belgium. After that, every connection collapsed" I answered him truthfully and drank something from my water. His expression fell immediatly ,, Oh, I'm sorry I didn't know" he said with an apologetic tone in his voice. I offered him a soft smile ans shook my head ,, It's alright, if my contacts in europe hear anything from them, they'll inform my headquarters from german resistance. I'll just hope they're alive and well" I mumbled and looked back at my food.
I never stopped praying for my family and hoping, that they weren't transferred into some work camp everyone spoke about. Work camps, where nobody would ever return from.
I was so deep in my thoughts, that I didn't even noticed Bill was talking to me the whole time ,, Toni? Ey, you here with us?" Toye elbowed me and looked at me with raised eyebrows. I slightly shook my head and shot Bill an apologetic glance ,, Sorry Bill, I was in my thoughts.. What where you saying?" I asked him and turned my attention to him. He chuckled a little and stuffed some bread in his mouth ,, I was askin if you got any siblings" he asked me while chewing. I felt my lips curling upwards and I nooded ,, Yeah I've got one younger sister and brother. Lili and Bruno, they're twins and both 9 years old" I answered him as my thoughts went to them. God I miss them so much. ,, Ya got any pictures?" Toye asked me from the other side and I nooded ,, Yeah in my bag, I'll show you when we're back in the Barack".
,, That's my mum and dad, on my dads arms is Lili and Bruno stands infront of my mother. And that's.." I pointed to the girl with the two braided pigtails which had a massive grin on her face ,,..that's me". After the guys and I headed back to the Barack, I searched for my family picture and showed it to them.
Bill had a shit eating grin on his face as he eyed the photograph carefuly ,, Ah those pretty pigtails, ya should wear them allday" he chuckled and handed it over to Toye. I gave him a sarcastig look and rolled my eyes ,, They where popular in germany, and I had to jump on the train like every other girl" I defended myself and put a strain of hair behind my ear. Toye himself let out a small chuckle and gave the picture away to George before he sat down on Bills bunk. George sat down next to me and I could see how his grin grew bigger every second he looked at the photograph ,, Ah sweet little Toni with her family and a pretty dirndl on, I couldn't ask for more" he laughed after he handed me the picture back. Smiling, I shooked my head and put the picture back in my bag.
,, Ey Toni, if we're managing to keep our Weekend passes till tomorrow, you should come with us to the local bar in Town!" Floyd Talberts Voice rang through the wooden building and I saw him and a few other come inside ,, As long as I don't have to drink more of this pisswater what you guys call beer, I'll definetely come with ya" I shouted back with a snarky grin on my face. He and the two other guys walked over to the four of us ,, Ah, finally you two managed to get here after latrine dutty" George commented at the two new faces ,, Shut up Luz, who's the broad?" the skinnyer one asked and shot me a sceptical look ,, The names Antoinette Koch, you can call me Toni" I replied to him as I stood up and offered him my hand to shake. His expression immediatly went down as I spoke those words and he hesitated to grab my outheld hand ,, The german sniper?" he asked me as I put my hand down. I raised my eyebrow and gave him a nood ,, Is that a problem?" I asked him and watched his motions carefully ,, How can we know you wont shoot us in the battlefield instead of your people?" His tone was provocative and his eyes seemed to brun with disgust in them. ,, Jesus Christ Liebgott, leave the girl alone" I heard Georges Voice next to me ,, Liebgott?" I repeated the name and shot him a knowing look ,, Sounds pretty german to me.." I said and stepped further to him ,, And? That's none of your buiseness fucking Kraut" he spat into my face, obviusly offended by my knowledge.
I let out a small chuckle and folded my hand behind my back ,, Lass die Nazis lieber nicht herausfinden, dass du Jude bist.." I said to him with a calm voice. Shocked by this, he looked me right into the eyes ,, Die können sie nĂ€mlich nicht ausstehen" I said with a low voice so that only he could hear me ,, Wenn ich du wĂ€re, wĂŒrde ich mich ĂŒber jeden VerbĂŒndeten auf dem Schlachtfeld freuen. Die werden euch sonst nĂ€mlich mit Haut und Haaren fressen."
Lass die Nazis lieber nicht wissen, dass du Jude bist - Better not let the Nazis know, that you're a jew.
Die können sie nÀmlich nicht ausstehen - They can't stand them.
Wenn ich du wĂ€re wĂŒrde ich mich ĂŒber jeden VerbĂŒnderen auf dem Schlachtfeld freuen. Die werden euch sonst nĂ€mlich mit Haut und Haaren fressen. - If I where you, I would be happy about every ally on the battlefield. Otherwise, they're gonna eat you with skin and hair.
No offense to Lieb, I love him with all my Heart.
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runajasmin · 4 years
'Till I Collapse
Band of Brothers Fanfiction
George Luz x Oc
Part Two
He eyed me with a look of impression and surprise ,, Well then.." he spoke as he straightend up ,, I will put you into Easy Company, their CO is Captain Sobel. We don't have the luxus to put you in a seperate Barrack, but I don't think that this is going to be a big problem. Before I'll take you to the company, I need to take your gun. Weapons like these are not allowed in the Barracks" he said with a serious tone in his voice. I wasn't really pleased as he said that because with my gun, I felt save. To give it away, even when it wasn't forever, is something I'm not used to. But hey, I guess that's just how the things are working here.
After I handed out my Mauser, Colonel Sink himself walked me trough the camp and showed me anything ,, The Mess Hall is over there and the showers are right beside your barrack. I understand that you don't want to shower alongside with the men, but we couldn't afford the efford of giving you a seperate bath. Time is hort here in Toccoa" he explained as we walked on the dry earth, which reminded me of our farm back home. I always used to play with my little horse figures on our fields, because It made the sound more realistic.
After some time we came near a tall dark haired man, who was shouting towards a group of soldiers, which where practicing on a parkour. ,, Captain Sobel" Colonel Sink greeted the man, who stand backwards to us. He immediatly straightend up, turned on his heels and gave him a salute ,, Sir". His eyes went from Colonel Sink to me and I could tell, that he wasn't happy about my presence ,, Captain I present to you Private Koch. She will be training with easy company as a sniper and a translator. I've already told her everything she needs to know, so everything should be understood" He turned to me and gave me a salute, which I returned ,, I'm looking forward to see what you are capable of, Private" he told me before he left.
I let out a quiet sigh as I turned back to Sobel who eyed me with suspicion. I heard him curse under his breath, right before he called Easy Company and they started to form a crowd before us. ,, This.." Sobel started with a loud and confident voice, as he pointed at me ,,..is Private Koch. She will be assisting Easy as a translator and sniper" he shouted the words loud and for everyone to hear. ,, If she can hold up at least.." I heard him mumble silently and I couldn't stopt but rolling my eyes at this comment.
Men will be men, I get that but he is just disrespectful because I'm a woman. Seriously who pissed in his coffe today? As my eyes wandered over the men I could see their scepsis and their unsettled looks. But also, some of them seemed interested and not that prejudiced as my new Captain. Well, at least some light in this darkness.
,,Leutnant Winters!" Sobel barked and I saw a red haired man coming at us ,, I want you to take Private Koch to the Barracks, she needs to change into PT Gear. We're running Currahee" And with that, he turned around on his heels and marched away ,, And he couldn't tell me that face to face? Schwachkopf" I mumbled to myself as I watched him marching away, but quickly turned to the man named Winters and gave him a smile and a salute ,, Lieutnant Winters" I said and couldn't help, but hearing the rolling R in my words. I still have kind of an accent. returned my salute and a quick smile appeared on his small lips ,, Pleasure to meet you, Private Koch. Follow me" he told me as he gestured me trough the crowd of sceptical looking soldiers. They didn't say anything, well at least not in my face. I could hear them snickering behing my back but for now, there where no whistles or anything like that. For the first time here, I felt kind of comfortable.
,, May I ask in which part of Germany you where born, Koch?" Winters suddenly asked as we walked towards a Barrack. I let out a small laugh as I heard him pronounce my surname ,, I was born and raised in munich, bavaria sir. As I started working with german resistance I moved near cologne. And if you don't mind, you can call me Antoinette or Toni when we're alone. Everyone does it" I answered him as I pulled my Jacket of ,, Munich, I heard it's a beautiful city with good food and lots of beer?" he asked me with a small grin on his face. I let out a laugh and nooded ,, Sure thing, KĂ€sespezle and Kaiserschmarrn are probably my most missed homemade meals. Even though I never drank much, I can still recognize that the american beer tastes like pisswater" I snickered and put my hair behind my ear. We stepped inside of the barrack and he led me to a free bunk at the end of the large room ,, Your new home Private, Colonel Sink already brought you anything you need. Uniforms, PT Gear and everything like that. As you heard, Sobel wants us to run currahee. I'll wait outside for you" he told me as he turned around to leave me alone. ,, Alright Toni, let's go.." I mumbled to myself as I started to pull my blouse of. This is gonna be one hell of a ride.
I don't remember the last time I felt that watched. I walked beside Winters as we approached Easy and I already could feel their burning glances over my exposed legs. The shorts where not that short, but still I needed to be careful to not put them as high up as I was used to. The shirt wasn't any better, it was tight and left no room for fantasy. I already noticed that as I pulled my hair in a high ponytail which I braided later. All in all, I felt totally exposed. But maybe, maybe they where also just focusing on the tattoos I had on my legs. On my left, I had the words Ungebeugt, UngezÀhmt, Ungebrochen written. Something from the first year I was in german resistance. On my right, there was a sketch of my Mauser 98 right from my hipbone to the middle of my shin. It was hurtful as hell, but I'm proud of my tattoos and I wear them with pride.
,, Easy Company, get your asses up and get over here!" There he was, the lovely voice of Sobel who shouted at us und just in seconds, every gaze dropped and my first training with easy company had begun.
Currahee was not that horrible as the Höhenstraße from Berchtesgarden, but still it was a real torture. I was running right beside a man whose name was Guarnere, well at least that's what the others seemed to call him. He offered me a short nood as I started to walk beside him. He didn't seem that offended, still there was a hint of scepsis in his eyes. Sobel seemed to have made it to his own personal duty to run to my left and scream lots of harsh comments in my ear.
,, Out of breath Koch? Don't worry right down there waits a ship to get you back to Germany where you can continue to play with your nazi comrades. Show me, that woman don't belong here!" His voice almost seemed furious and I could tell, that with every word that came out of his mouth, my anger went higher an my patience went lower. This guy is one hell of a nightmare.
Still, I somehow managed to get to the top of this shitty mountain, slap my hand on the stone and ran back to camp. All in all, I clearly felt every muscle in my body as my running came to an end. ,, Good job there" I heard a voice behind me and as I turned around, I saw the guy named Guarnere looking at me. He gave me a short smily and nooded to the top of Currahee ,, Didn't think ya would manage to get on top of this shitty mointain" he added as he drived through his soaked hair. My lips curled up and I let out a laugh ,, Yeah well.." I started as I pulled my ponytail thighter ,, It's not as high as the alpes in austria but still, this motherfucker is one hell of a torture" I answered him and shot him a grin. My heart felt a little less heavy, as he returned the grin and stretched his hand out to me ,, I'm Bill by the way" he said with a wink. I grabbed his hand and shook it ,, Antoinette, but you can call me Toni. Everyone does that" ,, What does everyone?" Another voice called and before I could look around, two other men came to us ,, Ah, Bill's already befriending our Kraut girl" he snickered as he folded his arms before his chest. Bill let out an annoyed sigh before he introduced me to the two ,, That's Floyd and Joe. Guys, that's Toni. And don't mind this jackass, he's a whore" he pointed at Floyd who seemed slightly offended by this insult. But I didn't, it was almost amusing how he was looking ,, Kraut? That's what you call germans?" I asked him with a sneeky grin on my face as I balanced my weigh on my left leg. He returned it, happy that I wasn't offended by it ,, Sure thing, but of course only the ugly ones. I would never ever insult a pretty lady lile that" the told me with a wink and his best charming smile.
I couldn't help but laugh at him, maybe this company wasn't bad at all.
Schwachkopf = Idiot, Stupid, Moron
UngezĂ€hmt, Ungebeugt, Ungebrochen = Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken (Who recognizes Game of Thrones out there?â˜ș)
Yay! Part two is done! God, it's so strange to write everything in english. I'm used to write my fanfictions in german, but I like it! Hope you enjoyed this chapter and I hope you had a nice day.
See you in the next one!
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runajasmin · 4 years
'Till I Collapse
Band of Brothers Fanfiction
George Luz x OC
Part One
Antoinette Koch, the ideolism of the arya. Light blonde hair, deep blue eyes and a smile that every man would die for. The perfect girl, to marry a Hitlers so beloved Nazi. Indeed, Hitler would describe her as perfect. Exept for the fact that she is working as a sniper for the german resistance. Killing Nazis is her all time job, something she is doing for a really long time now. Her Family? Probably caught by the Gestapo as they attempted to escape their beloved home country, which was now turning into a living hell. Allied forces heard from the talented killer, which was known for killing her victims with a single shot through the right eye. And before she knew, she was on a ship to england to be deported to Camp Tocooa, Georgia. Everything in her life was going to change, for the better and for the worse.
With closed eyes, I leaned on the leather seat and let out a deep breath. Camp Toccoa, that's what they called it in England. Said I would be training with paratroopers, or how my dad would say <FallschirmjÀger>. Jumping out of perfectly good airplanes, what kind of dickhead did come past with this idea? Nevermind, right now I'm going to have to focus on interacting with the men. I've been told that the only female human livings there are field nurses, which won't get combat training. Which also means, that I would be the only woman in my company. No problem at all, I've worked with men multiple times. But these where all men I've known for years, now I have to train with soldiers I don't even know. And of course, everyone is informed that I am a german. The enemy. The monster that calls himself Nazi and already killed so many innocent souls.
I opend my eyes as the car came to stand and as I looked out of the window, I already could see some barracks and soldiers, wandering around the camp. ,, Alright ma'am, here we are" the driver gave me a smile as he watched me through his mirrow, which I kindly returned ,, Thank you so much, how much do I owe you?" I asked him und already searched for the money in my pockets. But he shook his head ,, No no, it's already payed ma'am. Colonel Sink made sure everything was done when I picked you up from the trainstation" he told me. Inside, I rolled my eyes but kept the friendly smile and nooded, as I packed my stuff and opend the door.
Hot. That was the first thing that came into my mind, as I stood there with my Mauser 98, which was hanging on my shoulder and my other package right beside me. ,, Alright Toni, what did the letter say about where you have to go?" I asked myselef as I fumbled the scrunched sheet out of my pocket. Building A. I stuffed it back and locked down at me. My black boots where laced up to the middle of my shins, my dark brown trouser was tuckled in them as good as possible. My white blouse was carefully put in my pants and my dark brown Jacket, which defined my body structure was open. All in all, I think I'm lookin' as good as possible, either way they gotta live with it. At least I didn't put makeup today, I think for that I would've been killed.
I didn't came past many men, but when I did the whistles behind my back and the snarky comments where hardly to ignore. I rolled my eyes and keept my head up high, >ignoring these comments isn't going to be that easy I guess<. When I stepped into the Building, several eyes where on me and everyone seemed to stop working ,, Gentleman" I greeted the soldiers with a slight smirk ,, May anyone can tell me, where I can find Colonel Sink?" I asked with a confident smile as I set my stuff down.
,, Mrs. Koch?" I heard a strong scratchy voice from my left and immediatly, everyone in the room seemed to strighten up and saluted. I turned my attention to the bearded men, who stood in the doorframe and gave him a nood ,, Sir" I replied and saluted ,, On time for the second, please come in" he returned the salute and waved me into his office. Without hesitation, I grabbed my stuff and marched into his office. Still wondering why everyone seemed so shocked, I mean, do I look that ugly?
He pinted to the chair in front of his desk, where I made myself comfortable ,, So Mrs. Koch.." he started and sat on the other side of the big wooden table ,, Your full name is Antoinette Koch, born in Munic on the 31th October, 1922. Is that right?" he asked me as he held some paper sheets infront of him ,, Yes sir" I answered him with a nood. He eyed me for a second and then went back to the sheets ,, You've worked for the german resistance since you where 16 as a translator. When you turned 18 you became a sniper, am I reading this right?" he asked my with a hint of a grin on hid face. Slightly proud of his words, I nooded and replied with another >yes sir<. Nooding, he stood up and leaned against hid desk ,, Mrs. Koch, i hope you are aware that I'll put you in a company full of men? Men, who I can imagine won't like the idea, of working togehter with a german woman" he explained to me and gave me a serious look. I let out a quiet laugh as I drove through my curled hair ,, Sir, I'm very aware that some of the men do not like the idea of a german in their company, especially a woman" I said with an unimpressed voice ,, So many men already tried to kill me, I don't remember all their names. And these men where trained to kill over the last few years, so.." I gave him a cheesy grin ,, I think I'm going to survive some angry yankees."
I finally did it, I finally uploaded the first chapter of Till I Collapse! I don't know if anyone is going to read that, but if, I gotta let you know that english is not my native language. Still, I hope the chapter can be read fluently without any bigger problems. But if so, please let me know!đŸ€—
Also, my inspiration for Antoinette is Amanda Seyfried. I just thought she fits in perfectly.
Next chapters are coming soon!
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runajasmin · 5 years
This is just awesome. I can't stop reading this!❀
Omg can you give us some slowburn Liebgott? Or any Liebgott? Also your Toye fic was excellent!!!
did somebody say slowburn??? Because do I HaVe A tReAt FoR yOu!! I really hope you like this Liebgott slowburn. I put my blood, sweat and tears into it. And thank you so much!!
The Five Times Joe Liebgott Almost Kissed Her (and the One Time She Did It for Him)
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Pairing: Joe Liebgott x Reader
Warnings: Frustration, angst, minor character death, Liebgott being a dorky jerk, reader being a dorky jerk back, lots and lots of cursing, fluffy, honestly it has a little bit of everything except smut so. Please also watch out for misspellings, grammatical errors, as well as overall awkward sentence phrasing. This took a very long time to write and I am very tired. Mostly edited, but I’m not perfect.
Word count: 7,220 (oops my finger slipped)
A/N: Did somebody say slowburn?!?! You request, I deliver. This monster is finally finished and all I can say is thank goodness it is. I really hope you guys enjoy this. I did. I love Liebgott. Send me more Liebgott because I love him. These stories are solely based on the actors from the Band of Brothers series, not on the actual heroes
The hunting party watched the deer flee into the forest in annoyance. Joe slumps his shoulders and groans.
“Oh damn it Shifty, you let ‘em get away! Army oughtta be glad to be rid of you.”
Shifty nods a little before lowering his M-1. “I wish, you know? It seems they want me to stay around a while.”
“Are you serious?” Liebgott’s eyes widen to the size of dinner plates.
“How many points you need?” Malarkey asks on the other side of the line.
“15.” Shifty sighs, turning his head to Malark.
“15? Jesus Christ, I thought I had it bad.” Malarkey sighed in disbelief. Shifty shrugged and readjusted the firearm in his grip.
“No purple hearts, never was injured.” With his statement, Shifty took a step forward, the rest of the party following.
There was a long moment of silence that followed. The only sounds that could be heard were the sounds of birds chirping and the crunching of twigs and dry leaves under their army issued boots. It was broken by Malarkey with a statement that made everyone perk up.
“God, if Shifty ain’t goin’ home
Liebgott immediately thought of you. He flashed on the conversation he had with you at breakfast this morning.
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runajasmin · 5 years
Proud and so happy to be in this fandom!đŸ„°
Reblog this if you are in the Band of Brothers fandom.
Message me to talk!
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