rvmit-blog · 6 years
“yeah well they’re clearly exes for a reason,” returned the blonde with a coy grin on her lips.  “Besides who cares about who is in your past.” She moved up onto her knees, still rested on the couch nodding her head like an excited little kid.   “well i’ll remember that,” hummed the singer,  “so what show are we feeling tonight then?”
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“you’re right about that, they are indeed. should be forgotten.” rumi nodded, chewing at her bottom lip and lifting an eyebrow just a little, “i do prefer to focus on the future anyway.” she chuckled, an amused grin on her face as paris moved to her knees, “you better... hmm, maybe somethin’ funny? or do we wanna cry?” 
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rvmit-blog · 6 years
“anyone would be crazy to not wife you up,” she chuckled softly, her eyes not once leaving the raven haired beauty- a sparkle there in her brown hues.  “chicken soup doesn’t sound horrible right now,” nodded Paris giving her a slight grin.  “Alright chicken noodle soup and then we can binge watch something on netflix, yeah?”
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rumi smiled at paris, wetting her lips with her tongue, “ya think so? tell that to all my exes.” she winked again before nodding, “ok, yep, that sounds perfect. i feel like i’m actually fulfilling my personal nurse duties- and i could never say no to a netflix binge. or maybe it’s that i can’t say no to you. either way.” she chuckled 
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rvmit-blog · 6 years
“i’m glad one of us is,” she commented lightly, a slight grin coming to her lips as a kiss was placed to her forehead. It was the gentle and almost protective affection that sent a calming shiver through her.  “Flirty and patient, you’re a dream.”
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“yeah, me too. one of us has gotta be.” she teased, smiling at paris, “i know, right? someone better wife me up. i’m a hot commodity.” rumi chuckled, crossing her legs, “you sure you don’t need me to get you anything? i do make a pretty mean chicken noodle soup- another wifey skill i have.” she joked 
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rvmit-blog · 6 years
“i’m impatient we know this,” groaned the singer as she leaned back and tried to make herself comfortable. She was tired and drowsy but on the other hand she was frustrated and antsy at being kept in her home for so long.  “i love that you still got a flirty thing for me even when i look like a foot,” chuckled Paris shaking her head fondly.
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rumi chuckled, sitting on the arm of the couch and leaning down to press a quick kiss to paris’s forehead, “well, i am patient, so i can balance the impatience out.” she grinned, drumming her fingers against her own leg, “hey, i have to be consistent. it’s part of my wonderful personality.” she teased 
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rvmit-blog · 6 years
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carrington: wow can i get that on a certificate or something?? Carrington: damn, you bout to tick that off your list then
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rumi: totally, i’ll go ahead and type one!! w a gold star n everything  rumi: thank god! mission accomplished 
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rvmit-blog · 6 years
“personal nurse? that sounds kinda sexy,” she said through a slight sing-song tone, although it was cut short by a sneeze. Hands over her face she groaned,  “I can’t even be sexy this is the fucking worst,” groaned the blonde, throwing herself down on her couch.
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rumi quirked an eyebrow, smirking slightly, “mhmm, though i think the sexy part should wait until after you feel a little better. would want you to have the best experience possible.” she winced as she sneezed, nodding, “see? point proven. better wait.” she winked, “though, as previously stated, you’re still sexy. even a nasty cold can’t fuck that up. maybe just can't get sexy, if ya catch my drift.” 
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rvmit-blog · 6 years
There was a roll of her eyes and yet the action exuded more play than irritation. “oh shut up,” she said through a slight giggle, softly shutting the door behind them.  “Did you want a drink or something to eat or something?”
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“never.” rumi quipped, following her further inside. she laughed, “isn’t that supposed to be my job? you’re sick! lay down or somethin’ and let me help you. you don’t hafta be a good hostess right now. i’m at your beck and call- your personal nurse.” 
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rvmit-blog · 6 years
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carrington: maybe like a semi decent homeless person?? carrington: lmao girl don’t make me blush
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rumi: the ~cutest~ homeless person then  rumi: look, it’s one of my main life goals to make u blush, mama 
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rvmit-blog · 6 years
She opened the door with a pouty little frown on her undone face, her long blonde waves messy and slightly tattered. Body wrapped in a robe as she stood before her.  “See i look horrible,” she said in a sigh rolling her back slightly.  “I look like a toad.”
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rumi walked inside, smiling at the young woman. her eyes flicked over her, “horrible? a toad? nope, i don’t know what you’re talking about. even sick paris is hot. and i don’t lie, babe.” she told her, “i think you really work the pale, messy hair, draped in a robe look.” 
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rvmit-blog · 6 years
Sniffling and groaning the blonde forced her way to the front door after the loud ringing of her door bell awoke her. Rubbing at her bare face she cracked open the door with a sickly look on her abnormally pale features,  “I’m sick go away,” she moaned as a hand laid over her face as if she were hiding from her company. “I’m not allowed visitors when I’m ugly.”
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rumi folded her arms across her chest as she waited for paris to open the door. she chuckled when she did, shaking her head and smiling, “that’s why i’m here. figured you could use some company- maybe make ya feel better. so, let me in!” she put her hand against the door, “paris, you could never be ugly. know that.” 
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rvmit-blog · 6 years
👻 snapchat from CARRINGTON
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carrington: no but imagine if i actually tried to look good every day like this carrington: imagine me NOT looking homeless every day
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rumi: babygirl, C’MON, you do look good everyday  rumi: you are cute as hell 
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rvmit-blog · 6 years
RT @lilyanderson: How has no one's account been suspended yet?
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rvmit-blog · 6 years
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SUNNYACARDI: fan gave me the cutest birthday gift SUNNYACARDI: time to be addressed as princess sienna from here on out
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RUMI: happy birthday babe!!!!  RUMI: you make a cuteass princess 
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rvmit-blog · 6 years
imani watched with great interest as the other read her horoscope, her brow creasing slightly at the response. “i don’t know,” she said, tilting her head as she thought, “i don’t know what off-the-wall topics i’m interested in!”
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rumi smiled, giving her a shrug, “hmm, maybe it’s this conversation? ya know? horoscopes are kinda off-the-wall- at least, to a lot of people. and it seems like we got similar thoughts about em’ so maybe.” 
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rvmit-blog · 6 years
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*~ the temple family 
elodie temple- forty-five (lisa bonet) - elodie had rumi when she was eighteen and swore she would always do everything she could to provide for her daughter- and she did. when rumi was eight, her dad, rich carson, abandoned the family and elodie decided to legally change rumi’s last name from carson to temple so that they wouldn’t constantly be reminded of that man and the pair moved in with eloide’s mother, cora. elodie consistently worked three jobs at a time to provide for her daughter- and now rumi gets to repay the favor by supporting her 
cora temple- sixty-nine (phylicia rashad) - cora helped raise rumi and is also a huge influence in her life. cora owns a witch shop and saved up and put aside enough money over the years to pay for rumi’s college tuition so that she could follow her dream. being raised by two powerful, independent women made rumi into the strong women she is today and she’s incredibly grateful for how she grew up 
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rvmit-blog · 6 years
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*~ moodboard 2/?? 
ft @ezrataylor 
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rvmit-blog · 6 years
imessage 2 ___ !
skye: whoever says whattaburger is better than in 'n out is a big fat liar
rumi: u right
rumi: in 'n out is the almighty
rumi: fuck now i WANT in 'n out
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